Friday, September 20, 2024

Mufulira council ponders cutting jobs


Mufulira Town Clerk (TC) Charles Mwandila says the bad work culture at the council has affected revenue collection for the local authority.

Mr. Mwandila told the council during a special meeting held to consider estimates of income and expenditure for 2009 budget that the bad attitude of members of staff has cost the council K11 billion in uncollected revenue.

He said it was shocking that with the labour force of about 400 workers, the performance of the council was below par.

He noted that other councils that had as low as 200 workers such as Livingstone City and Chingola Councils were able to collect revenue which was twice as much as what the Mufulira council was collecting.

“The council collects K189 million in rate charges per month,” Mr. Mwandila said.

He has since appealed to the council to consider reducing what he said was a blotted labour force next year so that the local authority could meet the expectation of the 2009 budget.

Mr. Mwandila said the council should source for money to engage job evaluators to access the performance of workers, noting that those that will not perform will have to appear before the relevant council committees which will decide course of action.

He wondered why the council manages to collect more revenue when it engages school leavers to assist in revenue collection than what permanent workers collect.

The Town Clerk disclosed that the wage bill of permanent workers is K7 billion per annum, which he said did not commensurate with the service delivery provided to the residents.

He said the council and Zambia United Local Authority Workers Union (ZULAWU) should look at ways of striking a balance between the demand for improved workers salaries and quality of service delivery to the public.

During the same meeting, Council Director of Finance, Zakeyo Mbao said the council owes statutory institutions K3.9 billion in un remitted workers contributions.

Mr. Mbao said these institutions include NAPSA, ZULAWU, ZCTU, LASF and workers compensation fund.

He also said other creditors such as ZESCO and the water company are owed K150 million in unsettled service charges.



  1. “He wondered why the council manages to collect more revenue when it engages school leavers to assist in revenue collection than what permanent workers collect.”

    Simple sir, the workers are the PF Kaponya and Kabovas

  2. Cutting down jobs at a time when there is hunger in the country is not good move. But anywhere if it has to done to serve some money let it be done. I hear the new trend in Zambia is that some bosses have the opportunity to fire people whom they didn’t get along with and then replace them with friends and realtives in the name of credit crunch.

  3. Mr.Charles Mwandila Please go ahead and layoff those workers, Your City should be in a position to pay all it’s obligations on time with a few employees on your payroll.You need a work force of 100 employees to run your city,Please cut off the unwanted pork off your payroll.There is no gain without pain.

  4. #3 That from a villager who did not even know that Zambia had online banking?

    It is amazing that Mwandila is compairing Mufulira to Chingola! Where is the blotted work force come from?

  5. #2, I agree with you. Take it easy ba PF. Zambia is bigger than your loud mouthed Sata. I thought it was your Sata who promised to solve all Zambia’s problems in 90 days. Councils controlled by PF are just a fraction and as far as I know govt has not interfered with your suggestions though I haven’t heard any except your president calling for mass by-elections. Maintain your voters in jobs and use your empty heads to plan and generate jobs. Councils cannot fail to generate jobs and money in Zambia as long as they know what they are doing but I know Sata knows nothing. Talking is easy but doing is hard, PF must know this by now after three election defeats in seven years. We know you!!!

  6. PF and Sata, come and borrow tools from my farm and I will charge you costs plus interest when the govt gives you money or you manage to borrow some from your colleagues in Taiwan. This way, I am helping save my beloved city Mufulira from cholera and helping you maintain a good name with your supporters. This is just a goodwill gesture ba Sata, please don’t insult me.

  7. #9 Busy yapping when you have run away from your country. Go back and develop Zambia then you scumbag. You know mukayacula when you go back so shut your gob little girl.

  8. #2 and #9, well stated. That is why #11 has developed cold feet. Does he equate people advocating for hard and honest work to sufferers? #11, tell me, where on earth are you going to get good things without working for them. By the way, if you are afraid of people in the diaspora, then, they only did you a favour as you would seriously be out of emplotyment if they were to compete with your shallow and outdated ways of thinking. Learn to work hard and appreciate the value of genuine hard work and enjoy your returns. Wake up my uncivilised countryman #11!!

  9. #14, I do not even feel the racism you are talking about because the nature of the job I do, I can also make them suffer if there is need to do so. But I do not have to do it because there is no need. Let those who think they can beliitle me feel so but honestly they are not able to do so to me.

  10. Meant 12 in 13.

    #12 “Where on earth are you going to get good things without working for them”.

    You obviously have not come across a country where people get benefits have you? Yes Zambia will never get to the standards of developed nations but you will agree with me that we are a contry that is going backwards instead of moving forwards.

  11. #15 People do not just suffer racism at work. How long have you been here for? Black celebrities have complained about racism in this country who are you to say no?

  12. #15 When you are walking the streets you are just another coloured. You and I are here obviously for one reason or the other, but things we have to put up with!

    How many times have you being called foreigner or “n i g g e r2 when walking the streets and just ignored it?

    I know the type I am dealing with here! :d

  13. #16 and #17. I only respect benefit claimants if they are not able bodied otherwise, I don’t encourage. We need to earn our living. I supported Bill Clinton’s idea in 1992 and in 1997 it was introduced in the UK. Only get benefits if you can prove that you have tried to apply for jobs and you have been rejected at least 3 times.

    #17, the concept of a celbrity the way I know are not my role models in society. They are f**ls who think everybody should respect or recognise their f**lish acts. Not for me. Use your brain power and create things that can help people and don’t try to earn a living from bold people.

  14. #19 You are a typical African. Look not all people can be as intelligent as you and I. It is just natural.

    Did you know that people claim Becks can not write? You are a very jealousy person. Vieira is a celebrity and may be richer than Zambia at the moment. You are more intelligient than him but will never be like him! Such is life. You can not deny that.

    Wake up!

  15. #19 By the way you got yourself in a tangle there.

    Remember you said ” where on earth are you going to get good things without working for them”.

    I know it is not a nice thing for me to say but, if you went to Zambia today, got involved in an accident, can`t be able to do your job, batata ninshi finito imwe! You have to start living and what you put aside.

  16. #9 True Democrat, you lack understanding of politics. Is Sata running the Govt, councils or ministry of Local govt? Yes Sata can turn councils into proper money generating councils his experience speaks volume whatever ministry he ran functioned to its capacity and the workforce enjoyed.

  17. MMD Chief bootlicker you are right when you made that observation. these coucils are run by the Poor Finishing party and yes thats just a tip of the iceberg ! and RB is not involved this time, just the infectious poor work attitude of ba kabova and other related boostele masters. in this modern er how do you expect a country to be run by marketeers and bus conductors ?

  18. Intelligentia, you dont feel the racism becuase you are just too dull to see it. guys are right when they are telling you that even blck celebs have it rough out there but you are busy saying ponono ponono. i doubt very much if you are even abroad and yes maybe you dont suffer racism because all the other beggars you share a street corner with are black and dull like you. Viva black power !!!

  19. Ba Maureen elections are rigged by town clerks….. Viva RB bcoz just after the elections he bought the town clerks new Prados and you expect people to work hard…. :-w:-w

  20. He wondered why the council manages to collect more revenue when it engages school leavers to assist in revenue collection than what permanent workers collect.

    This is because school leavers don’t know about the corruption that is involved in top management…. so they get the innocent school leavers, push them around to work. Ba Maureen if a concerned Zambian ask how much these school leavers a paid. Please take your ignorance somewhere else, people are not happy with the situation… Not ulaasamunafye ichinwa

  21. this game of politics is crazy ! you are right he has bought them. but honestly, shud it be at the expense of administering the masses in terms of services. i did not hear them mention that the council was failing to give services to the people but that they fail to get renevue….this is madness. deliver i.e clean the streets etc them collect reveunu, right ?

  22. check out this topic “Let’s support RB, pleads Minister” Ba Maureen when you look at the picture under this topic…. honestly is being serious ba Presido muli bombasa. This is comedy at its best. What a country…… :-w

  23. Don’t push the topic too far cause there is a lot that goes on around on the ground, its actually different from what you are fed in media.

    In your own right frame of mind, when workers complain about bad management, why rush to school leavers as a solution. You know that a school leaver is an excited person who is ready to take any money, a school leaver does not negotiate…… The solution is “Why are workers not motivated?”

  24. Don’t push the topic too far cause there is a lot that goes on around on the ground, its actually different from what you are fed in media.

    In your own right frame of mind, when workers complain about bad management, why rush to school leavers as a solution. You know that a school leaver is an excited person who is ready to take any money, a school leaver does not negotiate…… The solution is “Why are workers not motivated?” Let us work towards that

  25. Even at Ndola City council the situation is the same so I hear as in terms of revenue collection.Example only 3 nursery school were captured in 2008 revenue & bus contributed nothing.I hear people in finance re even actually diverting money for personal use!!Let the council first empower workers by either giving the plots for targets not a situation where employs e.g at Ndola City council were made to pay k500,000 for a plot application only.for little salary as k400pin.

  26. # 20 3RqU You are a smart young man, I have been visiting the UK since 1986 very little has change, Blacks we are treated like scumbags. The other young man you are talking to is a liar and a scumbag he needs to wake up and be a man,I am proud to be Black and Zambian and also I look forward to permanently going back to Zambia.

  27. **==**==**==
    mr mwandila sir,you are the town clerk and i wonder howlong it has taken you to come to this attention,i guess it has been happening repeatedly,but why now???its too late bwana,you have oredy lost…..

  28. Konkola Copper Mines which has been paying Renard’s monthly salary has stopped citing financial constraints.Zambia Football Association please cut this man off and send him back home, Even wall street is laying people off. Nike says “Just Do it”

  29. Thanks Father Kwanzaa. It is just annoying when people want to pretend they do not suffer racism. If it is not at work it will definitely be there on the streets. We just ignore it. Its life.

  30. hmm, this is reli geting serious. Next it wil us boma workers being laid off. However, PF controlled councils r jes too annoying,they think they own the nation,even in Lusaka,they r giving poor Hakuyu hell. Nway only God will save us,he oredi has done so many tyms and he wil thie tym around.

  31. #26 Anon. You’re bang on there. Town Clerks and council secretaries in collusion with administrative officers who are electoral officers are the ones that rig elections. Look at tumachaps like alinan simwinga and some kachap called katwishi in ndola. i’m sure they work together with VJ to rig elections across the country.

  32. #35″Jenks spear says”: It’s never too late to rise. the time that he wakes up is the time that he should rise. The time a man rises to challenges is the time he should have risen. Now he has and let the authorities support him to it.

    “LT” can you guys deliberately start featuring the different cities of our Country (Zambia) as a heading on its own. I feel we need to be discussing each one of them. We will need to hear the concerns of people in the open.

    Mr. Mwandila, if firing them is the way forward …just do it. They need to work for their money! Anti PF’s …this laziness has nothing much to do with PF. The ruling party’s decision over-rides.

  33. #23, you must really be like Sata. Why do you think Councils opted to have mayors? The reason is that if the opposition controls the council, they effectively run that council using their mayor and their councillors. Meaning all executive decisions within the budget are implemented according to their plans. Sata was a bully wherever he worked and once he left everything he did was reversed because the employees were just being bullied. Give Sata an apprenticeship in the first world where bullying is a crime and you will see how lamentably he will fail. Reason and understand issues; don’t just support blindly like most PF cadres.

  34. Father Kwanza and 3RQU. I wish to address the issues you raised about racism. First of all, no one will ever call me a scumbag openly and get away with it. Secondly, though it exists racism will only be manifested if they have an opportunity to do so. Yes, we choose who we hang around with just like they do. We have no problems discussing issues of common interest but I honestly don’t expect to be worshipped just like I won’t worship them. There are places where I command more respect than my white colleagues and nobody says anything. Just like there are places where my white colleagues command respect. Street racism is not for me because I am not at that level.

  35. This question goes to those zedians in Uk.I hear that zambians are not proud of their country. When asked, a zambian will say am British, canadian , australian etc and its very hard to locate a Zambian that side and yet official records show that in london alone there are close to 500 000 zambians. please clarify before a blast ’cause you are suppose to carry our flag high.

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