Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Put pressure on Mugabe, Africa leaders prodded


Visiting Danish minister for Development Cooperation Ulla Toernaes has called on African leaders to speak out and condemn
attacks on opposition leaders in Zimbabwe. 

And Ulla Toernaes has described the meeting with Zimbabwean civil society groups as fruitful. 

Ms Toernaes told ZANIS in an interview at the Livingstone international airport soon before departure that African leaders were not helping what she called
deteriorating political conditions in Zimbabwe by choosing to remain mute. 

Ms. Toernaes said Zimbabwe's political instability led to the closure of the Danish embassy in Zimbabwe in 2002.

However, Ms Toernaes said her government is working closely with non governmental organisations in Zimbabwe in  the provision of humanitarian aid. 

"The Danish government is not in favour of Mugabe's government and its attacks on opposition leaders but it will continue speaking out, supporting the people, and
putting pressure on African leaders to help liberate Zimbabweans from Mugabe's dictatorial rule." She said.

On the closed door meeting with Zimbabwe's civil society groups, Ms. Toernaes described the meeting as fruitful saying she decided to meet the civil society
groups from Zimbabwe to discuss the present and future political situation standing of Zimbabwe. 

Ms. Toernaes was in Livingstone to acquaint herself with various Danish funded development projects.



  1. Robert Mugabe needs to be excuted like what happed to saddam hussain. These guys think that when they are in power and they forget that one day they will retire from being the country president. So beloved Africans let us call for the excution of mugabe for the people he has killed.

  2. I fully disagree with John’s outrage. Executing someone does not in anyway mean we have solved the problem. The issue is taking someone out of power and prosecuting them for the wrongs they had put the citizens into. Yes many people have died due to greedy of Mugabe and his government, but if they were hanged, how will they feel the pain of what they did. the best is arresting them and as soon as possible imprisoning them 25 with an L (life imprisonment). This will teach other dictators how painful it is for the people to go through pain. I feel Mugabe needs to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity and sent to jail for life

  3. Am in support with John’s statement for calling mugabes excution. This will send a good example to other leaders who thinks are untouchables. The time has come for the old man to taste the rope like what happened to Saddam Hussein and his friends.Mugabe has been killing people like chickens and let the same law visit him.No life imprisonment for a dictator only excution can do well to mugabe.

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