Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Girl 14, 15 defiled in Sinazongwe


A 14 year old girl and a 15 year girl have been repeatedly defiled in Sinazongwe district.

Both incidents occurred at Nangombe Basic School in Buleya Malima and the defilers have not been arrested despite the head teacher’s reporting the matter to police.

Nangombe Basic School Headmaster Edmond Hakalembe told ZANIS who visited the School that a 30 year old man of Mwaalede village was having an affair with a 14 year old girl.

Mr. Hakalembe said the named man was having an affair with a minor School girl who is in grade six.

He said there were many cases of love affairs at the School that were resulting into early marriages and pregnancies.

The headmaster disclosed that the parents to the 14 year old girl Mr. Orbet Siavuula came to report the matter to School and to seek assistance.

Mr. Hakalembe disclosed that the alleged defiler was above 30 years, was married, and has three children.

He said the wife of the alleged defiler has on several occasion confronted the 14 year old girl at the School so that they could fight.

The Head teacher said the girl who was below 16 years was in grade seven and she was defiled and married to a named man of the same village at Mwaalede.

Mr. Hakalembe noted that despite sensitization campaigned that were being conducted at the School and the community, cases of defilement, early marriages, and pregnancies have continued.

Records from Nangombe Basic indicated that in 2005 two grade six girls were married and three grade eight girls.

The Head teacher noted that last year they had workshop with the community to sensitize them on the evils of early marriages, defilement, and pregnancies but nothing has changed.

“The situation is still uncontrollable parents have continued to report cases of defilement and early marriages , the only good thing is that the community is now able to report such cases,” Mr. Hakalemba said.

Sinazongwe Police have failed to follow up the cases despite receiving the reports because of the lack of transport and their only vehicle is consistently on breakdown.


  1. I strongly condemn the situation of the girl child at Nangombe Basic School. This is not the work of the police and the head teacher alone to bring the culprits to book, but the parents and the head men church leaders of these villages to unite and rise up to panish and banish these culprits completely from their villages! Mothers!, where are you? get up rise your banner and protect your daughters from these beasts by reporting them to the police, victim support and any NGO in your area that deals with human rights violation like the Legal Resource Foundation etc.

  2. I just think there are not any strict laws to punish the defilers in Zambia at the moment.
    Wuld there be a tuff one,then things would change in a minute.Even punishing the Herbalists who give wrong suggestions to the people should face it too.

  3. Unless Zambians starts talking openly about such issues, most young girls & boys will always be victims of sexual molestation.
    Most women & mothers went through the same ordeal but it just seems too much for them to open up and talk freely about their worst expirences.
    In a country where a kissing scene on National TV is tabu or considered as filthy or sin, obviously the people have a big problem to solve when confronted with serious problems like child defilers in their neighbourhoods.
    Myself a Z woman was raped on 3 occasions. 1. first day i had sex was rape, 2. my own cousin who came crawling from his marriage bed in the middle of the night leaving his wife soundly asleep and threatened to chase me back to my poor parents back in the village if i made a fuss” 3. also raped by a policeman who even took my NRC card away from me and said i would get it only if i paid him off which i did with second hand clothes .
    99% of unwanted pregnacies are from rape cases!!!

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