Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mobile health services on the way


The Ministry of Health through the District Health Management Teams (DHMTs), has introduced outreach programmes which will enable rural communities have access to health services within their areas.

Ministry of Health spokesperson Dr Canisius Banda has disclosed.

Dr Banda says the vision of the ministry is to take health care services as close to the family as possible.

Dr  Banda told ZANIS in an interview that under the outreach programmes, the DHMTs
will work in partnership with traditional leaders countrywide who will mobilise their subjects to attend mobile clinics.

He said people living with HIV and AIDS will also have easy access to Anti-retroviral therapy (ART) through the outreach programmes.



  1. outreach programmes were there before why were they stopped, i do hope that they will be sustained and not just be another campaign for poor villagers to vote for them in power. Also do please address the issue of rural hardship wages or whatever you want to call them for the poor health workers in the remotest areas of our mother Zambia. Dr Banda my prayer is that you will monitor this programme closely so that people in powerful offices do not just take this as another venture of personal fund raising through allowances when they dream of wanting to monitor these project sites.

  2. I really would have liked to hear some furtehr details about this model of service delivery. The mention about dispensing ARVs in this mechanism sounds interesting. But is this really the best (cost-effective) way to the business?
    Good luck

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