Monday, March 17, 2025

PF Luwingu councilors condemn Sata, PF CC for suspending Nakazwe


Some opposition Patriotic Front councilors in Luwingun district have condemned party leader, Michael Sata and members of the central committee for suspending Lusaka Mayor Susan Nakazwe from the party.

The councilors charged that it is wrong for the party to suspend the councilors from
the party for merely executing the civic duties mandated to them by the electorates.
The three councilors, who sort anonymity for fear of victimization, told ZANIS in
Luwingu today that councilors have been elected to serve people in their wards
regardless of political affiliation.

The councilors reminded Mr. Sata and the members of the central committee, that
councilors were duty bound to work with the government of the day in ensuring that
development is achieved in their respective wards.

The opposition PF has 18 councilors while the ruling MMD has only two in Luwingu


  1. Why is it always party members in the rural areas of Zambia that seem to willingly condemn their national leaders on correct political decisions? After having traveled to many rural part of Zambia, I apprecite the high levels of underdevelopment and poverty.Poverty is rife and corruption is rife too. Rural political leaders are easy target for the all poorful MMD to corrupt. They have the propensity turn on their own for a few scraps. Its sad but this remains a hard fact. If the Lusaka Mayor decided to spend more time clad in blue Chitenge dancing with MMD hoodlums at the airport, then she was in the wrong job and deserves the sack.Zambia national dance troop still has jobs for dancers and not Lusaka City Council!!!!!

  2. I am a PF but a do not know and understand the reason why Mayar Nakazwe shuld be suspeneede and eventually be expelled from the party. She was marely performing her duties.This is not the first time Lusaka has had an oppotion as the Mayor.John Kabungo was an FDD Mayar just few years ago and worked well the Govt to fullfil the civic duties.Please ,let Mayar Nakazwe do the job without any intimidations. But alas, in Zambia that is modern politics to practice politics of control and cardalism.

  3. It is the matter of understanding what the party stands for. Its also important to read the time in which you are when taking certain actions.

  4. When people starts mixing party loyality with Constitutional duties then you wonder what could have become of Zambia had they formed government.I thank God we never put them where they so gravely desire to be.

  5. If Zambia ever intends to develop as a country, the politicians must first classify what is important and what is not. Playing hide and seek games the way PF is trying to run councils including its intimidation of its members for trying to work with government is a very situation.
    The first thing each well-meaning political party should relaize is that their bid for ruling the country is intended primary to bring development to the citizens. Whatever else party members may want to do, is secondary meaning in matters of development opposition and ruling parties ought to hold hands to abring about national development. The way PF is playing its politics currently is scary and does not offer feasible solutions to development in their local governance.
    As people interested in getting the country forward, I urge opposition to pull together with government and help each other to better the poor communities’ lives.

  6. Am a PF councilor in the same chamber with Nakazwe. What the members of the public ought to know is that Insurbodination and civic duties are two diffreent things. We had a round table meeting with all the councilors and our Local Government Chairman winter Kabimba on the issue of attending yu`s visit. As much as we were willing as a party to attend, Govt thru` VJ Mwanga indicated that the party PF and its leadership was not invited. We had problem with this possition and we asked vice President R. Banda who strongly maintained govt position of not inviting any PF leadership. Mind you PF leadership begins at section level, branch, ward (councilor -mayor) e.t.c.
    We all agreed that we are not attending as per govt instruction. It was rather sad to see the following day other councilors going against the decision they arrived at. We are threfore not going to be cowed by any MMD moves to disturbilize the PARTY. VIVA PF Long Live SATA.

  7. Am a PF councilor in the same chamber with Nakazwe. What the members of the public ought to know is that Insurbodination and civic duties are two diffreent things. We had a round table meeting with all the councilors and our Local Government Chairman winter Kabimba on the issue of attending yu`s visit. As much as we were willing as a party to attend, Govt thru` VJ Mwanga indicated that the party PF and its leadership was not invited. We had problem with this possition and we asked vice President R. Banda who strongly maintained govt position of not inviting any PF leadership. Mind you PF leadership begins at section level, branch, ward (councilor -mayor) e.t.c.
    We all agreed that we are not attending as per govt instruction. It was rather sad to see the following day other councilors going against the decision they arrived at. We are threfore not going to be cowed by any MMD moves to disturbilize the PARTY. VIVA PF Long Live SATA.

  8. Dear PF Councillor, Your party is a huge disappointment. I say prayers everyday that Zambia will never ever pass through a dark period of being ruled by your dictator king cobra. He is worse that Mugabe, idi amin and sadam hussein put together. He does not understand the principles of democracy, thats why he thinks being an opposition party is equivalent to being at war with the ruling govt. Get over yourselves, you lost the election (thank GOD!!); being antagonistic will not bring any devpt to zambia. Let public officer perform their duties without hindrance. ABASH SATA-NISM

  9. Enelesi,
    You are simply a coward. Stop attacking without any reason forwarded. Join politics the you will understand better! You are too blind to see MMD Thugery behaviour and that of Masebo

  10. Don’t just condemn. Surpopose the Mayor in question was mmd, and be seen dancing with PF/ UPND cadres. Am sure Rupiah would expel her from the party.Every party member must be loyal to the party that put them in power.Sata is right to rid the party of bad eggs. Be loyal to your party regulations or risky dismissal chapwa.

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