Friday, March 28, 2025

Kitwe’s Father Frank Bwalya to be formally charged


Police in Kitwe are expected to formally charge Radio Ichengelo Station Manager Father, Frank Bwalya, who was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly inciting the public.

Kitwe District Police Commanding Officer, Daniel Siame, confirmed that Father Bwalya who spent a night in custody in Kalulushi will be charged after police record a warn and caution statement from him.

Mr. Siame alleged that Father Bwalya has in the last few days been broadcasting messages that are likely to incite people.

He alleged that Father Bwalya has broadcast messages suggesting that the October 30 election was fraudulent.

Mr. Siame said Father Bwalya has also been heard through his broadcasts saying that the government is in office illegally.



    • There is a need to analyse the source of information before it is revealed. Because some sources may be unclear as a result this may fuel violence among ourselves.

  1. It’s an interesting legal question – is it illegal to “suggest that the October 30 election was fraudulent”? In that case you can arrest half the bloggers on this site…

  2. Bwalya has just been released. Kitwe is on fire, thanks to PF. They burning their own goods at Chisokone market.

    Ukutontonkanya ba PF kwaliba butuka…

    Reasoning is difficult mu PF?? Awe mwandi.

  3. #5 that should read “thanks to father Bwalya’s dedication to the truth”, or “thanks to ZP”, get your facts right

  4. Hallo pipo, hallo LT, am new here, can u update me on wats going on back home. wats this nonsense of arresting pipo for wat they

  5. leave father bwalya alone he is just trying to be transparent, call a spade a spade period. its only the truth that shall set us free.

  6. Leave Fr. Bwalya alone. When Teta was threatening Easterners
    Mateyo and company were zee. now they want to persecute a man of God.
    leave him alone. his arrest wont put food on our tables. people need solutions to high food(mealie meal) prices. Dont divert our attention by meaningless arrests. Leave Fr. Bwalya alone. Wake up and start working ,the honeymoon is over. 3 years is too short

  7. leave father bwalya alone he is just trying to be transparent, lets call a spade a spade period. its only the truth that shall set us free

  8. Tabaitambe bwino. Ulufyengo lubi. Its gud Fr B has been released otherwise, this cud have spark FLAMES. KATOLIKA tewakupenenako!

  9. You guys this is incitement by MMD, they wanted to cause rioting, they are pushing people by arresting the padre *during* the broadcast instead of before the broadcast or after. This is deliberate

  10. That serves him right. He is very bitter that his freind in sin Sata lost. Shame on you Bwalya not fit to be called father. I hope he gets transfered from his diocese. This guy if investigated will be seen to be hiding hordes of skeletons under his viel. This guy is certainly hiding something. Ask all the young girls about him and you will discover he is daily breaking celabacy vows.

  11. its not freedom of speech any more if you try to incite wrong things in the nation …….. the elections were not free and fair coupled with fraudlent but…… u are not giving the the evidence of riging ….so those are just your opinions which should be ignored……… talk about real issues…the father be brought to justice if found with a case to answer…

  12. The BBC’s Boyd Chibale reports from Kitwe that Father Bwalya had been running a programme analysing the poll and the pattern of the results.

    The ruling Movement for Multi-Party Democracy, which narrowly won the vote, has accused the priest of bias.

    courtesy of BBC NEWS!

  13. MMD is finished cause its pf ruling indirectly. maestro, baby c and spectater what do you think guyz? Ba father dont worry we are behind you and no can intimmidate you cause its pf ruling at the moment.

  14. This utter nonsence. Just because his cohort in sin lost does not mean that he should incite the public. Bwalya, I will report you for breaking all cellibacy vows in under one day. I see you.

  15. #18 This is not nice, everyone knows that the real Chale does not insult. You’re simply cursing yourself and your loved ones by impersonating the mystic man. Wila yangala ne miti yampmpako! Kwa puta na kwa Mununga bafwisa po fye…ninshi iwe ba shika no ku shika!

  16. Now the MMD has caused total confusion in kitwe by instructing ZP to arrest father Bwalya, already people are disappointed by the outcome of the results and if this is what is going to be happening, where is our freedom of speech and were is our democracy. That is why i have resorted to never vote in my life becoz no change is prevailing and like waisting my vote. peace zambians peace.

  17. AYAS!!!… …. next will be Membe, i have always said this scribes are not above the law,

    Journalists have been charged for inciting genocide in Rwanda, we are coming after you all,


  18. Kitwe is a Patriotic Front stronghold and Father Bwalya is an influential figure, our correspondent says.

    Authorities are holding the priest for questioning and have not yet charged him, he reports.

    BBC NEWS!!!

  19. It is really surpsising to see how the Police has sunk so low to the level of deterning Children of God for saying the truth.May the police has no work we prun them.Rabbish!!!

  20. The fr was right by expressings his views on the just ended elections. The police officers in Kitwe are just buyers by the government.This is a democratic country and everyone has got freedom of speech.

  21. cont’ #20
    they are burning their own to untemba in chisokone, and tomorrow they start crying that there is high levels of poverty in the country…………… …grow up

  22. Father Frank is the mouth piece of the people on the Copperbelt and he has done his best in letting the people advance their views to the people that walk the corridors of power. You can not temper with the Catholics and get away with it they are too may and very influential. They may end up bringing Lupiya down if he does not handle them carefully. People lets have peace in our nation.

    Who ever ordered his arrest should be held accountable for the out anger being displayed by the VOTERS in Kitwe PEACE @ Home please

  23. Kitwe also, PF won on the CB, you are now fighting against yourselves! How do you honestly go into town and disturb your own brother’s business?PF we need to change honestly and CHANGE WE CAN, Right !!!!!!!!!!

  24. We should never under-estimate the power of the media to bring a country to its knees. While I sympathise with the good catholic priest and hope that he will be vindicated; I think any zambian who has the power of broadcasting should use that power responsible and not extend their own personal views to the masses. The Rwanda genocide of 1994 was started by the media who incite people to revolt. Mediahouses owe it to zambians to be more responsible in their coverage of the just ended election. People’s tempers are still high and all it will take to set this country on fire is continous proding of people’s emotions by the one-side coverage of both the public and private media

  25. Sony Ericsson Phiri #4, it’s not rational to compare LT (a blog) to a licensed radio station (Icengelo)! FYI, a blog is merely an electronic discussion forum & is just the same as you and I chatting and expressing our ‘opinions’ in a bar! That’s why LT even have a disclaimer on their blog, because they can’t be held liable for some the comments on their blog. Even a paper like The Post can publish letters from the public expressing varying opinions as long as they do not border on libel. On the contrary, a radio station like Icengelo needs to be very cautious re: what they broadcast as ‘factual’, because it has the potential to destabilise national peace.

  26. father Bwalya’s u-turn has really surprised me.I listened to all election results from him and he was emphasising that as far as he was concerned all the results he was getting from radio chengelos monitors/observers at the polling stations were tallying with what the ECZ was announcing to the nation.That was the time SATAN was leading.when all the results were announced he even consoled the losers saying”GOD’S PLAN IS NOT OUR PLAN HOWEVER MUCH WE TRY- IF WE ARE NOT GOES CHOSEN LEADER WE WILL NEVER BE”.After a few days(after fresh instructions)he became seditiuos and bitter at peoples victory.

  27. #34 Seen it before

    Listen, You have no idea who I am. Zambians supporting Sata have been spared from the disaster that would have been if Sata had won. The young people of this nation simply cant see this and by discussion and information, we at least have hope that the truth about Sata will be in black and white.

  28. ‘But opposition leader Michael Sata of the Patriotic Front has claimed that the election was rigged, and has demanded that the results be verified. Kitwe is a Patriotic Front stronghold and Father Bwalya is an influential figure, our correspondent says.’

    The Undereducated is Bemba and the father Bwalya is Bemba also. Please, unbiased Bemba People find time to convince you fellow unsensitive Bembas including the Undereducated’s Imagebuilders to respect the fact that Zambia is a Nation of 71 – 73 Tribes.

    let us all embrace “One Zambia, One Nation” in unity as a Nation.

  29. ‘But opposition leader Michael Sata of the Patriotic Front has claimed that the election was rigged, and has demanded that the results be verified. Kitwe is a Patriotic Front stronghold and Father Bwalya is an influential figure, our correspondent says.’
    Source: news . bbc . co . uk /2 /hi /africa /7726776 . s t m

    The Undereducated is Bemba and the father Bwalya is Bemba also. Please, unbiased Bemba People find time to convince you fellow unsensitive Bembas including the Undereducated’s Imagebuilders to respect the fact that Zambia is a Nation of 71 – 73 Tribes.

    let us all embrace “One Zambia, One Nation” in unity as a Nation.


  31. So there is freedom of speech but no freedom after speech! you see you people who voted in a former UNIP character, is Zambia now a police state?

  32. These CATOLICA priests are becoming a nuisance. Frank BWALYA is free to support that thug CHILUFYA Sata, but he should not use a licensed radio station to incite the public! I wish the catholic priests could be as vocal on issues of sexual abuse in their parishes as they are about politics. Hypocrites!, their friend, former Bishop of Bulawayo, Ncube, was caught pants down ‘nailing’ countless women. I have the videos!!! I also recall meeting several catholic priests in training a while back in Makeni and these ‘brothers’ were well known for their drinking & womanising. Hence, these chaps have NO moral authority to guide the nation. Just like their mouth piece Fred Mmembe who scorned RB for ma

  33. Dear Patriotic Zambians and Fr Bwalya, The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.

  34. #50 Miss President

    How young are you? Five years? Listen, you dont go about creating tension in the house by cooking up unfounded lies against your mother and father and claim freedom pf speech. With your perception of freedom of speech, expect thieves to protest for their right to steal. Grow up, kind advise.

  35. All you bloggers instead trading insults lets appeal to the rioters to cease fire. Lets ask our hard pressed police to handle the situation peacefully, Lets ak Fr Bwalya to rest now and give chance to all of us to rturn to our homes. Insults will not solve the problem regardless of the Party. Lets ask the mmd guys who are spyin on people in drinking places to stop this and accept that Zambia is our country too and that we also pay taxes.

  36. #57 Shocked

    If Satan curses me, it is my blessing. At least I will no that I am on the right side. No need to be shocked.

  37. @ Anonymous 59
    I am not young, dont patronise me cause we have differing opinions, can you actually tell me what Father Frank said which has been construed as inciting violence?? instead of blindly accepting everything that is fed to you by the corrupt MMD maybe you should question things more?

  38. # Anonymous

    how did you jnow Father Bwalya has been breaking his celibacy vows, did you see him? Where is the proof? Ndiwe kachepa olo rumour monger

  39. In sambia you can’t win if you fight wars with Catholics. Much as other pipo may hate them, they are the leaders in social justice and practice social responsibility. All the apamwambas want their children to go to Catholic schools. Iwe Banda watch your tail!

  40. #57 Know you not that you are natually cursed already and it only becomes worse if those that fear God in the truest sence cry to God against you. Bwalya certainly does not fear God. I am certain about this.

  41. fatherless walya is a pf cadre,let the law deal with him accordingly!Instead of preaching,the katolic puriest is politicking!

  42. @ Anymous 59
    Furthermore, one on the tenets of democracy is that people are allowed to peacefully protest and express their political views. From what I can see this new administration is going to great lengths to give the impression that the oppostion are inciting violence, when they are merly excercising their democratic rights! Zambian is allegedly a demorcay NOT an autocracy!

  43. Much as i am not PF monger,but father Bwalya need just a friendly talk which should reflect his dignity and upon seeing that he is not responding,they should have just organised another forum where even the bishop should have been included.Let us show that we are more organised and mature to the outsiders.

  44. Anonymous i think your reasoning is questionable because all you think is well.We need to put things straight for ourselves and our children.Elections were not free and fair because results have shown.If you think frank is doing it alone you are lying because we need change.You are very dull boss and you comment can lead to anarchy.

  45. Miss President

    Let me ask you one simple question. Why is bwalya of ALL people being charged concerning the issue surrounding him?

  46. Father Bwalya, we thank you for what you are doing for the voiceless.

    What Fr Bwalya is saying is from the people in case you think by stopping him you are stopping the flow of information from him to the people. Just in case, get that right becuase you are dealing with a man of God who deals the people all the time and understands their problems. If I were you I would consult him to know and understand the problems facing the people. ABANTU BALECHULA!!!!!

    A person is judged by those who surround them. The saying that birds of the same feathers fly together is on the same principle.

    Always remember ZAMBIA is bigger than all of us.

  47. # 67 Anonymous

    I usually like your intelligent contribution and input but this time wayitaya about Fr Bwalya. You are the type who cause genocide, ukulanda fye, no facts

  48. Year after year, we have raised our voices in condemnation of the grinding poverty of the people, the low wages, the acute shortage of land, the inhuman exploitation and the whole policy of governance. But instead of more freedom repression is growing in volume and intensity and it seems that all our sacrifices would end up in smoke and dust. Today the entire country knows that their labours are in vain for a the spirit and ideas of repression has gripped our people. 62.Anonymous, don’t rob us of our freedom, because a day will come when Zambia shall shout out loud FREE at LAST!!!

  49. Father Bwalya should learn from his Rwandese colleague. Such behaviour starts trouble. Learn when to stop. He went beyond the limit


  51. #72 bms9
    Your wishes did not come true. Therefore chech your biasness on your statements. Which evidence which you speak so confidently about. Are you in lusaka?

  52. Osama Bin Zed #60, listen to yourself ?! You’re such a twit!, I think spending all that time in Hillbrow is making you think you’re a tough guy, huh? Do you honestly think Chilufya Sata is worth dying for? Do you know what civil war is? Do you honestly want another Rwanda in Zed???, koswe iwe…your granpa Psycho Mata will NEVER rule us, mwan_ya! The sooner he kicks the bucket, it’ll be good riddance to bad rubbish…..

  53. Let the Father express himself, what the hell’s wrong with politicians? what are the charges speaking through a microphone?

  54. What goes up must come down. Now after the flames, the tempers and the tuntembas have come down; who are the rioters going to blame for loss of business after they have burnt their own markets down? Sometimes the vicious cycle of poverty is a personal choice.

  55. # 47 Firstly your name in Bemba means in the Dustbin. I thought your education will assist in reasoning but no you are a typical Tonga guy. Your head is thick regardless of being OVER EDUCATED.Fr.Bwalya was speaking as a concerned Zambian not as a Bemba and not all bwalyas are Bembas. We have people from Luapula and Northern province with the same names. I pit your relatives who are not educated.

  56. We Zambians don’t want justice .If people want to express their rights govenment is chasing them.This country is not a democratc one and we want corrupt leaders to lead us.Let us fault for justice so that the goverment should know that what they did on october 30 was not justice.

  57. For Priest to speak as he does is enough evidence that he does not fear God. To take advantage of his media channel to propagate and incite against a legally elected government is not biblical nor moral.There many such characters masquarading as priests who nonetheless are wolves in sheep skin.

  58. @ 74 Anonymous
    Because he expressed his views. But you answer my question, what proof and evidence have you seen that he is inciting violence?

  59. That “father” Bwalya aint no father in real terms,thats jst a title to decieve pipo & earn a living.
    PF has failed to go to court bcoz they dont have evidence now they r resorting to violence.
    The Problem is also compounded by Nyama Soya’s unending tulo or is it viagra overdose.

  60. #45’You have no idea who I am. Zambians supporting Sata have been spared from the disaster that would have been if Sata had won.’ I dont care who u think you r & u didnt have to steal Sata’s votes to spare us the disaster that would have been. The disaster will b your Nyama Soya who is forever in slumber. Its unbelievable but true, I love Micheal Chilufya Sata no matter how much you try to disparage him. So mr. anonymous just know that as you r u will always be-anonymous. U will cheat but not forever, one day the ppeoples choice of President will preside over Zambia

  61. Father Bwlaya is a real man. We need more of such people. Only the guilty are afraid. Why make a name out of arresting a priest. Shame.

  62. A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depends on the labor of other [people], living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. I am strongly drawn to the simple life and am often oppressed by the feeling that I am engrossing an unnecessary amount of the labor of my fellow [people]. I regard class differences as contrary to justice and, in the last resort, based on force. I also consider that plain living is good for everybody, physically and mentally.

  63. Fr Frank Bwalya is a very bitter man. He was promised by SATA that he would be his Chief Govt Spokesman in the unlikely event PF won the elections. The Father has gone MAD

  64. Kwena mwali kwatenseli! Ukutuka bashinu na nyinenu! Mulekwata umucinsi! Talk about developmental and economical issues! Which way forward? You waste your companies resources by sitting on that computer insulting, even spending money on that internet when you left you children and wife with a K10,000 for the whole meanwhile you are busy annoying yourselves! Growup guys! Lets try to pump some sense in what we are arguing about! C’mon! I can see you am watching! Enjoy the rest of the day!

  65. #99 Shibumi

    I really cant do anything about your being in the reel. It appears as though you would still vote for sata even when he is not contesting. That is the extent of your high view of Sata your saviour.

  66. I am sick and tired of recycled politicians,Iwe MMD tell me how all those poor people who have been brain washed and campeigned for RB going to afford just a big of mealie meal.I guess truth hurts

  67. The Octonber 30 election was the most transparent election Zambia has ever held. Each political Party attended and signed for the results at each polling station. The results have been posted at every polling station for each political party to compile their own aggregate. All political Parties sat in with the Electoral Commission to receive results from each Constituency.

    International monitors were there to see every step from polling to announcement. Judge Florence Mumba is an international Judge who is well respected.

    Can some one please tell me. Who did you want to conduct the elections. Mr. Sata said Rupia was sworn in at night when he was sworn in at 14.00Hrs as per Consti.

  68. It is very wrong for a shepherd (Father, Bishop or Pastor) to have a very defined political inclination to a political party like Fr. Frank Bwalya because there are members from divergent political parties within his congregation. It is also illegal to allege that RB is in office illegally when we had an election even if the difference between RB and Sata was one (1) vote. Our system is based on simple majority. People disattisfied with election results should seek legal redress and not call for recount of ballots without a court order. So Ba Fr. Frank Bwalya fyakuliletelelafye kwena pantu Umupatili afwile aba neutral…

  69. #144 thank you for your wise counsel. Perhaps you can enlighten us as to the Section and Article of the law that makes such suggestion illegal?


  71. PF (I think to myself) are liberals who believe the people are basically good, but that they need government help to organize their lives. They believe in freedom so fervently that they think it should be compulsory. They believe that the poor and ignorant are victims of an unfair system and that their circumstances can be improved if we give them help. MMD (I think to myself) are conservatives who think it would be best if we faced the fact that people are no damned good. They think that if we admit that we have selfish, acquisitive natures and then set out to get all we can for ourselves by working hard for it, that things will be better for everyone.

  72. Yikes!, seems that cartoon character called Osama Bin Zed #96, has been BANNED by LT ?! My my my, guess we better watch our language, no lumpenizing allowed on this blog…Osama, I wonder why those majimbo’s in Soweto haven’t lynched you by now ?!

  73. #95 Miss President

    My answer lies in you being honest and not sweeping under the core of my question? In expressing biased opinions when using Public media is inciteful.

  74. #115 & 116
    You go public and state that we have an illegal government then you will know the section or article of the law. What we have, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, is a legitimate democratically constituted govt.

  75. 121 Cont’s….

    They are not insensitive to the poor, but tend to think the poor are impoverished because they won’t work. They think there would be fewer of them to feel sorry for if the government did not encourage the proliferation of the least fit among us with welfare programs…no wonder MMD pays little attention to the Voice of the Poor…

    VIVA PF!!!

  76. Even though the urban people did not vote for Rupia he had the most widespread acceptance in the country.Even Lusaka, Copperbelt, Northern and Luapula provinces gave him respectable votes.

    From my name Nkole wa mapembwe Umfwe Milandu, Chiti chiti chamutunga mulinso, you can tell I am a proper Bemba and Computer literate. What do we the urban people want. Do we want to force Michael down the throats of Southern Province, Western Province and North-Westwern who rejected him outright. Losing is very painful but unless we insult the intelligence of the above provinces and decide to burn the country down we shuld learn to accept results.

  77. you shall call no man father on earth because you have one father in heaven …matthew 23:9.

    Mr frank bwalya deserves the punishment no man with a false title should incite the people of the country. he should concentrate on deceiving his fellow catholics and feeding them eucharists and celebrating pagan rituals

  78. #121 Spectator

    Trying to paint PF in those colours leaves any well meaning decent PF supporter with nostalgia to those that are trully democratic. That is not true at all. Pf leadership is not that at all. Sata does not champion the cause of the poor.Sata is refusing to accept defeat. That is undemocratic.

  79. Finally, we shall have a democratic country that is only democratic with words and not with actions. i feel for the people who support the MMd coz time will come when even the little they have shall be taken away from them. i cry for mother zambia

  80. Viva Nkole Wa Mapembwe # 126. You are spot on. Unless it is proved in a court of law that there was rigging, the status quo remains as it is.

  81. 117 shimwana
    What are you telling us about these s called men of god.

    Dan Pule two days before the elections joined PF at a colorful ceremony where he claimed that he had received a prophetic message from God saying Sata will win the elections. Alas what happened after the elections …was Gods message misunderstood?.

  82. Its time for all Christians to pray for the nation. PF cadres have a very violent spirit.. Lord you are the prince of peace .. let you peace fall over our beloved land like fresh morning dew…

  83. Father we are with you for you fight a good fight of justice for the oppressed,REMEMBER THIS, When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.

  84. He has been charged and he is on police bond not that catholics priest are above the law.The chap will appeal in court soon to answer charges. Imagine just one day in cells, the chap is changed and he is now preaching peace and non violence.Little priest govt is govt.I wish he realised earlier that Boma ni boma.

  85. I went to school with Fr Frank Bwalya and Dr George Mangwende among others.Frank who was our headboy shocked all of us when he enrolled for the priesthood. When had known him as a person who was political. It is no wonder that he is exbhiting tendencies of a politician than a priest.He is inciting riots which will end up in loss of life and property for cillians at the hands of police when both camps are PF sympathises.

  86. People I am out of thew thread, gotta go and attend to a few issue out there…you can still leave your Questions and am sure able PF members are well able to handle them…Good day!!!

  87. What were the circumstances of this man’s arrest, the post said he was arrested after a live programme, was it phone in or what? If it was phone in, then Fr Bwakya made a mistake, the phone it programmes were banned before the election. If people are now talking freedom of speech let them address the ban from Ministry on Information and Broadcasting. This is what should have been dealt with otherwise there is a Govt directive and from what I recall has not been reversed, sometimes there is something called responsible journalism and Bwalya does not seem to know this. Is he happy that people’s goods have been destroyed?


  89. Fr. frank as our priest with a Radio station and a lot of influence on unsophisticated people had a responsbility to be moderate and stick to facts. He should never abuse his position and try to hide behind the power of the our church (eklesia).

    The goverment has done well to release him but they should try not to make him a hero in a wrong cause.

    As for this blogg one thing is very clear, we Zambians although peaceful have yet to learn moderation and the distinction between opinions and facts. This nation needs to mature quickly if we are not to become a Rwanda sooner rather than later.

  90. Zambia being declared a christian nation by a big thief you must expect such things of rigging to exist but that does not stop true men of God to speak out. viva Fr Bwalya we are behind you even when they threaten to kill you.

  91. Its high time these catholic fathers arrested because we are in power now. Its pity even the POPE had sent me a message congratulations. Who is This Frank Bwalya? Is it because Sata is a bemba?

  92. Its high time these catholic fathers arrested because we are in power now. Its a pity even the POPE had sent me a message of congratulations for the victory in october elections. Who is This Frank Bwalya? Is it because Sata is a bemba?

  93. Priests are not small gods. They are just human beings like everyone else. We all know about stories in the states, where priests were abusing children. The pope had to go and apologize to the American people. Some priests in Zambia are the most useless womanizers. This guy frank bwalya is just like any other person who has a political inclination. He must not use the church to cause confusion in this country. He must face the law. Let him give evidence to back his statements that RB is occupying the office illegally. This country belongs to all of us. Some sections must not feel that things must always go their way.

  94. i’ve never head RB making a comment to the prevailing situation, has he started shaging even in day light? wake up nyama soya copper belt is on fire.

  95. Breaking another woman is undressing at the main post office in lusaka in protest of the election results. i have just seen her with my naked eyes

  96. @ Anonymous 123

    #95 Miss President

    My answer lies in you being honest and not sweeping under the core of my question? In expressing biased opinions when using Public media is inciteful.

    Speak in plain english what are you trying to say? Has this man not been arrested for expressing an opinion? yes or no?

    What proof do YOU HAVE that he is in fact inciting violence?

    Opinions by their very nature are biased because they are one persons view point, so are you saying if your opinion is different from MMD’s then you are inciting violence?

  97. LT thanks for bringing sanity to this blog, like i mentioned before when someone was comoparing you with, you are doind an honourable job and thanks for making changes and e-moderation, some people do not deserve to be making posts here.

  98. Mike Mulongoti you are so naive in your argument. Dont ifyo, you are are attacking Fr Bwalya’s status not the issue at hand that the elections where flaudulant. Does it mean In Zambia there is no more freedom of expression? If Chiluba was corrupt and he is in the MMD does it mean Mwanawasa is corrupt too.
    He is standing for the truth and be honest with you, its just the begining people are angry. why cant the police go and arrest the bishops too.
    watch your language.

  99. People on the ground have indicated that no tuntembas at chisokone have been burnt. Am informed that the protesters had just burnt tyres which are still burning as at now 16hrs local time. However because of hunger mealie meal which is costing about U$20 per 25kg bag has been looted from the Olympic milling wear house at chisokone and meat from Zambeef at the same place

  100. #39 i salute your comments.#43 mwana your suprise is mine as well.what you heard is also what i heard,if anything he was insisting that pipo logging in to a web he called elections zambia 2008 which he claimed was an independent web created by the zambians to monitor the elections and results.if iam not mistaken according to him the results posted on this web matched with the results obtained by radio ichengelo correspondents. MAN OF God why this upswing are you for us or against.we love our nation pliz dont drag us into your own personal hatred twapapata.

  101. Iwe chi Rupiah you are back with UNIP tactics. What a President, you have been in a deep slumber nangu aka mwaice nakakupwisha amaka pantu twalebaza muka campaign period. Naiowine uchichioza, there are some suggestions that you rigged the elctions God will deal with you like he did.

    You want to rule but you have no slightest idea as to how to go about the affairs of the nation.

    Leave Fr Frank Bwalya alone. You guys are truly corrupted if there was a way of evading tax I could have done it mwembamwe.

  102. 102 (SATA is my man); lol, I expected you to be on the battleground throwing stones along side your fellow aggrieved. I can see you are an armchair critic like me. Mwandi safety kwisunga we mwine. So what are your colleagues rioting about now?

  103. 145. GOLYATI – The only thing Frank did was to avail the voiceless a platform to air their views and it is up to the powers that be to respond in a mature manner; arresting Frank is as good as venting your anger on a postman who has delivered a court summon he is a mare messenger. VIVA KIBOSEC

  104. Thats what happen when you are being ruled by A UNIP member, were freedom of speach is not allowed and thats why he wana bring back the coupons think about that people.

  105. Sarah, its not pf rioting but the people who are not happy with the arresting of the priest. Ours will be a peaceful one on saturday. By the where were you all this time when we wanted your contribution?

  106. If the VP is not from the western province, kaongolo ka nyambe ka nyelile mupweletetreee. Ki kaluka minisa mikope muunda otaha.

  107. Condemnation is not good especially if one is trying to talk on behalf of people.. Father Bwalya was just expressing himself on being democractic.. Nga these other clergy men tamubakondema shani?? are they not supposed to be preaching in churches unlike busy campagning, others busy re-marrying like ebobabikilako beka fyonse? be logic enough and dont just condemn..
    Ba MMD trully we are tired of you nabu dictorship bwenu

  108. Zambians protest journalist‘s arrest over post-election programme =

    Lusaka (dpa) – Hundreds of protesters took to the streets in
    Zambia‘s north-central Copperbelt region Thursday to demand the
    release of a local radio journalist who was arrested Wednesday for
    alleged incitement in a post-election programme.

    The protesters, who chanted anti-government slogans, brought
    business in the town of Kitwe to a standstill, privately-owned Radio
    Phoenix reported.

    No injuries were reported in the demonstration that passed off
    with only minor rioting.

    Local police chief Daniel Kasonde said that there had been some
    arrests, without giving the number held. Kasonde also said the

  109. # 166, I think you missed my point. Please read the article once more and you will understand what i am saying. Even in the church itself, there is discipline. People dont just say anything anyhow. The point is that frank bwalya is making very careless statements, and is not in any way speaking for the voiceless. Freedom of speech should not abused to incite people to turn against each other.

  110. #66 good point and sorry 4 puting you down i marked by mistake and you #73 shame on you infact you are the bigst koswe.

  111. Frank Bwalya, would be released after being formally
    charged on Thursday.

    Police arrested Bwalya, a manager at Radio Ichengelo, soon after
    he finished taking calls on a phone-in programme about the country‘s
    October 30 presidential elections.

    Former vice-president Rupiah Banda of the ruling Movement for
    Multi-Party Democracy narrowly won the vote in a tight race with
    opposition leader Michael Sata.

    Sata‘s Patriotic Front (PF) has gone to court to challenge the

    Zambia had found itself without a president in August after Levy
    Mwanawasa died of the effects of a stroke in Paris.

    Copperbelt province is a PF stronghold and the economic heart of
    Zambia, which is Africa‘

  112. Miss President

    Go back to my earlier answer. You cant pretend not to see this. A priest who decides to make biased opinions using the media is not being honest to his calling especially that what he is commenting about is a national issue. If he has an issue with the results, let him use the court of law. Not making prejudicial statements.

  113. A man of God like father bwalya should preach peace and not anarchy.Why is he propagating violence, just because his brother Sata lost. Iam from CB,but to think that Copperbelt and Lusaka is Zambia that is being naive.Bembas and the post are like that. In 1991 they supported Chiluba like nobody’s business. It has come to pass that Chiluba destroyed the country. Now they are supporting Sata, a dictator. God has spoken. God Chooses leaders for a purpose. If God wants Sata to be president, Sata will be president, but if God does not want he will never be. That is a fact. Father Bwalya being a man of God should understand this simple bilblical truth

  114. largest copper producer.

    The PF accuses the Electoral Commission of Zambia of rigging the
    result in Banda‘s favour and has vowed to make it difficult for him
    to rule. The party called for a demonstrations in Kitwe district at
    the weekend to protest Sata‘s defeat.

    Zambians have been holding their breath for a wave of election
    violence. Sata‘s refusal to accept defeat in the 2006 presidential
    election led to a week of rioting.

    This time, apart from isolated protests in Lusaka and the
    Copperbelt, the situation has been mostly peaceful so far.

  115. 173.. sorry there will be demo on saturday. yo pf cadres have just spoilt the party for you..PERMIT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO UN CONDUCIVE ENVIRONMENT.

  116. when is new cabinet going to be announced? Govt should tackle mealie meal prices and other pressing issues not kugwila abena fr Bwalya

  117. The Priest of all people should know the right channel of addressing such issues. He has taken a partisan stance which otherwise he is entitled to except for the use of the public broadcast. If he is talking as an individual, none would have qualms about it but he is using his radio station to propagate devisive information. That is highly irresponsible.

  118. For sure MMD you rigged october polls, even a 5 five old bady knows that.. now you want to start intimidating an innocent FR FRANK BWALYA, Who just want to stand for the truth, i can see zambia on fire in future if the Electro commssion is not rectified, because we are enjoying an artificial peace….

  119. what is the situation in kitwe #154 they posed abusevi language. I say a situation were RB is likely to declare the state of emergence because UNIP is back

  120. #187 I thot so, I thot Sata would be in the forefront telling his cadres not to use the PF slogan and guard it jelously now that it is confirmed they are the ones that were looting Sata is effectively dead on the copperbelt as well, 600,000 votes gone to HH

  121. #173 (sata is my man), I have been posting contributions all day but as a catholic Im sort of caught between a rock and a hard place over Father Bwalya’s issue. I cant condemn him as hard as I would like to becoz I have to face him in the cenfession room on saturday!! I have a feeling that your peaceful demo permit will be revoked before the end of the day. good luck (pliz dont break the little that today’s protestors have left)

  122. @ 183 Anonymous

    I have been through all your previous posts and you have not said what Father Frank actually said , which is meant to have incited violence. You have no PROOF! You have merely listened to MMD ( are you on the payroll?), and belived their BIASED rhetoric! Of course they do not want an educated father, trusted by many expressing his opinions, cause more people will realise that democracy is a sham and that MMD should now be called UNIP! MMD have incited this violence by illegally arresting a man of God and a journalist .

  123. Irresponsible statements by men of the collar through public media is uncalled for especially at a time such as we are. The priest should be preaching peace and praying for the peace of the nation. He wishes to brew chaos just to satisfy and calm his bruised ego.

  124. Number 191 justify with facts that elections were rigged. Manifest intellectualism in arguing your point.A Kaponya way of arguing is not good for the country. Do not behave like PF leaders who are always misfiring on the constitution.

  125. #196 Miss President

    I can tell from your writing that you wish this incitement to result in violence. I can tell that you are a bitter person. I can tell that you deliberately wish to misconstrue my postings. Listen, the priest of all people should advocate for peace and you are excited that you have an opportunity to vent your anger of loss by hiding maliciously behind the seemingly innocent voice of a priest.

  126. The happenings in Kitwe is the beginning of serious trouble for Rb and MMD. Time to be liberated has come and there is no going back. Viva PF and sata.

  127. #196 miss prez I think this guy anonymous must be on the payroll, nobody blogs that much with so much negative energy for free…

  128. Please please don’t walawala too much Nyama Soya is no longer using that name that name is for the double children (twins come two years you will see what will happen they will be blot to full toad face). His new name is Ingombe Illede

  129. @ 201 anonymous: are you a psychic? since you you claim to read my mind. How am I a bitter person? because I do not blindly belive government propgaganda like you do? I am educated and enlightened enough to form an opinion based on facts, you on the otherhand cant even tell me what this man of God is meant to have said which led to teh conclusion that he is inciting violence?? be a man and defend your position instead of making factless judgements!

  130. @ SOny Ercisson

    LOL- thats so true! and whats worse is that the kama guy cant even back up his arguements, so you cant actually even have a proper discussion with him!

  131. #184 God does not choose political leaders, thats blasphemy!! If god was a chooser of these political leaders why hold elections? it you people who chose, NOT GOD!!

  132. I think Mr Anonymous you need to understand that true freedom does not ome wihtout a cost. People in a democratic Country shoud be free to express themselves. Zambian cowdice will not take Zambians anywhere. Thats why we shall always be behind. We love ourselves too much. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the present in order to preserve the future for our CHildren. Today the us has a blcak man in white house ! Tell me about the works of Martin Luther King , a reverend, Malcom X. If these People never stood up for the right toady the Black man in the Us would still salve.

  133. @ 201 anonymous

    For your information, I didnt even vote as we do not have postal votes yet, but i do feel a sense of loss for a great country that is slowly being eroded by greedy and opoortunistic politicians and their sycophant followers ( like you), who do not care about the rule of law as long as the ends justify the means, so they manipulate elections, the consitution ,the courts and even MEALIE MEAL prices so that they can stay in power and continue eating our money!

  134. Go to Mufulira and see the roads in Kantanshi area. What development has MMD and RB brought? ba dealer ebaleufwa fwino and not workers like me. We wanted real change. Twacula pafula. Ba father ebamona efyo abantu balecula.

  135. #209 Miss President thanks for spannering that kama guy I don’t have time 😉 and VIVA #208 you hit the nail on the head

  136. Miss President

    Insult me as like and demean me as much as you like but you have no idea of what you are talking about. I have asked you why of all people this bwalya has been charged and you remain mute on this one. The simple reason is that he was charged because he was talking about a matter that is already going to court and for that matter not as an individual but as a radio station manager.

  137. @ Anonymous 212

    And I answered that Father bwalya was arrested because he expressed an opinion that MMD did not like!
    So what next for MMD and Zambia, are they going to arrest anyone who does not agree with them? Trust me, I know what am talking about and where I am coming from and it is quite clear that you are an MMD cadre. So what you are saying is that Zambians are not allowed to pubicly discuss matters that are going to court? am I correct? and according to you this in the consitution?

  138. #208 From space

    You are completely out of context. Freedom of speech does not mean liberty to say anything no matter what it is. That is a prinple mistake that Miss President seems to be making. When you insult your father and he chides for that, you cant turn on him and say you have the right to express yourself. Freedom of speech can never be constued to mean absolute freedom. Even a village child knows this.What I am saying is simply that Bwalya was not warranted to say whathe said. No and thus the charges.

  139. Citizens, don’t be so gullible with some of those guys in veils. Do not allow your country to go on fire on the basis of an individual’s opinion based on untruths.
    – The elections produced a winner
    – Those huge crowds chose not to vote
    – Elections do not please everybody.
    – Next election 2011.
    Those are the ways of democracy bane, next time vote en masse.

  140. @ 212 anonymous
    by the way thanks for finally answering my damn question! The point am trying to make is this, we are either a liberal democracy or we are not, you cant just pick and choose which parts you like to achieve your own ends. Fair enough maybe the Father shouldnt have spoken on radio, however it was done and in a democracy that is allowed. The moment that we as Zambian allow the government to effectivly supress free speech is the moment that Zambia as a nation will start to regress to a post indeependece, one party state which would be dangerous and potentially destabilising and we dont need that!!

  141. #215 Annonymous, if I am out of my mind,what can you tell me about three 4 X 4 breaking down in Shangombo when the Ministry of Health and Education in the area have Landcruier which have been going in and oput ogf that area for the past four years! And I am out of my mind?

  142. That opinion is highly seditious in view of the fact that he does not speak as an individual but as a radio station. The election observers declared the results free and fair and here is a highly opinionated priest who states the contrary through the voice of the media. If you cant see how inciteful this is, then I cant help you. The fact of the matter is that you already given me your position and that is your opinion. It is your word against mine. The fact is that priests have a responsibillity to be peace makers and you cant be a peace maker when you take a partisan stance. The arbiter of peace will never take a stance on matters that may incite the disturbance of peace.

  143. Police please teach this Father a lesson. i say so because he is becoming another “M’membe” just because he run thats station does not mean he should take advantage of it.
    These fathers have some bad stories which has been hidden from the public because they are resolved at church level.In one particular incident a Father of a certain church was caught red handed having sex with the person he was counselling and the husband of the victim was blocked to take the case to court by church elders. I know the people involved by their names.One of them is close friend to Fr. Bwalya

  144. @ anonymous

    you said that ” Freedom of speech does not mean liberty to say anything no matter what it is.”-


  145. #218 From Space

    You already have an opinion on that and even if I cgave you my position, you would not believe me. That is why in this case, a third independent assesor comes in. The election observers. What did they say, that is what matters. Now here comes an excited priest and declares that elections were rigged doing so agaisnt all efforts put in place for unfavourable doings, agaisnt all suspicions of rigging, with the declaration of free and fair elections by all international observers. Tell me, who is being unreasonable?

  146. The night he spend in the cell was okay despite it being uncomfortable.Because he found the kaponyas “PF” who welcomed him .

  147. #221 Miss Pre

    Now I am totally convinced that you are very young still need to settle down when it comes to matters of civillity and common sence. yOU SAY ‘THE FREEDOM TO SAY WHATEVER YOU LIKE, AS LONG AS YOU ARE NOT COMMITING TREASON’

    Inciting the public, can mean taking a position that has otherwise been dealt with by the set up that ensures fairness and transparency. All the machinery to ensure a free and fair election was put up, the results were verified by members of the various parties which were participating in the elections including PF. iNTERNATIONAL OBSERVERS WERE THERE. They declared the elections free and fair and here comes a priest and says no through public media. What

  148. @ 225 anonyomus

    if the best you can do is to accuse me of being a child simply because our opinins differ, then i dont see what else you and i can intelligently discuss. So I would suggest that you go back to kissing your MMD/Unip bwana’s asses! cause you are obviously on someones payroll. Have a good day now 🙂

  149. Miss President

    Freedom of expression will not be absolute, not in Zambia or in any nation for that matter. Expression that incite public as bwalyas must be condemned by all civilised and peace loving people including all law abiding Roman Catholics.

    Our liberties are constrained by dignity bestowed generally to all men by virtue of their being the creation of God, our concious.

  150. One last word from me before I go to breastfeed my baby; anyone who presents a radio program that will be heard by the masses has the responsibility to be objective in their presentation/analysis. Its wrong for anyone, especially a man of God to hide behind freedom of speech. Father Bwalya (forgive me father)’s freedom ends where mine starts; so he has no right to present issues that might infringe on my freedom. Every election has a winner and a loser, thats called democracy. You dont need to be a rocket scientist to know that sata lost the election in the very way most of us predicted (ie by getting nil votes in rural areas). Its time to move on. Meantime, where is RB????

  151. Miss President

    You cant be conscious free for wrongly accusing someone who eventually ends up being executed for a crime he never committed. You and the priest are taking that unfair stance. Your biased positions could easily lead to serious chaos and you care not. What a pity.

  152. Miss President

    You have no idea about what you are talking about- ‘THE FREEDOM TO SAY WHATEVER YOU LIKE, AS LONG AS YOU ARE NOT COMMITING TREASON’

    This is classic!

  153. @ Anonymous 229
    Freedom of speech is crucial in any participatory democracy, because open discussions of candidates are essential for voters to make informed decisions during elections. It is through speech that people can influence their government’s choice of policies. Also, public officials are held accountable through criticisms that can pave the way for their replacement. Some suggest that when citizens refrain from voicing their discontent because they fear retribution, the government can no longer be responsive to them, thus it is less accountable for its actions. Defenders of free speech often allege that this is the main reason why governments suppress free speech – to avoid acc

  154. he right to freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as “the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression”.[1][2] Furthermore freedom of speech is recognized in European, inter-American and African regional human rights law.

  155. #231

    This freedom of expression of your must have already landed you into problems for sure. You dont insult people and call that freedom of expression.

  156. @234
    Dude you are now getting on my last damned nerve and for your information it has never landed me in trouble because most people in this world acknowledge the fact that this is not Nazi Germany you can excercise your VOICE without being ARRESTED!. So its okay for you to insult me and call me immature and bitter and accuse me of inciting violence, but if i reiterate then I am abusing my freedom of expression? Look if you choose to blindly accept that ECZ is not corrupt and that the elections were free and fair that is your perogative, that is your choice. I choose Not to belive them cause I know for fact that the last 2 presidential elections were rigged.

  157. @ Anonyomus- if you are happy to live life being a follower without questioning what is going on, wanya waku, thats your deal. I choose otherwise, and that my friend is the beauty of DEMOCRACY and that is what I am fighting for!



  159. #232 Miss President

    This just proves your misappropriation of human rights and liberties. Common sence will tell you that that which you are quoating is buttressed by other articles that safeguard the dignity of life and human beings. I will give a down to earth way of proving you wrong. Go and stand before a kaponya and insult him with all manner of despicable insults and see whether he will still be smilling at you if at all he was. You will be beaten dark and blue, if you did that. You have a memory, but no capabillty to make use of that information in your head. You might be educated well enough, but certainly lack wisdom.

  160. Miss President

    Or do the following, go to your mother and insult the hell out of her wait and see if she wont disown you. This is common sense young girl. You only need to be in pre school to understand this. Ati freedom of expressiony yaba.



    MATTEW 5:10, happy are those who are persecuted in cause of right, theirs is the Kingdom of God



  163. @ anonymous
    How does that prove my misappropriation of civil rights and liberities? Of course they are limitations for pornography and hate speech, but expressing an opinion, I DONT THINK SO!

    I beg to differ, i would say that you lack wisdom, then again thats my human right to express that opinion, so sue me!

    Answer me this did father Bwalya say go out and riot? Did he?

  164. @ ANonymous – the observers? What tohse same SADC observers who said Zimbabwe’s election was free and fair? Don’t make me laugh

  165. #19 is a fake ‘Nine Chale’. you can even even tell from the way the name is written – its all in lower case. The original is ‘Nine Chale’ and not ‘nine chale’.

  166. i believe most of the contributers to this site were babies when unip was in power. all the unipists have re-grouped this time under the mmd banner. Rupiah, Mpombo, William Banda etc. For your own information, william used to whip people who supported the mmd when he was lundazi governor. i’m not surprised that frank has been arrested. it is not going to be easy for journalists but then it simply means that we have gone back 50 years.

  167. #87, Real Data, it has a similar meaning in Tonga too. However, I refer you to the Central Statistical Office website where you will find that Luapula Province is 100% Bemba occupied.

    It is not me, but GRZ which produced those figures for all the world to see them.

    Have a great day.

  168. ba Banda please release Fr. Frank. You are going too far now playing with the Church? That is your downfall in your adiministration. Be wise mwana other wise your presidentship will turn into tears boss.

  169. Frank is both a priest and a journalist who can never be intimidated by trying to cartel his freedom of expression. it is unfortunate that some on this blog are attacking or accussing him of breaking his promise instead of attacking him on the issue. 13 days in power tendencies of anarch and despotism are surfacing. watch RB its not even 90 days.

  170. #255 you are right my dear ba Banda will see even that big head of him I wont shake it anymore. He is playing with fire now.

  171. Incitng people for violence is no good for our impoverished country. It will be very difficult for zambia to recover from conflict. instead opinion leaders like fr. bwalya should be educating the people in preparation for 2011. so lets manage the conclict and prevent more conflict by setting the ground for 2011. lets keep talking takling till we get things right!

  172. #244 Miss President I salute you. We need people like you. We all deserve better and fair treatment. Fr Bwalya did not tell people to go out in the streets and riot.


  174. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it” – Upton Sinclair

  175. People of Zambezi (Zedians), This indeed looks like a very important point of discussion but, what did Fr Bwalya actually say in his programme? Could some one state three or four actual points that threatened the peace of the country.

    Pity that I can neither get Mongu radio station nor radio icengelo. I am relying on you people on the ground in Motherland.

  176. The new regime seems to panic at everything, they issued invitation cards to celebrate their victory 3 days before the vote count was done! quickly swore in the president in a rushed ceremony and now a priest is arrested for making an analysis of the outcome. One can only conclude onething….”The guilty are always afraid!”. no need to say any more

  177. LT: Breaking news: VJ is the new Chief Whip. Cat of nine lives? Dejavu!! is anyone out there stillin doubt that Banda is taking the country backwards, and not forward? How can he possibly claim to continue Mwanawasa’s legacy when he is surrounding himself with everyone Mwanawasa had dismissed!!

  178. If MMD You decide to pardon Chiluba, set him free for all the crimes he has done against Zambians then I call upon the civic society, church, PF, KK, UPND and other Concerned Zambians to kick or remove MMD from Power. Now is the time, already Teta owns Mansa Milling but his mealie meal expensive. so what are they telling us.

    Lets bring down this Government over Chiluba.They have played with our minds for too long.The short man should have been behind bars by now.

  179. # 265

    Do you think chiluba will be arrested. i don’t see that happening the case has been going on for year now, draining our resources. I think they should just drop the case. If he is guilt why is it taking long to put him behind bars. Let us look at how much money is being spent on the trial for the man called chiluba.

  180. kwena nimpapa sana, ku zambia ifilecitika, lupiya banda nomba ubupuba bobe bwakutwala nakuma Priests bakwa Jesus Christ bati wecipubawe? ala try to think wecisoso we, uletusebanya sana.Try to give respect to the priests because a priest is very clouse to christ. uleesha ukubomfya brain, pantu ifika kucitikila fikabipa bakakupoka nefyo wakwata mwitoloshi lyobe.

  181. If a person is tryig to express his feelings let him do so, give him freedom.Bushe kanshi freedom cinshi iwe Cilupiya banda wecisoso we? wilayangala necalo. Apo waibila sata ama volts fyaletafye ifyongo mucalo, teti utontonkanyefye nokumona ifyo abantu balecula? walitumpa sana together with the founder of the rulling MMD. pantu mulecusha abantu bakwa Lesa m******mwe you dogs without thinking and reasoning.uleumfwafye bwino nabakashi bobe pa bed while people are suffering wenama yabula amano we! Lupiya banda ulebomfya amano, twalishiba bwino sana ati uli mututu tawasambilila kabili wafuma ku poor family eco ulelipilishisha nabakatolica impiya nico ulefwaya ukuwina. But don’t play with church.

  182. And infact the catholic priest did very nice, because freedom is needed in the country. you are saying always that Zambia is a christian nation but kufyabupuba mwapena iwe ci Lupiya banda. Kukwibila abntu wapena nomba cakutwala na ku church caba catolica.Chiluba and Kaunda together with Micheal sata, why cant you advise this dog you so called Lupiya banda? sata nimwe mwakwatako amono uko. pokololeniko abantu uko, pantu Lupiya banda taletontonkanya sana.

  183. What did Fr Bwalya say? People should not assume priests cannot incite violence. Rwanda is a good example. People were incited to commit genocide thru the media, churches. How many preist have been tried by the genocide tribunal? Here in Zambia, Fr. Bwalya, Radio icengelo and The Post are the ring leaders.

  184. update us on the current Cabinet Ministers

    Tuesday, 14 October 2006

    Minister of Defence :

    Minister of Finance and National Planning Hon. :

    Minister of Home Affairs

    Minister of Health Hon.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs :

    Minister of Agriculture & Co-operatives : Dr. Brian Chituwo,

    Minister of Justice Hon. George Kunda, MP

    Minister of Local Government and Housing :

    Minister of Gender and Development, :

    Minister of Commerce, Trade & Industry :

    Minister of Communications & Transport:

  185. Where are the MMD bloggers? We told them but couldn’t listen with their ears, now they will listen with their eyes. So far the gonmnt has arrested a radio journalist. Where is the conviction that they are the needed government? What have they done to the press freedom?

  186. Ba LT,can u find out y Bambo RB is scared of being seconded by a Healthy,Energetic VP……….
    Balwele abo mwebo! teti balabile pabunkolanya pamulandu wakukolesha, Ichifuba cilikowelele……….


  188. There is no freedom of expression not to mention civil Liberties.Fr Bwalya was expressing his views as a citizen of Zambia. The GOVT has always wanted yes Bwana,Inde Bwana. As far as am concerned this is a one Party State syndrom

  189. Can we please draw a line between religion and politics ?, Catholic church and PF. The problem is that the church is on the side of the opposition and the worst is that they are siding with one political party only but how are they going to shephered the flock composed of different political parties ? Also as a Catholic am failing to differentiate between a cadre and a man of God help me so that I know what each is sopposed to do or be.

  190. Padre Bwalya, parabéns pela coragem. O profeta de Deus denuncia o mal. Tu conseguiste desenpenhar a tua missão profética. Aqueles que se sentiram ofendido, reagem muito mal, com difamação. Isso prova que tu, Bwalya, falaste a verdade. Os cúplices das fraudes vão se revelando, com argumentos fracos e sentimentalistas. Coragem. Nós católicos africanos rezamos por ti. O padre denuncia o mal. Quem tem que investigar é a polícia. Ela está ao serviço do povo e não do partido.
    Deus te proteja, P. Bwalya.

  191. Iwe.
    November 14, 2008 at 1:32
    All the insults you are hauling out to the president is what you call freedom? Shame on you. Imagine your children were like you, and talking to you like you do to the head of state, what would you think? You must learn to be polite mwana. Don’t think you are hiding you are on survailance everytime.

  192. dear my fellow Zambians the only thing you should do is that love you country and the people at large the hour has come for MMD to go out for ruling the country. justice is the mother of peace. those who are supporting Rupia Banda, bonse nibakabwala bamibilafye bonse am luck that am out of the Government of Rupia after row has no quality leadership. how cames the oldman like him marry a young girl that is child abuse.what is he teaching the natiion,in such situation as a a leader of a nation shame on you man Rupia Banda.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Iam crying for my beloved country ichalo ubusuma mwaonaula ba Rupia, Zambia is christian christians and natural laws where are you. ifother person does like Rupia to marry a young girl like that, you can take him to courts of law why??[-(

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