Authorities at Kariba border post in Siavonga District have intercepted and impounded a truck carrying twenty eight by twenty five kilogram (28X 25 KG) bags of mealie – meal destined for sale in Zimbabwe.
The meal mealie is said to have been bought in Zambia .
Siavonga District Commissioner Emily Striedl told ZANIS in Siavonga today that the canter truck that was carrying G.M roller meal bags was impounded at the border yesterday.
Striedl disclosed that all the 28 bags of roller meal belonged to a Zimbabwean business individual who crossed into the neighboring border town of Siavonga to buy the commodity.
She said the confiscated bags have since been stored at Siavonga police station waiting to be disposed off by the courts of law.
The District Commissioner stated that the confiscation of the bags follows a resolution that was arrived at during a stakeholders meeting held on Monday.
She said the district has noted the recent increase in the number of Zimbabweans that were crossing into Zambia on a daily basis and were buying bags of mealie meal in bulk forcing a serious shortage of the commodity in the district.
She stated that during the meeting that was attended by border officials from Zambia Revenue Authority( ZRA), Immigration, police, mealie- meal dealers, local based milling outlets as well as marketeers observed that Siavonga Township has been hit with increasing cases of mealie meal smuggling.
Mrs. Striedl added that the district has recorded a sharp increase in the number of individuals from Zimbabwean that were buying the commodity which they later resell on the black market in their country.
She said the meeting resolved that authorities at Kariba border post border would only allow passage of not more than two bags of mealie- meal on each individual.
A snap survey at Kariba border post this morning found scores of Zimbabweans carrying a bag of either breakfast or roller meal bag bought from Micho and Siavonga main markets.
Meanwhile the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) has sent about 500 bags of maize to Siavonga district for sale to people in the district.
District Commissioner Emily Striedl told ZANIS that the bags have been sent to the district , which will cushion the mealie-meal prices.
Striedl said the maize would be sold to members of the public at a price of K55, 000 per 50 kg bag.
Can someone tell me what is wrong if this consignment has been purchased legally? after all the money is the same…or am i missing something here? Help.
Thats why our agricultural sector is stunted.If demand for maize is high why can’t we increase our supply?Grow more maize so our hungry brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe can buy from us. Thats why we are not blessed we just like receiving donations, can’t we even dream of becoming a bread basket for southern africa.You just want to protect the little maize you have.Shame on you.
Ba Chita bwino. Zambians are so unethical. There is a food shortage in the country maka maka kwamene uku ku southern province but in the name of profit people will sell to the highest bidder and export, rather than help their neighbour who is eating roots. Rubbish. In fact the govt should declare the food crisis a national disaster and ban all maize exports.
ewee anonymous uleyikala fwe if you don’t have something to write about and leave serious bloggers to blog.And about the issue of confiscating the mealie meal from the zimbabwean business man is very wrong did he still the mealie or he just bought with his own money for comsumption in his country.
deleted or not you cant win LT
Am lost. Shame on who??
You are just trying to look effective madam DC. All this noise just for 28 x 25 bags? I thought it was a truck load you intercepted. On humanitarian grounds let that Zimbabwean go with the mealie meal and save lives please.
Thats what am also asking. the mealie meal was puchased legally! There is currently no legal ban on mealie meal exports if my memory serves me right. We call this “BUSINESS”.
There was a stake holders meeting on Monday that met and decided, impounded without giving ample notice that there was going to be such a move.
I smell a rat here,will all the bags be accounted for during the court process or whatever?
Let us not discriminate against the Zimbabweans. Lets
get the facts on honest business.
A Hungry Man is an Angry Man! Soon, these Zimbos will devise a way of getting THEIR merchandise out of Zambia!
We live in a free market economy.Let the laws of Deamnd and supply work.There is nothing wrong for a Legal zimbabwean busineeman buying goods in Zambia.We used to do the same in Zimbabwe aaaaand such acts are hypocritical.The authorities in Suavonga should be the first ones to know this as they witnessed zambians crossing over to Zim en masse for Zim goods,But today you are consfiscating legally bought good against COMESA and SADC rule.
lets be realistic,if it was bought legally, i see no reason why the authorities confiscated the commodity. If we have enough, i dont think its wrong to share with our neighbours. 😮
All this fuss over just 28 bags sure! Honestly, what negative economic implications can 28 bags leaving Zambia have on us mwebantu? You have already forgotten you were buying magarine and butter cups in containers from Zim and selling here. Chibi. Can the authorities just give the trader back his legally purchased merchandise, apologise to him, and give him a thunderous send off so that he can continue to survive under that brutal dictator back in Zim. have we no heart?
Zambians lets not be overzealous on the Zim crisis. We were once rock bottom like them and chances of us going back under the current mediocre leadership are very very high. In any case, the day Zimbos decided to flex their muscles by tightening screws at borders posts, we will be in trouble. We greatly depend on Zim for our cross border transactions and transportation. Actually, Zambian companies especially mines are messing up Zim roads big time. Just see those heavy trucks carry mining equipment from RSA. Lets not take others for granted as if we totally have nothing to do with them because the day they’ll hit back we will be down completely. Help Brothers and Sisters in need…
that was insanity, how can you impound the truck carrying bags of mealie meal after they have been bought legally. i think this all thing sound like a ferry tale and childish, lets us try to reason like interlectuals and saves lives in zimbabwe
***************** yaba
#1 There is already a shortage of mealie meal as it is in Zambia due to that flood that took place some time back and destroyed a lot of crops and trying to accommodate another country (whether they obtained the commodity legally or not) will only further put Zambia in a difficult situation. Zambians don’t want to be selfish hence the agreement that 1 or 2 bags is fine but just not more. How can you sell all your food to your neighbor and expect to eat what?
How did this businessman manage to buy 28 bags of mealie meal coz
after this reduction of prices in mealie meal, they have discouraged bulk buying of mealie meal. There is already a shortage of melaie meal in Southern Province. Lets help ourselves first before we can think of helping pipo from Zim. That is what christianity is about. You don’t help neighbours when your children are hungry. God help us make right decisions.
We should be questioning the Seller then! The fact is, the mealie was legally purchased. such actions defeat the whole essence of free trade amongest COMESA countries. 28 bags surely??
Zambian pipo wats wrng wth sum1 exporting mealie meal?thats business,emobalila weh.Let them be kano imwe importing n recieving funds,relief ood etc frm other countires.nonsense .GUD MORNING 2U ALL
Yappy, yappy……..I mean this hullabaloo over 28 bags of milile is just sickening. You can’t sway public opinion over such a trivial and embarassing issue. C’mon be realistic baiche. Do your work or are you awakening from your slumber now? Your fumbling is so sickening. I mean the “authorities”. Iam out to Gaza I hear there were fresh bombardments that side. Terrorists in soup!!
Ayi ni Ba Moze…Just 28 bags as if he was caught with 100 tonnes of mealie meal? Ama rubbish chabe! Honestly, I find nothing wrong with what this businessman was doing. If the mealie meal was legally purchased, why the fuss? Just let ZRA charge him duty…and off he goes. Why are we Zambians now behaving like Botswana Customs officials who want to project their sorry desert country with donkeys on city avenues like its some place out of this world? This is how xenophobia is ignited on simple matters such as this. Lets be cautions with our actions because the next thing will be illiterate Zambians stoning a Zimbo they will spot with groceries crossing the border. Be CAREFUL!
just let the busines man sell the mealie meal within zambia at the same price so he can get back his money.other than share the mealie meal amongest yourselves life is hard everywhere exersise our christian values.
Ok here is MMD’s take. First we don’t have enough maize to feed all Zambians. That caused high prices. So we imported the maize, subsidized it to keep the prices lower for our poor people. Now it looks like we are now subsidizing Zimbabwe. If this business man bought maize that was not subsidized, we have no issue in the MMD with that. In fact if ZIM wants us to aquire maize for them at market price, we shall gladly do so. Why the learned people fail to see such a simple point beats my intelligence. Why should we subsize Zimbabwe or make Zimbabwean businessmen make huge profit margins. Please be objective.
Remember the Economist in in charge of the country. Long Live MMD
Am ashamed by this xenophobic approach to business matters. The DC is even justifying their ancient and barbaric decision. Anyway, DCs have always been people of low intellect and exposure so I excuse her for this rubbish. I just don’t understand, how do you come with guns blazing just over 28 bags of mealie meal? Please don’t embarass us the way South Africans where during those primitive xenophobic attacks.
People, would there confiscate a bag of maize meal Rollar for that matter, i think that the only way that we can help our brothers by allowing them to buy staff from here and not confiscating the things they buy, please people lets not behave like the Palestine’s who are fighting. :((
Just last month you were scorning us villagers and hoping that we starve to death. Here you are in very clear terms biased towards the people in need across the border. I see there is biaseness in humanitarian effort. Let the starving foreigner feed before your own. Just Amazing!
we would have made ourselves loads of cash if our agric sector was well looked after, simply by exporting our maize to the zim pipo.
But now, nothing. :-w
Allow me to greet Zoe,How are you dear?
Now let me comment.
This is very sad indeed,I think we are not being fair pa zed have we forguten that we used to buy various good naifwe from ZIM when is was ZIM.As much as I agree with all of you who are saying no food pa ZED,but we should learn to share whatever little we have.This is totally wrong especially that the commodity was bought ligally.Mum told me something and i quote “cilipamunzako mawa cili pali iwe” end of quoting.
Just be honest, we Zambians are hospitable people, admit that you are Zimbabwean, not Zambian.
26…Busy pushing the objectivity line forgetting that the day Zim will be over objective on your mining industry visa vis the equipments you keep ferrying from RSA via Zim roads…your mining industry and mining policies in general will be coughing. There is a lot of damage Zambia is causing on Zim roads and this is factual. The day they started charging excessive road taxes on Zambian truckers what will you say? The purpose of these inter-border trade agreements we sign is purely for co-existence reasons. Trade should never be a scape goat of choking weaker and vulnerable economies because if it were so Africa will have been condemned to HELL.
Are our memories so short! :-?:-? We should not forget that in the 80s we, the people of Zambeziland crossed the boarders into Zimbabwe to buy bread, mealie meal, soap and other essential commodities in bulk and sold them back home.
District Commissioner Emily Striedl leave the Zimbabwean businessman alone since he paid for it. Sort out the Supplier who knew about the local regulations.
If our leaders read LT as calimed yesterday, then I dare say bo Muluti this is an embarrasing article. As I write now, I pray that those bags of mealie meal are indeed safe :-w
#27 It’s the small things that matter. We need to show that someone is in change. Do you know how crime was reduced in New York by Major Guliani. They started by cleaning the small things like graffiti. Read the Tipping Point by M. Gladwell and you will understand why. Sin is sin be it small or big. Zambia has no surplus maize. when we had we did sell maize to Zimbabwe, during their elections campaign.
PS: I see you flag say ZIM. Were these bags destined to you house? Just asking. You never know. People are never passionate about things for nothing. Just as am passionate about MMD. I got my current job at the embassy in SA through them. Y’know I know which side of my bread is buttered
Ba RB twafweni.
this mealimeal issue is so simple to handle. here we are talking about 28 bags X 25Kg honestly which this person bought legaly, that i mean he has receipts, declared on the border and is ready to clear the goods before he can cross to Zim. in addition this man entered zed legaly and he is a business man as have rightly ready. zedians
buy a lot of rice from TZ but such things dont happen, unless mulefaya ukulyamo fye. mwafweni umuntu!!!!!
Matworld my dear am ok. Now u same authorities,u knw 4sure that zim is in a hunger crisis y confiscate the mealie meal?Roller nayo
32…Am very very much Zambian. Actually 100 per cent Zambian… undiluted! Am only working in Zim so don’t be mislead by the flag into thinking that am Zimbabwean No!
Mukelabai has a point. Those actions are barbaric, to say the least. had it not been for LT and his big eyes, i would have used a stronger term. Those actions defeat the whole essence of both business and free trade!! Period! Lat us deal with the trader who defied instructions against selling in bulk. As it is now, the poor fellow will definately lose both hie cargo and his money…and possibly some other items like his wrist watch (twalimisiba pa Zed). I would fire the chap who had the truck impounded. 😕
…….and yes apart from the trader having ONLY 28 bags, it was ROLLER MEAL!!! what an embarassment!!!
35… Don’t talk too much because I might be one of your colleagues based at the Zambian embassy in Harare excerpt am realistic than you.
zambia should grow more food
Ba Moze imagine,roller fye.This is so ridiculous
You speak so affected by this issue, tell me, what really is happening in Zim, i would love to know more about whats happening, more especially the Cholera situation, hope you are affect my dear traditional cousin. Furthermore, lets not be reactive as Zambians but proactive and see the way forward about such kind of in human behavior, i have said it and i will say it again, lets help Zim, not by what has transpired but by helping them get read of the old man Mugabe. i know know we all know that Mugabe is the main causer of all this. so lets help Morgan in a certain way….
Long Live Zammbi
But if you are Zambian, why were you scorning us Zambian villagers saying that we should starve to death?
#38 No my brother I did not doubt by any stretch of imagination that you are Zambia. Everything you write and the way you construct your sentences and the emotion & passion has ZAMBIA written all over it. You are certainly Zambia.
I was thinking along the line of you being a busines man facilitating this deal. I don’t doubt your roots at at all and I would not be surprised if it turns out that we went together to the same school in Livingstone and we used to wait for that bread from ZIM at the border. I hear and feel you. But we are equally hard pressed my brother right now. This we shall grow more and send more to ZIM. Hence FSP
The Economist is in charge. Watch how he stirs this ship
Okey let me say something about zimbabweans that time when their economy was doing fine they used to boast and depise us zambians. That is why the bible says you never know what tommorow shall bring, be good to others in the same way you want them to be good to see now they never expected that they would need something from us some day.
Imwe musiyeni munzanu. Let him get his 28 bags of mealie meal. I was thinking it was 30 tonnes. It is even less than a tonne.
Hi!! :)>-
This story yanikalifya maningi! How can we, as a nation, reduce ourselves to this level? Am at a loss here.
35…Your approach to serious matters is low class. Instead of handling the issues at hand you started witch-hunting…busy checking the flag. A lot of people on this blogs post under a UK or US flag, does that make them and their contributions British or American? I can see that you have grand idiocy just like Tetamashimba no wonder you are MMD.
How do you wish ill on your fellow Zambians and yet call for help for others? Can you explain.
The Zimbabweans definitely need help and obviously all good meaning people should do everything to save lives.
But why do you categorically scorn your own people?
Lets be realistic. Whats wrong with a Zimbabwean Business man buying mealie meal to resell in Zimbabwe and 28 bags for that matter? And who says there is a shortage of maize in Zambia? Its there, its just expensive. Let me painfully reduce myself to your level of thinking. Lets assume this mealie meal is confiscated. Proffessor bloggers, tell me how this is going to reduce the hunger in the country.
I come from a family where we consumed about 4.5 bags of Roller meal in a week, thus 18 bags per month. Its also posible that 28 bags could have been for 2 or 3 hungry families in Zimbabwe. We all know what hunger feels like. Would you deny a lump of Bwali to a hungry fellow that finds you dinning on your table? Its UNZAMBIAN.
He will say to those on the left handside ” I was naked and clothed me not, Hungry and gave me no food, sick but…, away from me you evil doers. I would not want to be on the left side, would you?
#50 lets not start a flame war, Ba LT nabakalipa of late. I don’t want to be banned. I like blogging here to relive tension once in a while. If it makes you feel good and relive your tension by saying I have grand idiocy, so be it. Peace my man and enjoy your good day
Surely 28bags is an issue??At the moment Zimbabwe needs help we should put ourseves in thier shoes.those bags could have helped the hungry children there.we have short memories in the UNIP era it was us going to Zimbabwe buying essentials to survive why cant they do the same if they are buying goods legally?infact it will boost the Zmbian economy.It is sad to learn about this situation.God deliver mother AFRICA.
Mukelabai and MMD Bootlicker, we are all Zambians and we are affected by this, please stopped portraying real characteristics of bloggers and lets give each other ideas on how we can help our friends, yah we used to wait for bread from them and its true they are flocking into Zambia like no man’s business, 50 50, so lets not keep arguing amongst ourselves and help, u both representing Zambia were you are and believe me you are not portraying real Zambian Characters, i wonder if your really are Zambians. twapapata
Zimbabweans need help. The need is indeed urgent no doubt and we as Zambians should assist where possible and if within our capabillity.
But I find it odd that a Zambian can wish fellow starving Zambian villagers to die out of thier hunger whilst championing the cause of the starving neighbour.
Did I hear Mukelebai apologies?
you know what i think zimbabweans have a problem are you telling me people they is completely nothing they can do about the situation in their country.
We have got no capacity to start exporting maize to Zimbabwe, at present the Zambian and Zimbabwean economies are not different. We are both in a crises, so lets not sell the little unga that we have.:-w
I am convinced that Mukelebai is not Zambian. How do you jump from the topic of mealie meal to damaging the roads?
#35(MMD Chiefbootlicker),Tell your MMD to educate you(if that is you did not learn civics in Juniour Sec) that in a commonwealthy country,its not an Embassy but a High Commission.You will end up being fired and nowadays bootlicking credentials are despised and looked down upon.
Mukebai and MMD bootlicker
Stop it please.We dont want lose both of you because you contribute sensible comments here.Dont resort to calling each other names. Its not necessary. LT ali bad these days.. ajuba so!
From food to condemned to hell? Imwe ba Mukelebai we feel for you but dont behaive like we are trying to create a bad impression on your starving people. We know what suffering is.
Anonymous #61
Mukelabai is Zambian! Whats the problem here? can we discuss the issue and stop witch hunting? For goodness sake!!!
fellow zambians don’t throw your nshima when you leave some we should be keeping it so that we give it to someone going to zim to give the starving people period.
#18 Kadoyo, where you born during the second half of Kaunda’s rule? You and DS Emily Striedl need to know your history before making such pronouncements over 28 bags of mealie meal.
Zim will soon be over its woes and we need their hand. You guys on the boarders are our litmus. Be sensitive and open your eyes madama Striedl.
28 bags sure niyamene mujumpilapo ku mwamba nakulemba mumanyuzipepas ba LT? Canibaba fellow country and women. :-t:-t%-(%-(
Dont talk like that, Zimbabweans are were they are for the same reasons Zambians could be if they voted for SATA!
Sharp Shooter
Very good. you see, thats where the problem is. Sometimes when you talk toomuch, pretending that you know it all, you end up exposing your ignorance. Bootlicker had it coming! This witch hunting thing will not take anybody anywhere. Lets discuss, not witch hunt!!
Ba Moze
OK Zambian could be but very biased against his own.
#62 Prof Sharp Shooter, y’know some of these Keyboards for us vinabwele mochedwa va chizungu. The word embassy is shorter and easier to type than High fimo fimo. We still hunt and type. New resolution to touch type by December 2009
Much as we seem to sympathize with these Zimbabwean it is still not acceptable to sell them Mealie meal bearing the food situation in Zambia. I must commend who ever stoped them for the job well done.
#35, are you Maloni Zaza? just asking, am curious… 😕
#75 Political
Indeed, you are being too political. What are you suggesting now? That the traders ask for your nationality before they sell mealie meal to you?? Very funny! Be serious my friend. stop clowning!! [-x
May be i should cut and paste what Mukelebai said last month about us starving villagers.
Mukelebai Na Bootliker.
Mulishani guys? Dont forget that we come from ZIKO LAMUTENDERE yaya MUNO ZAMBIA CIMADIBA.I love you all.
Please swallow your pride and apologise to each other.Allow me to confess that I can comment anymore coz am ejoying reading good comments from all of you on the site.Iam Off to town I will be very happy to find that the two of you have reconciled.Stay blessed.
Matworld-Nice guy!!
ALA i was not getting something right is it 28 bags or 28,000 bags guys..guys 28 bags is just for family consuption poor this what we call authorities @ work
#76 No am not my friend. Didn’t you read in the papers that Maloni Zaza is a student. Am Embassy staff here or HC staff as some experts would want me to say
These characters want to make huge sums of money,thats why they are selling mealie meal to Zimbabwe. Martworld Nice guy how are you? Nine Chale and Baby C.muli shani, Bwalya my friend long time. Epo waba?
Mulishani bane? Poster risks being banned
#81…sorry to follow you again, since you are a govt official, are we suppossed to take your comments as a reflection of the MMD position? It could be interesting to have you as MMD representative on the blog.
No. 59 Hotchick, be realistic between Zambia and Zim, its not a matter of who is in trouble. Zambia is equally in big trouble than you and I can realise. Zim is very much capable of recovering within the shortest possible time, than Zed.
Hey Mukelebai, I send my apologies to you for messing up your day and sort of making you feel like I was witch hunting you. None of the sorts. I fully understand the side of your argument and were you are coming from. As I said above that I hear you and I feel you. I was at a school in Livingstone in the 90s and I fully know what you are talking about. I just have a different opinion now. Other wise sorry man and happy blogging.
I have to go and work. Tea break is over.
Martworld boyi,ninebo bambika ati Anonymous ba LT.
#1, read again paragraph 7.
“She said the district has noted the recent increase in the number of Zimbabweans that were crossing into Zambia on a daily basis and were buying bags of mealie meal in bulk forcing a serious shortage of the commodity in the district”.
The stakeholders meeting on monday resolved that the border would only allow passage of not more than two bags per individual.What remains to be established is whether this infor was passed on to the business community in Zim.
If not, then the measures taken by our authorities to confiscate the commodity was to harsh considering that the maize was bought legally and was not being smuggled out of the country. The authorities need to reconsider their stance.
#75 i agree with you, right now zambia is in middle of a food crisis we have people surving on wild roots. therefore we need to save the little food that we have. we can not risk exporting ubunga in the name of business at the expense of zambian. 2 – 3bags yes the can export not 1 person buying in bulk
Ba Moze 77
if that will help then thats what they must do. besides no one will buy 28 bags of ubunga at once for consumption purposes
Madm DC U did a bad thing by confiscating those bags of meally meal bcos that businessman bought legally. Why do u do evil things like that. You should be ashamed of yourself. Infact u call yourselves a christian nation.
#84 Yes my views are pretty much MMD position, but unofficial of course. I can know what these guys are thinking, saying and planning to do , but we have channels that officially distribute that information, but I pretty much know what MMD would say and do on a lot of situations. The only big one am clueless is the coming MMD convention to elect new office bearers. That one is very very tricky right now. Everybody has be told to keep quiet and am keeping quiet by the the BIG M ( Acting Party President).. no comments on this issue.
Am off now good day
I think what should happen is that the authorities should impose a duty on mealie meal exports. That way we will not starve those that can afford to pay for the commodity. That is what a civilized society can do. Otherwise we are going back to the dark days of Zaire under Mobotu and Zambia under UNIP when genuine businessmen were denied chance to transact openly under the guise of fighting smuggling. In the meantime some UNIP chairmen were busy doing exactly what they were stopping others from doing!Except they were doing it in the night with no tax to declare. Who loses here?
No. 69 anonymous fimo fimo
Don’t talk about my president like that otherwise yalazada.But don’t you remember that it was still Mugabe who was the president when the zim economy was booming.
#43. GAZZIE says,”Your ID my friend,That’s not Freedom of Expression”
Free advice from the Blog Secretary General(BSG).
On the Zimbos, allow them to buy ka one – one. We also have a crisis here remember?
These are the same Zimbabweans that were boasting when they were up there. Now its their turn to feel what we were feeling when we were being laughed at for not having coaches. Grab that mealie meal from those unthankful lot !
700kg of roller meal… hmm what an emergency
# 43. Zoe am soorry my friend, i meant #83. at post 97.
Forgive Gazzie, pleeeaaze.
Yes Mugabe was president before the crisis, just like Zambia would be a crisis after Sata becomes President.
how many billion dollers is a bag of mealie meal in Zimbabwe??????
Ba Maureen. they did not know what tey were doing, forgive them.
Zim was built on our copper but they laughed at our underdevelopment.
Anyway wise people rise abbove pettyness and we shall not strike a dying brother.
All the problems that Zimbabwe is facing today,have been created by Mugabe.Mugabe has outlived his usefulness.Unless Mugabe is kicked out as president the calaminities that have engulfed Zimbabwe wil continue.
#102. ZM$ 96,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.03 lt i need space.
Dont Cct my dear, just copy and paste. We will still need that information in future for reference. :d/
MMD Bootlicker…you are forgiven.
Bwachite nshi ? 😕
#98 Ba Maureen
You are somehow right. But lets not look at how they treated us in the past, and help them.They are our bululus ka…. :-h
May be this Mealie Meal was bought from RB’s Shop . **== Pa Zed.
#83 LT is looking @ you!!watch out!!
While I sympathize with Zimbabweans, they should look at the root cause of their problems. For me, Mugabe is responsible for most calamities eating up zimbo. The faster they sort him out, themselves, the better for the country. We need to look at the long term solutions to zimbo problems.
If we allowed 100 businessmen to export 28 bags of mealie meal each to Zimbabwe or any other country, after a year or so we will have nothing for ourselves and you bloggers will be the first pipo to say that RB does not care Zambians.
hey everyone,arest everybody who sells maize abroad as we do not have enough stocks within the country,how can u give out something which u dont have,iwe chi MMD chief botlicker who are u? Mukelabai,Baby C,anoymous na chi Rashid Jones simunafe? Cwawama muliko.
Anonymous 101
I think you don’t understand me, all the same is zambia also not in a crisis because in villages people are dying of eating poisonous friuts so is it not the same.How much are we buying kabunga.
Your hatred still exists even in the new year? Were you wishing us dead????? God is merciful my dear.
Ladies and Gentlemen on this site,surely out of mercy and special affections to the people of Zambia can we allow the businessman to export the Mealie Meal,this is for the following reasons,Will Earn Forex wether in trillions or not.We need to help our starving brothers and sisters and from the look of things this businessman is just a vendor trying make ends meet,to confiscate these bags you are litrally killing his survivor episode.It beats me why this should even be entertained as a headline and also this DC can she tell us wether this was done out of patriotism of mother zambia!!! please come on bring real issues and let the vendor carry the mealie meal.
Describe the crisis?
#83 Lt will delete that name of yours very soon. wait and see..
#98 Ba Maureen can you keep a step child? Ikusunga ifintu kumutima kwati ni tom muli tom & jerry.
Ni nafa, Iam just a Ghost now, whose only abillity in the physical world, surprisisngly, is to affect the keyboard.
#103, 109 You have managed to convince me for the first time I think we can give them a hand but we will will still remember.
For eating a poisoned root, I am being scorned.
I will help hot chick. I believe we are on the same side, were gender is concerned
A crisis is any critical incident that involves death, serious injury, or threat to people; damage to environment, animals,something like that mweee1
We need to take care of our own pipo before we can think of feeding the foreigners. Zambians can be too kind to even deny their own children what is rightly theirs to please a foreigner. This is the same detrimental attitude that is widespread pa zed where foreigners are given preferential treatment over zedians. This has to stop. In shops or banks, the foreigners especilally ba zungu, are treated better than zedians. We need to put a stop to this madness. In their countries, you are second placed. All you bloggers who have travelled know what i am talking about. Pa zed its zedians first then others!!!!
Baby C
Though very uncorfortable addressing anyone except my children or wife as baby.
Does it include if 100 people die of root poisoning?
Iwe Munyono,why are you wishing your friends dead. Baby C how are you?are you the real Baby C i know?am so happy to hear from you.
#120 Find someone your own age to joke with
No. 109 Baby C
The issue of lets not look at how they treated us in the past, always remember the past it might help us to overcome the future. The like praising the foreigner more than our fellow Zeddians. The point here is Zambian first, second even third. Thats when we can look at Zimbabweans.
In every thing we do we need to put the Zambian interest first and no other full stop.:-?
“Pride goes before a fall … he who laughs last, laughs the loudest”. The Zimbabweans had all sorts of names for Zambians when we had our problems. They were the cream of Africa Yesterday, and when the saw themselves comfortably climbing up the ladder, they were laughing at us. The hard working Zambian Tamangas will confess that they where not seen as normal.
Most of the problems in Zim are a result of PRIDE in them. They can’t use force on their leadership because they are too educated to do that. It’s not uncommon to hear them laughing at us and hoping that we get back where we were. They are so quick to overly comment on ZED’s problems with a negative intonation in their voices.
Please lets serve whatever grain we have for ourselves. Remember there is no maize at all in the country. starvation is already with us. What is the point in giving others when you do not have any? We must also punish those selfish money lovers who sell our last resort grain to other countries such as Zimbabwe and congo to mention but a few.
#126 Anonymous
If you are not comfortable dear, you can say #…. as simple as that!
Coming to your question, i will advise you to go through the definition on comment 124. Please look out for the key words. Thanx
#127 Droged
Fine dear. Am the real one. Thanx to LT
You ve said rightly that Zim was built on our copper but they laughed at our underdevelopment.
Because of such behaviour thats why today we have gone back to deal with Katumbi. We need to reform as a nation and progress, Mudala it pains me to see Zambia the way it is.
Fellow bloggers nobody is disputing that we need to consider the Zambian populace first before we help others. It will actually be folly for us to give when we have nothing. At the same time it will be unfair and callous for us to waste when our brothers and sisters across the Zambezi are wallowing in poverty. Lets learn to share just like the Western tax payers share with us through the various budgetary support and aid their governments offer to our good for nothing government. Akaso….
can you please sign the passport petiton please. It affects all of us, ka.
#128, Thanks for the advice, just show me where they show bloggers’ ages. Ninshi Ukalipa? Mwachilya impwa?
Droged and Babe C, are you the only jews who dont know that there is global recession and massive job losses.
I thought you died of heart attacks due to your job loss.
The Blackman’s Child
Do you know how much we long to make Zambia proud about itself? Do you? Zambia will make it, it will. We just need level headedness and strategic planning. We are capable! The problem is that most people prefer the approach of walking right inside into a bull fight hoping to out muscle the bull. That type is as shallow as Mugabe’s approach and see where it has led him.
You havent changed at all. Last year you ran me down with your friend tubeless. Anyway whatever…. Stay blessed dear.
Iwe Mukelabai
Attend to my questions?
Fellow bloggers, Am here to make an Announcement, This is going to be the greatest News on Lusaka Times.
I Munyono, and Babe C are hereby announcing our engagement party to be held at Cresta Golf Hotel this saturday.
This will be our truest test of our seriousness to our soon coming wedding in August.Strictly by card and Chewe will be my right hand man in this whole process.
#142 Munyono
May I be honoured to officiate the occasion?
130…You are spot on! I hear you more than clearly because I live with Zimbos. A negative intonation or unscreened jealous towards Zambia’s progress are debates I handle with them almost on a daily basis. But lets not be overwhelmed with hate or sad memories of how we were once treated and stuff like that. Noble people never let the past hinder them from extending a hand to a dying soul. If you were Mandela how many Boer heads would you have hanged? Forgiveness is hard and painful especially if you were a victim of injustice.But there is no greater feeling than paying evil with good. The moment you do that you will always sleep a sleep of the just as your once oppressor struggles with guilt
poster banned
You know fellow brothers this year i want to settle down and raise a few kids with my wife Babe C.
next week we will be out for a few days pls dont dispair we will come out to tell you how far we will go.
The emotional and sympathetic attitude we have as Zambian have made us too weak to even sort out the flaws our local policies. We Zambians are too …too…too good for the foreigners. We basically hero-worship them. It’s nowonder we have the top 10 richest in our country being foreign nationals. Compare how you are treated in even our very own neighboring Congo and Zim. Senegal? We are too quick to forget our identity, and rather choose to align ourselves with the outsiders for a simple utterance of “thank you”. That’s why we’ll even forget the evils of smuggling. Fellow Zedians, it’s high time we learnt to protect what is ours. Zimbos can buy such commodities but with paperwork.8-|
Remember what you said, you are now in Zimbabwe? This tendency to be economic with the truth can only lead me to conclude one thing. You are a …..
Enjoy guys, i miss you all but tell those chaps to give the back the mealie meal to the owner.
#127. I was jes watching and analysing her posts … this is the real Mc coy, the real Baby C.
GaZZie says welcome back.
Munyono boyi and ba Maureen,me i have stopped fighting with people on the blogg.LT almost banned me! So be good boys and girls.Like Martworld nice guy,Nine Chale and others.
148…Who sent you on me today? What did I say?
congratulations baby c and munyono.I wish you a happy life long marriage,take care!
You said
‘ Dont look at the flag, I am actually in Zambia ….’
As usual, some political decisions don’t go down well even if they’re meant to help us! From my understanding, this decision to limit 2 bags per person is meant to benefit the masses, i.e. instead of one business man buying 28 bags, with these rules in place 14 families will benefit! Look at the bigger picture pipo, it’s not like there’s a total ban on maize exports!!
Hi Rashid!
Gazzie, thanx once more
#146, Munyono, careful with cyber love. You might find out Baby C is an Automatic Response Internet Server in some IT department. Can you imagine falling in love with a computer?
Yes! Am a Zambian currently working in Zim. What’s wrong with that? Anyway, if you can remember postings I sent several months ago then I must be a brilliant contributor to make you care and memorize that much.
Can I volunteer also to provide you your wedding Gown? I have a very nice tailor just across, besides the river.
That is why you lose in court, ‘several months’ when it is just about 3 weeks ago?
Point of correction, Its Babe C and not Baby C , who munyona is talkng about.
Munyona, i wish you well.
That is why you lose in court, ’several months’ when it is just about 3 weeks ago?
Sweetheart Babe C, what do you think of Anonymous as Guest of honor
Chi # 83
ata wamukulu onse cant u be ashamed of yourself!!! we have lost mature bloggers and LT readers because of people like you what kind of name is that
U still have chibolya mentality even after I helped you move to woodlands change this is a new year!!!
Am out of here till you are done with your wedding topic. Its not benefiting at all. Please stick to the topic.
154…I knew that you were some functional illiterate lying somewhere. I guessed right coz just from your postings I could tell that you were some Dull somebody. Check my posting on 38, this is what I said and I quote: Am very very much Zambian. Actually 100 per cent Zambian… undiluted! Am only working in Zim so don’t be mislead by the flag into thinking that am Zimbabwean No!. Go back to Grade 9 and learn English-Comprehension. Mwaonekela Daddy!
Alpha, for your own info Chewe is my Shibukombe,i know Babe C personally we have already discussed our intentions.
What i did was just inform you guyz of the latest development
Baby C, hi.tell Ba moze to make a directive so that the mealie meal is given back ASAP. why confiscate when someone has bought using his hard earned money?
Its just unfortunate that man’s truck with 28 bags of ubunga was impounded.In the first place we always talk of brotherhood, and we say help one another. This man trully must have bought these bags, and maybe some people in Zimbabwe had already paid him to deliver something to them to prevent hunger. Has someone seen the congo boarder? bakaboke push in bags of the same commodities in numbers and they buy from zambia. Nga chashupa shani, for the poor zimbo who is merely taking it for his friends and relatives. Remember we bought all sorts in zimbabwe at one time, and not all things were for sale. Chaona munzako chapita mmawa chili pali iwe! c’mon Zambians thats not UBUNTHU………..
I am dullo indeed, you are very cleverer, plus a genius for that matter.
154..Why the witch-hunt? You are behaving like a hired assassin. Awe nakukanila boi spare me your lunacy. Look for someone else to haunt not me.
What is wrong with buying the meal meal in zambia,and what hell of a difference is there between an empty stomach in zambia and zimbabwe in need of nourishment.The whole idea in confiscating is nonsensical :(:((
Fellow blogers,
I phoned baby c to leave the blog for a few minutes, it appears. Chewe needs abit of time with her, she needs to try the wedding dress Anonymous is bringing this afternoon.
Thank you guyz, all those supporting our union and counting on you for our success.
Hi everyone @-)
Wait a minute baby C…dont worry u are a queen u rule LT thats why they are all discussing about you..okey now put yourself together and keep blogging :):x
point of correction LT is it meal mealie or mealie meal.
I think we should start a petition to give the guy his 700kg unga back, I mean it’s not even breakfast meal 😕
Or he should get his money back at least
170…Let me get back to work it seems you are bent on having me sacked. And once that happens you will be the same one cracking your ribs at Chirundu border post as you see me crossing back home with my katundu. Later.
#151 For me I stopped insulting and runing people’s days but if I am forced I can commence and thats not what everyone wants. Theres a lot to be discussed on this site but some young boys tend to get carried away and start showing disrespect to older bloggers. See what i mean ?
You said on 9th Dec 2008
‘Bloggers don’t be mislead by the flag…am not in Zim. LT gets confused sometimes don’t you know that. Just this morning it was indicating that I was in the UK. Am somewhere but not home. Stay Well’
Who is dull now, try to wriggle out now.
u are becoming boring to honest
Yours are words of a thief!
#151,Droged. No one can ban Munyono, we issued LT with its Lincence to operate blog, if they ban Munyono thats the end of LT.
If you want to try dare ban Munyono, they will come begging after you guyz pettition them to reopen it.
Fellow bloggers there a question on 176: Is it meal mealie or mealie meal? We have crazy characters here….
There goes a thief, bye bye
LT what wrong have i done?am a good boy now!
#174 Hi >:d<
imwe namunaka?? mwalema ka ….you can all go to sleep
Whenever a thief is caught ‘TEYINE’ blurts out.
Now in the middle of lunch, ‘ before I am fired’?
Yenda uko kawalala iwe.
Princess Vayola, Let me tell you what happened on the 31st of Dec,2008 when i attended an overnight crusade.The clergy after preaching asked all of us to go forward to be pryed for.
He asked how many of you are sick and need healing come forward, no one went,but when he said how many of you want marriage come forward.Almost everyone went.
what am saying is, dont trivialise my intentions, marriage is a rabbit that has escaped most women for years because of an attitude like yours.
So get real, support your sister baby c.why ma jealous.
Forgive me bloggers/LT I was trying to prove a point.
Hey you guys,is it because of the credit crunch that you are not going for lunch, you are just blogging or what?
#185 mukelebai do you read the article before making comments coz i was just making a point of correction, go back to the article and read what LT had written.”meal mealie” the first one has been corrected but the other has not been corrected. Hope you will prove me right.
The confiscation of the 28x 25 kg bags of mealie is ilegal! The man bought that mealie with his hard erned cash and why impose unnecessary los and misery on the man?? Damn, f o o l s
[-([-( Awe ba LT we need some latest news..people are now falling Head-over-heals for each other…its getting even more boooooorrrrriiiinnnggg :((:((:((
Ya but its waste of time on this site if you want to hear constructive contributions. Some kaponyas keep bringing in topics from their pubs, who is interested in knowing how you behaved last night or who is on your line up? Please for God’s sake lets use this site with good intentions. The topic at hand is About the mealie meal confiscation at Kariba border and not all the trush you are talking about. We are not home and we would like to see more positivity from my home boys and girls. Like 192’s comment what the hell has that got to do with the topic. Simple minds kwena.
Matworld somone ba Munyono kuno…. and Chewe has volunteered to …
#199 i second you…you right what did you have for lunch??
LT when bloggers start blubberling, ninshi TOPIC yasasa.
Give them something new and you will see them spring to life
nebo & Princes vayola
Forgive me.
#167 Munyono, congrats on your bidding farewell to bachelorhood. But your madam is still playing hard to get, she is threatening to leave the blog because of your announcements. Did you promise her a quite wedding? Just a piece of advice, I think Chewe is a bad choice for a Shibukombe. Am told he doesn’t drive so last he acted Shibukombe for Anonymous, they went to Anonymous’s ba pongoshi to pay insalamu. When the gate was opened a dog pounced on them. Imagine ba Shibukombe and Anonymous scampering in diffrent directions for safety. They failed to pay that day because Anonymous spent the rest of the day trying to locate his Shibukombe. Finaly they met at home.
LT thanx for your forgiveness.I wil always strive to be a good boy.Cutey i forgive you for what you said against me. Even when you knew that i have always joked with you.Its fine!
I just cant seem to comprehend why a Zambian can wish ill on his own whilst promoting the cause of others. That is what Mukelebai is doing. He goes further and claim that I am falsely accusing him of such and goes on to deride me. Yes I am a person to be derided at but he must have the capacity to back up this with facts.
Zambian starving in the villages is no joking matter. Zimbabweans starving is just as serious. But to choose to scorn your own yet emphathising withothers is simply ludicrous.
LT what is wrong with my postings
Fellow Zambians, how can you have authorities impound an inocent Zim fella.
Why cant our zim brothers trade, does it mean we have abandoned the free market ideology.
Let the fella alone.
Many bloggers deliberately choose to be anti Govt. If 10 Zimbabweans illegally buy 10 buys of mealie meal everyday, you have 100 bags leaving the district everyday thereby causing an imbalance of demand and supply.This can lead to hike of mealie meal prices in the district and the locals will suffer.
Whats going on here??
Ka Maureen where you? am on your case today. I know you are easily irritable. Give me your worst shot.
Was saying let Zimbos kill that devil Gabriel Mugabe and pick up the pieces. We cannot lose sleep over someone else’s idiocy.
Ka Maureen where are you? Am on your case today. I know you are easily irritable. Give me your worst shot.LT is indeed a disciplinarian. They have managed to reform bad girl Maureen to Good girl.
LT your reporters perhaps need to have another crash course on relaying proper information.Did they decide to impose the sanction before or after the guy was apprehended?Because you just said they had a meeting on monday, n we don’t know if this is before or after the roller was apprehended, if it was before, they better give the guy back what is legally his. IF IT WAS AFTER, IS THERE A NOTICE TO LET PEOPLE KNOW AT THE BORDER AS THEY COME IN?N THE VENDOR IS ALSO LIABLE.
Those advocating for serious comments on this topics. Just peruse through the contributions and you will find that this topic has been exhaustively discussed. So its LT’s fault that we are not getting fresh news. What more can you comment about confiscated bags of mealie meal please even if you write novels?
I want ba Chewe :((:((:((
Does this story deserve the attention it has received? I doubt that. Do we have to politicise every topic? How much revenue has the Govt. lost or how many Zambians have been displaced by this persons act? Why confiscate food that is intended to feed the starved? Where is the moral act in that? What law has this person broken after declaring all he got? When this person entered Zambia, he was obviously asked what his intensions where, purpose of visit/entry. Why was he not stopped then? This is not news. It just tells me that immigration should get their act together!! :-w
#1,viba zed valuza bola 2-0.
#2,there a ban on the export of both maize and mealie meal,so regardless of the quantity,the action taken was the correct one.leave madam dc alone.
#3,Herve R. and the boys starting 2moro must straight report to mwembeshi open prison to grow tomatoes for embarassing the nation!!!
#4,to be continued.
The Zimambean Authorities arrested a Zambian who had bought Fish in Zimbabwean the reason that they had banned the export of Fish. The export of Maize and Mealie meal has been banned. So can someone tell me why Zambians are complaining about this. Is it a national hobby that you have to complain about everything…pathetic
Increase production that’s why we are are a 3rd world country.
Off topic,Why is the cost of living so high in Zambia?.
Zim guys do something about Mugabe. No wonder you find yourselves in this situation. Kick the old man out and soon u will feed yourselves. Purchasing mealie meal in Zam will not help expecially when the stuff is political in Zam.I feel sorry for my Zim Bros and sis.
#221. Because of high taxation of goods and services.
no. 221 to add to easyMule comments the high tax is then spent by our Government on non production sectors. Case in point – money spending impounding and administering 28 bags x K60,000 (assuming not roller meal) worth K1,680,000 exceeds the value of the goods saved from the Zimbabweans. As well as holidays to Mfuwe lodge for married non tax paying presidential children
AMEN. ^:)^
Dear LT
But if the bags of mealie meal were purchased legally and papers supporting the purchase are available,what’s wrong with that.
I thought zimbabwe was part of the free trade area…hello?
Emily Striedl and her husband failed to run the motel between kafue town and kafue bridge, on the right from kafue on the left from the bridge.
how many bags each has the Police taken home to Mrs and the children at the police camp:-?
The Zambian Govt really amazes me, instead of taking advantage of the Zimbabwean situation the past 10 years by increasing exports and generating revenue in Zambia, they have done nothing and still are complaining of poverty and unemployment in Zambia. What a wasted opportunity, there is so much demand of food and other goods in Zimbabwe but Zambia has not seen this golden opportunity.The Govt would have seriously invested in agriculture and manufacturing of goods to be supplied to Zimbabwe and provided incentives to Zambian Businesses but missed this opportunity, anyway it is not too late we can still do it before things change in Zimbabwe for the better. God bless Zambia.
The businessman should sue them if he can. What law has he broken? This should be cause for concern among law abiding citizens. The so called stakeholders are not law makers, or have I missed an amendment to the constitution? And did this gurgle of stakeholders publicise their new ‘order’ properly and in such a manner that the businessman or any other reasonably informed person could be expected to have known about the newly imposed restriction on bags of maize?
Why do we forget so fast?We bought truck loads of suff from Zim not very long ago, and today coz you are much better, you want to deny a poor guy to export the few bags. This chap is in Zambia legally,Hence he can buy whatever food he needs for his family,friends and neighbors so as to reduce the influx of those many zim-zim who should have travelled to Zed in order to buy a bag or two of cornflour. Take advantage and export more.
Well, I sell maize meal in South Africa and will gladly supply anyone who wants to buy it. It is done to relieve hunger and is a business aswell. Anyone interested let me know – obviously all legal!!
[email protected]🙂