Wednesday, March 19, 2025

KK discharged from UTH


First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda has been discharged from the University Teaching Hospital (UTH).

The Chief of Staff at the office of the First President Godwin Mfula confirmed to ZANIS that Dr Kaunda who was yesterday admitted to UTH for observation due to a sudden rise in his High Blood Pressure has since been discharged.

Mr. Mfula disclosed that Dr Kaunda’s situation is under control and has since been told by his medical doctors that he could resume work within the next few days.

He said, Dr. Kaunda has expressed gratitude to the Medical Team that took care of him for their professionalism and hard Work.



  1. its nice to know President Kaunda has faith in UTH and did not have to go all the way to the UK or South africa for something that could be treated locally like some presidents I know!May God bless our beloved K.K

  2. Why is there discrimination in the application of medical health facilities? Others fly to SA to have their hearts checked, Others fly to London to have their BP checked and confirmation that they are fit to work? KK has maintained his statesmanship by accepting that Zambian Doctors are the best and can do wonders.I hope he does this with his clear conscience and not just something he wants to attract attention.I wish you quick recovery and God bless you cos you have alot to do for the Zambians in the fight against Aids and Malaria.But have a look at the widely claimed herbs being exhibited in Zambia one such being Sondashi formula and let us have your views over these claims, who knows one day they will be a success

  3. KK is a real partriotic Zambian. He has trust and faith in the his Doctors he produced. KK, may the good Lord, God the Almighty bless and guide you in all areas of human endeavour. Its sad to see people like VJ going to UK for eye operation, Levy going to UK for chelosterol check up and Chiluba going to R.S.A for heart problem. Once you do that, you simply insult the Zambian Doctors. Medical school of UNZA is among the best in Africa. Thus, MMD gvt please maintain its standard and give the Doctors the necessary equipment they need to check your BP, heart and eyes. Definitely you will do good job for many Zambian people can not go abroad for medication. Please spare KK to demostrate that Zambian Doctors are the best. ” it’s true that the fish start rotting from the head” Let me keep my oxygen.

  4. President Kaunda job well done in showing the world that you have faith in the country you helped to be freed. This shows that Dr. Kaunda still believes in the men and women in the health sector of Zambia. Why can’t ba sakala nyongo do the same? All I see is these thugs using tax payers money to fly in and out of the country for treatment while they have the UTH at their backyards. Dr. Kaunda may God be with you and please enjoy a goood health.

  5. Sometimes i wish the entrie zambian population could just be flown into one of these so called developed countries and see for themselves how some of their people struggle. Nothing betters home. KAUNDA knows that. wherever else you go ,you will be called IMBWA just like we also look down on some of the people that come to our country. The entire game is in the mind. The human body is the same everywhere you, so going through a great med school like zambia pretty much gives you all the necessary basics to practice medicine anywhere in the world. The major difference lies in the epidemiology of the disease patterns. In zambia the emphasis could be on malaria and TB/HIV AIDS, while in USA it could be on cancers, hypertension and coronary/Heart diseases like myocardial infarction etc. Primitive people still think if doctor from UK treats me for me malaria in zambia is better than a zambian doctor.. thats clear lack of understanding…. all zambia needs is up todate equipment thats o

  6. good move KK.but i expect more from why support must be bold and sometimes put friendship aside.

  7. Yeah! Mugabe is a nonsensical dictator. Africa needs the Gaddafi type of dictator; a dictator who empowers the poor. Not a dictator who just wants to stay in power. I think Kaunda proved that he didn’t just want to be in power by allowing the MMD to challenge him. Mugabe is not man enough to do that!

  8. Well done Kaunda on this move. Why going for high blood pressure abroad yet you have own doctors who can check you up. If you dont have trust in Zambian doctors why setting up a medical school. why not sending Zambians abroad to study medicine. why spending money on bursaries yet you as a President know quite okay that it is a shear waste of money because at the end of it you produce useless doctors, thats what it means by going abroad where you think you can find excellent doctors in South Africa, USA etc. Mr President give us good example so that we can have trust in our own doctors and this way we can serve money in our country and use it to get machinery that is required in our hospitals like the ones you follow abroad. Ba Kaunda thanks for showing trust in our hospitals.

  9. Surprising how we could even get comments from a Zimbabwean coz Mugabe doesn’t even disclose when he is sick, well he is! Kaunda wamuyayaya even when he is out of politics. To the one past and current president, believe in our own medical personnel, if the time has come, its come, be it at sunninghill or jogging in the streets of london.

  10. Iwe we chimugoregore talala tondolo pantu Kaunda wamuyayaya. Its strange to see a Zimbabwean trying passing a comment on something he doesn’t understand, why can’t you stick to Robert ‘Adolf’ Mugabe. President Kaunda did not travel abroad to seek medical check up but rather he has faith in the Zambian hospitals and the Doctors. In future please try to comment on Mugabe the LOSER. The guy is mistreating you people and yet you don’t comment but when you hear Kaunda you are quick to comment, please just shut up because you are not a man enough to stand up for your country. Our President Dr. Kaunda is a statesman and a true partiotic Zambian. So please stay away from things that you don’t understand fully.

  11. Chitalu wesu mulekeni umugoregore uyu pantu ama Hospital yakumwabo baliisala nefya fyakupiminako BP baliba ati ni empowerment yama freedom fighters mumayanda since Mugabe ingalalwala ama isangoma yaya ku state house ,Mugabe doesnot trust anyone including his fingers so this Zimbabwean has alot to learn from Zambia the Real Africa.He doesnot even know that KK ruled Zambia for 27 years in striking peace and decent atmosphere.His Robert today has no regard for life and has got guts to slaughter anyone who goes in his way, no wonder he is hiding in Zambia, go back and fight the oppressor?

  12. Zimbabweans are the most docile people I have ever seen and can easily be bought with a dry loaf of bread. Our KK brought us together with “One Zambia One Nation” but their Bob Adolf Mugabe is busy disuniting them.Once a rebel always a rebel, and this has been proved to be true wuth Bob Adolf Mugabe, and there is recycle of three months before he does something sinister to his docile people. Please Zambians do not make a mistake to withdraw cash in Zimbabwe with your master cards, you will be stranded. There is no cash in Zimbabwe. At least our KK laid a good foundation for both political and economical spheres. “Everywhere Kaunda” is known for his good job he did in Africa. One Zambia One Nation.

  13. Please, Zambia is for Zambians just go back where you came from and leave us alone with our KK.Do no “bark” from here, go back to Robert your tyrant.

  14. I am glad to hear these positive comments guys on President Kaunda. Many people (foreigners) I have met abroad appreciate this man but Zambians! When this great man finally departs (God forbid), that is when many will try to say how great the man was! I read a quote that said, “If a man deserves praise while he is alive give it to him, for he will never be able to read his tombstone.” Zambians should learn to appreciate one another even though there may be what we see as mistakes. Who never makes mistakes? President Kaunda is Africa’s senior statesman that deserves respect and honour. He is our hero and as a country should be proud to have him. Certainly, UNZA and Ridgeway Campus that our leaders helped create produce great doctors, some of the best in the world. I am proud of KK!



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