Thursday, March 20, 2025

Lufwanyama DCcalls for revival of Lamba-Lima Cultural Council


Lufwanyama District Commissioner, Evans Pwele, says the Lamba-Lima Cultural Council should be revived in the interest of promoting the
rich national cultural heritage.

And Mr Pwele has bemoaned the poor turn out  of the Lamba-Lima chiefs to the Council Annual General Meeting held over the weekend in Mpongwe.

Mr. Pwele challenged the Lamba-Lima people to help revive the Lamba-Lima Cultural Council of Zambia in order to help sustain the Lamba-Lima traditional culture.

Mr Pwele told ZANIS in Kalulushi today that the council should be revived because it is significant to safeguarding traditional norms for posterity.

And Mr Pwele said  Council Meetings must be  held annually unlike the present situation were meetings are held inconsistently.

"The council was formed in 1967 and held their next meeting in 1997 and later in 2003,which should not be the case,there is need for consistency if the Lamba-Lima
cultural council was to be  successful in the promotion of  culture,"he said.

Mr Pwele regretted the low turn up of the Lamba-Lima tradition leaders to the meeting called to discuss the revival of the council.

He observed that the meeting was only attended by seven chiefs out of the expected  15 chiefs from  Lufwanyama, Mpongwe and Masaiti.  

 "The only Chiefs that attended  the meeting were Chief Lumpuma, Mukutuma, Senior Chief Ndube, Senior Chief Chiwala, Chiefteness Lesa, Chief Shibuchinga and Chief
Kalunkumya," he said.

Mr Pwele observed that elections for the new executive board of the council could therefore not take place due to poor attendence.

Mr Pwele has since called on  all the Lamba-Lima people in Lufwanyama, Mpongwe and Masaititi  to take full participation in meetings as they helped in the preservation
of culture.

He said the meeting had been postponed to July this year  and hoped that people would turn up enmass to elect the new council leadership.


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