Friday, September 20, 2024

HCR calls for improved justice delivery system


Human Rights Commission Chairperson Pixie Yangailo (l), flanked by director Enoch Mulembe during a press briefing in Lusaka
Human Rights Commission Chairperson Pixie Yangailo (L), flanked by director Enoch Mulembe during a press briefing in Lusaka

The Human Rights Commission (HRC) has stressed the call for government to pay particular attention to the justice delivery system and ensure every person facing trial in the courts is afforded a fair trial.

HRC Chairperson Pixie Yangailo said persons facing any kind of trial should have access to legal representation and quick dispensation of their cases.

Mrs. Yangailo told journalists in Lusaka yesterday that there were currently many people who are spending unacceptably long periods in jail awaiting trial.

She said there was need not to spare any efforts in strengthening existing institutions such as the Legal Aid Department (LAD) while exploring any other avenues that would ensure that justice is dispensed appropriately and expeditiously.

She has also called on the government to consider looking into the conditions of the prisons in the country, noting that Zambians prisons were very congested.

She noted that Zambian prisons were the third most congested prisons in Africa.

Mrs. Yangailo has since commended the Ministry of Home Affairs for acknowledging that the prisons were very congested.

She also acknowledged the improvements of transport for the prisoners and the introduction of the parole, the development she said would help de-congest the prisons.

She stated that the commission was opposed to the death penalty, saying the right to life must therefore be upheld at all costs and other demeaning ways of punishment should be resorted to.

The HRC Chairperson has also commended Zambian people for the peaceful manner in which they conducted themselves during the October 30, elections which led to having few instances of violence.

She has since urged the media to ensure that they stick to their ethics and not use the power to misinform and wreck havoc on those who, for one reason or another, did not like or support.

And Mrs. Yangailo also said job losses would have a negative impact on the ability of many people to enjoy human rights, especially social and economic rights.



  1. HCR? HRC?
    Anyway guess the New Year H.O has touched even those proffesionals at work.
    This is one area that we can at least take care of by ourselves coz we have the manpower(law pactitioners).
    Even in the west, justice is limited(like it or not). Lets at least get some things going.

  2. I wish Chiluba was in Jail awaiting trial.Then him and his lawyers would not use the delay tactics they have been using. Real criminals are out and having parties while innocent people with petty crimes are stuck in jails with no access to legal representation. This need to change. We all need to be equal before the law

  3. True. Our prisons are highly congested. Some inmates spend several months, awaiting their jail sentences. Their is urgent need to speed up the process, were this is concerned.

  4. Happy new year folks!! Now back to business, quick but just disposal of cases is the real issue here..ama adjunment naya chilamo. This causes more congestion, remember justice delayed is justice denied. Naenda ku gona manje..hangover too much :((

  5. Pixie, well said and good advice. But what next. Come 2010 you will just be repeating the same good words I suppose?

  6. may be we give you one more chance!!!
    every year resolutions and ideas come,but substancial
    change is what we cant see…come on ba judge take the front
    seat and avoid putting money first !!!!! :)>-

  7. Sometimes i wonder if the human rights commission exists.But in Zambia thats how it is,directors in Some of these institutions cant bite the finger that feeds them! But she sounds to be talking sense here,wether she means what she is saying no one knows.Ala ni pa Zed.

  8. :o, this Pixie woman is a tad too plump, I might add…hit the gym before you suffer from a heart attack or stroke!

  9. Ba Maureen, I think the camera caught Mrs Yangailo when she was making a point;hence the lips/mouth.I second Sheikh Banda although issues concerning weight na fimo-fimo are always contitious. She makes very valid points on a serious note and one can only hope that her advice will be taken seriously. I do not agree about her point on the death penalty though.

  10. LT, Please have someone proof read your informative articles before you post them otherwise we will be misinformed, especially headlines. Its HRC and not HCR.

  11. Happy new year bloggers. I am personally happy that I have started a new year. Mulishani Ba Maureen ( I hope it not Mwanawasa), Chewe and everyone

  12. We shoud have a fast track judiciary system like the one in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe, despite its economic problems, has a judiciary system where offenders do not take long to appear in court.

  13. Someone fancies that lady? I mean she is ok, and i understand that. But am i the only one that ONLY fancies slim size 0 ish ladies . Dont mean disrespecting the lady in the picture at all. Just my honest opinion, big ladies for me Nah

    Happy new year ladies and gents. Happy new LT

  14. Thanks & praises to the most High for making I and I reach a new year. One love to each & every Zambian. **==

    Yea mon, de big body woman hath spoken…Justice now!

  15. #27 Infected meat, check dis: when yu go a butchery, weh yu buy? Meat or bones? Fat woman run tings me yute, believe me!:d

  16. SAN FRANCISCO – The alleged ringleaders of a Chinese counterfeiting gang that sold at least $2 billion worth of bogus Microsoft Corp. software were sentenced Wednesday to prison terms of up to 6 1/2 years, in what is believed to be the harshest penalties yet under China’s tightened piracy laws.

  17. #31. I usually dont feel comforatable to eat Chinnese food products.I avoid them at all costs. The other day I was tempted to buy their nice looking ice -creams. I regreted – the taste is different from the nice and appealing look of the ice -cream

  18. Pinkly
    Happy belated birthday,and happy new year,what is happening I cant see :@):@).anyway never mind:-j:-j:-j

  19. Mrs Yangailo is h o t, with women like her one does not even need to go to the gym, she is the gym herself. If you are doing your thing as a man everyday on a woman like her you will be so fit and happy.

    On human rights, we need this organisation to be heard more not just making press statements, police and government officials usually abuse people’s rights. The media should be monitored for privacy rights too. I also hope Mrs Yangailo gives Mr Yangailo the right to enjoy her!!

  20. #21 UNDERTAKER
    Personally i don’t take kindly it on people like yourself who are bent on criticizing LT especially that its the only free, efficient and reliable Zambian site at the moment. As one of your new year resolutions why not include coming up with a blog better than LT? Don’t forget to employ proof readers. As for you LT on behalf of the Wanzili family, am wishing you HAPPY NEW YEAR. God Bless.

  21. Big Women nah? man you dont even know if you are hitting the right buttons or not. I would have thought a woman needs to be atmost nothing more than 70kg or you become chubby. The woman in the picture is not my type interms of weight , although she is beutiful, i would take her to some serious marathons and full diet

    A man needs to manhandle a woman in any form of contact. A big mama could easily hammer you and besides i think they are hard work, when it comes to ……

    Thats all my opinions folks , women who are slim are more marketable in any form of sectors in life. 50 kg woman would be ideal and be a benchmark!

    Happy new year folks!

  22. Bane, efo tufwila ififine. Remember amafundisho ku church.. Wilakumbwa muka mubiyo. Ulekumbwafye ubobe.

  23. Pinkly. I could not talk to you last nite for I was afriad that someone was playing jokes again.
    Happy New Year.
    That woman is Big but she is a real african woman and very pretty indeed. lol

  24. MMhhh wats this with ukwina so pa zed?first it was those other women dancing with maureen. mmh awe it’s too much so i’ve heard ARV’s in zed are making pipo fat is this true???coz i know they can cause hyperglycemia coz of high cholesterol level becuz mmmh is this natural?

  25. Big girls like pixie need love too. Don’t underestimate the sweetness of these type of mamas. First big women know how to cook and they understand the good food. Gentlemen, with big women its not the flabs you are after but that technology that every woman has. The only difference is that one has to work extra hard to get to the honey pot but that is the beauty of it all. The exploration and discovery is very fulfilling indeed. It drives home the concept that “there is no sweet without sweat”.

  26. #49

    Commenting on ba pixie who is now in the public domain and a public figure is part of the people’s right to express themselves which is part of the same human rights that she is advocating through HRC.8-|

  27. Yes Sarah Jones, I’m a big mama lover, I appreciate all of God’s creations, its my right to love, part of my human rights!

  28. Pixie Don’t wory babes, you look lovely. These poverty stricken chaps have nothing to offer. Zedians are full of brnging themselves down.

  29. Pinkly

    please do something about your flag,its confusing me.I dont know who is pinkly anymore. :@):o)ha ha hah ah!:-j:-j

  30. infected meat u hav a point but big girls n women also need love.all i can say is that regardlees of what u look like,or what u do for a living even,its all about how u feel n about being comfortable in your own the way pixie looks amazin n beautiful.

  31. A rather extremely big mama sitting next to an invisible/tiny bloke. Gentlemen in Zed is our visibility absolutely overtaken by our LARGE LADIES?8-x

  32. Sometimes its not that these women who are big mamas enjoy being Big but can’t really help it as sometimes it can be due to bad health or the weight you gain during pregnacy or cooking to please your partner. Big Mamas should watch what they put down their throat as they are at risk of so many health problems.

  33. De more men like Infected Meat & Janjaweed who prefer “skelegals”, de more big, beautiful women fe me! Me had dem both in abundance & nobody can tell me nuttin’. Me experience is dat skinny women are OK fe a one night stand but de fat gal is de best inna de house. Anway, me love all girls, fat or skinny, but if me have to choose, fatty a me favorite!

  34. #76 there is nothing wrong with #74 expressing his desires. Its New Years day today so enjoy and make jokes.

    The problem with zed women is they want to look big, forgeting that with that comes with flabs. If by mistake i marry and my wife aquires flabs, thats a good enough reason to come home at 4am!!

  35. a lot of men would love to speak as liberal as “infected meat ” ,but they cant because most of our ZED ladies who ina way or the other are our sisters would be very mad wit us. Infact it would look extremely injuriuos and unguided

  36. Janjaweed.
    what a lame excuse you can give for one to come home at 4am when you have an option to take your big mama to the gym or buy her a bike to exercise on. Its for better or worse when you marry, so my dear Weed you can do much more than turning up at 4am giving your wife unnesarry Stress which will make her put on weight the more.
    Have some sense guys.

  37. #81 do you honestly think the woman in the picture would go to the gym or do any physical excercise at home apart from water flowers in a garden whilst sitting on a stool? Be real guys. You know what you want, ama flabs yena twakana.

  38. 83. This Big Mama thing won’t take us anywhere. Anyhow every woman should join a gym or do some exercise at home, its good for yourself and the people around you like Janjaweed.

  39. Let us hold the men and women we put in office accountable by organizing from grass root, and showing up at their offices with demands,politicians in Zambia have been given a blank check for way to long.

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