Friday, March 28, 2025

MMD in Eastern province plead for elections at grassroot level


The Movement for Multiparty and Democracy(MMD) in Eastern Province has called on their party’s National Chairman for Elections to allow them hold elections at grassroot level.

Zephaniah Kaleya who is MMD Youth Secretary for Mambwe district said that Mr. Mike
Mulongoti should ensure the party holds elections at district, provincial and constituency levels.

Mr. Kaleya said that after last year’s tripatite elections most of the positions at grassroot level have fallen vacant because of deaths, resignations and expulsions.

He noted that Mambwe and Malambo districts were the most affected ones as most of
the positions were being acted.

The Youth Secretary said that Mr. Mulongoti, who is also Information and Broadcasting Minister, should take the matter seriously as  failure to do so might create some loopholes and weaken the party.

Mr. Kaleya however said that Eastern Province has become a stronghold for the party as more people have continued to defect from  the opposition to the ruling party.

He further said that the MMD in his province are certain of retaining the Kapoche seat with no difficulties as the party is enjoying popularity in his province.

The Youth Secretary however exppressed saddness over the continued shortage of police officers in his district.

Mr Kaleya said that his district receives a lot of tourists who needed to be protected from thefts.

He noted that the crime rate has risen because of few police officers to prevent lawlessnes.

He said that Mambwe district has a population of about 60 thousand people but has only 12 police officers, 10 of whom are stationed at Mfuwe Airport.

He added that his district needed more police officers as the number of people was
too much for only  two officers who were left to guard the residents. 

Mr. Kaleya said that if the government does no t send more officers to the area, the country may start losing foreign exchange as tourists will be avoiding to visit the
district for fear of being robbed of their money and belongings.

Recently Mambwa District Commissioner (DC) had appealed to the government to send
more police officers to his district as the number of police officers is too little too maintain law and order.


  1. How can such an important part have so less police officers? Mr. Kaleya, that just shows how ineffective and iresponsible the govt. is. That’s the truth. We know it. Mfuwe is important even economically because of the national park. You only receive more police officers only when the president or govt. officials are vising. I saw ths

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