Sunday, March 9, 2025

Oasis Forum told to abide by majority views over Constitution


The Oasis Forum has been called upon to abide by the views of the majority in their quest for the expediency in the adoption of a new constitution.

Independent Churches of Zambia (ICOZ) Board Chairperson Reverend David Masupa said unless the Oasis Forum abides by the current views of the majority people who submitted to the Mung’omba Constitution Review Commission, they will be suppressing the will of the people.

Rev Masupa said in a statement availed to ZANIS in Lusaka today that ICOZ will respect views proposing the quick implementation of the new constitution that are in line with the views of the people who submitted to the CRC and the recommendations made in the final and draft constitution.

“It is for this reason that ICOZ would want to caution the so called stakeholders meetings of the civil society, political parties and the church that unless they abide by the current majority views on the 12,803 who submitted to the Mungomba CRC which was legally constituted by the republican President, they will be suppressing the will of the people,” he said.

He expressed sadness that the people calling for the enactment of the new constitution want to short cut the process without taking into consideration how the Mungomba CRC recommended the implementation.

Rev Masupa said there is need therefore, for all stakeholders calling for the speedy implementation of the new constitution to do so within the framework of the Mungomba CRC recommendations in order to respect the views of a cross section of Zambians who submitted to the CRC.

He urged Government to tell the nation how it will harmonise its roadmap to that of many organisations who have proposed alternative roadmaps.

The Oasis Forum yesterday came up with a revised 10-step roadmap for the adoption of a new republican constitution in 71 weeks.



  1. It buffles me to see why the President has always been having negative views over the adoption of the constitution.The President must be reminded that he is there because of the citizens of the republic of zambia and must respect and act to resolve the various suggestions and proposals in a more open minded way without prejudice and in return offer counter alternatives that can be further be accommodated with other divergent views to arrive at one common resolution than just being admant and calling the CRC/Oasis as being stubborn,himself and Teta are the ones who are being stubborn over the road map.why should things that are straight foward be made complex because of selfish motives.
    And your Rev Masupa there is no need for you to stress issues here ,the Oasis forum has always been transparent,you ICOZ if anything has a hidden agenda.If you cant speak your mind out then get back to the pulpit,its no time for theological assumptions ,this is a straight foward matter

  2. Rev Masupa,looks like Teta brided you. Oasis Forum is the eye and voice for the Zambians, even those who dont belong to any church and moreover the Watch Towers dont take part in politics even though Levy has bent that doctrine. If Oasis can speak on behalf of Levy’s church then who are you to represent the Zambian will? Rev Masupa please consultant John Mwanakatwe how his proposals he got from the Zambian were omitted by MMD govt. Rev Masupa please dont block Oasis Forum, by doing so god will inflict you with endless turmoil. Give what belong to Ceaser to Ceaser and dont let many Zambian suffer due to your vemon tongue like Teta and Katele. God is waching you Rev and keep the Bible closer to your chest.

  3. Rev Masupa is not for the people of God but wants to get something in the name of the people.We respect your views but expected you to help the people come out bondage like what Moses did.

  4. The Oasis forume and its suporters are just too big headed and I think are being used by PF in their quest to destruct the current Government. One wonders which people the claim to be reprenting and when they were given the mandate to speak for the so called people. The current constitution has in place the only way of solisting the peoples view on the constitution enectment, and that is what Levy wants to follow. There is no reason for the Hot heads in the Oasis to think they are the best brains in the country just becouse they can talk the loudest and therefor every one must listern to them. The will of the people will only be head through referandums as stated in the ruling constitution. After all, Levy did not enact the current contitution that any one should accuse him of selfish motives. And to Mweemba, ‘Any lowyer who encourages the braking of the constitution is not worthy of the ink his name is writern in’.
    What will stop peaple ignoring even the next constitution in future?

  5. “Will of the People”, that is the term used by selfish people for their own gain. The constitution has become a meaningless document which is amended by every politician who comes into power to suit themselves. Ask Teta what his views were on the constitution when he was in the opposition, and today when he is in the ruling party. Too, ask Chiluba and Sata what there views are now that both are not in Govt.

  6. We are faced with a situation where only a few individuals understand anything to do with what and for who a Constitution is. These few individuals are trying to manipulate this important piece of law to their advantage. Countrymen, as long as the majority of our population is illiterate, it will be difficult to enact a people-driven supreme law of the land. We need to vigorously challenge our government to enact policies such as “No Child Left Behind”. Such a policy would make it criminal for any parent to deny a child chance for a decent education. Government then plays a role in ensuring that financially incapable parents are assisted in this regard. An educated populace will surely be able to analyse issues affecting their day to day lives and that of their future generations. You think MMD will enact a constitution that will work against them? We need selfless politicians who will do things for the country because it is right to do so, not because it works in their favour.

  7. continued.

    Nobody owns that country individually. We need concerted and selfless eforts to realize this goal.

  8. Zambian Abroad, i support your views. But how do we achieve a nation of educated people when the money to be used for education is used for campaign’s and political gains? Govt bursaries at universities for students who after graduation do not pay back to the Govt. Where is the Govt going to get addittional funds to support and pay for school facilities? Until,the powers in the President in the constitution are minimised, which will never happen, shall we see a fair constitution.How can the President appoint the Chief Justice,then expect the Chief Justice to fire him? such scenario’s.Why should the Parliament be a rubber stamp for the president, when it is Parliament that should direct the president. What is the purpose of ACC,Courts and Police when they can not question the President? There aren’t any three branches of government. It’s all government.The State calls its own violence, law; but that of the individual, crime. Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under

  9. ‘Politics’ is made up of two words, ‘poli,’ which is Greek for ‘many,’ and ‘tics,’ which are blood-sucking insects.

  10. Mandinji, who will be the next president? Of course you will say Magande. ‘A new bloom swipes better than an old bloom but an old bloom knows all the corners of the room’ where ‘knows’shall mean good at confusing figures, mean,lack of focus and worse of all thinking about their own potckets.Mandinji, Oasis has been there before PF and worked hard to bar Chiluba from serving the third term.Thus, let them be the people’s voice. Zambia needs young people to take part in politics. We are feedup of same people whom we used to study in social studies, now grandpa still clinching to same positions. Give a chance to young people who have vibrant ideas to transform my beloved country to 1970s time.

  11. Sam K, do you still want to return to the 1970’s time? Remember then, the economy was fresh from the colonial rule, and efficiency was the word. What happened then, nationalisation, and poor management was the order of the day. I know people will say, Copper price’s had fallen. Humanism and Socialism took over. Sam, if you said we need young people to transform the leadership to the times of today and the future,i would support you over that. A young leadership that is not self-centred, that what Zambia to be on the map of economic growth, and not the leadership we have who just want donor aid, until they are given the money, will they know what to do with the money. A young leadership that goes to parliament to debate topics of national importance than going there to demand loans of US$53,000 to buy themselves luxury. Hey, Sam k, Why was Levy replaced by the Tanzanian President at the discussion panel with Gordon Brown and Koffi Annan? No Integrity in the President

  12. Kayata, I knew there was something analytical about your mind. Indeed a policy like the one I proposed requires funding. We need to develop a database that captures every Zambian’s information at birth, NRC nos. for instance. These should be issued to individuals at birth. This way, we will be able to capture financial data throughout a person’s life. With a well developed Credit Reference Bureau which will track people’s whereabouts anytime, government and other financial institutions can then extend educational loans to Zambians which would be paid back after 6 months of graduation. Countrymen, these are not impossible suggestions. We need the political will from leaders to do this. Infact, my proposal should not be treated as a short-term measure to be implemented during one’s Presidential term. This is something that can be initiated with the current generation so that we can develop a future standard or system by which we can operate. Kayata, what do you think bro?

  13. Kayata, you really getting into my naives, I thought you got something from the website Chilumba gave you. Flip flop would suit you who just want to appease friends that you standstood the stuff and yet none. Zambia neen chess players who can calculate moves in advance. We have abundant natural resources and all we need is to use the tools for their specific job. Early 1970s, Zambia was rich in regardless of humannism, nationalisation but the leaders by then were eager to work for the people. We dont want GORDON BROWN to come and tell us when to review the constitution. Kayata avoid burning oxygen uncessary.

  14. Sam K, you really need to check your vocabulary. You cannot spell words properly. You cannot construct meaningful sentences. You are a disgrace amn

  15. Sam K, you really need to check your vocabulary. You cannot spell words properly. You cannot construct meaningful sentences. You are a disgrace man

  16. Sam K and KC, you two seem to have fallen so madly in love with each other, you have as a consequence totally lost the plot (if you even had it in the first place). Me and the web-site master think this is neither the time nor the place.

    Let me remind you what the playing field looks like. There was in Zambia a time, and perhaps for a few shining days, when the OASIS Forum was the defacto house of parliament in Zambia. Those were the days when the “elected” members of parliament abandoned the Zambian electorate faster than you can shout CAR LOAN or NGOZI IYO. Not much has changed since then except that it takes the MMD less than a car loan to knock your average hunger-striken opposition MP off balance.

    Beyond stating the obvious (such as in the manner that this “man of the cloth” has demonstrated, for what ever reason that moved him), is there any practicle way that we can speed the process of effecting a new constitution? What are the not so obvious obstacles?

  17. Dr D, the most practical way to speed up the process is to assassinate Teta and castrate Rev Masupa.

  18. Mudala wakatenzi,


    I agree with the former, and would gladly swing the killer blow of which (take note) it would only take one!

    As for the latter, I hardly know the man behind the name, but considering he has committed crimes deserving more than getting a girley voice, please quickly pass me the broken bottle to use for that tour of duty. I take it we shall not need any anaesthesia other than his co-operation and a mouthful of something called ‘whisky black’.

    And by the way, is there any chance we could add Muwelewele to the theatre list? There are a few other items the man has clearly been functioning without (vis a vis the brain), so I do not see how we could in any way be doing any harm in relieving him of it.

    Anyway, must now bid you adieu as I must endorse a tick against my name at the local watering hole, that essential fountain of wisdom and good sense. Please let me know where your local is, and perhaps one day we can together grow the wiser.

  19. Mudala W,
    I hope you did not think that the mouthful of ‘whiskey black’ was to relieve the pain of that scoundrel who is suffering from terminal childishness. No. It is for me to steady the nerves at the time we decide to extend the incision to the part he sits on.

  20. KC to hell with your english, why do you want Sam to perfect his english,dont you know that its his 2nd language,when you bring these foreigners who will always mispell your names, instead of complaining you even praise them for calling you wrongly so what are you telling us ?this blog is not an english class or exam ,its for developmental issues, had we been of one mother tongue we could have just been conversing in that mother tongue.Just put your thinking across not spending time counting the english mistakes on peoples contribution.Grow up chap and be proud to be Zambian, “one Zambia one nation”

  21. Zambian Abroad , your experience gained from abroad is what Zambia needs today.We need that change management ability in Zambia to move forward.Recently CRB of RSA signed an MOU with six banks atleast something is in offing.You can only make comparison of doing things if you have travelled outside Zambia.Integration of our data base is feasible but needs a strong political will and great incentives.Pettiness amongst our politician is what is worrying,parliament composition is still a worry even the young we thot can make a difference are the worst culprits when it comes to debates they have nothing to offer,It all boils down to one thing lack of understanding their roles as MPs and non comprehension of their party manifestos and worse the country’s economic management.Zambia needs to reposition itself in all spheres,massive investment in education is cardinal,today some kids in upper classes cant even read a newspaper nor write nor interpret what they have read.where are we heading to?

  22. Dr Maswahu, go to hell, you left the country to dogs now you want to show your brilliance in your afternoon life. Get stuck where you are with your wisdom. Soon you will also become chiwelewele.

  23. Kayata you are brianwashed, Chilumba manipulator, Zambian Abroad call boy, Sam K ruffian, Dr Maswahu loner,Dr Mukupa singer, Mutuwesu no direction, Chanda Phiri self pity, KC coward, 1 of 22 can be a snapper. I have been your contributions guys

  24. Sam K, Thanks for your suggestions, read the website again and analyse as to why China and India’s economy grew, as compared to the decline in the RSA economy. Sam, nationalised companies are not there to make profits, hence they can not create employment, as there is no innovation. and how will they operate when they are making losses, govt subsidies. Govt should provide basic needs and not compete in business. On migration in the website, the reason’s are that there are no jobs in africa or third world countries, you know the reasons why? No innovation and no competition. On Gordon, i said it was a discussion panel, we do not need him for constitution purpose, the adoption of the prsident contributes to his intergrity, hence i made that comparison. Sam, that humanism and nationalism provided things for free, there are no things for free in this world, not even a wife.

  25. And Mudala Wakatenzi, you are one of Chiluba and Sata’s boys at Kamwala and Kulima Bus Station. That is the reason why your suggestion are only to assassinate people. Or maybe you are from Zimbabwe, where other suggestion’s means go and assassinate, castrate them. You belong to Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan or Zimbabwe. Zambia do not need people like you. We are peaceful loving nation. Why assasinate Teta and Rev Masupa. I think the Dr Maswahu is your witchdoctor to assasinate people with the laptop technology you adopted from your uncle katele.

  26. Mudala Wakatenzi whatever you name is , you deserve more sympathy than anger together with Dr Maswahu whose humour is somehow misplaced?Is he in cambridge under the sponsorship of Dr Vongo?If at all he is a conventional medical practitioner then its impetus upon him to portray an honourable like manner befitting a doctor.But for you mudala fimofimo continue with your weird outbursts,we understand you better than yourself, in the abundance of water only a fool will die of thirsty

  27. As always, there is great hope for a nation when people lose sight of an issue and start slagging each other off. Without mentioning names, there are clearly people here with personal issues that need sorting out and I must decline the invitation to stoop down to their level.

    My humourous comments have missed the mark and I will take myself to a place where I am better appreciated.

    Wish all of you the best, especially those on the Mwanawasa payroll with specific orders to disrupt people who talk against him.

  28. Chilumba, Sam K, Kayata, Mutuwensu,Zambian Abroad you think you are the owner of the site. Zambia need political thinkers like Dr Muswahu not story tellers and fighters like you guys. Actually am from Kabwe and Zimbabwe. Happy birhday Zim Zim

  29. Mudala wakatenzi look at your comments on no.24 are you sure all is well with you? how do you reconcile the two no.24 and no.32.Will soon request that a file be opened for you at Chainama before you are repatriated to Zim ,We shall make sure your sanity is rectified but if at all you are on mental medication dont skip your times be compliant.We use you when you finally settle in Zim cos it will be wrong for us to send you back in that state.

  30. Where are these guys Mudala W and so called Dr Masuha came from? They are filthy and not worth to discuss. The old fox and your grandson leave Zambia to the genuine Zambians.

    My bro Kayata, I shall come to you late.

  31. Dr Masuha, your comments were about assasinating Teta and the Rev. I do not support LPM, but i dislike people who support assasination as you supported Mudala on comment’s 19 to 21. and Mudala came to his sense’s on comment 24.

  32. Is the laptop witchcraft technology for real? If true then it need serious regulation so that it doesn’t end up in irresponsible hands…

  33. Sam K is a raffian, Kayata brain washed, Chilumba a snake. Dr Maswahu has wisdom which you can not see. He can be next president. Viva Dr Maswahu ! Viva! the of you chaps should grow and respect elders like Dr D Maswahu. I said that coz I was pissed off otherwise he is a man to watch.

  34. Dr Maswahu where are you? we were togther dont leave alone to Chilumba, Sam K and Kayata. Come out in open with your heap of words.

  35. Lumpa,only Mudala Wakatenzi and his consultant know how it operates,as they are planning something on Teta and the Rev.

  36. I enjoy, lead to I found just what I used to be taking a look for. You have ended my four day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a nice day. Bye

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