Monday, March 17, 2025

Kabwe MMD welcomes Nyirongo’s dismissal


The Movement for Multiparty Democracy, MMD, in Kabwe is happy with President Levy Mwanawasa’s decision to dismiss Gladys Nyirongo as Lands Minister.

This is according to two press statements separately released to ZANIS in Kabwe this
afternoon and signed by Bwacha Constituency Chairman Gibson Kunda and Kabwe Central Vice Chairman George Chewe.

“As a party in Bwacha Constituency we are happy the move our beloved president has taken to remove Honourable Gladys Nyirongo from her position as Lands Minister,” theBwacha statement read.

The party stated that the decision is a clear indication of President Mwanawasa’scommitment to fighting corruption at all levels of society.

The party has since called for thorough investigations into Reverend Nyirongo’s alleged illegal dealings relating to land allocation in order to ensure justice prevails in the matter.

“Most MMD members in Kabwe have always raised concern about the conduct of Reverand Gladys Nyirongo against her fellow party members whom she exhibited a superior moral attitude,” the Kabwe Central Constituency statement read.


  1. Rev Nyirongo like many other clergy people in politics are a disgrace because they are not people of integrity and not worthy of public office. Let the law take its course in all the people who are giving away land to any bogus investor be visited by the it. The whole ministry in conjuction with the land commission, land tribunal and the the local councils should be restructured and reshuffled to amend the evil among us which is corruption.

  2. It is do sad that even people who are suppose to be the light unto others can’t let their light shine. What a sick society we are living in! Who then are we going to look to for trust if the clergy can not also live up to their integrity? Who then are we going to trust!? We are living in a society were everything doesn’t make sense it all confusion from left right and center. Anyway people should know that no matter how smart you are, you can full people some times but you can’t full the peopl all the time. Let the broom of ant-corruption sweep clean.

  3. After the K36 trillion(or whatever order they want us to believe) at MOFNP, this is just another reminder that 6 years on, the fight on corruption has had little if any impact (but cost taxpayers collosal sums on a task force that still assumes corruption is only tied to FTJ). Why is the Lands ministry still reeking corruption even after those changes several years back. This govt for all its worth should stop constituting one committee after another, the causes and remedies for corruption are for the most part known. Just sad that gender and the christian faith are not important factors.

  4. Its high time this govt started treating corruption as a serious ethical and economic problem in Zambia. After all the sloganeering, far too many public workers engaging in corruption have no fear of the law. Anybody who engages in corruption underplays the costs (the odds of being caught and sent to prison) in relation to the benefits. The real problem now is that corruption has become endemic, so major solutions are needed. I would like the TIZ to test empirically whether the following things fuel corruption in Zambia, by weakening law enforcement and so on;
    -low and delayed salaries
    -appointing MPs to executive positions
    -appointments based on nepotism
    -lining up and dancing at airports
    -incompetent and lengthy legal proceedings
    -competence of ACC and taskforce
    -residence in Lusaka (too many people trying to keep up with the Johns)
    -quality of important public service (leading to frustration)

    With a political system that rewards bootlicking

  5. Congrats Mwanawasa, there many more out there who need to be fired. We have alot of corrupt people in Zambia and these few and their families put honest Zambians under pressure. With corruption reduced or uprooted, all Zambian may have a chance even those who are suposseddly corruption. Corruption is a disease if allowwed would swallow the whole country to death. Zambia is not poor and does not need aid, if we can utilize our resources uncorruptly

  6. How Much land does Judith Kabijimpanga the former minister of lands has? How much land has the current republican president has? why should the commisioner of land own land in all the nine provinces of the country? Does this goverment has any law in place which defines the limit of how much land should an indivdual own for a specific purpose? We need some sanity in land admistration in our country. Land should be valued and not taken for granted because Zambia is a small country, underdeveloped, with a very small but increasing population. The future is more important than you guys may realise so watch out and be careful when given to run a sensitive ministry like lands because all eyes are you.

  7. How on earth do we think we would be able to eradicate corruption if we do not implement stiff penalties? The poeple in parliament care less about what affects us, the zambian population at large.

    What do you expect from a semi illiterate parilament! most of them do not even have college degrees! They do not understand the enssence of true leadership? To the majority…. politics is about making themselves rich?
    True leadership is all about service and putting the needs of others first.

    The zambian people have played their part (Voting), but unfortunately we keep recycling the same old people that have out lived thier usefullness. let us inject a much younger educated generation that is willing to serve.

  8. If a member of the clergy can help herself to public resources in the manner that Reverand Nyirongo did, then the church is in serious danger of losing its appeal for integrity and honest. One can only speculate on how rife theft/corruption is in our government if the religious people can also be involved in corruption.
    What a shame for one who is supposed to be a model for our society. The investigative wings of government should actually cast the search very widely to catch more of the thieving individuals and not end with Nyirongo alone. There is far too much abuse of office taking place, most of it in broad daylight!

  9. I would like to echo the cetiments of others Zambian on the issure of corruption,I would also like to appreciate the good and commendable work Presindent Mwanawasa is doing in figting corruption.As Zambia I feel it is high time we should support government efforst to desclose all the maltpractices going on in different circles of ministries and the private sectors.Commenting on Gladys Nyirongo I feel the decison to dismiss here should have be done early than this,however it has also given room to expose all the imoral dealings she has been doing.Further more I would like to thank the preseident for fighting corruption in Zambia

    Nervous Nsansaula

  10. Huts off to President Mwanawasa,I know its a selfless service to be a President,were you even have to discpline unperforming close friends when its due.

    Zambia is a Blessed country with a lot of potential to develop but some civil servants are letting the Government’s good intentions down.You will find that a Civil servant reports for work past 09:00,drives off for lunch at the expense of Tax Payers’ money at 12Hrs and reports back around 15:30Hrs after taking lots of naps at home,only to come and collect their Jackets and bags.If you think what i’m saying is too good to be true,just take time to visit Kitwe National Registration Office, and you bare witness that indeed government workers need “a loud work-up call” or the country will remain undeveloped if not worse.I believe these “lazy” civil servants are finding refuge in the Governments long complicated system of reporting(beulocracy) that’s why decentralisation is the answer.

  11. we still have faithful people who are willing to serve the nation with intergrity the fact that reverand gladys nyirongo was sacked does not mean that the all christian community has failed am asking all those who know prayer can change the his of zambian like we did when ba chiluba came into power the people cried to God and he heard our cry it can happen again do not give up our God is still on the throne reigning.

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