Tuesday, March 18, 2025

President Mwanawasa called upon to stop demolition exercise


A Lusaka-based clergyman wants President Mwanawasa to
intervene and stop the ongoing demolition of alleged illegal structures by the Lusaka City Council, LCC.

Christ Impact Ministries, Prophet Hastings Mzumara, told ZANIS in an interview that president Mwanawasa should immediately intervene in the matter before thousands of
people are left homeless.

Prophet Mzumara said the move by the local authority to demolish alleged illegal structures is not the best solution to addressing the problem of illegal land allocation.

He advised government, through the ministry of local government and housing, to find an alternative location to accommodate victims of the ongoing demolition exercise.

He regretted that the authorities have swang into action to demolish structures after people have invested huge amounts of money in the construction of affected

“Human life should be respected and honored because God respect human life,” he said.



  1. I think the houses in Kalikiliki were even mansions compared to the Misisi and Chibolya ones. Why have they left Misisi and Chibolya which are just a stone throw from the city center. Mr V.J Mwaanga tell me, maybe you have left them for fundraising .i.e when donors look at them they will feel pity and donate money which goes in ya pocket or tourist attration and you thought Kalikiliki was a competitor shanties. You guyz the MPs, you will find that one person has land more than the whole space which was occupied by 100 Kalikiliki houses. Why are you taking the LITTLE there having, and not from your 500 hectares. To be poor it’s not a sin LESA akamikanda. Your Gov have even fail to construct any flat even for street kids. Why are you happy when other suffers? I grew up in the ghetto it sweet know i/m out abroad. You guyz in the ghetto continue working and praying God will reward you like he did to me. OUR GOD IS A GOD OF WONDERS.

  2. Dear Madam Masebo, lonie shikapwasha and Vernon mwaanga.

    You learnable ministers why have targeted only kalikiliki houses to be demolished is it the only compound which is illegal. What of misisi,kamanga,chibolya, chawama,kalingalinga,garden,kanyama,johnlaing and johnhaward can someone tell me if these mentioned compounds are legal townships if not why is the government keeping them.You ministers should not be selective in your work of this demolistion that you have embarked on because it will turn against you in future.My appeal to President Mwanawasa is that he should reconsider this excise before most of people are displaced.

  3. even if we take our time to comment nothing is still not going to change. these people who were supposed to be cow herders in the villege we the zambians elected as our leaders will continue making such oppressive leadership on us. who told you that a politian can do anything good to you?if we will expect these money hungry politicians who at any cost want to make them selves rich to do ua good we are yet to be dissappointed.to tell you the truth we can print the same issue in the post for 1 week but still there decision is giong to go through regardless of what the people wants.

  4. You are right Kenny. It is democracy in brackets and with no ethical values attached to it.The bigest problem we have in our country is that politicians dont listen to ordinally citizen’s opinions. They think what we write are poems to entertain them and not issues that affect the masses. It so discouraging because little or no attention is paid to some of these articles that may contain brilliant ideas.

  5. my comments are directed at the demolition of city centre stalls, these have been long overdue, street vendors do not listen no matter how much time they will have been given by who ever is responsible they will not have responded positively they would even have run riot instead. LCC are only doing their rightful duty for a better future for everybody and cut down on some preventable diseases such as cholera. keep it up, these same vendors will praise you in future when new stalls are put up an example is city market at soweto.

  6. The decision to demolish is right i pressume.The only problem is that we as “Zambians” have not put into consideration what is termed as poverty reduction,instead we are working on poverty enhancement plan.
    Peolpe would have been allocated some place to be and told to find themselves in that new place.
    What is happening now is that we are increasing the number of BAKAWALALA( masholi)(Mbavya) by psychologically training them to be.
    Those people have families to look-after.To my thinking as i see how our Chinese counterparts do.They do make their cities a PARADISO,they have shown the world that no-one will ever develop at the same speed as they do.First and foremost they do make their ghettos far away from the cities and make sure that old buildings get replaced by new ones.For those in old apartments to be demolished,they are noticed a year pro to the demolishing and new building are constracted for them at a certain fee to compansate for the old onez.
    How about us.?ANY BUILDINGS?

  7. The most suprising thing for me is that our leaders always act on randoms.bane kapata mukaya umweni akaya ukashala ucimone. I would like to bring this to your attention that we have served outsiders enough and let us look at our own aswell. We should be aware that our own Zambians also need a place to work from.
    If you look at the new constructed markets it is only one like Soweto that is working for Zambians, Kamwala shoping center is for our Assian freinds. For me that is the same as getting money from the right pocket and tell somebody that this is your money but I will keep it for and you put it in the left pocket within the same trousers.Michael Sata brought a good idea to revisit the Lusaka city plan, I wonder how a country can just be in the same state since independence. Expanding the city will provide space for construction of more market places for my common sisters and brothers.This might also help to have more good roads in the city to avoid trafik congetion.

  8. Lusaka city all vihecles coming from the south , north,east and west have to pass through the city even if the driver has nothing to do in town, why?
    Demolishing of peoples homes is very pathetic, the timing is bad, the season in which to do that is not even comming to your mind. How do you demolish peoples homes in the rain season? We should be aware that Zimbabwe is not far away from us, let us learn from them and see what is going own there after they demolished peoples homes and be diplaced.

  9. The structures demolishing is way over due,we need good buildings which are safe and habitable when rains come is it not the same areas which have high disease occurances,crime comeon people we need proper city planning,we should build structures that will stand the test of time above all they should make the capital attractive,just look at the sprawwling shanties of Nairobi.The Govt should build homes and rent out or sale to the public to raise revenues we need to look at other capitals around the world.

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