Friday, September 20, 2024

Hunger threatens Magoye


Villagers in Magoye area of Mazabuka have called on the Office of the Vice President to send relief food to the area before people start dying of starvation.

Area Development Committee Secretary, Kayombo Chiinda told ZANIS in an interview in Mazabuka that the villagers have now resorted to eating suspected poisonous wild-roots locally called ” Mabwabwa” which is cooked and later soaked in running water for 48 hours before consumption.

Mr Chiinda complained that villagers cannot afford the sky rocketing price of a 50 Kilogramme bag of maize currently selling at K 100,000.

He said government should also consider extending the sale of maize in villages being conducted by the Food Reserve Agency (FRA).

Mr Chiinda warned that school going children may not be able to report for school if nothing is done by government to address the hunger situation.

He named the affected areas as Ngwezi, Hanzala, Itebe and Magoye.

Most parts of the Mazabuka have been hit by severe hunger because of the floods that wrecked havoc on maize crops in the 2007/2008 farming season.



  1. People should learn to fend for themselves and should only ask Govt to provide an enabling enviroment in which they can carry out businesses.

  2. If 50% of Zambians had a first degree, then insala ngayalichepako. No only 15% of which 1% are in parliament. Shame! We always tell the goverment to prioritize education but they do not listen. Nafulwa sana even my village is in anger

  3. buti vizungu on the lusakatimes conference nivo tyoka ati ” I know a human lawyer” yaba shuwa .

    Mwena zambia mulewamizana, That sounded like a shoddy meeting with internet revolutionaries. What will a petition do to help

  4. There is a big problem in Mazabuka that requires a permanent solution.The problem is if there are no floods, then it the drought,in either case the result is severe hunger among the villagers. The govt should find a solution to this because to me this is not news, it has been recurring for years and believe me you even next year LT will report the same.

  5. When will we overcome this constant hunger?
    I hope it will be better when we return home
    and help with the situation by becoming

  6. When are we ever gonna move away from the issue of struggling with food in Zambia? This is shameful years after independence. Even countries with desert environments are self sustaining with food and can afford to donate agriculture machinery to improve food security in Zambia a land of plenty of water, arable land and labour. For as long as we continue being preoccupied with food issues we shall never advance. We need to go beyond this primary stage if we set our priorities right.

  7. 😮 nooooo again hunger isues!!!GRZ please! planing planing planing….do they ever plan. Problem with govt, instead of coming up with economical solutions, they are being economical in their thinking and planning….Dear LORD save us!

  8. insala ilakalipa pliz RB do sumthing!!

  9. Guys,

    Ili ilyashi lyama passport tufwile ukwikatana nga kacena(scent)ne nsokoshi shabankungulume.

  10. Ps. 72:16
    “There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth;
    On the top of the mountains there will be an overflow” 🙂

  11. 😉 A few weeks ago, we went to our polls, and our LT like no other was full of predictions. Magoye had the following:

    PF 169 2%
    MMD 1,578 15%
    UPND 8,433 81%
    HP 149 1%
    Void 114

    The victorious in areas such as these where given the mandate to care for their deepest needs. RB, can you NOT neglect your people; the Zambian people …you got 15% and you are in power. Don’t just Nfuwelize!!!:((

  12. This province has alays been troubled despite being productive they are not self sufficient .Viva street smart Luapula people

  13. #23,
    you have reminded me of ‘void’, He did so many good percentages during elections than some other candidates.. though in here they did not give him a percentage!

  14. #5 I agree with you however most of the parents in Zambia die when their children are still young. Extended families cannot afford to continue paying for their schools fees hence most of them either drop out of Primary School, High school & University/college.Education is very expensive especially when one’s parents are dead as a few relatives are willing to continue supporting their relatives’children. The govt should come up with a very good plan to educate Zambian i.e free education for espcially for good students. There are many intelligent pipo that drop out of school due to lack of funds. We need a govt that has a heart for pipo and put education as their number one objective.

  15. Continued…..

    Poverty will continue as long as nothing is done as far as education is concerned.If you look at how many young Zambian parents die every day, week, month & year, you will agree with me.Since death is not chosen by any of those innocent children that remain behind, the govt should do something to improve the lives of their pipo through free education upto Unversity

  16. Dear Lusaka Times,

    Passport Petition Conference call miniutes

    Kindly go ahead and remove the minutes from the website you have posted it.The issue to do with Passports is a family issue and the website you are broadcasting our minutes from does not represent family values our and our values.We kindly ask you to remove these minutes posted immediately.Thank you.

  17. WHAT PEOPLE CANT DO – two taxi drivers, mini bus drivers and conductor who were first ones to arrive at a scene of an accident in Siavonga have been apprehended after stealing from a dying interpol cop. Instead of saving the life of the man who was gasping for his life the men searched his pockets, took the wallet, cellphone and all valuables from the car. this is a person they know and live with in the community. olo ni njala mwati ni so! 🙁

  18. Ba Moze, obvious muna enjoya holiday. how are you man i missed you. Why is LT only talking about hunger in Southern province when its evrywhere in Zed. Its terrible to see people suffering like this.

  19. Rashid my dear friend,

    Am ok mwana. Holiday yenze che mwe. How about you? In southern province, i think its a bit more severe than other parts of the country mwana. What is even more annoying is the fact that ZNFU has reported that over 60% fertiliser under the FSP has been taken out of the country. How do we live like this?

  20. Commrades with a president that says “I don’t know,” on national television when asked about what he is going to do about the impending job loses on the C/Belt, I see trouble and suffering. I mean, the guy has got advisors, all he has to do is tell those guys to find solutions for him. what are they paid for?

  21. Ba moze festive holiday has been laka. Im just worried about our friends who cant manage four(not even one) meals a day. i dont know what we can do about it man. I know Tonga to be hard core farmers,but what happened kanshi? may be Maestro or Fine can explain this.

  22. Im getg worried,whenever i try to see what is happng in motha land,i always find something like hunger threatens this vilage,that vilage etc.Does it mean hunger has become our new song?What is the way 4ward to this constant hunger?**==

  23. Mheeee! Am definitly not touching those ends if i need a meal! Sorry ba Daala, eat nyama soya its good and tastes like chicken, ask Bikiloni; he will tell you.

  24. Its the effects of credit crunch badala.What has happened to the once maize belt,we are always reading about hunger in tonga land,shame.

  25. I did some work in southern province in December. Mawe! there is serious hunger. Just to be seen with a bottle of manzi can create a stampeede! 😮

  26. I remember advising Tongas to change their attitude towards work like their fore-fathers did,but it is like they are still recovering from a serious hung over of yester years of abundace food.The Tonga man of today is generally lazy, alcoholic, good dancer of noise muzic of the mashobe blue jeans and having many children from his many wives.Wake up Tongas from your slumber or else Busala will be your main meal.You are embarrassing this country,we shall send you all to Somali wre you belong.

  27. Only southern province cries for hunger. why? there is problem with the people there. year in year out southern province. Stop relief food distribution. This only tells you what kind of leadership in there. GOVT also you are a problem especially. 60% if I m not mistaken water that africa have is found in zambia. Why should Zambia experience hunger? Useless polices. Relook on how you manage this country you politician.

  28. #11 Even if you dont come back, who says we need you anyway? Its useless people like you that pass unproductive comments that waste peoples time instead of coming up with solutions.
    Wika bwelako ku Zed. uka pwisha fye Oxygen..mambala

  29. #10 such is the optimism that we as Zambians abroad should adopt. We should go there and help rebuild the nation.

  30. The first Performance appraisal on this Govt by the Zambian people will be held on 1st Feb 09 based on the 3 months probation period.The second performance appraisal will be held 1st May 09 based on the 6 months probation period afterwhich the Zambian people will decide based on the outcome whether to ask them to resign honourably or if the performance is positive then a yearly performance appraisal will be conducted on 1st November of each year until the elections in 2011.This will apply to every Govt that will ever rule Zambia.LT please come up with topics relevant to these assessments on the due date to give an opportunity to Zambians to fairly & objectively assess the Govt.

  31. never mind ! southern province seems to be adequetely reported than anywhere else,,especialy negative reports.Its not surprising at all.! time will deliver you soon… are so biased reporters. your mission to turnish image of BETTER PERFORMING PROVINCE will haunt you by time.

  32. research has shown that southern province is a survival province for most zambians yet you fellows don’t appreciate ! you go there to do your trade coz of many business opportunities.ONE DAY THE PIPO OF SOUTH WILL TURN AGAINST YOU.

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