Friday, March 21, 2025

Corrupt MPs won’t be adopted – Teta


MMD spokesperson, Benny Tetamashimba, has warned that party members of Parliament (MPs) whose seats are nullified because of corrupt practices will not be adopted to re-contest their seats.

In an interview in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Tetamashimba warned that the party would not allow anybody to contest parliamentary elections on its ticket after losing their seats because of corrupt practices because that contradicted the MMD’s anti-corruption drive.

“If anybody will have a seat nullified and it is attributed to corruption, that person will not be allowed to stand because we are fighting corruption,” Mr Tetamashimba said.

Commenting on the Kapoche constituency parliamentary by-election set for June 5, 2007, Mr Tetamashimba said former Deputy Minister of Community Development and Social Services, Nicholas Banda, would be allowed to contest the election because the Lusaka High Court did not find him guilty of corruption.

“For Kapoche, the young man is standing because he has not been found guilty of corruption by the court.

I have read the judgment and it has nothing to do with corruption.

It is how his people conducted themselves. So he is going to be considered,” Mr Tetamashimba said.

And United Party for National Development (UPND) spokesperson, Charles Kakoma, said the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) would field former Kapoche MP, Charles Banda as its candidate.

But the alliance had not yet met to make the final decision.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has set June 5, 2007, as the date for parliamentary by-elections in Kapoche constituency in Petauke.

The seat fell vacant after the nullification of election results by the Lusaka High Court after Mr Banda successfully petitioned the polls outcome.

Daily Mail


  1. Teta you are a cameleon whose colors will be bleached one day.You are the most corrupt chap in MMD, you are worse than the Vulture fund itself.VJ has left a bad seed in you and you will live to regret come 2011.
    The grey hair on your head is a sign of being brainwashed.You and Levy will never see the Kingdom of God, because you are worse than death.

  2. kuku comment sounds hard but full of truth. We used to think that Teta was a very good guy, but from the time he joined MMD, he is getting worse each minute. The MMD has “polluted” him. A day of regret is surely near. Where is VJ, Nyirongo, Mumba and …..?

  3. Teta is trying to fill VJ’s position. Hope and pray he wont be the next “rigging engineer”. These are the very guys delaying our progress. I heard 1 politician saying “Mugabe is one of the best presidents Africa has ever produced.” How on earth can such a highly respected person say that? Too blind and deaf to see or hear what is going on in Zimbabwe? Doesn’t care about the way Zim people are suffering? God, we really need your help now than we would if attacked with missiles. Zambia hardly has real politicians with love in their hearts.

  4. How can a govt which is fighting corruption again appoint people who were elected dubiously to ministirial positions? Let us live what we preach if we are to preserve our integrity in public offices.

    Levy should be careful but i guese he doesnt care because it is his last tenure even if he appoints who reagrdless of how they came to Manda hill. But it should be noted that such decisions will haunt you to your graves for supporting people engaged in secret combinations.

  5. I will not call teta names nor insult him. I believe this forum is not for name calling nor is it provided to out do each other in insulting.

    Having said that, my comment is that teta is wrong by saying that no corrupt person will be adopted by the MMD, yet at the same time he seems to annoint the former MP whose election was nullified. To me this amounts to double standards. For the elections to be nullified, it means that the former MP misconducted himself by among other things tarnishing the image of his competitor. It therefore follows that he ‘corrupted’ the minds of the rural folk in Kapoche Constituency.

    And by the way, how could teta annoint a person to stand as an MP on the MMD ticket. Have the MMD changed their rules of adopting MPs.

  6. Teta deserves all the stick he’s getting. Its the very behaviour that he amply demonstrated that feeds corruption in Zambia.

    This country is so desperately short of skilled human resources that even people like Teta of very low intellect and accomplishment can be recycled all over to run govt.

    No surprises, Zambia is lagging behing the rest of SSA in all human standards.

  7. Teta seems to have a lot to say these days. Unfortunately none of it is useful. One would think that adopting corrupt individuals for parliamentary elections was unacceptable anyway. It goes without saying. Still, one cannot blame the ‘honourable’ gentleman. The level of debate in MMD, and indeed the country as a whole, lacks intellect. The MMD have banned debating Levy’s successor. Debate on the constitution is going nowhere. Now I hear MMD has asked members not to debate the Moses Katumbi saga. What else is there left to discuss apart from the glaringly obvious? Mwanawasa and George Kunda are the two stumbling blocks to the country’s progress. They are using their ‘knowledge’ of the law to stall progress in all these threads of important debate. They then use the village ***** to detract from important issues. God help us!

  8. Teta, be very careful because your days are numbered.Nowadays corrupt people like you do not last long without being exposed because we have a very effective Investigations wing in the name of Post Newspaper.This one is even better than the Shushushu.Keep it up Post.Expose them.

  9. Daka, please be reminded that the people writing here are just simply expressing their views, what is insult in your eyes is not an insult in their thinking, so dont behave like a watchdog ,just continue with your mindset as you seem to appear.Its freedom of speech mind you,you can not bring everyone to think as you do.If you are holy continue with your holiness dont be swayed by what you read stick to your line of thot.

  10. Mr Daka whatever you call yourself,if you have nothing to say or write just read what other roayl citizens say and express their views and ,views expressed here help people like Teta, to shut up his loud mouth becasue soon or later,Levy will soon levy him.levy this time around has nothimg to lose.

    to Mr Teta watch your move and what you say,or you will one day run into the bush.

    Levy has his bread and share,dont be the little money you get at state house or the car you are been driven in, mind you it belongs to us and one day we shall rise.

  11. There is really nothing wrong in me saying that I will not use this forum to insult or call people names. I can not, neither have I stopped any one from insulting. Who am I do that?Like the comments at no. 9, I concur that we all can not think the same way. This is the reason why I opted to comment without using bad language.If people look at the comments I was referring to not as insults that is fine. It just vindicates me that insults are bad especially to our culture as Africans;Zambans in particular.

    Above all we have to co-exist no matter how defferent our thinking can be. Those who want to insult can go ahead. I will not be part of them. Zambia “chalo Chesu mwalabashani”.

    By the way freedom of speech does not mean freedom to insult. That is why there is libel.

  12. To the comments at 10? Its is Ms not Mr. Besides, I have something to write about that is why you have responded. If what I wrote was nothing you could have not responded.

    By the way why are you trying to stop me from expressing myself in a non insulting way? Do you want to be like teta who I hear has banned his party members from talking about the DRC scandal? How sad.

  13. Daka,look at your comment in no.5.You are the one who misinterpreted the comments to mean insult.No one even thot their comments were actually bordering on insults but your holiness pushed you to think otherwise,be truthful today is sunday.Do you want to live a life like Teta? Tell me what an insult is, cos I can’t find any in the comments from 1-11.Are you an inventor of insults Dakaman?Be broad minded , this is english my friend, dont think in nyanja then convert into english , that is why you are ending up misinterpreting these comments.Come on move on a Daka, muli muci nyau lelo?

  14. To the comments at no.14. I believe that any one who will read the comments at no. 1 will find that someone has been referred to as having been brainwashed. That is a gross affront. Its is indignity. it is treating some one with insolence. It is to offend someone. In simple english it is an insult. There are no two ways about it. The same goe with referring to someone as rigging engineer.

    Like I have said if people want to insult I can not stop them. But to refuse that there is no insult when when insults are there for every one to see is wrong. People should not make an issue just because I have refused to insult. That is being tangential.i.e missing a target or point.

    My refusing to insult was not the main issue. The issue that I put across was the ‘annointing’ of someone who election has been nullified. I critised teta on that without insulting him.

    The insolence towards me in the last setence do no deserve my comments. Comments on the english language? No words to waste.

  15. Why should I keep quiet? Just becuase I disassociate my self from people who are insulting. No way. Dissenting voices should also be heard.

    In fact what I have discerned from all the responses to my comments is that Zambians hate insults and name calling. That is the reason they are being defensive, when it all clear that brainwash is an insulting words.

    The report at hand is not on ones feelings about government. It is about adopting corrupt people as MPs.I have already give my comments. Read comments numbers 5 and 15.

  16. Ms. Daka,here is the definition of brain-washing: subjected to intensive forced indoctrination resulting in the rejection of old beliefs and acceptance of new ones.
    It is not an insult, but somehow i support your stance on believing in what you believe. No one should tell you to keep quiet, that’s the reason why they are living in fear and Kunda and Mwanawasa have told them to keep quiet and they are all quiet. We need ladies like you in Zambia. And for those using vernacular, please let us use English, as everyone understands that language better than your crooked language.

  17. And Daka, if you want to be refered to as Ms. change your Name in the id location,as people will identify you by what you write in there.

  18. Kayata, kayata kayata, can you call our beatiful Zambian languages crooked, you are the one who is crooked in head with your crooked english language. Vernacular languages, are in Zambia to stay, whether you kayata and people like you, like it or not. Any way the issue here is not vernacular languages. It is Teta and his crooked loud, crooked mouth in Mad Men Demonic (MMD) Party, which licks LPM’s boots in morning, afternoon and night.

  19. Thanks and congratulations to the management of Lusaka times for this window where we kindly express our views or opinion, am sure that in some extent it is helping in shaping our destiny, this also goes to Sky FM Radio management and staff, for their radio talk show sky fm forum for those in Lusaka just tune in everyday from Monday to Friday between 08:15hrs to 09;15hrs,this program has helped to shape the destiny of southern province and Zambia, how I wish they could expand to other provinces.
    This is what we want in Zambia, though Lusaka Times in just limited to a few, but carry on. One day someone will listen
    Now to my Brother Teta, I think the best you can do for us in just shut up and learn from VJ, how he was ditched by his Boss after being so royal and a suit case carrier.

  20. Teta I concur with you but you forgot to include political renegades who conduct themselves like imimbulu.I can give you the list; Teta mushebwa,imbecile; Katele the invisible man who can disappear anytime; Pombo the MMD rabied barking dog,(guys, add names to the list). These chaps should cease being in Zambia political arena, they are disgrace to the Zambians.My only appeal to you Teta is to put your xxx down start counting months, weeks, days before Levy flushes a red card. Sometimes I wander how Katele Kalumba won the election in Nchelenge.Oh ya, the ballot papers became invisible.

    Kayata my bro, I still have appending issues with you on humanism and African leaders.

  21. Teta, you are really a disgrace , I agree totally with KUKU, Daka learn to call a spead a spead and not a spoon as a small shovel. Teta, you really have to chang your behaviour.
    Please repeant and ask forgivenss from God

  22. Ba Teta

    You Preach corruption and corrupt MPs but you are missing one thing.Could you define corruption for us?
    Nepotism is it corruption?
    Comment on the fired deputy minister of Land.


    VIAGRA, CIALIS, PHENTERMINE, SOMA… and other pills!

    Welcome please:


    Welcome please:


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