Saturday, March 15, 2025

Masebo advises Sata not to interfere with civic affairs


Local Government and Housing Minister Sylvia Masebo has advised opposition Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata to respect the operations of the local government system.

Mrs. Masebo advised Mr. Sata not to take political differences in the civic affairs of local councils.

Mrs. Masebo told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that it was unfair for Mr. Sata to threaten dismissal from PF of Lusaka Mayor Susan Nakazwe and other councilors for performing for performing their civic duties.

She said councilors, regardless of political affiliation, are obliged to perform civic duties as stipulated under the local government Act.

She reminded politicians interfering with operations of civic leaders, that regulations governing the local governance system should be respected because they were superior to political party regulations.

Ms Masebo warned that she would not hesitate to suspend local councils that fail to execute their civic duties and hinder national development.

And Ms Masebo disclosed that she has spoken to PF Secretary General Dr. Guy Scott
regarding threats to expel some mayors from the party.


  1. Sata should retire from politics altogether. He has no right to control his councilors and MPs. They are sane people, leave them to think independently. Please, Zambians, surely is this the man who wants to rule the country? He is vindictive and a tribalist. abash Satana

  2. I am always sad to see that Mr Michael Sata is behaving in this manner. Once I regarded him as a future President of this land because he was very proactive and always delievred. But my shock came when he was campaigning last year, when he truly showed his true colours. He openly showed all of us that he is a tribalist. His campaigned on a plaform of hate and division. He worked so hard at turning one tribe against the others. He lost but the unfortunate thing for the poor Zambian is that he has control of the urban councils and now he thinks he can run this country. For someone who was governor, Local government Minister it si disappointing that he does not know the role of a mayor in their civic duties. Those dutites are not to the party but to the City and the City is not comprised of PF alone but other Zambians that are not PF. And so when the mayor is called upon to perform those functions, they are duty bound to do it. the unfortunate thing is that he is so hurt by the loss of the elections that he will do anything to cause distubance in the country. Honestly, Mr. Sata when you wake up in the morning, do you think of what is good for Zambians or what you think is good for you? Let us think of the country for once and let us do what is good for Zambia. I honestly shudder to think of a Zambia under Sata.

  3. Well that old cow just want to punish LPM but he better just move on. Game over and come next elections ..he will probably be irrelevant..I hope

  4. The question that begs the answer is: What in the name of Zambia are Civic Duties? Let Ms Masebo and those others in authority explain clearly and simply to an ordinary Zambian what under the Law are these duties vis-a-vis Mayors and Councilors.On the other hand, it would be a very bad trend and sorry sight to always have our City Mayors and Councillors dancing along and around with ruling party cadres at every public function and airports where the Republican President happens to be, even when it’s clear to all that the event is predominantly an MMD one. We need reason, objectivity and clear sense of purpose among our civic leaders in matters of national development. Civic Duty should not be shouded in some mystery…especially when there’s no demonstrated benefit to the ordinary citizen or resident of our cities/towns.Those in public office must pause for a minute and think of their true worthy to the common man and woman of Zambia.

  5. Cheers to Alex Chilufya;s observations. I tend to agree with him, perhaps its time civic leaders and the zambian public were reminded or even re-educated on civic duties. Dancing at the airport in unison with thugs clad in blue Chitege dress is surely not one of them. Its time to seperate the MMD duties and civic duties. Civic duties must amount to much more, as its about providing quality social services to the communities within Lusaka. So if Mr Sata, feels that his Mayor is spending more time (dancing)or on matters that contradict civic duties, let him crack the whip.

  6. I dont want to comment about the politics. But its no duty of the mayor to be escorting the president to/from the airport as if she has no work. Mwanawasa is not a visitor.
    The amount of garbage that is uncollected in Lusaka is shocking, not to mention the non-functional traffic lights. Its hard to belive garbage would pile if LCC were cleaning twice a week. I like to hear them justify what all those refuse trucks do each day. Also, our public workers need to realise that its not the time to be attending useless meetings. If there’s no water in Kabwata, the council director himself should get up and deliver the trucks to the people.
    The LCC should stop hiding behind legal technicalities for failing to do their job. Before Masebo goes to Kalikiliki, she should destroy those ridiculous structures on Chilimbulu road and opposite arcades.

  7. I don’t want commen on Zambian politics which i see producing any fruit. My point is this; You people at the civic center, it’s time you make plans about how to change the face of Lusaka, Look at how the town is!A city with no plan garbage everywhere. Just compare your city with Windhoke. About the shanties without schools, clinics, normal markets, you should now take control over these lands. Before the land is allocated the cocil most see tat all the necesities are there.
    To the government i just want to say that work hard not waitin for donors, first try yourselves not all the time donors! Donors! I thank GOD for the natural resourses he gave to mother Zambia, But why we can’t develop. It’s becouse of the evil minds our leaders have. Example how many vehicle dos the government have , alot. How many ambulances are at Chawama/Kanyama clinic? If you are elected to serve the people serve! God will reward more than you expect.

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