Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Violence against women and Child Abuse rife in most rural parts of Zambia


Despite frantic efforts by government and various Non- governmental Organizations (NGOs) to fight violence against women and abuse of
children, the vices are still rampant in most rural parts of the country due to the
absence of a sensitization drive in such areas.

This came to light when Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) embarked on a
sensitization programme on violence against women and child sexual abuse at
Tandabale market in Livingstone today as three women testified that they were struck
by the message on what constitutes child abuse and violence against women.

Eness Mweetwa of Syatontola village in Monze, Jessica Syachintu and Milimo Beenzu of
Dimbwe village in Kalomo told ZANIS that women still experience severe violence from
men in the villages adding that child defilement was equally on the increase.

They observed that a lot of child sexual abuse cases go unreported. The women
appealed to YWCA and other stakeholders to reach the rural areas as people lacked
information on women and children’s right.

Speaking on behalf of the others, Ms Mweetwa warned that as long as villages are not
sensitized, violence against women and children will continue.

The women also contended that property grabbing is still rife in most rural parts of
Zambia. Ms Mweetwa pointed out that there is need for women to learn more about the
Intestate Act.

She said men in the rural areas still believe that a woman does not own any property
and that when her spouse dies she has no right to the property.

She explained that women who try to resist are threatened and hence opt to remain

YWCA has embarked on a campaign in the Livingstone and Kazungula districts to
sensitise residents about violence against women and enlighten communities about
child abuse.


  1. I would like to open an account in the Zambian c urrencies,Malawian and Tanzanian shillings. Please let me know if you could help me in this undertaking.

    Sincerely yours,
    Chola Mapoma

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