Friday, March 7, 2025

British Airways to respond to Sata’s concerns when letter is received


British Airways says it will respond to Patriotic Front (PF) President Michael Sata’s allegations of inhumane treatment of their passengers once the company has officially received his letter.

Public Relations officer Andre Makulu said British Airways is aware of the letter from Mr Sata to British High Commissioner to Zambia Alistair Harrison over their alleged inhumane services to passengers.

He said this in a stament released to ZANIS in Lusaka today.

Mr. Makulu added that British Airways is concerned with the issues raised by Mr. Sata and will respond to the concerns once the letter has been received.

He disclosed that British Airways has been flying between Zambia and UK for 70 years
and remains committed to its operations in Zambia.

Mr. Makulu further said British Airways is proud of the relationship they have with
the Zambian government and is pleased with its  performance on the Zambian market.

Last week, Mr. Sata wrote to British High Commissioner protesting  that prospective
passengers were served on a pigeon hole meant for a cashier and alleged that the Airline had a ‘take it or leave it’ attitude because it is the only air line serving
the Lusaka-London route.


  1. I do wonder why the entire minister of transport has not yet seen some wrong with the operations of British Airways? The same kind of operational services have been in place for 70 years, surely Sata didn’t see that when he was in UNIP and MMD? This simply shows that ‘when you are eating you don’t have to talk’. MMD you do need opposition to tell you when to watch your faces, it’s time to wark and respect the human rights regardless of gender, race, colour or creed. MMD where did you get that man called Mpombo? The man seems to be living in the past. He needs to be fired.

  2. I find it hard to accept that Makulu goes to town singing praises about BA’s business’ sucess in Zambia (at the expense of the paying public) but defers even a simple apology about their sickening imperialist practices indefinitely.
    Its obvious we cant have too many airlines to enforce decent behaviour and morality, so we need a strong govt to do just that.

  3. With people such as Makulu ,do you still wonder why slavery thrived?For afew dollars more, he is prepared to be the face of BA`s treatment of Africans on their own soil.


  4. Disadvantages far out weigh advantages to cusumers when a company monopolizes business. BA needs some competition in zambia to perform to its expected level in customer service. BA does better in places were they have competitors, so i guess this is a wake up call for us zambia to develop if we are to recieve the best out of civilization.
    Makulu has every right to defend BA as PRO so people should not feel let down just because he is zambian, he doing his job, and thats what he is paid for.
    Virgin airlines just got a license to fly to kenya,last month , hope one day it will extend to zambia too, or else we should start our own competition. We cant have other peoples taking care of us forever!

  5. Disadvantages far out weigh advantages to cunsumers when a company monopolizes business. BA needs some competition in zambia to perform to its expected level in customer service. BA does better in places were they have competitors, so i guess this is a wake up call for us zambia to develop if we are to recieve the best out of civilization.
    Makulu has every right to defend BA as PRO so people should not feel let down just because he is zambian, he doing his job, and thats what he is paid for.
    Virgin airlines just got a license to fly to kenya,last month , hope one day it will extend to zambia too, or else we should start our own competition. We cant have other peoples taking care of us forever!

  6. I think Kalonda misses the point that a professinal PRO always finds a way to make an apology even if they dont have a sanctioned company response. Mr Makulu is being paid from the same money their humiliated passengers are paying, its only fair his co. accord those people some dignity. This is surely not asking for too much.
    Further, Kalonda flaunts the idea, a crazy one i must add, of forcing competition in an airline industry. The economy does not operate like that. There’s no sufficient economic activity in Zambia to sustain a competitive air travel industry on all routes. That’s not to say poor countries should suffer the wrath of profit-greedy, imperialist monopolies. This is the reason why we have govts and regulation.

    BA is not taking care of us, we are taking care of it. If they cant be there tomorrow, rest assured someone else will.
    Get rid of your slave mentality, bro…

  7. As a future PRO,I could say Mr.Makulu was simply doing his job protecting the image of BA.They say”image is trust and trust is money”,therefore any PRO has the task to protect the image of his organization.BA offers splendid services here in Europe,hence one would only wonder the reason why the airline can’t do the same to Zambians.While we appreciate what president Mwanawasa is doing,I feel it’s high time the president searched for funds to set up a strong AIRLINE to promote competition.Otherwise,our poor countries will continue suffering the wrath of profit-greedy,imperialist monopolies.Please Mr.President do not let down our lovely country in this area(air industry).Your presidential activities are second to none!!Divert some funds to the air industry and let the ZAMBIA AIRWAYS reappear on the world map.For you BA,rethink and get rid of your awkward services.It doesn’t pay to be greedy!VIVA ZAMBIANS!!!!

  8. Ba chanda, you must read my post again. Its deeper than you thought, it actually hinges on taking care of our own economical needs as opposed to letting others decide things for us. If you think deeper, you will realise that complaining like we are doing doesnt even help their mentality, but if we have the power to flex our financial muscle and develop our own economy, they will repsect us. Right now we are simply complaining beggers and no one will listen…
    We are just adding voices to the many failures who are only good at complaining and have no idea of emancipating themselves from things they complain about. If you have a nail in your foot, and all you do is complain about the pain, do you think the pain will go away? YOU HAVE GOT TO GET THE NAIL OUT…!!!We poor people act like that, we just complain of emperialistic tendencies and do nothing else, beyond recieving their charities. Who has more power, the charity giver or reciever?

  9. Ba chanda, you must read my post again. Its deeper than you thought, it actually hinges on taking care of our own economical needs as opposed to letting others decide things for us. If you think deeper, you will realise that complaining like we are doing doesnt even help their mentality, but if we have the power to flex our financial muscle and develop our own economy, they will repsect us. Right now we are simply complaining beggers and no one will listen…
    We are just adding voices to the many failures who are only good at complaining and have no idea of emancipating themselves from things they complain about. If you have a nail in your foot, and all you do is complain about the pain, do you think the pain will go away? YOU HAVE GOT TO GET THE NAIL OUT…!!!We poor people act like that, we just complain of emperialistic tendencies and do nothing else, beyond recieving their charities. Who has more power, the charity giver or reciever?

  10. By the way guys im not saying we should never complain, but we should work more to solve our own issues than spend all the much needed energy on complaining alone

  11. Well, BA should also realize that not every zambian who travels around has a computer at home. The humiliation is not only in Lusaka alone, but in other parts of the world. Few weeks ago I flew to UK for a few days and on my way back to one of the schengen countries I live in, BA attendants almost kept me longer at the airport coz they could not understand the language written in my passport (of course one of the scandinavian languages). Makulu should realize this can happen to him when he comes abroad…

  12. When Sata was campaigning for Chluba’s Third Term, he said he was just doing his job as Secretary of the MMD,though he did not want Chluba for a Third term.Makulu, too, is employed as a PRO for BA, hence he is just doing his job. Why should people blame him for doing his job and people commenting that he is doing slavery duties. Note, that too, slavery was not forced on black people, so if people do not like internantional organisations, let us (as zambians) form our companies that will give foregin companies competition and we shall set our own rules, and please our people and customers. Or alternatively,let’s buy shares in BA,and we can determine how the company will treat our customers. Don’t forget, you had Zambia Airways, only God knows what used to happen in that company when it was operational, now atleast you have a plane which flies between London and Lusaka.

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