Friday, March 28, 2025

National Sports Council of Zambia Suspends Kalusha


The National Sports Council of Zambia (NSCZ) has suspended Faz president Kalusha Bwalya from all official sporting engagements.

This is after Kalusha defied the local supreme sporting body’s summons to appear before them today in Lusaka over his role in the controversial transfer of Emmanuel Mayuka from Kabwe Warriors to Maccabi Tel Aviv.

NSCZ chairman Dr. Julius Sakala confirmed Kalusha suspension during a press briefing in Ndola Thursday afternoon where he unveiled the official letter to the Faz president after the latter snubbed to appear before them after he countered it with an official letter to Fifa over the same matter.

“Dear Mr. Bwalya we refer to your letter addressed to the NSCZ we note with regret that you have not appeared before the national sports council disciplinary committee instead you have informed us that you have wrote to Fifa,” the letter to Kalusha from the NSCZ read in part.

“We have resolved that you be suspended with immediate effect from all activities of your association and from all sporting activities of those association which fall under the NSCZ pending your appearance before the council disciplinary committee this has been made under the provisions of section 10 (3) of the national sports council Act number 15 of the laws of Zambia.”

And Dr Sakala said the NSCZ was dismayed by Kalusha’s actions.

“We the sports council with the emergence consultation from colleagues we have take exception to this type of approach by Faz president because we are operating under an Act of Parliament which has nothing to do with the process of getting a comment from Fifa,” Dr Sakala said.

“Fifa is not a part to our investigations we have found. In my capacity as NSCZ chairman on behalf of the council I have written to Mr. Bwalya today and the minister of sport in the following manner.”

Meanwhile, Faz vice president Emmanuel Munaile and association general secretary George Kasengele who were also summoned did oblige and appeared before the NSCZ this week.

With this development, Kalusha will not chair this weekends Faz annual general meeting and Munaile will instead oversee proceedings.


  1. Kalu is not the way,the truth and life in zambian football.He should never think he is above the law of the land.Look at the way he has unintelligently remote controlled football matters from SA.Our local league is already in the mess.Kalu li++le.

    • I can’t agree more with you. This chap thinks he is the football in Zambia. The fight against Corruption and abuse of authority is not only for politicians but it includes everyone with national responsibilities. If high profiled politicians can be made to account for their deeds so can this Zambian soccer legend. Maradona spoiled his the “greatest” tag for Pele because of his “muppet”. And so did Mike Tyson for Muhammed Ali.

    • I have the feeling that most dudes posting here left zambia long time ago and are in winter somewhere. And do not care about Zambian football at all. The dude will disobey, and what next, a fight between NSCZ and Kalu at this time FIFA will come in to fire us. Come on guys life the dude’s suspension, it time to qualify to 2010 world cup. NSCZ should have reported Kalu to FIFA instead.

  2. Kalusha should learn to respect our institutions and laws of our country.Does he think people running these institutions are kids who don’t know what they are doing? These are Zambia’s best, qualified and spent time behind the desk and know more about procedure and administration than he does. Rushing to FIFA I think is insulting to Zambians. We might have a useless president and party in power, but we don’t have a useless country, useless people and useless institutions. This spoilt brat need to respect Zambia and should know that Zambia is bigger than him and his clan or any individual for that matter. I would not be surprised if he chaired the FAZ weekend meeting. This Kid is spoilt.

    • It is Dr Julius Sakala and National Sports Council of Zambia that need to respect our institutions and laws.
      This matter is straight-forward and no need to raise all this furore such that even nonentities start to yap their nonsense about matters they know nothing about nor even understand the little bit.
      The NSCZ are fighting a war they cannot win, not even a single battle of it.
      Cut my throat, ni pano tuli.
      Sakala & Co should have also followed the right procedure by taking the matter to FIFA. For, like it or not, FIFA laws override any national or geo-political laws in as far as the administration of association football is concerned. Too bad every Jack wanna be an expert on this…

  3. Honestly this is malabishi. Why should the NSCZ be involved in a players transfer? This is part of why we don’t see enough of our boys playing in Europe, too much red tape before a club signs a player. No matter how good a player is, if there are too many people who want ku dwamo VAT before a European club signs a player they will sign someone else who is as good from Nigeria or DRC. The red tape has to be lessened if we are to see our soccer team improve and perform better on the world stage! An leave Great Kalu alone! His heart is with Zambian football other wise with all this malabishi that goes on he would have opted to live and in europe or south america

    • My Son Of …. Kalusha is no good for zambian football as an administrator. He is the one who wants to eat VAT on every transfer deal. Remember, that even in his playing days, he never wanted to help any other player apart from his no talent brothers. And now, he thinks that he should not listen to anyone apart from FIFA. This is being cheeky and domotes this talented sportsman from Great KALU to Great GALU.

    • i agree. Its a club issue not FAZ. I think FAZ have filled their egos with Helium gas and thats very dangerous…

    • Iwe chi whatever..You don’t know what you are talking about. Check yourself. Face reality, Ba KALU is wrong PERIOD.

    • You are commenting from a point of ignorance. If you knew what Kalu does to these players, you would understand why even voting for him in the first place was a mistake. Kalu, chews money on most transfers and also gets a cut from the players’ salaries. Especially during the time he was national team coach. He uses his girls friend in SA to control players and their earnings. Ask Mbesuma……

    • Well well well. It looks like you guys have more data than I do and are closer to all that’s going on. I’ll admit that being far from home I may be “commenting from a point of ignorance”. But I’ll say this: no matter what you say about how terrible a person Kalu is, he will always be my # one hero of Zambian football on the field. I’m yet to judge him as an administrator and I hope all your claims about him are true otherwise don’t condemn him without looking at yourself and asking yourself what you have done as a fan to improve Zambian football. Do you go to local league game? Do you own a ZESCO, team ya ziko or Man Utd jersey? Need I say more? Gentele, men we can all do something.

    • Yeah, I agree with your views. Another thing is they should have heard Kalu out. Who knows, he could have missed his flight – we do not even have a national airline you know. He may have genuine reasons for not turning up (like love can make you do anything) You can say, ‘let them hang, I love you more than football’ and go on kissing. Women will hang to you like a creeper if you are such a man. I imagine Kalu will fill so discouraged, once all this is over. Zambians do bicker a lot especially where football is concerned, everyone is a spokes person, all the emotions come out, others just by reflex action or not intentional if you like – that one is the truth!

    • No blasphemy intended. I think we all use the names we gave our selves here because we relate to them. We use them because they convey to everyone else something about who we are without giving out our real names and identity. Your name, for example, tells me that you see yourself as very special (Princess-y) and that you believe that people should have and give “genuine love “and should expect the same from you. I hope that my name conveys that I strive for meekness and humility. Again, no blasphemy intended.

    • Hey Shimaster,

      You sure have got all your facts right? The guy’s the best thing that ever happened to not only Zambian football but the whole of Africa’s sporting fraternity. He’s brought Zambia in the spotlight. He is respected. You might want to rethink this or even undo your post. Do not appreciate people after they are gone.

  4. That chap is very pompous, let’s see if this FIFA of his will save him from the Council axe that is aiming to land on his neck. By the way, he lives in South Africa, how can he run tings in Z?

  5. Kalu should be investigated just like any other person in Zambia mind you NSCZ is the supreme board in Zambia so why should it take FIFA to resolve football matters in Zambia. I bet NSCZ is just making a follow-up on what was recommended earlier by the tribunal set to investigate the Mayuka case. so why is Kalu refusing to appeal before the counci? I hope he is not guilty.

  6. What a shame. So Kalu FIFA is your immediate disciplinary board iyi ? What a fake move and it only shows what he thinks about the NSCZ and the Law. No Respect.

  7. Imwe leave my boy friend Kalu alone. Are you jealous of his free kicks back in the day? Nisieleni ba FAZ chair baanga.

    Why ma jee-ga so?

    • Hey, those free kicks didnt bring any trophies, how could I remember them. Kalu is a fake ass niggr. He has contributed to the downfall of zambia’s football. jst imagine, we are now ranked 24th in Africa. 24th man, 24th.

  8. let us look at FIFA’s view point on this, they definitely gonna side Kalu’s version of the matter. In the end kalu is winning but that won’t help development of football in zambia. Kalu should mature and learn to be submissive to local sports board above FAZ not just FIFA.

    • U are right my friend Kalu will win.The problem he has is the hatred being peddle against him by alot of arm chair critics .He is smart he knows NSC is being used to get at him that is why he involved FIFA so that only football rules and procedures should be the issues to be discussed and not him.In football the players interests are top priority in transfers even in europe what Mayuka did is common look at TEVEZ’s case and now we have TANA’s case .If warriors did not accept the maccabi conditions they where going to lose out because the player had already made up his mind and FAZ were going to issue the certificate anyway.

  9. Kalusha was the wrong man for the job. I hate to say it but ‘I told you so’. Let FAZ be run by good administrators. The problem with kalu is he does not heed advice. Is he even in Zambia or in South Africa??

    • You are right Kalu is not an administartor he is just a player..We shud differeciate btn administering soccer and playing soccer Him he is not a manager i think Ever Kasunga was Good mwee

    • My friend i think u are wrong about Kalu being a poor administrator.Kalu has from the onset being bombarded with a lot criticism bordering on pure jealousy even before he took over the coaching because some people fell he likes being in the limelight. Kalu’s life is football just like sata’s life is politics and these people will do any thing to keep their passions alive.There are people that will shamelessly drag Kalu’s name in the mad even on flimsiest of grounds just to dumpen his star but he has always escaped them(simata,mulonga,hanif) because he is zambian and he KNOWS Zambians.

  10. Great Kalu I like your stance and proud you stood the ground . FAZ is an independent body only answerable to CAF and FIFA. If there was something wrong with the transfer of the tenage striker,FIFA rules should be applied rather than using the functionless NCZ rules. NCZ should have written an official complaint to FIFA concerning what is has been treated to be a mishandling of minor player’s transfer. To me it appeared that FAZ acted in the best interest of the player .FC porto and Sporting Lisbon tabled there offers at the time after an Isreal side had already forwarded the transfer offer .Be reminded that only FIFA and CAF ( under the guidance of FIFA rules) .


  11. Cont’

    can punish FAZ. We have had some bad experience with the Mulonga led Administaration when the state tried to intervene ,calling for his resignation . FIFA supported FAZ without state sponsorship up to the time he voluntarily resigned. There biggest problem we are facing is that NCZ is politisizing soccer adminisration . We love yopu Kalu ,the most successful footballer in Southern African.

    • You are really a fish. Yes, we agree Great KALU is the most successful footballer in Southern Africa but this is no guarantee for him to look down upon local sports instituitions put in place. How come his vice and all the others implicated in the matter appeared before the NSCZ disciplinary pannel. ( Infact check yourself, the correct abbreviation for our soccer council is NSCZ, and not the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia you are writing). Objective minds have already articulated the whole issue – Being a good player does not automatically qualify you to be a good administrator (ofcourse with some exeption but unfortunately in this case not our great KALU – he is a bad Administrator).

    • Armed Gunman

      I thought you were armed ,but am not surprised that you are firing blanks .Your mean charactor is not only appaling and disgusting but also boring because you cant provide tangible reasons to assume Kalu is a bad administarator. Further ,you have not provided me with the reasons for Kalu to appear before NSCZ , as I stated in my previous posting National Soccer Bodies are only Answerable to FIFA and continental bodies. If you are armed I would really exepect a timed and tangible reasons for your contetion.

    • I personally do not like Luapula fish and I know armed gunmen are unpredictable. A fired blank would still scare the hell out of me or anyone for that matter. Now my comment – Kalusha is a good administrator. If at all he has misfired once, it does not entail he is a bad administrator altogether! He has plenty of good qualities. Do not write him off just for not appearing – especially before hearing him out. It is unwise to conclude before you get the facts.

  12. True Luapula fish. FIFA has committees which handle such matters. NSCZ has blundered. warriors should have written to FIFA and FIFA could have cleared the air. Remember Power Dynamos cried foul over the transfer of francis ‘KOJE” Kombe to Golden Arrows of South Africa. FOFA abitration committee sat, heard the case and declared his move clean. This is just a Pull Him Down syndrome being exercised. Lets wait and see.

    • True, NSCZ should have advised FAZ to get FIFA Arbitration over the matter, players’ welfare is certainly not in the NSCZ Act (unless it changed). We risk being disqualified from the World/Africa Cup qualifiers if this trend of NSCZ interference continues (remember last time it was Marcha Chilemena). I’d have loved to know what NSCZ has to say over some of our former national team players who are now destitute; wonder whether Dr Sakala has been in touch with our exgolie Kolala of late. I believe Mayuka’s getting along by far better in Isreal than 90% of the guys playing in our local league.

    • I have always thought that there are people in Govt and Faz who have held something against Kalu. I am not for everything he has done or stood for but this to me is a little too petty and interesting timing. We as a nation r preping for one of the most important games in recent memory and politicians want to “flex” their muscle..i just don’t get it! Why not wait until after the game to do all this, but true to Zambian form we are about to suffer another self inflicted wound. Are the ego’s of these men so in need of a pat, they seriously have to jeopardise our nations dream just so they can pull rank and feel important!? They discussed this in parliament? A soccer trf. (great stuff…

    • So what does suspending Kalu accomplish?These are the kind of things that annoy and wonder if we can or will ever change. Instead of suspension y not issue a subpoena(if possible) or something? Outline the risks of not appearing before the council and then suspend him if he fails to appear. These food fights need to stop, i hope FIFA suspends us then hopefully these clowns will get the message.


    • I should understand here that national sports have no idea about soccer rules and regulations. Its time our small league become serious and run by soccer experts

  13. When voting people in Midlands/Lusaka wanted Adams from Copperbelt wanted Kalu because of passed glory loyalty. We wanted an Administrator not a Soccer Agent and there you.

  14. Pa Zed paliba comedy in everything they dont take things serious and some of thiz small issues are not worthy talking about its a shame anyway Kalu is also not an administrator he failed to manage a national team and he failed to train someone to take after him not even his young brothers

  15. Can Kalu get back here and do his work here…..NOT just staying away in wonder all these things are coming up.Ba Kalu tondolo musuma,bweleni mukwayi twalimitemwa nangu mwapushile penalty iya last…!

  16. Ladies and Gents : help me on this……. The Zambian league (premier Teams) has started with Clubs facing financial problems. Roan untd, Chambeshi, Zamtel fc to mention a few these teams have got no sponsors as at now. Faz has not even botherd to find out how they wil survive or play their fixctures. Nchanga rangers has thrown in an injunction over their demotion, wich means the following games will not be played ( chambeshi, lusaka dynamos). this means every weekend 4 teams in premier will not play games and 2 teams in division 1 will also not play. why start league games with all these problems?

    • check the post on the net today. ‘Tana’s clearance illegal- Kazala’ .Tana had a contract with Nchanga up to 31 March 2009. The zambia league startd with only 6 teams playng out of 16 due to total confusion in Faz (Kalu’s) , this weekend the AGM for faz is on and the total no: of games communicated to clubs to be played ar only 2 each. How do u plan like that. Now Kalu is suspended. wat will follo next. This is another madagasca

  17. way to go NSCZ.keep up with the late HELP spirit no body is above the law.we would rather FIFA suspend us than the way we are going

  18. fellow bloggers,the NCSZ is a gorvenment wing and this action amounts to Government interference in football and this is against FIFA regulations.This is the reason great Kalu reffered this matter to FIFA. If not careful Zambia risks stiff punishment from FIFA and we may be banned from participating in the world cup qualifiers.

    • Good, as if we stand any chance. at least we will save some money. World cup is for the great teams, not Chipolopolo( ranked 24th in Africa).

  19. Kalu’s pomposity levels have risen to high of late.He deserves to be relieved of his job as FAZ president.Good move NSCZ.

    • Pomposity as in the way the kaponyas look at the learned (some of us) you mean? In this case this implies, you………

  20. #15 Good man yourself.I totally concur with you. NSCZ have blundered on this one.Nchanga rangers should have reffered tha matter of Mayukwa to FIFA. It seems this Mayuka issue has been politicised. Why should the transfer of a palyer involve the entire minister!!!!! This is absolutely nonsense. Wait and see what will happen to Zambian Football. By the way bloggers in terms of football affairs FIFA comes first not the so called NCSZ.

  21. NSCZ you get a red card. Football is a club and FAZ answers to FIFA first and perhaps to you if you are in agreement with FIFA. Try assistinf athletes and swimmers

  22. Kalu should have obliged to the call and say what he knows about the transfer.FIFA is a wrong Org to be involved in this [-x

    • Livingstone

      Do you really Know what you are talking about or just craking a joke? Iam scared you can mislead the masses

    • IWE NSOMBA! We know about all the procedures of who reports to who, but if one is clean there is nothing wrong in appearing before the NSCZ disciplinary committee and clear one’s implicated name. Being accountable directly to FIFA does not mean one can go about abusing his authority with impunity. And you wanted NSCZ to just fold arms and look at this chap? Mind you, this is a public issue. And your great KALU, why seek guidance over the matter from FIFA when all it requires is just clearing his part as to why he irregularly allowed the transfer of MAYUKA? Tell us clever fish.

  23. Hanif Adams for the job so…………………Kalu is a disgrace in our aim to turn the football thing around in Zambia.This ain´t a complement Dear Mr Bwalya,check yourself before you risk yourself Mr Man.

  24. From Great Kalu to Great Kalufyana. This chap loves money too much. His time of reckoning is near. How can he surely think FIFA will come to his aid when he has meesed up thingz here? Does he think FIFA will overrule NSCZ which has government mandate? He was lucky when he chewed money for Mbesuma but this time its too late. Let him know that you don’t need to pass thru a desk to be a great player, but to be an administrator, its a must. He rushed himself to be FAZ president with wrong motives when he had not yet reached puberty level.

  25. I now understand why his first wife left him. It wasn’t just his small thing, Its his Childish behaviour. He hasnt grown

  26. Ba Great Kalu tata let us follow the modus operandi of our respective organizations, no one is above them Great or not- Dont miss the point like the way U missed that penalty

    ba Dokita Sakala munachitachebe mushe, The transfers of our local players are done hastily and unprofessionally that is why our players are better placed at home and in South Africa. .I wonder if FAZ has qualified technical advisor’s who could diligently be looking at this issues .

    Elo naimwe ba NSCZ should not exhibit double standards ensure that transparency prevails in other sports disciplines like ichiyenga, ichidunu, kankuluwele, kapula matanta even kabuzi kalilalila which I think are marred with…

  27. In the name of the game stop politicising football,this year we are faced with enough problems already Financila problems clubs having sponsorship challenges.Besides that NSCZ is distabilising Faz.This wont help as the verdict by Fifa is always protective to the member associations.It will be another case like Kenya a ban and that will have devastating consiquences on the game.Remember ,some families survive on the want to punish an individual but the spillover effects affect the players,refs,courches etc.

    for the Game to survive let the affaires be run independently.

  28. Lets try to understand the soccer issues, FAZ is only answerable to FIFA just like SAFA ,NFA and other national soccer bodies. Kalu is also a member of FIFA technical committee and he understands the FIFA rules concerning the transfers of players .

    • So if he understands FIFA rules concerning player’s transfers, he has the right to over look position on the matter of clubs to which the players belong ? And also even as a coach do you have a right to secretly act as a player agent at the same time?? Just because one is a legend does not make them think they can get away with anything. Why can’t our legend try something like being full time into a soccer academy (since football is his life). As for football administration, i think he has some “tuma” limitation. Just accept. FISH, are you from MUFURILA??

    • Are you sure FAZ is only answerable to FIFA? What about its responsibilities and obligations to government which is its biggest sponsor?

    • We seem to be losing the whole point! The issue is about ‘how’ (or is it ‘why’) FAZ issued the issued the transfer certificate, which matter is NOT in the mandate of NSCZ. FIFA has a Players’ Affairs Sub-committee which handles disputes between clubs involved in such issues. The Zambian law, if it does happen to contravene on such a matter, MUST NOT be obeyed. Football has its own universal laws which are not part of the Zambian Constitution, (and I’m afraid we just have to agree that its just a blessing; going by how our legal system operates). Kalu’s suspended over Mayuka, Munaile will be suspended over Tana, we just have to wait who’ll go next, over Singuluma!

  29. Goodmorning bloggers. I have read enough critical comments against Kalu’s behavior, so I will not add anything new. Of course it was not right for him to bypass NSCZ. It would be wise for him to bear the disciplinary consequences.

  30. Mwebantu. Kalu may be wrong but FIFA will support Kalu. They don’t allow anybody else to intervene in football matters. Zambia will be suspended soon. Sakala was supposed to report matter to FIFA. Zambians FIFA is a cartel and Kalu knows he is safe.

  31. Football politics never cease to amaze me. NSCZ needs to acquaint itself with FIFA Statutes before they make a decision as the suspension of the FAZ President. It will be very embarrassing for them to turn back on the decision if FIFA threatens to suspend Zambia because of Kalu. If bena Kalu and friends have committed a felony, it’s better to handle the case to the law enforcement agencies. While FIFA does not entertain govt. interference in football matters, it may not stop Police investigations into any perceived wrong doing. Otherwise the NSCZ are courting trouble. They will be made to swallow their words. The other option is to ask Chipungu to withhold all funding to the current…

  32. I totally suport the stance that Kalu has taken. The NSCZ is a useless,non functionin entity whose aim is to destabilize FAZ.Mayuka’s case has been highly politiced.Just imagine the issue was even discussed in parliament. Shame on you Chipungu and NSCZ. NCSZ should have reportd Mayuka’sissue to FIFA. There are so many things that we need to be discussing ie sourcing sponsors for once Mighty Mufulira Wanderers and Nkana Fotball club who have been left without sponsors after Mopani Copper Mines withdrew ponsoship citng the global financial meltdown as the reason. There are politicians who want to get at Kalu using the NSCZ nd appeal to Kalu not to be intimidated. To hell with NSCZ.

  33. Bloggers let us not allow politicians to interfere in the game of football.Do you mean our parliamentarians dont have important thngs to discuss!!!!!!!!!. Why should the issue of Mayuka be discussed in parliament. The welfare of a player must come first. Mulekeni umwaice to enjoy life and make more money in Israel. He ws just languishing at Kabwe Warrious in terms of finances.So let the chap enjoy. Pse stop akalijo.

    • Bravo! well said, i can tell you are a Researcher. This is exactly my point. If government keeps meddling in football affairs we’ll end up like Kenya a few years ago. Now BBC says we are facing suspension by FIFA

    • IWE!! Whoever you are. Can you stop using the name you are using. Whichever religious inclination you are, you are blaspheming.

  34. Leave the chap alone….he is just trying to buy himself time…..he knows wen u hear the word “FIFA” ,y’all zedians will stat njenjemaling!

  35. Soon or later the MMD youth wing will start calling for Kalu’s resignation from FAZ.

  36. No one is clean but we always have to strive to be clean. Resist wealth- money material wealth. Live simply, do not worry about having a big mansion, driving a hammer, eating from the most expensive restaurants, wearing designer clothes, sending children to the most expensive schools, hanging uou with the rich. Just be simple, live within your means and if you earn too much create a trust for the poor, distribute your wealth other than accumulate. Hang out with the poor, listen to them and assist them. Then you will be happy and may nevr end up in prison.

  37. Last time I said let us sit all concerned parties (Mayuka saga) down and rezolve the matter amicably. Now there is even the ‘Tana saga’. Maybe let FIFA ban Zambia so that there are no more ‘sagas’.

  38. FIFA does not recognize NSCZ suspension of Kalu. Zambia faces ban. Good GRZ shud not poke its nose where it deosnt belong. Leave football to footballers. and whats a dcotor doing in football anyway? doesnt he have anything better to do

  39. Mayuka, must be a lil somebody. To cause all this commotion. He must be a ka Zambian Slum dawg millionaire to be!

  40. FAZ is affliated to the NSCZ and therefore has the supervisory powers over all sporting bodies. Why should Kalu rush to FIFA for protection? Da chap is so full of himself. He erred in the Mayuka saga and is scared to face the law

    • Here is another one of them classical circus acts in Zambia. NSCZ and Zambians at large need to be careful with this Kalu. Here is how I see this saga. Munaile is smart and I suspect he concluded there was nothing wrong in appearing and did so together with the other official. Kalu on the other hand realizes that he has failed as FAZ Chief and needs an exit strategy. Take the case to FIFA, let FIFA and NSCZ/GRZ fight over the matter and subsequently resigns on grounds of harassment and interference from GRZ in the running of football. Goes out with his head held high. We need to watch this guy!!!

  41. FIFA runs the show and I am sure very soon they will issue a statement to reinstate Kalusha, otherwise……….watch and see!

    • Here is another one of them classical circus acts in Zambia. NSCZ and Zambians at large need to be careful with this Kalu. Here is how I see this saga. Munaile is smart and I suspect he concluded there was nothing wrong in appearing and did so together with the other official. Kalu on the other hand realizes that he has failed as FAZ Chief and needs an exit strategy. Take the case to FIFA, let FIFA and NSCZ/GRZ fight over the matter and subsequently resigns on grounds of harassment and interference from GRZ in the running of football. Goes out with his head held high. We need to watch this guy!!!

    • The truth is Kalu is Smart.He went to FIFA so that only football rules and procedures will be discussed and not him. He very well Know that NSCZ are being used to harrass him.Anybody who understands the behaviour of footballers the world over knows that Mayuka’s saga is a storm in the tea cup.Many more players are going to do a ‘MAYUKA’ and we will be holding these useless tribunals indefinately.Kalu was smart to take the matter to FIFA so that they can pump sense in NSCZ but because its him they want they have suspended him.

    • FIFA says Zambia will not play World Cup and CHAN Qualifying games unless the reinstate Kalusha. Nkhani yalula!

  42. Vendettas as usual. Leave Kalu alone. Take the issue to FIFA who are the right people to deal with football matters. Egypt is waiting for us and instead of concentrating on preparations we are busy quarreling. Mwebantu ya shni kanshi? Awe!

  43. I bet NSCZ is well aware of wat FIFA holdz on matterz like this and is ready for wat iz to come. In the end harmony shud prevail; there shud be no winnerz or lozerz.

  44. What happens if FIFA says there was nothing improper about Mayuka’s transfer does the NSCZ still impose their sunctions on Kalu .That is why he did not want to attend their meeting because it would be like playing the colours game with blind people.

  45. This is indiscipline and entropy of the highest order which should be not allowed anywhee in this land. Who sponsors the National Team (TAX payers money) which falls under FAZ. This Kalu should have just appeared before this committee and then clear his name. This is a bad seed coz it will even go to some players who will be refusing to even obey his instructions as FAZ president. What a poor soccer adminstrator we have!!

  46. l am glad this guy has finally been found out as a fraud.l for one never believed his hype.He constantly held us as a nation to ransom claiming loss of incomes as an excuse for not turning up for national team duties which is a complete lie. and was the source of much of the disharmoney in the team.l mean the guy for Gods sake played in belgium one of the lowest leagues in europe and for a mid table team.He moved to holland and played second fiddle to romario and was shipped out when Ronaldo arrived at psv.Guess where he ended up Mexico.That sums up this guy.All this is a money making venture for him monies he never earned as a player.

    • You’ve got it all wrong “seeker of the truth and justice”. Kalu is one of the best players Africa has ever seen. Swallow yo pride my friend and admit it. Are you good at anything yourself besides criticizing

    • AWE BA SEEKER OF THE TRUTH AND JUSTICE apa peve mwanama!! You are lying my dear. Even if KALU is wrong on this one, what you have put across as KALU’s profile is a blue lie. This KALU, despite his “muppet”, jealous down is/was great. You can’t take away that from him. Outside Zambia in most countries i have been to when one mentions that they come from Zambia – whoever you are meeting will mention KALU and KK. Most pipo will agree with me on this one. This man during his hey days used to determine big games almost single handedly. Cercle Brugge in Belgium is a big club. At PSV he used to at times confine Romario to the bench. Winning African Footballer of the year is no mean achievement.

    • Cercle brugge has never been more than a mid table team.Anderlecht ,standard liege and club brugge were n ruling belgium football in those days and the power in european football lay in italy,spain and france in those days.Kalu bled the tax payer dry when he insisted on staying at pamodzi until mwanawasa intervened.When psv came in for him cercle brugge wanted to by the late makinka and kalu said he was not leaving as a way of blocking makinka so that he could take his young brother joe as his replacement.Thats why l say its all about him.The guy never made money as a pro- the current monies in football today were not there in his day.So its all about money

  47. We should just stop footballing and concentrate on developing our country. Seems football evokes so many emotions including grotesque ones. The drainage system for instance leaves much to be desired. You all better learn to swim. This skill is essential, going by the way the roads get flooded in the rainy season.

    • IWE KA PRINCESS, do you still think i am unpredictable?? If you have run out of comments on this topic wait up for your “drainage system” topic to come up. We are still enjoying this topic some of us.

  48. Imwe Even if Zambia does not play in the Qualifiers are we as a country going to lose anything, its obvious we wont qualify. I dont see a reason why we should always be paying tax to support these footballers who in turn bring home nothing.

    • Sceptic you have no idea the dynamics of running a country. You have to consider every body. Perenial under achievers in the eighties and nineties like Zim, Angola Tazania are now making waves because their govts continued to do what you’re now discouraging. I hope you done end up in Govt one day. We’ll be in sh*t

  49. B4 FIFA Jumps into this case my question has the local channel been exhausted….following the alleged mishandling of Muyukas transfer. I presume NCSZ was formed through an act of parliament, which gives the autonomy to sue Ba Kalu no matter how great he may be to resolve cases of National interest . I have seen this stubbornness in other organization too where people start to feel the are a institution.I would support Kalus suspension if he is guilty ,refusal to appear before the council.

    Mayuka mufana naevee azatizuta nabola yeke? Palasiti tizanvela ati afuna kuyenda kuchaila ku Mars elo Jupiter

  50. People criticizing kalusha bwalya are so ignorant bacause he has done a lot and has changed a lot of things since he’s the president of the FAZ. Kalusha will always be my number one no matter what, a lot of you there are just jealous of his success. Involving FIFA was the best thing to do. Mulekeni ninshi kanshi

  51. Some of us zambians will never do anything for our country, not even kicking the ball on a fake ground or offering an assistance to a needy Zambian. Kalu knows the rules of FIFA and the rules of FAZ. Such a case truly speaking can’t be handled by FAZ because it involves teams outside the FAZ region. Secondly if it happened that two zambian teams face serious conflicts among themselves, then FAZ can enter, but should FAZ fail to solve the problem, then FIFA can still intervene just as they did in Tanzania during Simba and Yanga game. This is not a problem that could cause a lot of noise among Zambians…Let the truth come out!!!

  52. NSCZ=FOOTBALL=ESTHER PHIRI…shut up and close that organisation. You lot are time wasters and just good for nothing pen-pushers. FAZ this and that …you have no credible achievements to show for it. Kalusha and Munaile from Mufulira as Chairman and Vice…? At least Kalu was a Great Player…and Munaile’s three months in Hungary sponsored by IOC does not make him qualified. You talk about sport like you understand it, yet you are as naive as the people that put in responsible roles such as these!! You are all typical bureaucrats and if anything job seekers. FAZ needs a reality check and the NSCZ needs to go back in history
    and itemise their accomplishments…that are none existent!! Football and Boxing are popular, yes but they are not the only forms of sport viable!! What a JOKE!!

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