Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Man 36, sent to prison for indecent assault


A 36-year-old peasant farmer of Simani village in Kalomo has been sentenced to 15 years imprisonment with hard labor for indecent assault.

Livingstone High Court Judge, Rhoyda Kaoma, sentenced Kenneth Sinyangwa after
finding him guilty of indecent assault contrary to Section 137 Chapter 87 of the
laws of Zambia.

Sinyangwa was early this year convicted of the charge by a subordinate court.

He was initially charged with attempted rape but the charge was later
changed to indecent assault.

Facts of the matter were that in November last year Sinyangwa entered
the bedroom of a 30-year-old woman and climbed on top of her exposing
her to indecency.

When he failed to force himself on her he left and the woman who later reported the
matter to a relative while she was half naked.

In defense Sinyangwa said he was at church when the incident happened
but failed to produce any witnesses to that effect.

In passing judgment Judge Kaoma said the High court could not reverse
the decision made by the Subordinate court of Kalomo because there
was enough collaboration in the case for her to uphold the conviction.

As a first offender Judge Kaoma said Sinyangwa deserved leniency and
sentenced him to the minimum statutory sentence of 15 years
imprisonment with hard labor effective November 2, 2006.



  1. My half brother was murdered by a known person who is still roaming the streets. It is very unfair for the people who carry out petty crimes to be robbed of their freedom or condemmend to punishment with hard labour for unnecessary long period of their pericous life time and leave out the notorious criminals scott free!

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