Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Govt appreciates private sector support in national development


Government says it appreciates the role played by the private sector in national development and improvement of the living standards of the people.

Northwestern Province Minister, Kenneth Chipungu, government is eager to promote
public-private sector partnership in efforts of achieving the development agenda of
the nation.

Mr. Chipungu was speaking when he handed over a One million kwacha cheque to
Solwezi’s Kimiteto Women Agriculture Cooperative Society donated by Bressmar
investment Limited.

Mr. Chipungu has since appealed to other private organizations in Solwezi to give a
helping hand to vulnerable people in society.

Mr. Chipungu said the donation would go a long in enhancing agriculture productivity
in the and food security in the district.

And receiving the cheque on behalf of the Society, Elizabeth Kimbamata, thanked the
Mr. Chipungu for the initiative to help the Society acquire the funds.

Mrs. Kimbamata said the club is engaged in chicken rearing, poultry and vegetables


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