Friday, September 20, 2024

More districts run out of food


The number of districts faced with hunger has increased from 21 to 29.

And government will now need to distribute additional relief food between January and Match to cover all areas affected by hunger.

This is according to the latest assessment conducted by the Zambia Vulnerability Assessment Committee, under the Vice President’s Office.

The government had estimated to distribute about 11,110 metric tonnes of food during the same period.

Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President, Guston Sichilima, said at a press briefing that government is determined to provide adequate relief food to all hunger stricken areas.

Several parts of Zambia, especially rural areas, are facing food shortages as a result of floods during the last rainy season.

The floods destroyed crops and infrastructure.



  1. This is serious. I’m deeply concerned. I think I’ll start inviting all my relatives to come & join me here, kuti bafwa ne nsala pa Zed.

    NAIKOSA! :((

  3. I suggested on the other stream that to solve Zed problems, what we need is to constitute a team of “Brian Builders” to help balya tatwalumbule….I maitain that the solution to Zambia’s hunger is very simple! Get the farming inputs in time and in excess for all year round farming…

  4. #9. Zed is heading south! south of the zambezi and into Zimbabwe! MMD projects growth of 5% for 2009. I see anything from -3% to 2% tops. My our rural brothers & sisters remember it was them that brought RB in, and its them hit hardest when hunger comes.

    And learn it is largely for them that we make informed choices as we go to vote.

  5. Awe Guys

    Naufwa umwenso Kanshi what is happening pa Zed?What about the bumper harvest that the govt always preach about? I know my family has something to take them upto the next harvest season,but what about the other families in other parts of Zambia.Guys this problem does not only affect the hunger striken areas,but it affects us all,so lets remember Our mother Zambia in our daily prayers.Immortal,Eternal,and Invisible Heavenly Father Please rescue our beloved coutry from this Poverty that has hit us.We all know that you are The God the Provider,and you will provide enough food for us.I pray in Christ’s name Amen. [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

  6. I agree with #12. We should have all farming inputs throughout the year. Fertiliser does not rot. Why should it be an annual ceremony bringing it in?

  7. I think, to combat the credit crunch, I should invest in importing hair dye. I foresee alot of greying heads in this country this year.

    And alot of my customers will be bloggers from here.

  8. #13 life-life. Actually the MMD projections are right on the mark. The growth for 2009 will not be less than 5%. Here are the reasons: Lumwana will go into full production this year. This an extra 167 000 tonnes in copper exports. Plus there will be no export of concentrates in 2009. The new smelters in Chingola and Chambishi have a combined 800 000 tonne smelting capacity. Munali Nickel will reach its full capacity thus doubling its contribution to GDP. The two other major projects that will contribute to GDP growth are the Lafarge cement and Trade kings Iron and Steel project. Lumwana alone will contribute about 3.5% to GDP growth this year.

  9. # 15.malt world…I join you in prayer.

    The world has come to an end in Zambia. We cant advise now. We have just to pray.

    mwelesa…mwebashimwitwa pa******,
    moneni pa zed yakakana. Fumweni abana benu kufilwani fi RB, fi Teta, Mulongoti….ngateifyo bapeleni amo ya kupela abantu ubwali.

    Ameen :-$:-$^:)^[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

  10. Kambongolo

    Amen.I have said amen now allow me to laugh :-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j.My dear be assured that God has answered your prayer.

  11. 5%? Add to that unprecedented inflation, reduced agricultural output. Plus reduced mining sector confidence in prices. If all the copper we produce is to be sold to a smaller market that is not willing to give Zambia a decent price, 5% will remain unattainable.

  12. i think the hunger the country is facing is not because of the Global Financial crisis,why?
    1. we were told we had a good harvest in the previous season(smuggling)
    2. copper prices were very high in more months than they are low, hence more returns but misplaced priorities(no one was thinking about the future)
    3. we need to seriuosly look at the rate of growth of our population to the growth of our food industry critically
    4. Stop developing Lusaka at the expense of food
    5. Most leaders have rich relatives hence cant imagine how bad staying for 2 days without food feel
    6.plunderers of our God given wealth(may God have mercy on such)
    7. Lack of long term focussing;i will end here.

  13. ‘You do not receive because you do not ask’
    whatsoever ye shall ask in my name(Christs words),
    ye shall receive.

    thanx for those standing with us in prayer.


  14. I am a christian. Prayer has its place, as do good policies and some planning. It is better to give than to receive. Where are the structures that those of us in the “Greater City” can give food and blankets when disaster strike?

  15. Ba #20..pliz prayer without action kutumpa!
    you are a few steps from zed..why cant u go and see 4urself?
    you are saying ur banja has something…do you know howmuch has been sold in ur absence?
    awe batasha icho wamwene..GO see or else…bala densa bonse!

  16. Unfortunately more will be affected.
    The trouble is we have no plans as to how we are going to sort the problem. As long as we keep looking up to quick fix solutions, we will be talking about this even next year.

    Nambala shani nomba?

  17. #21 Life-life. I doubt we are going to have ‘unprecedented’inflation in 2009. To have that the inflation rate would have to shoot above 36%. Coz that is the highest it has ever risen in Zambia . And I do not know who has told you that we will have reduced agricultural output in 2009. I thought the crop harvest for 2009 will only be known around June. Have you also factored in the falling energy prices in your doomsday inflation calculations? By the way most experts are projecting copper prices to average at least $3000 per tonne this year. Thus Lumwana alone will add at least $500m to GDP. The Africa Report publication and the Economist estimate that Zambia’s GDP in 2008 was $12.61bn.

  18. It is rain season and this time of the year, there should be plenty food such as mangoes, after that pumpkins, ‘imyungu’, monkey nuts kandolo and plenty wild fruits. If it is kaponyas in Lusaka I d believe it. Zambian leadership do always exaggerate to qualify for aid from UN and qualify for other international handouts. It is shameful. Ndafulwa!!!!!! x(

  19. Many households fare badly even in times of good rainfall. , despite it being a bumper year for maize production. This is as the result of constrained access to land, water, fertiliser, seeds, credit and labour.

    Employment opportunities are few, even in good years. When crop production collapses, more people are looking for jobs at a time when there is even less demand for labour because of poor harvests. Along with real wages, casual work opportunities have been falling in zambia as farmers who used to offer work are looking for jobs themselves.

  20. Food prices in zambia are seasonal and fluctuate, being at their lowest level just after the annual harvest time when supplies are abundant, and at their highest just before the annual harvest when supplies are scarce. In such times, poor households sell their household assets — ranging from clothing and livestock to radios.

    Lastly, the ability of communities in zambia to support their more vulnerable members is being eroded. The reasons for this include bad weather and subsequent crop failure; HIV/AIDS, market liberalisation and poor economic performance; and social change.

  21. #28 , I for one have liked your anlysis. I personally hate to be pessimissitic about My Zed,therefore, i would rather believe because i have always believed in my coutry,that come this june will have a bumper harvest and that we will pull thru the current economic crisis and our GDP will quadruple.We have to believe in our selves. God bless Mother Zambia.

  22. We do not need a lecturer ba #37 from a copy and paste. These people are lazy, very lazy. OR the government want food aid for campagn. All you need in Zambia is land and work for a neighbour who is in a better position and earn some seeds. Land and rain is free in many parts of Zambia. Do not bother to reply I am going for a drink.

  23. The first Performance appraisal on this Govt by the Zambian people will be held on 1st Feb 09 based on the 3 months probation period.The second performance appraisal will be held 1st May 09 based on the 6 months probation period afterwhich the Zambian people will decide based on the outcome whether to ask them to resign honourably or if the performance is positive then a yearly performance appraisal will be conducted on 1st November of each year until the elections in 2011.This will apply to every Govt that will ever rule Zambia.LT please come up with topics relevant to these assessments on the due date to give an opportunity to Zambians to fairly & objectively assess the Govt.

  24. #42
    From the other topic I answered. Which Hope I ve known roughly about 13 Hopes in my short life. It took me a minute. If you are a lady my love and
    @};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-@};-to you

  25. “LABOUR minister Austin Liato has announced that the government will review the current minimum wage in line with the current economic demands.”


  26. #43 vyanveka monga copy and paste,ahaa,kansi ndine mukali,niliko bad,what more nika tekanya polemba,inga venke monga ka thesis ka

  27. The current minimum wage as of 2006 was K300 000 for unskilled workers. Its really good they are reviewing it because it is not economically sound for it is too little especially with the rising inflation.

  28. Guys

    Muli nshimbi,how i wish God can unity us one day so that we get to know each other very well.Namunfuna imbafu.I was very depressed with what is going on mu Gaza to an extent of blaming God,but its like He(God) told me to visit LT site awe ukwisasanga fye pali inshimbi shekasheka.Guys keep it up.You are a blessing to me especially that Iam hoem alone,physically,but bloggally you are Iam with you thank you Guys and May our good Lord continue blessing you all wherever you are.To those who are working Work hard,those of us who are studing lets show them that we are not dull,wives love your hubbies,and you habbies love your wives no love portion,lwenu mukasanguka Resurection:-j:-j:-j:-j

  29. yah! those cadres who were mocking easterners fo hunger in katete now shud comment again.hunger is everywhere in zed,go to kaliliki,chibolya,vera chiluba compound,etc in lsk there yu’ll shed yo tears.just forgot the blogger who posted nasty comment about the hunger in katete,hope he/she is a regular member of the blog so he can engage me now that the article is out.
    Matworld and sis Dixie Chick,how are yu pipo? Kuno mpepo yani chita kantu,ka central heating ka tuna mu nyumba,G/Day.

  30. Ethiopia vs Zambia equals 50, zambia we are very lucky and blessed, because we don’t fight or experience a lot floods or droughts, but poor management,greedy and ignorants from our politians is what is killing zambia.

  31. To the Government of the Republic of Zambia I say, the fuel you get free of charge, that money can be used to provide food to rural areas. You are only active during your campaings that you even pretend to give people sugar and other foods. Know what you are doing because helping only your relatives is not helping the Nation at large.

  32. I continue talking on the matter of feeding the nation because without food not even one of these voters would have managed to vote for you. You campaigned well pretending to feed them during the campaign time and now you have turned and shown your backbones to us .Are coming back ? If you can ,you are still welcome as parents of the nation.

    Iam talking from Monze,Southern Province,Zambia.
    P.O BOX 660160,
    CELL#= 0978217833.

  33. #57

    Can you please explain yourself properly (in English). Am lost, especially the last sentences. Dont be emotional…Now, you were saying?

  34. To those on the left hand side he will say “when hungry you gave me no food, naked but clothed me not, sick but…, away from me you evil doers” I would not want to be on his left handside would you?

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