Monday, March 10, 2025

Resign, if you can’s serve under current conditions, Mps urged


Members of Parliament (MPs) who are not ready to serve under the current conditions of service have been challenged to resign on moral grounds because they are not ready to sacrifice for the people who voted them into office.

Citizens Committee executive director Gregory Chifire says it is selfish for the parliamentarians to ask for improved perks before improving the plight of the Zambian workers and general welfare of the citizens who sent them to parliament.

Mr Chifire says the MPs already receive hefty gratuities, car loans and other incentives which civil servants do not get.
Mr. Chifire said this in a press statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today. He charged that MPs have abandoned their election promises because their only interest is to enrich themselvbes at the expense of ordinary Zambians.

And Mr. Chifire says as a civil society group, they will organise a demonstration with other interest groups at Parliament buildings to show their displeasure over the MPs demands for increased perks.

”It is a pity that our Mps want a payrise when people in their constituencies are living in abject poverty.

The people out there need medicines in hospitals, food and decent shelter which theses MPs claimed they would fight for once voted to the National Assembly,’ said Mr Chifire.

‘We challenge parliamentarians that are not ready to service under the current conditions of service to resign because they are not ready to put our interest first but theirs,” he added.



  1. If the parliamentarians went to Manda Hill for the purpose of fattening their pockets, then they are their for a wrong reason. I actually support those who are calling for their resignation. I am a zambian in diaspora and in the country am in, i have seen how parliamentarians sacrifice for the people who elected them. Take a break one day and come and see how Botswana villages look. You will find pipe water, electricity, tarred roads mention them.Yet for the almost 7 years i have worked, i have never head them crying for more money.

    Can you parliamentarians first bring clean water to the communities, tar the roads in the communities, put street lights in the communities, then we will support your calls for increament in your salaries and allowances.

  2. Please resign, we are tired of hearing to your crap, We Zambians voted for you people and all you do is showing off getting fat with our tax money.

    Please step down now.

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