Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Poor state of Sinazongwe roads makes MMD unpopular


The Movement for Mult-party Democracy (MMD) in Sinazongwe district has said the party will have difficulties in gaining support if government fails to work on the Maamba Batooka road and the bottom road.

Speaking at the renewal of party cards, MMD district Chairperson Foster Syapwaya said for the past two terms that President Levy Mwanawasa has been in power the poor state of the Maamba Batooka road and the Bottom road has been the main issue.

“At every election these roads are always in bad shape and we want these structures to be worked on for us to win the lost support. Right now we are in power if we fail to work on the two roads our opponents will take advantage of it.” Mr. Syapwaya said.

The Bottom road that stretches from Siavonga, Gwembe, Sinazongwe and to Kalomo is one the hottest issue among the people in these district and to them as long as the road was not worked on it means government has failed to honour its promise.

Mr. Syapwaya noted that whatever little money government had they should use it to work on the road to avoid the long standing grievance among the people in the valley.

Sinazongwe district Constituency Chairperson Simon Chali said the district was now changing in terms of political structure because people have now realised the joy of working with the ruling party.

Mr.Chali disclosed that 23 three United Party National Development defected to MMD at the party cards renewal exercise.

He urged his supporters that it was the right time that people needed to work with the ruling party to achieve development activities that were lacking in the district.

“Our party should treat us differently here if we are to win, attract more people here and we have started forming clubs to empower our members to be self sustaining,” Mr Chali said.

Sinazongwe District Secretary Jeff Kayamba said government has done a recommendable job for Sinazongwe people as the Maamba mine which was in tatters was slowly gaining life.
Mr. Kayamba said government should work on the roads since the issue of the mine has already been addressed.


  1. Politics of appeasement! men without principle nor college education (very deadly combination). when are the zambian people ever going to wake up and realize that it is not the party, but themselves that can bring about the desired change. What ruling party! what have they done for the common man(a voter) like you and me….nothing! things will never change as long as we let our greedy politicians decide our fate. we will continue dying in numbers due to lack of proper equipment in our hospitals,lack of medical personnel, lack of drugs etc…. they do not care about you and me! they can afford to fly themselves to south africa at our expense! and what have we done to stop them….. nothing! continue ignoring the current situation and we shall bury you next! do not be cheated by politicians/leaders without prinicple! In you did know …True leaders earn the respect from their followers through their deeds, and not by the ballot. In a democracy even fools are allowed to participate!

  2. The Movement for Mult-Party Democracy(MMD) efforts to deliver to all Zambians are being let down by such people like Dr.Miti.How do you expect MMD to improve the state of Sinazongwe roads,offer quality education and medical services when PS and their members of staff are busy mis-using state funds?A simple man would anticipate honesty and truth from educacated people like Dr.Miti.But look at the way these degree men are spending!! It’s very amazing indeed.How can you,Dr.Miti stand in front of people explaining that you spent K21 million to buy Christmas cards?Shame upon you!!You’re really frustrating president Mwanawasa.Hope the president won’t spare you just like he fired Rev.Nyirongo(former minister of Lands).Mr.President,please continue getting rid of all bad eggs if the war against corruption is to be won.The poor citizens will continue suffering if people like Dr.Miti are kept in their positions.Fire them all!!!

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