Tuesday, March 18, 2025

High HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Kafue worries Govt official


A senior government official is concerned over the high prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS in Kafue district especially among youths.

Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary, Susan Sikaneta, said Kafue is ranked high in
terms of HIV/AIDS prevalence because of it being a gateway to Lusaka and Zambia as a

Ms. Sikaneta was speaking in Lusaka today when an association of Medical Doctors of
Asia delegation paid a courtesy call on her at her office.

The delegation led by country representative, Virgil Hawkins, is in the province to
investigate the prevailing HIV/AIDS situation before coming up with a project
proposal for a life skills centre in district.

Mr. Hawkins, who was accompanied by project manager Makiko Kinoshita, said the
association runs Tuberculoisis treatment support projects attached to health centres
in George and Kanyama compounds.

Ms. Sikaneta said the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate has been triggered by the high
poverty levels and the presence of too many bars and taverns in the district.

She said government through the provincial liquor licensing board is implementing
measures aimedat reducing the number of bars and taverns that pose a danger to
youths in the district.

Earlier, Kafue District Commissioner, Michael Bwalya, told the delegation that the
district had an HIV/AIDS prevalence rate of 24.5 per cent.



  1. While I appreciate the political response to the problem of HIV/AIDS in Kafue, i think we have been treated to far too many political statistics. From where does Mr Bwalya get the 24.5% prevalence rate? I’m not sugegsting that he’s either over-estimating or under-estimating, but there’s just absolutely no scientific evidence to back up his figure. Many organisations, including reputable international organisations are cooking up figures to show why they should receive more funding. Health, especially HIV/AIDS is a very sexy thing, in more ways than one. Truth is we will not know anything until a new DHS is done. In the meantime, its misleading to issue figures especially without context.

  2. Yes i do agree that there might be some biasness in the way such statistics are being used. I have lived n Kafue before, i can comfrim that there is high sexual activity going.Prelevance of such cases colarates well with HIV/AIDS.Let the Centarl Statistics Office be the one to issue any figures that borders on national maters.

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