Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The planned demonstrations are unreasonable- RB


President Rupiah Banda talks to vice president George Kunda before leaving for Burundi at Lusaka international airport
President Rupiah Banda talks to vice president George Kunda before leaving for Burundi at Lusaka international airport

President Rupiah Banda, has described as unreasonable plans by some opposition political leaders and cadres to demonstrate over rising food prices.

“Somehow the Patriotic Front thinks they can do it with demonstrations, they look ridiculous, there is no basis for that and Zambians have shown that they are not interested,” said Mr. Banda.

President Banda said opposition politicians should appreciate dialogue as an effective way of resolving issues affecting the economic welfare of the people as opposed to confrontation means.

Mr Banda said there was nowhere in the world where demonstrations have been used as an effective method of solving issues.

He was speaking to journalists shortly before departure to Burundi where he is expected to attend a one day heads of state and government summit on the Burundi peace process.

Commenting on the one day Burundi peace process summit, Mr. Banda said the summit was important as it was aimed at finding ways of bringing peace to that country.

“As you know our friends in that country have not experienced peace like us. So leaders in the region called for a one day summit to see what we can do to bring peace to that country,” said Mr. Banda.

He noted that Zambians should be grateful that the country has, since independence, enjoyed peace and tranquility.

Meanwhile, Mr Banda said he was aware that fugitive former Zambia Intelligence Service Director, Xavier Chungu, arrived in the country, adding that he will allow the law to take its course on charges of abuse of authority, among others placed on the former intelligence chief.

Mr. Banda, who is accompanied by Agriculture Minister, Brian Chituwo, Local Government and Deputy Minister, Eustarkio Kazonga and other senior government officials left the country aboard a Presidential jet Challenger at 06:25 hours.


  1. Nothing is reasonable enough as you continue sleeping and doing the talk whilest the common man down there is going without food. Shame your critics by being pro-active. Your talking chabe isn’t enough

  2. I thought he promised to reduce prices of mealie meal before the elections or have I mixed up my data.

    Learn to play honest politics before elections so that people don’t get surprises after and start demonstrating.

    As for the opposition, plse don’t just oppose find out why the prices are rising and communicate to the people. We have to maintain peace and stability in our country

  3. #4 Zambian in Norway
    I like that.It’s balanced. The ruling party and the opposition are Zambians and this is the Zambia they want to develop. I salute you #4.

  4. hmmm, the situation in z is touching. why should we let the MMD cats get away with their conceated and irresponsible policys? oops sorry they dont even have any policy. they where busy exprting the maize now people are going to pay for stup!d mistakes.

    what are the solutions Nyama Soya…while your bank accounts are getting fattened and u took priority in fattening your already obese waste lines, the majority are suffering. We protested in Zambia over mealie prices before, we then brought change..we have gotten results by protesting and i dont know which school of thought nya,m soya is attributing his tired ideaoloies from, but we are all going to pay dearly for putting these clowns in

  5. And so were are going to do some peaceful demonstrations. Why is RB worried about what we will do? Is he planning to unleash armed policemen on us? Are these same cops getting free or cheaper nshima elsewhere? What happened to the promised of reduced mealie meal and fertilizer prices?

  6. There is nothing peaceful that comes from PF.

    I agree, we need cheaper food but the only problem is that PF demo will result into something violent and looting will be involved.

    Ba SATA, it is rainy season, go and farm.


  8. One thing I dont like about demonstration is that it carries along with it people who are huligans and they damage property and steal some. To them its an opportunity to get free things and again Mr. RB the best is to be sensitive to people’s cry. Good leadership is to look for a problem b4 it becomes an emergency.

  9. RB tell that frightfully hard up and starving man your nonsensical reason for not protesting over what’s happening in our country.

  10. a common man is suffering whilst salaries of ministers are increased. what do you take zambians for.the peace we seam to enjoy is not peace at all the truth of the matter is we are suffering. RB dont be dulland sleepy it seems you dont have any agenda for your presidency

  11. Why is the MMD afraid of peaceful demonstrations?It is the BEST way for the common man to be heard and he must be heard.They were boasting of a bumper harvest and praises were showered on the late LPM but why is the price of mealie meal going up when the country is supposed to have had a bumper harvest! DThe MMD must not cheat the people-may be the rural dwellers can easily buy their(MMD)’s nonsense since they voted for them.We shall continue to hammer until everyone realises that this battle is not about SATA, rather it is about hungry, unemployed ,underpaid,ill-treated(by MMD’s investors) people who want their govt to stop dosing and do something positive for them!VIVA PEACEFUL DEMOS!!

  12. Why not just deliver instead of castigating whoever wants to express his right, you do not end poverty RB by making the opposition look bad!!!!

  13. Does PF want to demonstrate on behalf of the masses or what? Let them offer solutions first and if they are not happy with the response they can come to us to hear our views and then if need be, demonstrate.
    With Chungu’s return I know PF is planning a demonstration without consulting us. Would these people be reasoning or dialogue when they come to power? I trusted these people but now………katswishi bane. They seem to be more on the comedy side.

  14. We judge leaders by the seize of problems they solve and not by the amount of words they say to journalist at the airport. We can have a leader who is not educated but if he is able to deliver to the grass root, we are home and dry.

  15. I guess the whole bloody world should start protesting. Prices are rising everywhere. It’s called an economic downturn. Oil prices have come down but haven’t trickled down to the common man. The prices will come down. Next there’ll be riots ad deaths. PF is itching for a fight. It won’t be about food prrices, this will escalate and we’ll find ourselves ridden with anarchy. Watch.

  16. In Thailand a democratically elected Government has been forced out due to demostration.The citizens were fed up & camped at their country’s international airport disrupting air traffic for weeks until the Government was ousted peacefully.
    Why should Zambians fear peaceful demos. The MMD Govt., sold maize claiming we had surplus. Now the report is out saying we have a shortfall and to import expensive maize that will push prices of nshima up!!! Lets demo to remind them of incompetency. Its them that sold our cheaper maize not PF. So dont blame PF for ubupuba bwa MMD.

  17. Sata and his goons need to grow up! even my 6 year old nephew knows that rising commodity prices are a global issue that need global solutions. why is it that in Africa every time there is an issue you take to the street and fight and do not attempt to dialogue? shame on you Ba Sata, shame, shame, shame, grow up!

  18. #16 so what should the govnt do to reduce price of mealie meal? All iam hearing is that the price of mealie is too high and the govnt has either not heard the cries or doesnt know and so people would like to demonstrate so that the govnt can hear them? Demo good quiet alright,but what should the govnt do after the Demo so that prices are down. Suggestions please not just talk. do you want govnt to tell millers to reduce price and make losses, or do you want govnt to send millers to prison so that we can get the meal mill from the sheds, or do you want coupons. suggestions please we are tired of rhetorics.

  19. RB have a heart for the suffering Zambian majority.Five months ago you had absolutely no idea that you were going to be president.You are living your dream.Prove your worth by solving this food crisis.



  21. There is no peace in Burundi where RB is going. We all cherish peace. We do’nt want to be like Burundi. If these unruly drivers join these so called peaceful demos, then we will soon be like Burundi. Please gvt and PF learn to dialogue. We do’nt want civil war.

  22. #21, that only happens in a constitutionally driven country, no amount of protest (euphemism for riot) will oust Banda out, and for your information, the courts in Thailand helped oust this Government by banning the party that ushered it into Government, rumour has it they will rename the party and come back, tell me do you really think Sata has a heart for zambians? By extension do you really think there is anyone out there who cares so much about another person if just even your own relatives sometimes have to struggle to get anything out of you?

  23. This is really taking people for granted, barely a month in power and the …….er has forgotten his campaign promises. Yesterday i bought some bags of fertilizer at K250000 each’ it pains when some character was lying that price is 50pin. why should nt people demostrate peacefully, those who are beneficiaries of the current system just enjoy your inflated salaries and dont talk about our peaceful demo.

  24. Sata is too sharp for this govnt. he has a smart idea. he says during the peaciful demo we can make sure we peacefully loot enough mealie meal from the millers for our homes to last us upto 2011 when he forms govnt and brings his policies. according to him within 90days he will subsidise fertilizer, the farmer will get cheap fertilizer, plant the maize and harvest the maize within 90days and then the miller will buy the cheap maize and make cheap mealie meal for the whole country all within 90days. great idea!!!

  25. Leave RB alone….at least he is a commercial farmer. Does Sata know anything about producing food…Just knows how to eat.

    Even here in USA….the financial system has collapsed and food has gone crazy…what do you expect RB to do ..influence World food pricing

    Even Sata was promising to find cure for AIDS …Ask him what he was going to do about the mealile prices . days are long gone for forcing Millers to reduce prices …Bwana its free market . If you cant afford Go and see sata for handouts

  26. Nyama Soya you have not paid attention to what Zambians are crying for, apart from hearing the MPs cry, The people can not aford to buy food anymore, tax is too high and fuel prices have not come down, so what do you expect, since you have shown us that you can only hear to people’s cry when they demonstrate or raiot, fine so be it, we shall demonstrate, am personally very much interested in the demo.

  27. Mr Banda you are just a fake president i have ever seen in my life.You are the wast among the presidents we have had old. Eve oyur face can tell that you know nothing big man. Thank you for showing you dullness Mr president.2011 we dont want to someone like you sir shame boss for the lest of your three years.

  28. sone of y’all are clainming the global turmoil, thats not the point niether is Sata or PF. How can u tell the nation u have had a bumper harvest, then export maize to zim and afterwards say there is shortfall of hundered thou ,metric tonnes? what has that got to do with the global situation? it is str8 up incompetence. how did these estimates come from? and now they are taliking about task force for whatever..

    with lines like “even ur six yr old knows…” u r set and dont even see the need to fight for the next man who has no food..and by the way we are not even talikng about 3 meals..just a meal. u shud go to a rural area mudala and see how people live, its nothing to be proud of..

  29. Iwe #21 you have PF PF all over you. Your clouded dunder head cant think properly. dont expose your ignorance. You reasoning is too Kaponyaish to make sense. Your Sata lost and even if he won what was he going to do about it ….ask GBM to reduce prices or Willie Nsanda as Finance Minister to subsidize unga!! U suck!.

  30. He who feels it knows it. Things are not as rosy as Bwezani is trying to sound. The people referred to as not interested must be his blind cadres who continue pouring rehearsed praises to him whenever he appears in public or his colleagues in government.

    He unleashed his campaigns with loads of promises to atleast better the average Zambian’s plight who without doubt is heavily trodden. Reduce prices of mealie meal. Treat this as a very serious matter. What’s wrong with our politicians?

  31. May be PF only want to cause chaos. In that case they would not be interested in dialogue or reasoning why the prices are high. The Govt needs to discern PF’s motives and deal with it accordingly. Sata is capable of fermenting trouble, remember the 3rd Term bid and the Chawama matchets.

    The nationa should have expected mealie meal prices to go up after RB increased maize prices. Any other causes should be investigated. If the factory out put prices have gone up, then the millers surely know why the prices have gone up.

  32. yaba i dnt know who to talk about coz i dont like RB and certainly dont like SATA,now i am trying to analyse the issue and be as objective as i can be.

    1.i have not heard solutions that “mighty”SATA has offered to stubborn RB,i know we might not all belong to the same party but the issue at hand is byond party lines, to be honest the world economy is not favoring any economy and so i do not think that even if it were SATA in the hot seat he would have done much.

    2.why is pf really demonstrating,well i think they still want to keep the “image”(fake 1 that is)that they speak for the masses,no pf is not speking for the masses,why i my saying that,pf was formd for revenge thats all

  33. Gentlemen in daspora, let us campaign for SATA to be the leader of the world. The copper price can go back to $8000 in 90 days, the economic meltdown would infact mealt within 90 days and indeed the cure for the draded AIDS will be found in 90 days and of course mealie meal price will be down in just 9 days.Gentlemen dont you think the world will be a heaven in 90 days. anyone who is wise enough to believe this is surely as intelligent as Mr Sata and Zambia is endowed with such wise Men i wonder why Sata never wins an election when too many believe his Promise of Utopya and Heaven in 90days

  34. Let the people protest…demonstrations are a sign of DEAD END. It just shows how unfruitful the talks with the government have become. People don’t just protest without talking. They are a last resort in the process of unfruitful talks.

  35. The problem is that the MMD is concentrating on PF instead of getting down to work..2011 is very near and MMD should should stop politicking and start delivering..what a bunch of time wasters..MMD need to get their priorities right!!

  36. In the UK, prices of bread and other wheat products are still going up despite fuel prices going down. It may be that global prices for cereal are going up. Does Zambia import some of the maize we consume. Are the import prices going up. How about locally produced maize, are the prices going up. How is demand vs supply. Looking back, do maize prices generally go up at this time of the year? Can we please have some critical thinking in stead of blah blah blah and demonstrations!


  38. No.24 Engines. The govt gets paid to think and solve its people’s problems. If they can’t find solutions and YOU ask ME to tell them what to do, then we should swap positions! They get out of government and I show them how it is done. They increased their salaries because they feel they deserve that- so let’s see how they solve problems. If they fail, they must leave room for others to run the govt and serve the people and not their own pockets. If where I work, I underperform, I get fired.It goes without saying that if the MMD govt underdelivers, they should get fired! Iam not gonna work for them , though I know what can be done.

  39. George .w. Bush,RB as a matter of fact was a medium sized farmer in chipata,those are the facts that were presented when filing in as presidential candidate.Everywhere,things have gone bananas but individual countries are putting in necessary mitigative measures,for example the chinese government will be buying up to 1 million tonnes of base metals so as to create an artificial shortage hence maitain stable prices and save jobs.South Africa is also doing the same,the government will put in money to save mines.The US too,what about the $20bn bail out of citigroup and next it will be the top three motor giants-GM,Ford and Chrysler.Lets also be seen to mitigate the global crisis.

  40. RB don’t be a coward let the people exercise their right.And which world are you talking about when you say;”there is nowhere in the world where demos have been used as an effective way of solving issues”?.One day tizaka vivuka che ya brutal muka dabwe no dabwa.

  41. RB-Take a leaf on what has happened in Zim where armed forces turn against their own RGM and loot the stores.So Mr President don`t be gaurranteed when you send armed chaps to demos because soon they will turn against you.After all, those same forces you send to disrupt these demos have their wives and relative in the forefront carring the loudest placards!
    So don`t think about it,just let them demonstrate peacefully.

  42. Mr Banda you are just a fake president i have ever seen in my life.You are the wast among the three presidents so far.Even your face can tell that you there is nothing in your head. Mr president 2011 we dont want to see someone like you in that office shame.

  43. Enough of PF Mr.President! We want to hear serious issues like how you are going to solve the ever rising food and fuel prices,job losses and the like.You ve talked and talked and still talks about PF , now that you are the president of this nation, show us what you capable of doing other than sleeping.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

  44. RB you are the national president….talk to the nation/people about issues, not about the opposition. Explain to the people why the situation on food is like that and what you are doing about it.

  45. You see what Sata is doing is very strange, why can’t he offer solutions, or does he want everybody to die so that he will have no one to rule, if he is really interested in Zambians, he would publicly given advise to Bwezani Banda of what he thinks should be done to hold the free falling kwacha, rising mealie prices, how do we deal with the falling copper prices which have had an adverse effect on the exchange rate, I mean if Sata or indeed HH has solutions let them provide them now! At the end of it all, do they really care?

  46. 35. Go back to school. How can a dull man outsmart your clever guys like sata. Think twice!!!behind that face is a seasoned diplomat and poltician…ask vj,teta and chitala, magande or masebo.He is a ruthless politian!!!!
    Ni pa zed baba…

  47. One Request Muntanga,MP,UPND,just two days ago gave government very sensible advice about the price of maize,that if GRZ had bought maize from within Zambia,they would save $145 per tonne imported from SA.And also the question is,what if SA doesn’t have a 100,000 metric tonnes of non-GMO maize coz most maize produced in SA is GMO.

    iam glad you are blogging from USA. former USA president once told his people that ” Ask not what the GOVNT can do for you but what you can do for the Govnt” end quote. your Blog on #47 reminds me of the late Chama Chakomboka, he told all zambians that he knows where there is Diamond, Gold and Oil in Zambia but would only review the sites if we elect him. the price of mealie meal affects your relatives in Zambia and if you have a solution advise govnt and save lives including your relatives. Are you going to let them die simply because you are not in govnt.Anyway i dont know about you but Sata usually refers to Chama Chakomboka diaries when he has no solutions


  50. Ba Banda dont forget the Thailand example, what has removed the government there is people demonstrating. Dont underate pipo’s voice

  51. Munyono, you are failing to deal with Chungu,choluba,Katele, stella etc, are you sure you will manage to deal with me, a foreigner? get a life and solve Zambia’s problems my brother. zambians are just what i have said.Pliz leave yo friends(PF) alone and do what you think is right for yourselves. Why are you scareds of PF? leave them to do their thing also.

  52. If we are importing maize, and the ZMK is depreciating, then that is another factor pushing up mealie meal prices, based in kwacha.

    So far the list of causes could look like this

    1) RB increased maize prices, therefore mealie meal prices go up
    2) Kwacha is depreciating, therefore imported maize is more expensive
    3) Zambia expects to run out of maize by Feb 2009, therefore demand is outstripping supply, causing maize traders to hoard or make a killing.

    Can someone else please add to this list. I want to know why mealie meal prices are going up.

  53. The time PF will spend demostrating is valuable to me to make some extra money.The demos will end and the demostrators will go home hungry thinking the have achieved something and yet nothing.Someone shud to the field to cultivate rather than waste time by undertaking an aimless and ………… sometimes demos turn violent.Dont risk your life.

  54. No. 55 John Chinena,Liteta: If SATA ( or indeed HH ) offers a workable solution to RB, MMD will keep quiet for a moment and then after a while turn the positive advise around to look like it’s them(MMD) that have come up with the brilliant solution. We remember the 2006 campaign. Most of what the MMD’s positive implementations after they won the elections were SATA and HH’s campaign material. MMD is full of dull people and they will keep asking for solutions because,they genuinely HAVE NONE! So if they use SATA or HH’s ideas to solve problems, they will remain in power for as long as these two opposition leaders keep giving them the good ideas. That is REAPING WHERE THEY CANT SOW!!!

  55. There, so if they do not take this advise these gentlemen have the opportnity to protest if Government does not act accordingly.

  56. Somebody please tell this president that bantu ba kufa nanjala.He’s busy talking crap.Get idea from opposition if you have none in that head of yours.When they say opposition party it doesn’t mean that when the other party says yes you have to say no.Oh Jah mash up dis Bombaklat.

  57. They may argue that one of the major contributing factors to high food prices is the high cost of energy in Zambia, particularly fuel. The current cost of crude oil on the world market is $45 /barel. When crude oil cost $145/ barrel we fuel pump price was K9,700 and mealie mal was K52,000. I wounder why these fake politicians cant reduce the fuel pump price to around K3,000 when internationally it has reduced by more than 200%

  58. PF is not capable of holding a peaceful demostration.I know they have the energy for that kind of things but what is their alternative to the problem?
    Nyama Soya also is not in a hurry to attend to immediate national issues,he’s locked himself in state House

  59. #66 to whose advantage is low prices, isn’t it the same majority, and that then means Sata and HH are contributing to the well being of the common Zambian. Is it MMD the institution people are against or the people that run the party, I would rather have the same Government for 1000 years that delivers to its people than experiment with an opposition party that might not deliver because who is what will HHs cabinet look like, who is in his team? How does Sata’s cabinet look like, who is in his team, MMD has been in power since 1991 and the one thing they did very well was to establish structures which HH has failed to sustain and Sata has not created.

  60. #63 There is just too many moving of goal posts by GRZ. Yes there is a financial crisis world wide. But these GRZ guys claimed only last week that there was a lot of maize at FRA and they were going to off load it in order to force the price of bunga down. This has not happened and me thinks that maize is not there so the global situation becomes the scapegoat what a shame. Let these guys go without a meal then they will know what we are talking about

  61. The reason for these auguments of prices is simple.Look at ourseleves here on the blog.We are blogging instead setting ideas of producing food.Young stars are also playing their playstation and we want food prices to go down?

  62. #48 Tonga Bull

    your advise is good but very mispaleced. you are comparing apples to mangoes. if give govnt gives money to the mines the indians and chinese will take it home and the copper price on the london metal exchange will be as it is. What the US is doing is to bell out indigenous companies and not foreign ones. This bell out principle can only work with Manufacture based economies and the USA is recapitalising them to gain export advantage over competitiors like Toyota. In Zambia we are an import economy and govnt already has big shares in Parastatals so bell out cant work

  63. No. 59 Engines; Sorry, the flag is misleading you! Iam actually in Zambia. Forget about Chakomboka.Back here in Zed we know what the MMD does.If someone comes up with an idea, they may even oppose it for a month( that what LPM used to do ), only to quietly implement it and then start blowing their horn:’You govt has done this or that…etc’ Meanwhile , they will not even acknowledge that the good idea came from the opposition because they are afraid that people will say ‘or so the opposition is cleverer than the current govt’. That is Zambian politics and we have seen it before not once but several times.

  64. What Pf want to do is the best solution,because next time this government wil plan properly. And what does RB mean when he says that demonstrations dont solve anythng through out the world? In other countries leaders have been resigning due to pressure,which includes demonstrations. But i know in Zambia it cant happen,they love power.What Pf wants to do is justfiable because the sky rocketing prices of mealie meal and the shortage of maize has been created by the government.If they had not exported maize to Zimbabwe and Congo DR.we wouldnt have these problems, because the law of supply and demand would have worked here. We were going to have enough stocks in reserves, and at such a critical moment such as this the FRA would have simply offloaded a lot of maize on the market.Hence creating the envirnment of having cheaper prices of mealie meal.This what poor planning does as a result of having tired old brains in government.

  65. #69 Indeni refinery has a lag time of 3 months from the time the crude oil ship is loaded in the Middle East. Indeni is still processing old oil, the one they bought at high prices before Oct2008. That should explain why pump prices are still high in Zambia. The question is, at what price will they sell the cheaper oil when it comes. Due to lack of competition at refinery level, I think Indeni will keep “some of the goods”. We have competition at OMCs level but they buy fuel from Indeni. Unless they are able to import some cheaper fuel from outside refineries e.g in RSA.

  66. #21 & #28, Thailand has a King who unites the country. If you remove a Government through demos in Zambia as Sata hopes, it means no government will ever survive in Zambia. There will always be some one who will be trying to remove every government through anarchy and that is the shortest road to Somalia and warlords.

  67. Some of the Zambians in the diaspora do not want a peaceful Zambia.

    They want a Zambia which is in chaos so that they can justify their asylum applications.

  68. Am at pains sometimes to cypher the junk that colleague who purport to be intellectuals post on this blog. Surely, how can an informed mind fail to appreciate the democratic right to demonstrate. Demos are recognized and allowed world over especially in the far East eg. Thailand, Malaysia etc. Why do Zambians always interpret demos for a Coup. How shallow! Let people express themselves in whatever manner they want…that’s democracy. RB deliver now..during campaigns you were promising unattainable reductions. The word World Financial Crisis or Credit crunch never came out of your mouth, you were a SUPERMAN then.Don’t PANIC and grumble about SATA he is not the PRESIDENT, you are Bwana

    Then if Sata has a heart for Zambia as he claims then he should not care who gets the credit for as long as the Zambians he cares for are served. This is the very atitude that kills us, when you are persuing a nobble cause why care who takes the credit. this is not a game.the next thing we will here is that Sata does not have a written party mainifasto and a party constitution because he fears that others will copy and get the credit.Sata said he will find the cure for AIDS in 90 days if elected, upto now the cure is not there, is it because he fears someone will get the credit. ABASH CHAMA CHAKOMBOKA POLITICS

  70. #72 Seen It Before

    I think some of our politicians dont know what they talk about. It could be they are shallow in mind or are just not capable of leading us. It’s a pity that we seem to have political job seekers with no capability to think analytically, plan properly for both the short and long term and to lead with integrity. One of the problems is that we the voters dont demand for quality leaders. We vote for anything. So we reap what we sow. A lot of these chaps are in office because we voted them. May be we are expecting oranges from mango trees. We have the wrong guys in office. Blame the voters!!

  71. What kind of leadership is this, were your country has a crisis but you leave together with 3 other ministers and officials to solve another country’s problem.

    Is this an opportunity to travel for RB because the other day he was talking about a so called TV in the plane that shows where the plane is flying over. Was this the first time being on a plane.

    Stay at home and in your own words “appreciate dialogue as an effective way of resolving issues” instead of preoccupying yourself with a list of countries to travel to.

  72. 1. RB is really a sleeping president. Even though he is a million times better than sata, he is really a great disappointment. How come he never comments on issues like job losses in the mine, high mealie meal and fuel prices etc, but is happy to comment about pf demo? Who advises this chap? I would really love to know what he does when he sits down in the oval office each day.

    2. Sata should stop using poor hungry zambians to drive his own selfish cause. If he was the one in state house now, no one would even be allowed to talk about demos. He should be kind enough to spare hungry kaponyas the little energy they have

  73. And what do you mean RB when you say Zambians are not interested in demonstrations? Since when did you become our spokes person? lam interested,infact i can even do a one man demo,along great east very much ready.

  74. Gentlemen, it was not protests that removed the Thai govt. reports:
    Thailand is currently in the middle of an ongoing political crisis.
    Led by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), protesters had camped out at Bangkok’s two airports, including the main international Suvarnabhumi airport, for eight days.

    Tensions eased somewhat on Tuesday, when a court ousted Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat and some of his senior ministers for electoral fraud in last year’s poll. The PAD decided to vacate the airports after the verdict.

  75. #81 Mukelabai, Yes demonstrations are allowed in democracies.

    Need I remind you, RB has been in office for 1 month. In America that kind of period is less than transtion. No body expects Obama to deliver in one month.

  76. “Mr Banda said there was nowhere in the world where demonstrations have been used as an effective method of solving issues” Where in the world is this imbecile living, just yesterday demonstrators triumphed over a corrupt regime in Thailand, wake up nyama soya! His UNIP was forced to accept multiparty politics through, should I mention, demonstrations.

  77. I find extremely bizzare that heads of state in this region attend summit after summit..talking bout who knows much energy seems to be put into these unfruitful chats these old tymers attend..and this “shikulu”seems not to understand that people protest when stuff aint ok..what… so us people should be like our lovely Zimbabwean friends who never seem to pretend all is well..wake up soya man

  78. people of zambia,we are paying for puting someone who never at once thought he could be president of this lovely country.believe me and pliz mark my words.RB has no direction under what so ever for this country.we are living a nightmare.GOD bless ZAMBIANS.

  79. No 82 Engines. I think you have missed my point and I believe it’s time for us to agree to disagree. You seem to be more interested in hammering SATA and I think I am not here to defend him. If you were here in 1990, KK actually ordered the use of live bullets on peaceful demonstrators ( after hincreased the price of mealie meal )and he came on TV to justify his action.He never mourned the loss of the young life his policemen had ended but he was fond of crying when Boers do something to blacks in SA. Typical UNIP mentality- runaway from the problems in yo house and try to solve other people’s problems. Exactly this is what RB is doing. If you don’t get this picture, I rest my case.

  80. Free market no capital,u started attacking Sata and Pf since yesterday.Why do you think pf demonstrations wil turn violent. If sata was not a peacefull man,by now we would hav a different situation in Zambia.Like what happened in Kenya.But Sata has always called on the people to be calm and peacefull.It is the right of every Zambian to voice out when things are not okey.And demonstrating is our right,so why should we be stoped!

  81. How many of us blogging have relatives affording 3 meals a day? To be honest my mother and other extended family members eat only twice a day if lucky.Fuel came down but maize is still 400US$ a Ton. Wait until march then you will agree with SATA.

  82. #83, Zambia expects to post a GDP growth rate of 6% when the Ameriacn Economy is shrinking.

    I suppose you will only support a government in Zambia if we send a man to the moon.

  83. I we chi-Nyama Soya, your friend in Thailand has been forced out of power peacefully by the citizens thru demostrations. They demonstated peacefully & camped at Thailand Bankok international airport for weeks until his govt brought down. It was accussed of abatting corrupt characters & for corruption just like the Nyama Soya regime here. so shut up!!! caring Zeddians lets demostrate peacefully. PF dont worry about UPND not supporting u, they never talk for the poor and they have become a regional voice not fit to waste your time on. Viva demos abeit peacefull ones. ZP dont block us.

  84. 88..For sure nobody can deliver in a month. But there should be signs of delivery. At least show the people that you are taking them somewhere. Indicate to me which major policy pronouncement or direction RB has shown the country so far? A part from the nauseting LOAN Dr Musokotwane was accruing recently? Am glad you have mentioned Obama…obviously you can see how he is gradually gaining grip on affairs even before inauguration. That’s how minds that planned for the PRESIDENCY act. Therefore, I don’t think asking for direction as a nation from RB is too much to ask for. Realistically, nobody can deliver in a month but somebody can hint their positions on many policy matters and govt affairs

  85. #95 there is no argument that Sata is right, it is irresponsible if not criminal to have a solution and not provide it, I can assure you if Sata just even just gave us how he intends to resolve the current economic problem and the solution is tested and works, I will be the first one to cast a vote for him in 2011 or earlier because he would have created so much pressure on the Government that an uprising would actually occur to give RB a vote of no confidence, but general statements have never been known to resolve problems. When Jerry Rawlings said his will be agriculture, he actually joined the peasant farmers and taught them how to plant maize, watch the tripple heritage by Prof Mazrui

  86. Those attacking SATA dnt know what they are doing.Most of them are not even in Zambia and are on Government scholarships eat free food but when they return will have no employment because we have stopped retiring and dieing from AIDS, you eat leftovers and work 24/7 to buy an extra pair of under pants.

  87. #94, sorry to differ with you but sata is not a peaceful man and the only reason why he and his carders didnt run amok after the 30 October election (which he lost genuinely by the way) is because they all knew that the armed forces would sought them out. If the army and police had remained quiet, sata would have rioted and we would have ended up like kenya. Sata went on BBC to say if he lost the election he would not accept the result and he would not be held responsible for what his carders would do. That speaks volumes about the character of your leader. If all of you stopped bootlicking him and stared advising him, he would be a better person by now

  88. Engine how are you? Your big appetite for money worries me a lot.Am sure you are in support of the government exporting maize to Zimbabwe and congo.Because if you were in government your pockets would have benefited through such transactions.We all like money thats why we have been to school to have a better future. But you,you go to the extreamsy. Poverty mentality is putting zed in serious problems. Wi katu sebanya uko waba boyi!

  89. 97..I support peaceful demos because I am a democrat and if PF thinks that’s the best way of doing it let them do it. Some people always want to create a storm in a tea cup. How convinced are they that the PF demos will turn violent? PF is not new to demos..they demonstrated over the sale of ZANACO and nothing happened. So why is RB and other rascals apprehensive? Don’t cheat us with propaganda. UPND in the days of the GREAT ANDERSON MAZOKA demonstrated peacefully as well. Even the third term demos were peaceful. So why are people painting a picture like peaceful demos are alien to the Zambian society? We are not gullible we know what Zambians want particularly the neglected masses!

    Thanks for a historical brief though what you have not admitted is that there seems to be no one with an immediate or short term solution to this problem and one wonders what a demonstration without suggestions will achive. we must learn to criticise not for the sake of critisism but to also offer solutions. the longterm solution to this problem is fertilizer subsidy and the benefit for that will only come after the maize is planted, grown and harvested as for the immediate soultion KAYA and a demonstration in nowhere close to the solution.

  91. The lon and short is that RB has no plans but he wants to be Top Dog. Mr. president Top Dog position comes with responsibilities to the people of Zambia and not Burundi. the money you and your thugs are spending to go to Burundi would be best spent on the Zambian people to ensure that they have food. Shame on you! do you think being president only means drinking the milk but wants no responsibility in taking care of the cow?

    Besides why are you going to Burundi, everyone knows that you are incapable of sitting thru the meeting since you are always falling asleep after 5 minutes. shame on you.

  92. #105 Mukelabai
    Third term Demos where not peacefull. Sata King Cobra then and Nakawala organised Pangas and Mobs to Hack people in Chawama and we all saw those pictures of deformed faces in blood baths. Sometimes its not the demonstrators who can start a comfusion, some people are getting ready to take advantage and loot the your beloved mealie meal. and whenever there is violence Sata sees his strength when police arrest the culprits you will be the same people saying PF members are being arrested.

  93. Sarah Jones, To tell you the truth, im not Zambian and im very proud not to be one.Im an investor in one of the financial institutions.zambians are nice people but very sleepy and ignorant.Didnt know that we have Sarah and Sarah Jones.

  94. #105 Thanks for your support.To all Bloggers kindly re-read #97.The Govt., must be told when we un happy and demos a democratic right to express un happiness. If they are demos to support MMD, the police and RB, Teta, ka Mulongoti, Impombo are always in the fore front to support it.

    Gentlemen yes it is your right to remain silent or to demo. America can go to war to fight for freedom,what more ourselves to improve the status core. If we are quite, Politicians in power think we are toeing and happy the way they are conducting affaira of Zambia.

  95. Demostrations work very werll in countries where pipo are organised like thailand.It is an easy way of expressing your disppoitments to pipo like RB a fake promiser.

  96. 103 Sarah..You are a good contributor but sometimes your CORROSIVE hatred for SATA overshadows your constructive reasoning especially on political matters. Just going through a few lines one can sniff hatred and sectarianism in your postings. Be sober! I am not a fun of SATA but a REALIST. If you live in Zambia you will know that the country would have been on FIRE had it not been for the same SATA calling for calm both in the 2006 and the last by-election, especially the 2006 election. Give credit where its due the man proved most of us…his critics wrong. We were all expecting him to tell his cadres to move with PANGAS but alas the opposite was the case.

  97. #98,Mukelabai, Please remember every country has a system. In the US all Obama has done is make appointments and hint at a rescue package for the Banking system and motor industry.

    In our system RB is supposed to make a wide ranging policy statement next month. So all his energies are concentrated on that and aligning the inititives with the budget which comes two weeks after the policy speech. He has refused to answer Sata who is quoted by the Post everyday

  98. By reducing the price of fertiliser to K50,000, the MMD had a solution to next year’s food crisis. But can anyone genuinely tell us how much of this fertiser has actually reached the peasant farmer( forget reports on ZNBC and other state print media!!). Whatever has reached the rural areas is in the hands of the MMD ward chaimani who is reselling the stuff at K200 pin.Do you expect such a party to offer a solution to the current problem! Right now they are even wishing for a drought so that if the harvest is bad next year, the will blame someone else-NATURE!Typical MMD/UNIP style.

  99. #110 how much money is MMD paying you? I hope it is a lot because why else woul you think that getting paied without doing any work is noble… are you one of the MMD looters?

  100. 104 Chewe

    Iam fine chewe and as a capitalist with a huge appetite for money i want to set up a milling company in Zambia and my mealie meal price will be lower by just two pin. Dont you think i would have been rich by now had i done this last year. i looked at the lusaka stock exchange website and no milling company is listed on LUSE i really wanted to buy shares in any such company. The closest is Zambeef, the high food prices will generate some good divident in the last quater and i expect the share price to go up.Time to buy or increase shares in food companies my dear. WARNING!! dont use loans

  101. Remain hamble like your friends UPND and i promise you that Nyama Soya will never listen to you. sometimes you should learn to be aggressive violent.

  102. 108..The third term demos became bloody because the ruling party then sent thugs to frustrate that undertaking. Don’t misunderstand me please! I am not defending SATA’s past. All I am simply saying is demos are a democratic right and if Zambia has taken upon itself to be a democracy then lets leave by the tenets of democracy PERIOD! Why should Zambians not voice out discontentment in any manner they deem necessary. MMD cadres demonstrate anytime and anywhere..even without a permit. Are you telling me MMD cadres are the only Zambians with boiling issues? Be realistic and look at a broader picture…oppression never shows its glaring head in a day. No! its a gradual undertaking.

  103. The State owned & Governent controlled ZNBC must open at 17:00 hrs and shut down after the national anthem at 17:02 hrs. Just to tell/remind us that the facility does exist.It serves no purpose apart from glorifying Nyama Soya even where there is no need or warrant for that. I wonder why we pay TV license fees.@@@!!!&&&%%)%^*.
    I have rated ZNBC the most boring channel in the world. can they send their reportters to war fronts to cover news??? Ha in the next world maybe and just maybe.

  104. #103,Sarah i love you.But you have criticising me.nshaka kupe ka! Rashid Jones if you are happy not to be Zambian.Then you dont have Zambia at heart. And even your contributions wont be helping we are sympathising with what our fellow Zambians are going through.So carefull with your utterances.

  105. In life previous actions affect the future. The past is haunting pf, because the last time they protested a lot of property was destroyed and they did this in the name of peaceful protest. You are right deny them this time thats when they are going to learn a lesson. Instead of protesting they were stealing melie meal from Indian shops and we saw it on znbc and we did not see any pf commitee leader of beter still sata apologising to those disadvantaged zambians. Pf mwaitaya this time, you closed your doors because of your behaviour. Learn to behave well sometimes, actually all your moves fail because of your past record, mind you people’s memories are not as short as yours.

  106. Chewe, why dont you understand, may you want me to lie that im Zambian. I have grown up in Zambia yes but that doesnt make me Zambian. i only criticise where its due and give credit where it deserves. Just continue preaching peace and we will see where that peace will take you.

  107. Bloggers have you seen the offensive comment by Number 109 Rashid Jones? Who the HELL is this HOMO to be insulting us with impunity? What makes you think you are worth our breath you baboon? You are just full exaggerated of self importance for nothing you imbecile.

  108. okey okey, manje its enough about pipo talking and giving examples about thailand,lets see,it looks a little familiar.where did i hear it?oh ya i remember,”if RB rigs Zambia will be like Kenya”crap and all that bull,one thing that is different with thailand is that they reason,my friends this is Africa,not where not even in the civilised countries of north Africa have you ever seen a president bowing down to demos. mind you Zambians are known to be cowards,so stop making empty threats and alarming the nation.after imwe ba ngwele some of you are committing treason and am disapointed with LT,even though pipo are upset they do not nid to bring the name of the president into disrepute so dialogu

  109. #121 Lollipop
    I agree with you 100%. Consider this, In the ’70s and ’80s we used to watch comedies and movies that are now only on DSTv on ZNBC-and we did not pay a ngwee for the movies. Now that we are paying Zmk 3000.00, its soooo boring that its watched only by people who cant afford the Free to Air decorders. I wonder why we even continue to pay when we do not watch ZNBC. Delivering Better TV-Hah. What a laugh it is. Muvi TV should be allowed to broadcast to all towns along the line of rail.

  110. 120 Mukelabai

    Demos are a democratic right and they can work if they come with a suggested solution not when the demonstrators themselves dont know what to do and they are not proposing anything.we all know the price is high, now ask the demonstrators what they want govnt or is it the millers to do so that the price comes down, they dont know.
    the other problem is that the one who is organising the demos MR Sata is the one who turned the third term Demos Bloody in Chawama. legitimate issues come in, if you cant trust the massenger then you cant trust the leader.

  111. Many people take pf as just an opposition party and not a party which can lead zambia because your memories are very short. Maybe when you change a president people will believe you, but under sata forget we do not believe that man. In many zambian societies when you mention the name sata people are reminded of the corrupt chiluba regime and their humanising behaviour. What ship skin can sata wear now that can make people change their minds, mind you old habits die hard. What speaking for the people when him and his chiluba regime destroyed Agriculture in zed which Kaunda built. Sata go and cultivate this is rain season.

  112. To all those chanting against demonstrations…for donkey years,violent or peaceful demonstations have brought results…on the other hand when people believe demonstrations will never help at all,well..take a look at zimz situation…those people can sort out that mess if they demonstrated…back to Soya land…the clown is off to make bonuses with his selected collegues…chewing your tax in that little jet…Protest with meaning is worth supporting…even if Satana himself leads that!!!

  113. Mukelabai, Thanx man but im not a coward, i just hammer the nail on the head. Zanbia is yours and Iam also happy to invest in Zambia but please change your mind sets to develop your country not that arrogancy which you are already demonstrating. Grow up pliz

  114. Sata can advise young kaponyas because they cannot remember your past record. Rb is better than you because he thinks before talking.

  115. Will these demos really be peaceful? When people are hungry, they may start looting food. In the end the police will cramp the looters down to protect innocent property owners. What guarantee is there that the demos will be peaceful?

  116. There is something gravely wrong with the pricing of mealie meal. The prices are too low and that’s why farmers now find growing maize a waste of time. Unless we improve the price of maize and consequently mealie meal, hunger will always be looming in Zambia. Mealie meal should be at least K200,000/ bag and this in turn should be passed on to the farmer.


  118. Rashid jones,u r not the topic here but u v to know zambians r peaceful unlike jordanians watever u call yoselves.This problem will be over within a short period of tym without using guns like middle east guys do!

  119. #113 Bo mukelabai, thanks for your timely advise; well taken. But I still stand by my sentiments and I would like to believe that they are based on an objective analysis of the man. Maybe I just hate the fact that he ALMOST became my president!! You will have to excuse me for that because sata is the type of person whose supporters love with a passion and opposers hate with an equal amount of passion. But advise well taken.
    #122, ba chewe, I like the unconditional love you have for the cobra; if only you loved your wife as much….

  120. Those who want cheap mealie meal should go and plant maize rather than demonstrating on the streets. Why do you want poor farmers to continue growing maize expensively and feeding it to you cheaply? The price of maize usually goes up around this time of the year. This year the price is much higher due to various factors including the fact that farmers were offered a higher price for their maize half way through the marketing season (which they deserve). So please rioters, go and till the land, maize doesnt grow on the tarmac.

  121. BIG UP #140.What Rashid is failing to apreciate is that were so peaceful his comments are allowed on this blog(unlike tha mid-east).Anyhoo.i concur with#39 “he who feels it”en all that.This govt is behaving like my 18mnth old nephew who when he does a poo,he denies it even when the evidence is there in short this sounds like mugabe all over.sure were proud that Zed is a peaceful nation but can we eat peace?not once has R&B mentioned a solution instead he’s criticising the opposition for wanting a demo?let him swop places with me for a day en we see how quickly his outlook will change concerning the plight of mother Zambia

  122. LT, so even yourselves you believe that calling someone sleepy, dull etc is an insult. Come on you can do beter please advise the Bloggers. As for Jordan, ask the people who have been there,thus a very peaciful Rich Monarchy unlike Zambia where the talk of everyday is poverty and hunger.

  123. How long has this been the case? Food sky rocketing! Wasn’t that your campaign line before the polls? People deserve the truth and we have the right to hold you accountable to you deeds. You leaders in Zambia should be embarrassed that twenty first century you still lack the strategic initiative to attain food security. Levy and Sikatana did a remarkable Job a couple of years ago investing heavily in agriculture which saw a huge yield of food. What happened to that initiative?

  124. Takwaba ba President abamoneka ifi. Just different from the looks of a leaders? Very lay-back. where are the good looking leaders?

  125. Rashid what the heck are you doing in Zambia then??? Go back to your so called S$%#@^%&(*^? who cares!and one more thing…..carry all your money with you!

  126. Dear MR president get good PR representation, you have to learn to speak layman’s language when need arises, you should break this down for the average Zambian citizen to understand that, there is a global crisis, then admit to hasty announcement of bumper harvest and false promises of decreasing mealie meal prices, and don’t keep refering to PF and Sata don’t cheat yourself that pipo dont want to protest..they do becoz they dont understand where all this is coming from, brushing it aside won’t make it go away pipo will just get more restless. Leaders should learn to be humble and admit to mistakes!

  127. #139 Some kaponyas are just lazy they cannot even cultivate or farm the simplest thing in a land where there is no snow or a desert, better still have a garden in your backyard, even if no one buys your produce, you can consume yourself. If you are a Kaponya and above 15 years, no disability it means you are lazy. Those are the people sata speaks for because he promises free money in pockets and where on earth for sure, (of course lazy people can understand that).

  128. #139 I know you love sata but this is the closest this man has gotten climbing the ladder to power and this same ladder is lowering him down. Sorry he will never rule zed.

  129. #145,youve been told to blog on issues at hand which at this tym is not YOU “Insh Issa” mayb in future it will.As for the wealth and peace of Jordan well good for them but like #148 said.wat u doing here then?

  130. Baby C, its just unfortunate that you dont know the person you are attacking. Atleast i have invested in Zambia and employed Zambians unlike you who is just talking here on the blog and please get it i wil never, i repeat will never ever leave Zambia but will continue criticising where its due and praising where need arise.

  131. Atleast im developing your country and yourself ran away obvious because of poverty and you are now making noise in Englang. Come back home also like what your friend Chungu has done.

  132. Honestly what advise can sata give on agriculture when he does not even have a garden as the least thing because If I talk of a farm it would be an insult to him. Sata only knows how to eat and not where it comes. Atleast Rb can do because he has a farm.


  134. do you think if SATA suggested anything to RB(assuming he has anything to suggest), RB and team will listen?, it will just be a stunt to show people that they can dialogue with opposition and then go their own way.Demonstrations are a right of people if they want, as long as its peaceful, of course it will surely go out of hand but RB is also embarrasing us by saying that demonstrations have never achieved anything, does he really keep up with international affairs?Look at Zimbabwe were did watching mugabe take them? now the situation is BAD, RB is not taking the cries of people seriously, he needs a wake up call!!

  135. You see ba CHOMBA…(1)Sata isnt the man for me (2)If you were not so fortunate as to have an would be in their shoes..your “grand father RB” and his gang messed up the country long before the short one and his looters came on..thats why today you and i are not pa Zed…if you think…going to get a piece of land and digging it up will give you cheaper maize prices..well you and that man think alike…what about irrigation,fertilizer,transportation to the market,who will buy your crop…and who will give you that land to till…your grand father and his old tymers are not dying or retiring advise..dont blame people due to their your research…

  136. Abdullah alias Rashid Jones!

    only hell is suitable for you! If you want to continue staying in Zambia, Zip your mouth!!!!!!

  137. iwe rashid you sound like a frustrated homo yakumbuyo ku ma dogs 2 much. You have exceeded your welcome you mbuzi!!!!

  138. I don’t condone violence but its very annoying the way these politicians use the ‘peace’ card to make pipo back down,that is running out fast u better come up with proper explanations if there are any. U shud’nt even go to Burundi how much has that trip cost?
    allowances,private jet, bodyguards, plus the 2 shadows coming along. you can respectfully decline some invitations in interest of your country, Zambia has been involved in a lot of peace talks we wont get a ‘bad’ name just for this once.What imput r u actually going to make there?

  139. iwe ch Rashid Jones i shall deport u personally what kind of an investor are u who is failing to just put up one street good road in kamwala madrass ares were u hail from.Wappya iwe watch yo self”””

  140. How can dialogue resolve the price of mealie meal.I thought market forces determine the price of commodities.When PF demonstrate they are demonstrating against govt policies that are contributing to high levels of poverty.

  141. baby c u seem to be right this rashid jones must deserves hell oh sorry anyway Zambia is a christian nation so we forgive him since Jesus died for him too.


  143. # 9 Black Diamond,

    Like many thinking that demos effect change or that the 1991 change was as a result of Zambians’rioting against mealie meal prices and shortages, your knowledge is misplaced and confirming that many are in the dark of the international political system.The wave of change across the world starting with Romania to wider Orange revolutions in Eastern Europe and Zambia as Africa’s first spot supervised by Jimmy Carter was a heavily long term invested sytemic post cold war political project engineered globally beyond subnational or national insulations.It was a mobilized shift balance of power vesture against socialism.Thus,its not attainable through the Sata demos.

  144. Unless you are after just stonning a few properties, people and return home 3 steps backwards from where you left from before answering to the demo calls.Demos will never bring food on the table nor change the system of Government in office.Ba Sata by all dimensions is a certified misfit stamp to the power systems sweeping nations today. His politics are gainful at individual level than organisational PF.

  145. I think he must first know how to grow food first. His farm in Mpika kas never been cultivated for years but he eats food from southern, eastern… provinces.

    Grow food then you know that protests are not the answer

  146. I have heard people say fuel prices have come down globally therefore they get surprised that prices of commodities are going up.
    My qeuestion is simple, how many parameters do we look at before we can speak? look at this my friends; the prices of fuel went up the highest on the ineternational market when the exchage rate to US$ was about K3,100. Now the prices on the international market has come down so much, but today the exchange rate has gone to K4,800. what does that tell you about the cost of fuel to Zambia has it really gone down by the margines you think or it has be compansated upwards again by the upward shift in the exchange rate? Remember that Zambia does not use Kwacha to buy.

  147. RB takwata amano, people are killing each other over nshima and the man is getting fat and he does not even care for the poor people. This is the problem with having a president who has no plan for the country but for his cabinet and close allies. He does not understand the situation at hand and thinks people are just yapping when they talk and complain about the mealie meal prices. This RB govt stinkslike hell!

  148. * blogger of the day # 126 MUKELABAI – mature blogging man. And to the ever charming Baby C, rational Spectator, Engines,critical Matworld et al … i say compliments of the season and many more happy posts.

  149. #177 cont’d,
    I have also read some people here asking why mealie meal prices are going up when the maize we are using is locally produced?
    It is very interesting as it sounds extremely narrow view. Between the bag of local maize and the bag of mealie meal there are no miracles involved. Instead there are operational processes which include transportation and running of machines. These machines need maintenace and you know that Zambia does not produce any spare/service parts for any machines. All is imported, this time not at K3100 per US$ but K4800 per US$. Does that tell you anything about shift in pricing patterns? If not I am really sorry about that; I hope you will get help in future.

  150. Iwe rashid Jones we are not ignorant and sleepy,we are just good christians,and we just receive everyone with Brotherly/sisterly love even strangers like you we do consider them as our pipo.Please Rashid Iam begging you in the name of Jesus Reverse your statement and you have to apologise to all the Zedians you have insulted.You are one of the pipo who are not being greatiful to the pipo of Zed,we’ve allowed you guys to make money from our resources then at the end you insult us that we are sleepy and ignorant.Now I see why SATA wanted to get rid of you fake invesors.Rashid my Bro you need deliverance right now.

  151. #53 baby c you are the one sleeping. Mr Sata is not sleeping, he is the one that brought about the food crises in Zambia. I had it not being for him, you will be commenting even on this blog, because this topic still a far dream for mr toad face.. you wont even have known that your friend are going with out food whilst you are there busy eating eating from Mcdonalds, KFC and the like.

  152. we are all zambians and lets think of one another lets not just think of fattening our big pot bellies.I think this is the time to get petersen back on the stage to teach us about Banyandule and Basogoleli.

  153. Baby C please find favour in your wonderfull heart of hearts to forgive me i never realised that i messe’d up yo week.u still remain my friend let me not die””””

  154. #180,Umugazebo and the family,thank you so much dear.May the good Lord help you and your family to enjoy the Chrismas Eve,and may He grants you and your family more blessing in the 2009.Thanks once agian bro.Rashid Jones has really disappointed me.

  155. some post by Engines somewhere,says the opposition shud offer solutions – which is verey true. Now am not a Sata sympathiser, but when the man said we shud not export maize, these chaps thought he was politiking.

  156. #183 cont’d..
    What I have talked about is less than an iceburg of the parameters affecting the dynamics of the economy. Now for those who simply look the international fuel prices and price of a local maize bag using a straight line will not manage to see any neighbouring factors. They will simply work out their own simple ‘calculation’ or if I may call it imagination and come up with imaginary prices. If their prices are not what is obtaining on the market then the govt lacks wisdom and there them who are wise must speed to the street to demonstrate. That is how simple we can be sometimes, but we cant be blamed because what else can we offer when we only hold grade 4 ‘certificae’.

  157. The process to ‘partially’ privatise Zambia Telecommunications Company (ZAMTEL) is in progress, Transport and Communications minister Dora Siliya has revealed.

    Ms Siliya revealed in Ndola at the Zamtel training college that an equity partner in the new Zamtel will be announced next weekend at a media briefing.

    Ms Siliya said the strategic partner is expected to pump in money and bring business ethics of running Zamtel that will see the end of the operational problems Zamtel has been experiencing.

    Zamtel is one of the few remaining parastals in Zambia and is the sole provider of telephone land lines. Zamtel also operates a mobile phone service cel Z. It also has exclusive rights to Mwemb

  158. Nyama Soya as the kids and everyone know him has landed into a job he does not understand.He thinks by donating sugar which was remains at LPM`s funeral is taking care of the nation,and you my fellow easterners,where do you stand now that our UNIP cadre is presdo?.we are suffering,let alone the roads here in eastern region are pathetic.sometimes i even regret having cast my vote.I will wait and see who can lead us after 2011

  159. all what zambians want to see in this whole matter is transparency and accountability. who is the equity partner and how was he picked and what process was followed? gentlemen stand up and ensure that the company does end up in the hands of some ‘family trees’….

  160. If though Sata is no the best guy for the job,he is not sleeping all the time like the defiler president who is always high on viagra. To appreciate whats happening on the ground does not make you less zambian.Let RB go to southern province where people are eating grass and do the barking later. why cant he continue giving sugar now…No wonder he refused to sign that contract

  161. #196 Stop worrying about Zambians for God`s sake. They do not worry about themselves why should you?

    If you drink get a beer and chill. Look after yourself and yours that`s all!

    Ine ndenwa Stela ninshi fikapoli filelya grass. Have they turned into cows? Let them die!

  162. I have read through most comments. My question is, if there is food at home & kids are crying would you tell stop crying coz your neigbours have equally no food? The answer is no! You have to find food for kids. The problems of your neighbours not having food is not your responsibility or your kids.

  163. Sata was the a very respected man until he coiled his tail before Chiluba. Then he lost it all. Every man has a price but for some the price is as low as the cost of a sweet. LPM had his own principles because he understood law and was capable of legally justufying his actions. Sata can’t and that is the difference. RB can’t and that is the reason why GK is veep with some executive powers for the first time.

  164. I always ask myself this question – would I serve in Sata’s govt? The answer i keep finding is that I would not because i love my independence and my independent working style. Sata would treat surbodinates like kids and that is not leadership in my view. The man is too much of a bully!!! But ka ma Chiluba is too much of a craft monkey not koswe. He likes playing tricks and telling lies repeatedly making people think he is a very humble man and yet the ka man is a deep crook from childhood.

  165. Well am not sure where to start from. But when a blogger uses a password known to yourself with a unique combination of words then it is scary. well man I just play a mugs game and can I have access to my other computer when I type in Lusaka times. Its just a mug’s game. Twaufwana.

  166. #202 Yeah right and that is what happens in Zed. It is not the duty of the government to buy drugs in hospitals. This is reason why people have to bring their own water when they are admitted to UTH. This is reason why they have to bring their own mattresses, plates and the rest.


  167. Can someone post the MMD Campaign promises(Manifesto) they used for the Oct 2008 elections.We need to start monitoring and evaluating them regularly so that in 2011 they do not mislead the electorate again.In fact the same needs to be done for all the MP’s, we need to start monitoring and evaluating their campaign promises regularly,no more misleading of Zambian citizens in 2011.The Global economic crisis is not an excuse,we need to see them putting in measures to make it manageable like other performing countries are doing.Zambians can never be misled again.Those campaign promises were developed during the signs of the Global crisis.They knew what they were saying.No excuses now or in 2011

  168. I get the message I will stop blogging and wait and see if I can have access to my main computer because yesterday I thought I was dreaming. You moved my mouse so many times to let me know of your presence. There are so many that I can’t mention. Today I knew that you were aiming at me because the computer is fine when other people use it. You have just done alot of things which I can’t say, I give up, am just a mug.

  169. Go back to the land you thugs instead of demonstrating. What kind of bread winners are you? Zambia is rich in natural resources compared to Malawi and Tanzania but we Zambians are too lazy. You are nothing but worshipers of SATA.

  170. I personally do not believe Sata with his advise, we are from the same region but the man cannot be trusted. This same sata was the implementer of misconduct, corruption and even mismanagements of resources in zed and today he can advise people sure. We respected Mwanawasa because when he saw mismanagement of resources in the chiluba government he resigned on principle. So mr sata rest asured that we will never trust you because of your past record.

  171. Even Given Lubinda does not trust you. He just wants to ride on your vehicle because it’s moving and he wants to continue sponsoring his kids to school. He will ditch you when the cold attacks you one day, because your side seems at the moment warm, the way he left his brother Saki. Viva mmd forever. Get organised on agriculture mmd and move forwards learve these political prostitutes they want political gain and they cannot live without it.

  172. ‘Mr Banda said there was nowhere in the world where demonstrations have been used as an effective method of solving issues.’

    This statement is completely out of touch with reality on the ground since news from all over the world indicates that demonstration achieve much in the democratic developed counties including others where leadership has failed the people it is in charge of.

    Pleae, Mr President, do or let someone do simple research a bit for you so that you can be utterring truth informatiom to the whole world.

  173. Sata or anyone else can not provide a solution to this MMD man made maize problem. It is only MMD government and FRA together with Boz that have facts regarding what was harvested last year, how much was exported and at what price and the like. Additional they must have had a food security strategy. It is therefore unfair to demand that Sata who did not bring this problem and has no access of the above facts should provide solution. Importation of maize is going to make the cost to go up even more, because for one, imported maize is more expensive than locally produced,secondary, there will be increased presure on Kwacha, there by forcing the kwacha to depreciate more.

  174. okey,LT,this is too much look at the blog #196,This is unacceptable,such unpalatable language shud not be used against a head of state whether we like him or not,i really thank God he saved us from a worse situation if sata was president,honestly this situation cud not have been avoided but it all goes to how we cud contain it,if only politics of popularity and rigging and petty issues of tribalism we cud not be crying this much,we cud have atleast had a person who understands world economy and he wud have led us well,but hey Zambians are known for making wrong choices,am getting emotional,elo iwe Rashid!chenjele siku jordan kuno ai

  175. #219 Today is Friday. Just go out tonight and chill-good for your health. If you are married and have children, take them out for a meal tomorrow.

    Stop worrying about Zambians. Trust me Zambia can be led by Clinton and still be the same. Why have I said this, our mentallity is just ludicrous. All those people surrounding Banda know this is the chance. One has to be rich. The fact that African presidents hire and fire at will makes it worse.

    Even Banda himself knows he has to get even richer and secure his clan. Hence the family tree appointments you will be seeing now.

    Cheers mate and enjoy.

  176. Citizen #217, what was harvested was bamba harvest. I understand why Zambia is a poor Nation. Some people, here just here on this topic are telling us not to demonstrate, these are the same hypocrites who do not vote. I support the DEMOS because ALL ALONG THE MMD GOVERNMENT KNEW THAT THERE WAS NO MAIZE IN STOCK BUT THEY DIDN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. HOW DOES A SERIOUS GOVERNMENT SAYS “MILLERS SHOULD IMPORT”

  177. If us the suffering masses do not demonstrate, then who will do it. Ba RUEPIAH, you must know that when pipo demonstrate then there is a problem.

  178. “Ine zoona ne mukulu, ukulusa. Fyala mona, I will ferment confusion until people change their minds.”

    This is SATA’s atitude and his sheep just follow or is it swim along.

  179. Engines #24 is right. You are a real engine dear. People should not just rubble-rouse in their opinions. Although everyone is entitled to their opinions, some opinions are simply nonsensical. Yes, I agree with ENGINES, what should government do so that mealie meal prices go down for your relatives to afford? Everyone knows that government is no longer involved in the business of setting prices of commodities in this country. Price controls died along time ago. We are living in a free market environment where private interests make business decisions. They will not make decisions that will result in losses for them. Do you want government to nationalise milling companies?

  180. It is very clear to me that the PF merely want to abuse people’s sympathy for it and its leader Maiko Sata. Sata is engaging in dangerous propaganda where he wants to stir the people so that they rally with him on mealie meal prices. Sata has one goal, to get into State House by whatever means and when one door closes on him, he wants to use unorthodox means. This will not work. I don’t think this is constructive contribution to governance he is engaging in. Mealie meal prices would have been high even if Sata won the presidency. In the 2006 elections, Sata took on Chinese and Indians whom he perceived were exploiting Zambians. Now Sata is quiet on millers who, if one follows his reasoni

  181. I personally detest shallow vindictiveness and jealous people like Sata. Sata simply lacks self respect and dignity. RB has maturely extended an Olive branch to him for the common good of the nation and Sata has spit on this effort by RB.

    Or is it that SATA doesn’t want to share his ‘brilliant ideas’ with GRZ and can only do this ‘head of state’? Demonstrating agaisnt high prices of maize targetting who in particular, Grz, farmers or millers?

    The shallow and cheap vindictiveness and sheer jealousy on the part of SATA is amazing. Guy scott and other MP’s must be embarrassed by now to associate with this SATA fellow.

  182. The same people that blindly follow SATA are his cohorts in this cheap but dangerous propaganda. The ones who with him feel his bitter loss are swimming along with his ideas.

    Any solutions from SATA given or genuine critism about wrong steps taken by GRZ which he supposes they did resulting in high prices? None.

    Or is he hiding his ‘brilliant ideas’ from Grz because only him should get the glory as ‘head of state’?

  183. OR Perhaps SATA has so belittled his blind supporters and can willfully abuse thier blinded and inert states of minds to recklessly use them at will at his bidding for his selfish cause?

    Who are the protests targetting? Price controls by state are long gone? The unfortune blinded and hoodwinked followers bleat along and do not know that they do it at thier own peril.

  184. SATA is to me no longer as cunning as others have perhaps conceived him to be. His ideas are motivated by selfish greed and are too plain to even regard as cunning or brilliant. At best his moves can be regarded as ‘cheap hooliganism’.

  185. nyama soya and camp have a victory party tomorrow. stop talking about SATA show us what you are capable of running this economy. You don’t expect the opposition to tell you how to run government. you should get down to work.

    running a country is not all about making trips.

  186. When there are violent protests, where do you suppose tax payers money will be spent? Instead of Grz going about its business, money and time will be spent quelling unnecessary Demonstrations.

  187. Zambians lets face the facts, I was checking the mealimeal prices, for sure an average Zambian can not afford the commodity. Can people suggest how best RB can understand that things are not alright in the country. personally, I would be happy to hear RB explain to the nation in simple language why the government is quiet about the high mealimeal prices or what they are doing about it as government. Is it because National milling support the MMD in the last campaign.Food is a human right and a responsibility of government to ensure people have access to food.

  188. GBM and other PF millers are the ones hiking the price of maize; why doesnt sata go and talk to them? Or did he strike a deal with them that they will hike the prices thereby creating an opportunity for him to cause anarchy in the country?? Someone should tell sata that what happened to Thailand cant happen in zambia because zambians now know that all politicians, be they MMD,PF, UPND or ZADECO are all the same; selfish and self-serving; they do not have any ideology that the common man can risk his life over; they all just want to go to state house and do what their opponents are doing, i.e. enrich themselves and their family tree

  189. To you NYAMA SOYA, VJ TETA, MULONGOTI it is unreasoable because you have eaten from the poor tax money. Yesterday, a man killed his nephew over nshima!! it is disgusting.
    IN DEMOCRACY, PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS ARE PART OF HUMNUN RIGHTS!! If is was MMD in solidarity with Nyama Soya it would gone ahead.
    FOOD/MEALIE MEAL CRISIS IS THERE!! PRICES ARE SKY ROCKETING. Nawakwi asked the Government to explain the sharp rise of mealie mael immediately aftre elections. Dont just be short sighted pipo, PF can be involved or not,but fact is real! If PF does not talk about it, what is their roel as Opposition Party? Go into hiding like Miyanda to come back in 2011 for elections?LET US BE REALISTIC

  190. Imwe firstly were is Rashid Jones come back and blog sum more i miss u, secondly ba RB……….. pepo are being retrenched and you have not come up with one single policy statement. Even president elect Obama has been making policy statements and knows exactly were to start from, but for one already in office not to have a plan!! mwelesa twafweni!!! as for me am thinking of getting a farm back home time to go back to the land. And no i wont be making unga for Zedians it’s for bio diesel. proudly Zambian proudly capitalist. you can’t go wrong in fuel.

  191. Let us demostrate all we like, i say lynch all of them, queen Isabelle was beheaded during the french revolution for wondering and suggesting that hungry peasants be given cake for food. clearly this man is not in touch with the pepo, and in a way he is wondering why we are not having cake for breakfast, lunch and supper. I SAY lynch all of them they continue to live in mansions whilst the pepo live in poverty. the government no longer feels obligated towards their employers the pepo. I SAY lynch the buggers ALL of them.

  192. Imwe lynch them all of them, the problem is we talk too much and after we have been out talked we keep quite and wallow in our misery, this government will never bring change unless they feel threatened go to their homes not in town.

  193. In those days, I could have understood, not now. In those days mealie meal was sold through ZCBC,MWAISENI, NIEC STORES, CO-OPERATIVE and so on and so forth and those were targets because they were GRZ stores. Now you protest targetting who? Your fellow Kathemba operator because he has put up a mark-up to cover his expenses? Pulizi, no wonder we have so many self mutallated (pf) thugs around. They hate themselves and can self inflict themselves.

  194. Anonymous, your hatred toward Sata and PF is so clear from your writting. Tell us, is it Sata who promised mealie meal price reduction and fertilizer before elections or was it RB? How the hell is Sata going to be solving their problems when they are in charge? Are they going to be running to Sata each time they run into a problem? my question then is why the hell did they run for office just with empty heads. They run amock with the sickness and death of LPM and the parade, then came the elections and noone took a look to check how much Maize was there to feed the people and today they tell us their is only enough to last 2 months.
    This is appauling.

  195. once again i’m forced to comment on the apparent dullness (or ignorance)of our president.this man is always showing patches of dullness from time to time with his ignorant can he say nothing great was ever achieved through demonstrations?doesn’t he know about the civil rights demonstrations in the U.S or the russian revolution or the anti 3rd term demonstrations in guess where – ZAMBIA!i’m not a UPND supporter but HH was right when he said having a mediocore president like banda is a scandal for zambia.

  196. I am no fan of PF but their supporters have the democratic right to protest on whatever issue they feel strongly about as long as they do not endanger other people’s lives and damage public or private property. This is what freedom of expression entails. As regards the selling of surplus maize, sometimes it is more prudent for a govt to sell the surplus especially when the global price of a crop is in order to get forex. Whilst it might seem prudent to store maize, there are costs in ensuring that it remains fit for human consumption in the future so sometimes it makes sense to sell it on the global market.

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