Friday, September 20, 2024

Chituwo to issue statement on mealie meal prices this week


Agriculture Minister, Brian Chituwo is set to issue a comprehensive statement to parliament on the escalating mealie meal prices in the country this week.

Dr. Chituwo says the current high prices of mealie meal are unjustified and a major concern to government.

The Minister was speaking in an interveiw with ZNBC News in Lusaka, Sunday.

Dr. Chituwo also said there is need to bring all stakeholders to a round table in a bid to resolve the problem.



  1. These are jokers, Zambia can not continue to be led by people who belong to Secret society. Please we know that this is the only common demonitor you have. Your secret society where you plan to plunder Zambia comes first before our country and its people. Regardless of how long it takes, please take note you will pay for your the crimes you have commited together with your fellow members of the secret society on the bench who have compromised justice in our beloved country.

  2. Iwe Minister, dont talk about mealie meal prices, thats the end of the rope, sort out agric input distribution and maize marketing and mealie prices will be okay. Why dont you guys get it? this is simple logic. Dont climb trees from the leaves. aaah twalema nanu mwe!

  3. When did Chituwo become an agriculture expert. He is barely two days in office and he wants to issue a statement to Zambians? Even if you depend on technocrats, you need to take your time and study the matter. Barack Obama knows issues. He does not just yap from a written statement without knowing what is means. What a country??? Your Veep is sick, President dozes and add to that VJ…

  4. Health Ministry has lost 2 Ministers Doctors who understands health matters. I wonder what was logic in doing so. Now Dr. Chituwo is in a mess of high price of maize. The government forgets that the floor price was increased from K45,000 to K55,000 and they expect the price to be static simple economis. Talk about inputs now than price of maize.

  5. Good start doc. Definitely the stakeholders must be called to a round table meeting. It`s very obvious that some of them are hiding maize to have larger profits when there will be a massive shortfall. We need such people to be booked.

  6. I am one of those who is sad at the demotion of Masebo, Holmes and Magande. These are hard workers. Lady and Gentlemen, stay cool and utter no comment. Go to your constituencies and work, the people know you well. Never mind about Rupiah “Bwezani UNIP yonse” Banda. You can persevere, three yaers is nothing, BRAVO TO YOU THREE. Mwanawasa knew your strengths which RB has failed to see because he was dozing all the time you were working, he never saw you work. Sad affairs. RB ALL THE BEST SIR.

  7. #14 what hard work did Holmes do? Masebo yes, Magande yes but again the risk of being a political appoint is just that. you get dropped at some point. and everyone forgets about you if your replacement is just as good or better. If anything the guys can continue shaping the policies through NEC since they are chairpersons of committees e.g magande Finance? I guess if you became President you would do the same. you would not work with a team appointed by your friend no matter how good. Its rare. It does not even happen in the states. A president makes his own team. A team he is comfortable working with

  8. Wewewe, No 15, Ask the people of Chisamba, Mkushi and Serenje who Cecil Holmes is and they will tell you what he has been doing for them from the time he was Chibombo District Chairman. I personally know him well as a person who worked for the people even in Chiluba’s day. Even when he was in the Diplomatic Service he kept donating to the needy in Central Province. He did not have to be minister to do this. That is why my advice to him is

  9. Poor agriculture policy peasant famers have been neglected who are a magority.Poor marketing and distribution of inputs.They increased the price of maize and now the millers have to inrease the mealie meal price so what does the minister want to tell the people? your own making!

  10. What do you mean they are unjustified
    Ho yes the markets are so imperfect
    Apply the best possible state apparatus and correct the imperfections rather than making irritating noise.

  11. ‘Agriculture Minister, Brian Chituwo is set to issue a comprehensive statement to parliament on the escalating mealie meal prices in the country this week…’, why give us advance warning? Just solve the problem and let us move on with Zambian people eating 3 meals a day.

    Viva president Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND Team for forming GRZ in 2011. Vote for a real ray of light and change that all Zambians of all backgrounds can believe and trust in.

  12. The government can’t bully the markets and dictate mealie meal prices. If this is an artificial situation then it will correct itself in the short term. However, its more likely to be one of the symptoms of our flawed economy and lack of coherent agricultural policies. Consumer Price Inflation is currently running at 15.2% (nearly twice what it was this time last year). The high level of CPI means that prices are generally on the rise but mealie meal prices tend to have political implications.

  13. ‘An opposition Patriotic Front official has taken a swipe at Kasama Central Member of Parliament, Savior Chishimba following remarks made in connection with the PF leadership and convention.Mr. Chishimba was yesterday said that PF leader Michael Sata will never be President of Zambia as time has run out.He also called for the party to hold a convention.In reaction, PF official, Mrs. Charity Banda says Chishimba is not a member of PF and should not involve himself in matters of the party.She disclosed that the party is discussing the issue of the convention and that everything is in line.’ Source:w w w . muvitv . c o m /news /Nov2008 /16thpnews6 . h t m l

  14. ‘National Chairman Langtone sichone said political party leaders should not put personal interests first at the expense of those of the nation. Mr. Sichone who is also Spokesperson for the Zambia Centre for Inter-Party Dialogue charged that the recent disturbances in Kitwe were politically instigated and should be condemned.He urged peace loving Zambians not to allow a few disgruntled political elements to put the country on fire.’
    Source: w w w .znbc. co . zm/ media/ news/ viewnews. c g i?category = 9 & i d =1226850710
    True on DISGRUNTLED POLITICAL ELEMENTS. Viva UPND and president HH for Zambia come 2011.

  15. No need to reduce the Prices given a free market economy, prices should purely be determined by the market forces of demand and supply.If you want to help the Zambians subsidise the commodity to be afforded bythe majority zambians.

  16. Teta owns Mansa Milling & one of the MMD lakey Chilala owns Chimsoro Milling.So why cant they rreduce mealie meal price.even Peter Cottan reduced mealie meal before elections why are they not helping out this time? Shows MMD are liars & crooks.

    Now the talk is freeing Chiluba so that he enjoys his looted cash!!!! let us bring dwown this Government. KK was forcefully without bloodshed brought to his super Ken knees. same to this Corrupt liar MMD Government, we can brind them down, people lets not hide in their will be bloodshed. we did it on KK, can be done again.

  17. Dr. Chituwo will talk about Soya beans he used to share at the Ministry of Health.He needs a month to know about the new Ministry for him to issue comprehensive statements to Zedians.

    Viva H H, will only appoint men and women to the right Ministries.

  18. Statements can only be meaningful basing on hand on experience and vast knowledge on the grassrout level.

    This Chituwo has been Healthy Minister since the Mwanawasa era, and suddenly he’s been tald to issue a statement on the Mealie-meal situation, what does he know in the Agricultural sector?

  19. Its simple mathematic,reduce the import duty on fertiliser,promote locally manifactured fertiliser and also encourage millers to be buying maize from local farmers.Try this simple solution and you will see how the prises of meal mealie will drop.

  20. You dont nid a genius to tell you that this cabinet is a flop.Dr.chituwo was tried by Levy at min of agric he didnt perform after 3months he was removed.I smell a rat what is it that VJ is coming to do this time?I feel like vomiting after moving a bit in the right direction we are going back again with police intimidating us.Shame!

  21. What people being waiting for? Do you have to announce that you are going issue a statement about the mealie-meal situation? All what people is affordable livelihood. Bangwele you are taking Zambia and Zambians for granted.
    So the story about deploying the police on CB is not actually election related. It is to stop or suppress the anger of the people who might protest because of raising food prices. Remember 1986? 1989?

  22. Yes we are thatswhy we are able to note the wrongs.What about you ba nzelu,nzelu silikuti apa?You mean you cant perform better than VJ,Mpombo,Vera and teta?You make me doubt your caliber.

  23. Bangwele, just reduce the price of mealie meal, provide cheap fertilizer you promised and feed your villagers. there are more important issues to talk about in parliament than wasting time on something that is straight foward.

  24. Plz Dr chituwo what we want is the lasting solution,Don’t talk about
    things we know already.
    Talk about the Govnmt puting up state farms in each district,i can assure you this will benifit all zambians and improve our economy through job creation as well as Revenue to enrich your pokets,and will never talk about akabunga nakadula again.

  25. now thats what am talking about finally someone with the brains has the sense to talk about the mealie meal issue. chituwo for president 2011.

  26. Yes, the Zambian govt does not care much about the current mealie-meal price coz the commodity long stopped being a stapple food to them. Theirs is ARV’s. Look at the VP and the Chief Whip and you will agree with me. That is what you get for compromising justice, and hijacking people’s choices.Somewhat, somehow, somewhere, someday, you will pay for it for taking God’s innocent people for a ride.

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