Tuesday, March 18, 2025

ZNUT slams ZIM Police invasion of Union offices


Zambia National Union of Teachers (ZNUT) has condemned the action by the Zimbabwe Police and related units in their invasion of the
Zimbabwe Trade Union offices.

ZNUT General Secretary Roy Mwaba says the brutal acts are not only an affront to
human rights but was also uncalled for and dehumanising.

Mr. Mwaba said in a statement released to ZANIS that the acts were also disregarding
the key principles of good governance.

He said the threats, victimisation and brutal beatings of its own citizens and
critics could not supersede dialogue and respect for each other in the quest for a
better Zimbabwe. 

Mr. Mwaba said his organisation condemns the tactics employed by the Zimbabwean
police forces saying this only helped to deepen the already poor political
environment in that country.

He added that ZNUT had observed with deep disappointment the ruthless inhuman
treatment meted out to worker representatives in Zimbabwe saying this was a
frightening development in the face of many sacrifices made by workers of that

Meanwhile, ZNUT has called on President Mwanawasa and his Government to intervene,
noting that if civil war broke out in Zimbabwe, Zambia would equally be affected.

Mr Mwaba said Zambia lost many lives and millions worth of infrastructure in the
struggle for Zimbabwe's independence.

He also called upon the African Continent and its leaders to stand up and condemn
the barbaric action by the Zimbabwean government and demand for the release of all
those arrested.

Several Zimbabwe's opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) who included its
leader Morgan Tshivangirai and Civil Society members were last week severely
battered by Police forces for defying that country's ban on rallies. 


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