Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Government commends the Commonwealth for empowering youths.


Government has hailed the Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP) for its efforts of empowering Zambian youths.

Sports, Youth and Child development Deputy Minister Patricia Mulasikwanda said it
was for this reason that government is committed to continue working with partners
such as the CYP for to ensure full youth development and empowerment.

Ms. Mulasikwanda said the CYP has been instrumental in capacity building for youths.

She added that the programme has been instrumental in the formulation of the youth
policy that guides activities undertaken by government regarding the youths.

She said government has shown commitment to the youths by revising the youth policy
to ensure it reflects the aspirations of the youths today.

Furthermore, the deputy minister said government is making available funds at
different levels to enhance youth entrepreneurship and self-sustainability.

Ms Mulasikwanda said this in a speech read on her behalf by her Youth Coordinator a
Ms Mbangu during the CYP day celebrations at its regional office at the University
of Zambia (UNZA) Great East road campus.

During the celebrations the, school debates where held on the motions: Youth
Empowerment has it been adequately addressed in Zambia.

The celebrations were held under the theme: Respecting differences, promoting

Speaking at the same occasion, CYP Regional Director Valencia Mogegeh urged
commonwealth governments to step up their efforts to mainstream youth issues in
their national issues and development plans.

Ms Mogegeh said governments should also apportion requisite resources at levels that
correspond to youth needs relative to national needs.

She said this is the only sure way to take responsibility and ensure accountability
towards youths empowerment.



  1. The youths in Zambia are have been left behind in many aspects of development.The role of govt is to fullfill their aspirations.I think many NGOs have done well to employ the youths than govt.Most of the youths working with NGOs work on voluntary basis.This is good for experience purposes but not very good for their econmic development.

    More orgnizations should train the youths and later employ them and use thier skills.Govt equally should continue to train and later benefit from the skills and knowledge of its citizens.

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