Monday, March 17, 2025

PF MP still wants US$53, 000 car loan


Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) Mufulira Central Member of Parliament Majory Masiye has insisted that the US$ 53, 000 car loans are necessary for individual MPs.

Ms. Masiye has advised public service union to stop politicising the
parliamentarians’ demands for the car loans because they are meant to enhance their
mobility when addressing issues affecting their constituencies.

Ms. Masiye told ZANIS in Mufulira that better incentives would enable the MPs
execute their duties properly.

She stressed the need for the members of public to realise that the MPs would pay
back the loans.

But a Mufulira resident John Kapesa, told ZANIS that it was morally wrong for the
MPs to demand for the controversial  car loans when such colossal sums of money
could be used to improve productivity in key areas of the national economy.

Mr. Kapesa noted that the money alternatively could be spent on recruiting the
unemployed school teachers or improving the conditions of service for public service
employees like nurses and the security forces.

He added that parliament should not be used as a platform for individuals to amass



  1. Lady, who are you deceiving? Try again…, try a new song..that sounds like a broken record.How many of our politicians know how to pay back loans of that magnitude on a depreciating asset like a car? Look, these guys should buy cars from their own salaries after ZRA has taken a cut just like the rest of us do. If you have to drive to Durban to get a secondhand Japanese car, please do so. Please wake up and smell the poverty in our land..doesn’t it choke you? Cars for MPs do not add any development value to the life of Zambians..those loans should be given to small business men/women and farmers or even used to build roads in areas where economic activities can be stimulated..Please get over this culture of GX cars..this is 2007 , please. Stop leaving in the past. We made mistakes and why should we continue doing the same..”pay us more we wont be corrupt”..really?

    I think lady MP just work on legislation that would allow Zambians to have access to loans from Banks ..that is more practical and you would benefit since you have a steady salary for the next 5 years and that is done all over the world and if you default..well you know the banks..they are good at taking care of that kind of business.

  2. I totally agree, the Government is not a lending institution. MPs are paid much more than the ordinary citizen, let them go to the banks and get cars loans. And by the way how did they come up with the amount of US$ 53000?

  3. Guess we never learn from our mistakes. Or it could be that we have learned from our mistakes about how to make another mistake. When we elect the poor into office, their objective has been to become rich at the expense of the electorate. We have tried the rich, and theirs is to make themselves richer. Its a rip-off all the way. I have lived in Mufulira and know very well that Mufulira does’nt need another 4×4. The people of Kankoyo, kansuswa,Chibolya, Kamuchanga etc need good roads, clinics, edication, jobs and environmental projects. With MPs like her, its time we started looking at a system the would allow the constituency to recall or even fire Money Plunderers (MPs).

  4. Can’t agree more with previous commentators. There’s simply no evidence that our MPs do any constituency work once elected. The whole practice of parliamentarianism in Zambia is a joke; MPs dont have local offices and have no obligation to serve a minimum number of hours in their constituencies. Even those based in Lusaka regularly abscond from council meetings.

  5. When’s this kind of stealing going to come to an end. $53,000! Have they lost their freaking minds? They’re all just thieves anyway. No wonder our people are still living in the kind of poverty they do. Whatever happened to putting people’s interests first?

  6. You must be out of you mind.What is it that u have done for mufurila that makes u think you deserve such amout of money to buy a luxury car.Please miss,do u think peaple who voted u into that position will be happy to see ride in $53000 car when u havent done none or rather fulfil the promises u made during u compain trial.Miss, i would advise u to go back to the table and think again.


  8. Just couldn’t resist to add my 2 cents to this one. This issue of Car loans started with Chiluba and the MMD. As somebody hinted, they were done to stop MPS being corrupt. Now we have 20/20 hindsight. Look at KK’s government his Cabinet Ministers and MPs used to drive those Land Rovers and they were not the best on the market..anybody remember that? Now compare the level of thuggery between KK’s govt and Chiluba’s and you see the problem. Anybody now demanding for $53 000 car loan which they will certainly not pay is s sure sign we are in trouble, people of zambia. Where are the men of integrity in Zambia. Why have they let these hungry dogs guard our people’s Pots of nice smelling rural chicken with no GM drugs??

  9. Since Sata has sacked Lusaka Mayor for dancing. He should sack that inconciderate and greedy MP from Mufulira.

  10. The demand is outragious to say the least. When such amounta are given these MPs do not buy 4X4 but X5’s or S classes. Now how do you expect them to go and visit their contituenices with such cars. realisim is essential but yet again it is our comments that appear misplaced. I will be sad if these loans will be given considering teh state of our economy

  11. I do not understand why a poor country like Zambia where it’s government would afford such huge loans.Let us say, at today’s rate the US$53000 translates to about K222,600,000.So each month our beloved MPS will have to pay K3,710,000.Now can someone explain how these greedy MPs will manage to pay back the loans without having to increase their salaries?Take a look at an MP in the UK see if they drive such megabucks cars?l have been to other countries where that dollar(where that dollar you want [grants] comes from) which you want to share amongest yourselves.Their MPS do not even manage cars like Toyota Camries.Why are we so selfish and blind to the reality.My advice to the lady is that take heart and work God will surely reward you with a better car than a loan one.A loan which money can be given or used for better projects in your constituency earning you a second term!!!!

  12. When are the Zambian politicians going to learn to serve the people who put them where they are? Let us do great things wih less and then those gains will follow after showing the fruits of service and hard work.It is inconcievable to dream of such kind of money just for cars that wont be driven even to the rural constituencies. You have only been in parliament for few months already the demand is high for monetary gain! Shame upon such selfish motives by the PF MPs and every other person in support of such demands.

  13. The MPs should firstly demonstrate service to their constituencies, and then demand the amounts they need. Government service is not about enriching oneself, but helping develop the country. Its strange that even MPs for areas like Lusaka Central require the loans for 4×4! Are the vehicles for accessing the constituencies or for luxury showing off?

  14. MPs should know that this country is not donations. How many MPs have paid back their loans? I dont know how many, but I know that there’s alot talk about getting the money and very little is heard about repaying it? Why don’t we let them pay from their money for a change? Remember what Chief Mpezeni said yesterday about MPs from Eastern Province!!

  15. Who is this woman trying to kid????…MP to pay a loan..that would be a first!!!…How did she get around her constituency when campaigning for the job in the first place????

  16. Hey MP, you’re in the employment of the Zambian people. Perhaps we should be asking you why you went into politics in the first place….job for life or is it line the pocket while the goings good. Children (street kids, HIV orphans, abused kids etc, etc) with no hope whatsoever need that money. Leave it alone!!!!

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