Wednesday, March 19, 2025

It is not yet time to search for Levy’s successor in the party


The MMD in Mufulira has advised that it is too early for the party to start searching for a presidential candidate for the 2011 general elections. MMD Mufulira chairman Harrington Mambwe says premature campaigns for President Mwanawasa’s successor would divide the ruling party ahead of 2011.

Mr Mambwe said this in an interview with ZANIS in Mufulira today during the MMD party’s card renewal exercise.

Mr. Mambwe said the MMD in Mufulira will only start discussing the issue of president Mwanawas’s successor after the ruling party’s NEC gave a go ahead .

Meanwhile, the MMD in Mufulira has hailed the business community for the support they have continued to render to the ruling party.

Acting MMD District Secretary Dickson Chibekete said the support from the business sector to the ruling party was commendable.



  1. How come this song sounds like something I have heard before during Chiluba term of office? “No one should campaign until NEC says so because they are not focusing on their jobs.” This really sounds familiar ..only to see Chiluba turn round and seek a third term and chased good potential candidates in the MMD. And now we have this LPM who thinks he is doing great and yet zambia is doing great because of good copper prices & debt relief. I think somebody else would have done far better for the country under these economic conditions. KK did far better with copper prices lower than today. I somehow smell a third term bid in the works here ..with the constitution not finalised who knows. People like Kavindele, Navers Mumba , Lupundo Mwape can campaign they don’t have jobs in the govt. Let it be free for all from the outset.

  2. Democracy for all is not a realisable goal but its unqualified pursuit would lead to more instability in the party.LPM must not work in the past but in the future, as Justice argues above, LPM must permit a freer dialogue with those aspiring for presidency than just shuting them out and opting for undemocratic tendencies to suit his love for power or favouring people from his ever growing family tree. He must honour the current piece of legislation if he is to ensure smooth democratisation in the party.
    A two year enactment was meant for strategic planning and preferred access tha anything else.Let those with energies campaign so that they can best be judged by the electorate as time ticks

  3. I think the opposition should unite and have opposing shadow ministries. e.g Shadow Minister of Transport and Communication, like that they can introduce what may seem as better alternatives for where they think the government has failed but no all they do is question the government and never come up with anything original andt their votes are so scattered because of too many partys,The government has also got too many Ministries and Layers, some should be combined like home and foreign affairs, ministry of trade, commerce with tourism and pliz can we have more competiton amongst companies we fed up of monopolistic bullies who seem to be not ready for a little competition, point blank .the more competition the more consumers benefit, because of more alternatives and choice.lets be fair and we challenge the big boys to level the playing field so the young future gunz can get some experience. peace out THE B-MAN

  4. There is infact no one with calibre to succeed Levy. We head about the rise of ANC under Mr Nkumbula, and we head the fall of it, we head the rise of UNIP and we saw the fall of it, so with MMD now. The hour has come to close the chapter on MMD and now time is ticking to say bye bye MMD for the little things you have done to the people of Zambia.For almost 15 years MMD has been in the system no schools and hospitals have been built. Can someone please tell me what they have done?. I wouldn’t wait to see people like Teta’, VJ, Katele, Mpombo fight for the top most position, of course the repercussion will be high to bear within the party, lets wait and see. Well, opposition parties should never again try to unity as we have seen between UDP and UNDP wrangle after the election and Sata with Sakis. The voting system should be improved to avoid the recurring of malpractises during counting as observed in the last two election when the late Mazoka was swindled and Sata dribbled.

  5. Who will be the next president of Zambia?
    None within MMD and opposition parties at the moment.Would someone suggest a list of the the capable Zambia?

  6. Navers Mumba is the next president. the script will play out the way LPM came into power. The MMD is just too dirty and rotten to have anybody in their ranks with clean hands to take the presidency. People like VJ, Katele Kalumba, Kavindele, Nyirongo and the rest. I see them rushing to the the supposedly clean and eloquent guy to run for presidency. And it largely explains why Navers has been quite and rarely attacks the government. Politics ya pa zed yalilubana.

  7. Nevers Mumba has no direction and he can not be the next president. The man is too busy studying the bible in trying to soothe himself that Jesus was a black man. Chanda try another name please.

  8. Chanda Phiri wabepa, Nevers will never step into plot1. All the clergy have let down their flock, Nevers is neither an honest nor principled man he is no different from Appostle Gladys Nyirongo.
    MMD has capable people but have been down played by the so called family trees.Likes of VJ, Teta, Katele and many more are sheep in wolves clothing these guys are cameoleons and have blocked alot of capable people from being known under MMD.If mr Kasonde was young , I would have put my vote on him.

  9. Yes I agree Chilumba that MMD has capable people and they have been silenced by the family tree and because of this, I see these capable people wont be next presidents. Am not saying I have information that Nevers will be the next president. Am just being a political technical analyst here. Politics in Zambia moves in cycles and I can see one cycle forming. The capable people towards the 2011 will no longer want to be silenced anymore, they will voice their concerns and be kicked out leaving the incapable ones in the MMD who worship LPM. Probably form their own party or join Sata. And wanting to win MMD will look for a candidate with high visibility and clean record and Nevers fits that bill

    I don’t think Nevers has dirty hands and I will challenge anyone to prove that. He got fired over personal differences with LPM. Search google and you wont find any story linking him to corruption.

    Personally, I don’t think he will be good. I would want Miyanda or HH..clean non-MMD people

  10. What an interesting debate. Chanda, Mumba should not even be considered as Presidential candidate. Look, we don’t need someone who is two pronged. How did he betray his fellow opposition leaders just to land himself the no. 2 position. Since time immemorial, he has always misled people including his own church flock. Remember the days of NCC. Frankly, we are short of identifying a capable and able leader to take up the mantles of political power. My proposal is all parties should begin floating their candidates now so the people can have time to assess who is a viable candidate. However, before the parties do that, we need a new constitution enacted. We need to bring sanity to the political fore by demanding a new constitution. We need LPM to do this for the Zambian people. That is the legacy he will leave behind.

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