Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Govt urged to support swimming.


The Zambia Pool Life Savers Society of Zambia ( ZPLSZ) has urged government and stakeholders to support swimming to bring glory to Zambia.

ZPLSZ coach Charles Banda says swimming was underdeveloped due to lack of support.

Banda told ZANIS in an interview that Zambia has a lot of potential swimmers who if
exploited would carry Zambia's flag high, internationally.

'IT is saddening to note that Zamba only recognises soccer as the main sport while
there other sports disciplines like swimming are equally important as they play a
cardinal role in the social development of the human body" he observed.

And Olympic Swimming Pool (OSP)  Manager Kasaya Kaumba has accused ZASU for not
cooperating with the media to cover the swimming events.

 Kaumba advised ZASU executive to work hand in hand with the media to fully develop
the sport in the country.

He further called on Zambians to create interest in the sport.

Meanwhile two Baobab School pupils Mukuka Mukuka and Chola Mukuka said that swimming
was a good sport as it helps a person to remain health for along time.

The Mukuka brothers said they enjoyed the sport locally and internationally were
they have won various awards.



  1. Swimming in Zambia………….hegemony……………ego……………..Sothylingham /equals zero development but the sustainability of unbalanced power relations between black/white and Asian. This is pathetic, sad but fact!!

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