Friday, September 20, 2024

Mealie-meal shortage looms in Mazabuka


A shortage of mealie-meal is looming in Mazabuka following the shortage of the commodity at Choma Milling depot and some leading super markets in the district.

The situation is similar at Mazabuka’s largest market ,Nakambala, where retailers do not have the commodity in stock.

A survey conducted by ZANIS in Mazabuka today revealed that Choma Milling Company, Mazabuka depot, ran out of the commodity four days ago.

Milling Depot Manager, Goodson Daka, told ZANIS that his depot ran out of the commodity four days ago because of a shortage of maize in the district.

Mr. Daka, who could not state when the situation would normalize, said only the company top management could answer such queries.

And Bhagoos Group of Companies Director, Suleman Bhagoos, disclosed that his super market has been without mealie-meal for over six days.

He urged the millers to quickly address the situation before it degenerates into a crisis.

At Shoprite staff talked to by ZANIS said only a few bags of National Milling brand are in stock.

The staff said the quantities in stock will only last for about three days.

But Kapinga Milling Company Manger Grant Mwankontami said his company will offload mealie-meal at its depot tomorrow.

Mr. Mwankontami however said his company will only sell a bag to each client.

He said the move is aimed at striving to serve as many clients as possible.



  1. What happened to the bumper harvests we always heard about?
    was it all lies?
    where in president shrek?
    yes and i bet you will forget about this come 2011.

  2. ‘A shortage of mealie-meal is looming in Mazabuka following the shortage of the commodity at Choma Milling depot and some leading super markets in the district.’

    This is now appearing as the correct usage of the word looming for shortage of the commodity has been observed so far in probably Konkola Hypermarket, Bhagoos Supermarket and Shoprite Checkers.

    On a sad note, will probably be tricky for my friends and country people in Mazabuka.

  3. LT,
    I tried to email LT on ‘contact us’ link but box is full…who ever deleted my entries-
    Why were my comments deleted today? i was the 1st to comment on 3 articles as “numero uno baby” but they were deleted. I searched old entries and other people’s comments as first were not deleted. I deem such actions as discriminatory where as such were not deleted e.g

    1. Zimandola One

    Dec 28th, 2008 at 1:21 pm
    Zimandola one

    Zimandola one I didnt mean to put u on the spot but I had to use your entry as example

  4. Is the editor for this LT from MAZABUKA, every story is from Mazabuka, if its about football then its Nakambala Leopards….

  5. #8 i couldnt agreed with u more. Our beloved country is in a serious leadership crisis. these recycled politicians cant do anything new- if only they learnt to be selfless. Bwezani thinks he’s done enaf and deserves to go on vacation!!! tssssssk tssssk

  6. the retiree president said that he serve a holiday since the price has gone down. Only one company announced the reduction and our beloved president even went on holiday.We told you to vote wisely.

  7. Hunger in a once maize belt,it is really shameful.These guys have destroyed the good agriculture policies that were in place in Chi Kaunda`s government.On the other hand,Tongas are to blame.They have become very lazy,they are either either marrying more women or dancing to thier tu kopo kind of muzic by the Mashombe and others.Wake up.

  8. Sad indeed! Shortage of mealie meal, cholera outbreaks, this and that! oops! Shame!:o). The next thing, we will hear of, is the shortage of sugarcane.

  9. Iwe #17 iwe!!!Who told you that Tongas are very lazy?Besides,you are the very kind of pipo who always finish the maize
    we plough here.Infact, you are the same type of pipo who voted for NYAMA SOYA.You dont have to blame Tongas for this situation but the policies made by NYAMA SOYA’S Administration.KOONGA KOBA A MAANO !! :)>-:)>-:)>-:d

  10. Its sad indeed for the once maize beit to run out of melie meal. Choma milling also operates at a less than usual capacity and I want to believe that it is due to insufficient maize stocks. Meanwhile your Presido is sleeping on Holiday, what a shame!!!!!!Maybe we deserve this because we voted him in, or maybe we are expecting too much from the man, remember he is already in his sunset.

  11. NO.17 what has mashombe type of music to do with hunger? Tongas are had workers and mary many wifes to help in farms, so more produce is harvested.Mashombe music is richand original thats why big musians steal the tunes like Friday musankwa by ANGELLA NYIRENDA.Do not be over zeleous.KOLILEKA TAATA WEBO.

  12. # 23 AND #20,do not be so parachial and myopic when dealing with issues concerning food.We need to face facts as they stand,then we will be in a good position to find solutions.I did not mention that Tongas are lazy people but that they have become very lazy,such that the calamities of hunger you are facing today,your hardworking departed fathers never at any time experienced them.They almost fed the whole nation.I was in Monze not long ago,people get drunk as early as six o-clock.Every week-end you find them in large numbers drinking and dancing to that noise you are calling music.Wake up.

  13. # 23 AND #20,do not be so parachial and myopic when dealing with issues concerning food.We need to face facts as they stand,then we will be in a good position to find solutions.I did not mention that Tongas are lazy people but that they have become very lazy,such that the calamities of hunger you are facing today,your hardworking departed fathers never at any time experienced them.They almost fed the whole nation.I was in Monze not long ago,people get drunk as early as six o-clock.Every week-end you find them in large numbers drinking and dancing to that noise you are calling music.Wake up.
    I forgot to put my name there.

  14. 24. your flag ako kanono ba nevers, careful! Flood in the name of Climate Change normally destroy Maize and so do not insult or ridicule the Tonga people for nothing. [-x

  15. #
    28. your flag ZAMBIAN PRESIDENT, consider my #29 above as “Floods in the name of Climate Change normally destroy Maize and so do not insult or ridicule the Tonga people for nothing.”

  16. The issue of maize is quite tricky because everyone wants to ignore the true price of maize on the international market reason being that most of our fellow countrymen will starve to death, thats why commercial farmers are holding their stocks. the bumper harvest will reappear at the the correct price.Cheap maize or Mealie Meal has already brought smuggling to our neighbors even the offloading of FRA reserves is a short-term solution its like tackling the smoke leaving the fire but thats what Zambians are specialised at lest they call you unpatrotic.Gentlemen lets look for our own pieces of land and grow our own staff it really helps.

  17. The government needs to do two things:

    1) Secure the food supply, so enough is in storage to prevent famine. Ration mealie-meal, if necessary and after they have bought a little time doing that…

    2) Get all the subsistence farmers on board to produce more maize, and become small scale commercial farmers. That means they need more land, they need ponds and swales to create year-around irrigation, and they need education to get them away from depending on chemical fertilizers.

    Zambia has all the land, water and people to produce all the food it needs, and produce surpluses. More politicians are starting to get it. So let’s get to work.

  18. After securing the food reserves, we need works projects.

    Get traditional authorities and the National Service and even the mines on board, and create the infrastructure that is needed to develop the agricultural sector.

    The government should be developing water catchment systems so all farms can be irrigated, and build roads in rural areas so even the remotest places can add to the food supply. The FRA needs more silos, so more grain can be stored.

    And lastly, we should be looking into more efficient crops than maize, such as cassava an sorghum, which are more drought resistant and don’t require as much fertilizer and other resources.

  19. The government can do enough, if they act in time. A big problem is that we have inherited a government that believes in ‘free markets’ and does not believe in government itself – mainly in actual planning, despite the FNDP.

  20. We need planning – from the FNDP:

    3. As a result of the abolition of national planning, the following consequences emerged:
    i. No medium-term plan for the country to follow to guide public investment priorities for implementation by Government;
    ii. No planning framework to serve as a basis for cooperation with donors;
    iii. Weakened capacity of the country to coordinate national development programmes, since there was no organ at national level to oversee, initiate and coordinate cross-cutting national programmes among ministries.

  21. Continued…

    iv. Absence of an organ to oversee plans, coordinate and monitor at the provincial and district level and serve as a link with development priorities at the national level; and
    v. The inability of the private sector to undertake some of the market-related functions. This called for Government intervention, which could only be well articulated within a planning framework and the budgeting process. However, the budgeting process, which took centre stage, was done with no clear reference to medium-term goals, plans or long-term vision.

  22. I like this forum I encourage all the Zedians Let us begin to contribute in getting back from these leaders and many years of misrule by doing the following; 1. Run for Parliament help to come with laws which make sense in the economic running of the country 2. Open businesses at the cutting edge business which brings change e.g salaries and a work culture which rewards hardworking.Zambia is a land of opportunities, Zambia is a land flowing with milk and honey.

  23. Kalata kuli ba LT,
    Nga muli umutende, cha kusekesha sana,

    Kanshi ninshi fili pali imwe na Mazabuka lyonse pa website yenu??
    Plishi munjasuke inkalata iyi..
    Pantu icalo ca Zambia rural wise chi kulu sana.. Mazabuka abafye palilimeyenu..
    Napwisha ni newo MAGDA..

    Mifulwa pankalata iyi nalemba.. ukuipusha kusuma. Anso mwiseka. :-$

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