Tuesday, March 18, 2025

NUPSW tells political parties to give Mwanawasa chance


The Sinazongwe District National Union of Public Servant workers (NUPSW), has urged political parties to give  President Levy Mwanawasa  chance to develop the nation.

Mr. Macdonald Machona told ZANIS that political parties should concentrate on issues
that would assist in building the country’s economy.

He said the insistent on issuing disparaging remarks on the President would retard
development which most Zambians were yeaning for in order to reduce the poverty

“Fellow Zambians we appreciate the formation of political parties and indeed the
role you playing as political parties but  if we keep on insulting the head of
state we are depriving  development  to the electorates,” Mr Machona said.

He also said  Member of Parliament (MPs) were benefiting a lot at the expense of
electorates that ushered them into power.

Mr Machona noted that most of the political statements that politicians were giving
the electorates were not happening on the ground.

He disclosed that people have continued to experience economic hardships when their
chosen leaders were busy debating for an increment to their salaries in parliament.

“When are you going to bring development that you were preaching about?

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