Monday, March 10, 2025

4,000 teachers to be employed this year


Parliament heard today that a total number of 15, 485 teachers have been employed between the period of 2003 to the year 2007.

Minister of Education Professor Geoffrey Lungwangwa told the house that government
would this year employ an additional 4,000 teachers to help address the shortage of
teachers in the country. 

Professor Lungwangwa was responding to a question raised by Mapatizya area Member of
Parliament Ackson Sijani who wanted to know how many teachers were employed from the
period of 2003 to 2007 and what measures government has put in place to address the
shortage of teachers in the county.

Professor Lungwangwa told the House that the teacher recruitment exercise was
ongoing adding that the recruitment of more teachers will help enhance the quality
of education in Zambia.

He explained that in 3004 his ministry employed about 3, 385 teachers, in 2005 about
5, 000 teachers were employed and 3, 074 teachers were employed in June 2006 adding
that in October 2006the ministry employed 4, 026 teachers.

Professor Lungwangwa said government will continue putting in place measures aimed
at improving the quality of education standards in the country.

He also told parliament that the education policies put in place by the New Deal
government does not have provisions to allow traditional leaders to wipe teachers
when they fail to deliver according to the ministry’s expectations.

Professor Lungwangwa was responding to a question raised by Monze Central area
Member of Parliament Jack Mwiimbu who wanted to know whether the education policy
has a provision which allows traditional leaders to wipe teachers when they fail to
perfume according to the ministry’s expectation.



  1. I am sorry to say some of these teachers have unfortunately become so rusty. Some of them graduated 4 -5 years ago and they have since never have cracked any chalk on the black board. some have been working as security guards and others as receptionist, those are the lucky ones, otherwise the majority have been idling aroud. Don’t forget that it is practice that makes perfect without it the result is decline and decay which I think has beent the case. Any how they are not to blame but their employers should know that this has been the situation.

  2. Employement of teachers in Zambia has never been serious. I graduted in 2002 until when i left Zambia to persue higher education in the USA in 2005. It is indeed an amazing contrast the way our Zambian goverment priotise its programs at the expense of education. Education is not a priviledge but a right to all citizens. The means of education provision such as teaching should not be question of money but a matter of urgency to save the contry from wallowing in ignorance andunder development.Dont just employ the teachers without paying and motivating them.
    Wake Zambians and be proactive in such a cause.

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