President Levy Mwanawasa has urged all Zambians to ignore calls for mass demonstrations over the constitution because they have a selfish agenda that will not benefit the people..
Mr. Mwanawasa says Zambia will not solve its economic problems by people engaging in protests over enactment of the new constitution.
“It is surprising that some people are making useless demands over the constitution-making roadmap.
The Constitution roadmap will not feed the people.
The President says civic organisations inciting people to demonstrate have nothing to offer and are just wasting people’s time.
He has called on all Zambians to rally behind the government in its quest to move the country forward.
We haven’t refused that the constitution will be adopted through a Constituent Assembly. Very soon we will be starting the process,” Mr Mwanawasa said.
Mr Mwanawasa appealed to Zambians to rally behind Government so that the country could get out of the current difficult economic situation.
“We will not get out of the economic quagmire through demonstrations.
The small and useless demonstrations are only good for their nuisance value,” the President said.
The President said this yesterday when he commissioned the Lusaka-Mongu road at a ceremony held at a place called Situmbeko, some 65 kilometres west of Lusaka.
Meanwhile Copperbelt Province Minister Mwansa Mbulakulima has called on the Constitution Coalition 2008, an organisation championing the enactment of the constitution by 2008 to re-examine itself, as it was irrelevant to the people.
Mr Mbulakulima said Coalition 2008 should stop misleading the people because it was of no use to the cause of the Copperbelt.
He said their failed rally in Kitwe demonstrated that it was irrelevant
to the people on the Copperbelt and the nation as whole.
Mr Mbulakulima said in a statement in Ndola yesterday that it was not the
first time their rally had failed to attract people.
He said Government commended the people of the Copperbelt for shunning the rally because it did not promote any development.
He said such rallies must continuously be shunned because they were up
to no good.
“Every time they have called for a rally it has always been a flop,” he said.
He said it was a pity that they were blaming the police and yet the
same police had always granted them permits every time they asked.
He said Government has made a commitment to complete this process before the next elections.
Levy, if the constitution roadmap won’t feed the people of Zambia then what do you have in place to improve the living stds of a common Zambian? Nothing but only empty promises as usual and good at deploying dillydallying methods. Besides, the process of adopting the constitution thru a Constituent Assembly which is not yet in place signifies an urgent fixing of loose nuts in your head. Levy, once your hear mass demonstrations, it means something is wrong in your system and needs a quick response rather than you being obdurate like Teta another ***** in your system. Ba Levy, I beg you to enact the new constitution for the sake of Zambians.
This guy is so arrogant. Does he understand that 90% of Zambia’s problems today including the corruption he is on about are due to a bad constitution that gives so much power to his position? Zambia is not poor we have tons of wealth’s just the politicians like LPM who have screwed us and want a their constitution in place so they continue to loot form us legally. What a shame!!
LPM please dont forget on what principles MMD was founded.It was founded on mass demonstrations.The same principles that you are now suppressing. Let the people demonstrate,it is their right.We got democracy from KK by demonstrating and we will surely get the constitution we want through the same way if needs be.To constitution Coalition 2008, dont give will be amazed at how the support will grow as long as you remain focused . Dont listen to people like Mr Mbulakulima, they are just empty tins making alot of noise
I agree with LPM..what feeds these situations are ignorant people manipulated by more powerful people with a hidden agenda…give Levy a chance!!!!
Can someone tell if Nkana FC played (Division 1 Week 12) over the weekend and what the result was?
Zababa or is it Ali baba and your 40 thieves, you want more time with LPM so that you can loot some more. We are in an economical stalemate becoz of the current political climate. How much resource has been poured into this so called fight against corruption, at expense of development, and what has been the benefit /risk ratio for the ordinary zambian? It seems to have benefitted only one profession, Lawyers. Lawyers are only good at screwing everyone else except themselves. Task force was a very ill-thought idea, usurping the powers of legally constituted Law enforcement arms such as police & ACC. Who needed proper funding & the respect the deserve, rather than degrading them to bystanders & “arresting instruments”! The whole situation implies, the day task force is disbanded, we are back to square 1, free for all to carry on as normal. Unless, one says task force was only for one task, pursue corruption in last govt not the current or subsequent – what a no-brainer!!
Born rich has now really lost the plot, THIS IS NO SPORTS PAGE,GO TO ONE!!!!!
The dissatsfaction with the previous constitutions has always mostly been with the contents.
While we agitate for an acceptable time frame and agreed methord of adopting the constitution, we must equally apply as much energy and effort to ensure that the contents of the constution reflect the mojority desire of our citizens.
Zababa, please stop burying your head in the sand.Our constitution can be better and all what the Zambians want is to better it.There is no hidden agenda and ignorant people just enlightened people trying to improve their lives.Why is LPM delaying with the constituent assembly? He is the one with a hidden agenda.People are tired so they are resorting to their constitutional right – to demonstrate.Zababa stop following blindly
What are you agreeing with Zababa?
Zababa, if you agree with LPM’s reasoning then i strongly believe you are the one with a hidden agenda.
Bauze (no. 7),if u are not interested just shut up!!! I have been to the sports page and this particular Result is not there.
It is interesting for Levy to discourage the citizens to demonstrate on issues they feel strongly about, yet he brags to be a democrat. That is why Lord Acton said, Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yes appetites will be busy praising him. That is why our country will not develop, when you have people motivated to support ideas just because this support will translate in bread and butter. Pity
According to today’s POST, Kafupi has started pointing an accusing finger on Super Ken saying in effect that the old fellow is also a plunderer.
It seems this drama is getting juicy and juicy by the day…..
I usually support LPM on most issues but on the consitituion, I believe he has a hidden agenda. He wants to cling to the issue of following the law. What he forgets is that laws are made to serve the people and if people what something urgent the law should be made to bend to the peoples’ will. This is why mass uprisings have removed presidents in some countries despite them being in that sit legally and still serving their term of office. This constitution may be sweet to him at the moment as he uses it to do whatever he likes but one day he will be on the other side of the fence and he will realise how unreasonable he had been when he kept such a defective constitution in place.
(5#) Nkana won by a lone go , curtesy of a 15th minute strike. We have noe opened a 14 point lead and are at 36 points on top of the table.
(5#) Nkana won by a lone go , curtesy of a 15th minute strike. We have now opened a 14 point lead and are at 36 points on top of the table.
Of course wasn’t interested in your question(#12), but of course someone like you obliged, though I wonder what a “lone go” is. I guess your imagination allows you to look in the obituaries page for goal scores too!!!
Bauze there is no need to pick a quarrel with born rich. Lone go was supposed to read lone goal.
Find joy and Cheer in the simple things of life,being bitter will make you grow old quickly
be a sport and enjoy your day
CITIZEN (#16).
Thank You for being a good CITIZEN. Kalampa mwela weka weka!!!
Forget about the Bauze (#18) guy. He is a “Nyau Dancer” in one of the compounds.
Born Rich #14,i agree with you on FTJ’s sentiments,but what did he do after the Scotland Yard investigated KK.He knew the tricks and took advantage of it and squandered more than KK did, Though things were worse in KK’s time. KK started the ball rolling, but FTJ should have corrected it,but he manipulated and took people for granted.
Citizen, @ least you have a sense of humour,enjoy your day too!
Your Execellency , there you go again !!!!! how many times aught you be reminded , that its every citizen`s right to demonstrate against matters that affect them. You are the one with a hiden agenda most certainly,you might as well tell us about it sir!!!!
#13, so you also watched that movie”find me guilty” by Vin Diseal. Man use your own words. Ulichikopo sana. Oh my heart, Suluvestor, put quatations next time, otherwise twalakumwenamo ati niwe form3 from Malole boys or Chiwale kuzi-ma Ndola.
It is disgusting to note that LPM is so unconfortable with the enactment of the new constitution sooner than he is prepared for it. But why, why, why? I concur with ELN in as far as people power is concerned. We the people spoke already via the submissions made to the Mung’omba CRC and LPM is having the subsequent report. Please Levy do not tempt the people in the manner you make those utterances. God forbid, no meaningful development could be realised under the current constitution. We could have had the new constitution yesterday, but for LPM’s buying of time. For once I urge LPM to allow us time to give ourselves the constitution today.
Sylvester(#13) you seem to have touched on BaJoze’s appetite! Ouch!! He is proabably squating on “quatations!”
Kayata #21, “Hefty Jay’s” attacks are the “last kicks of a dying horse”. He doesnt want to go to down alone.
And i am told LPM was commissioning a new prison recently. Is it the new house for FTJ or what? Someone educate me please!
Born Rich !!!!! are you sure you are on the rigt forum? Plz read the heading!!! Its not sports nor KK
Answer to #9…enlightened people would not resolve to mob culture
Answer to #10…I dont agree with mass demonstrations…
Whether you like it or not LPM is “trying” to do something with corruption…if you think he is corrupt, as a zambian citizen if you have proof than come forward…
The Jamaicans have a very true saying…”An empty barrel makes the most noise”..A lot of bloggers in here are making lots of noise!!!!!!
…We have had 3 presidents since independence…can anyone of you seriously tell me we had a better life under the first 2 presidents????…Give the man a chance..Zambia is riddled with corruption that starts at the border posts and ends with the cleaners…!!!..there is no person on this earth who will get rid of it overnight…BUT…someone can make a start…and I believe LPM is trying to make that start!!!!!
Zabana alias Ali Baba, walipukuta,someone is insults you and you say add some more. we need rule of law in Zambia not a photocopy of it. Govt must give pipo power to expression. Yaba, let me go straight mu home service, Ali Baba, your thinking ili kwati taifikapo, ila dimwila-dimwila. Stop making short-cuts in thinkikng and put bola panshi to hammer issues na mano. otherwise nawe ilikakopo
Zababa, mob culture is a right. if things are being done wrongly and transparent ways of correcting them are suppressed,people have the right to demonstrate.LPM is actually perpetuting corruption by taking long to act on the constitution.You seem to be easily blinded with little would rather have a piece of a pie when you are entitled to the whole pie.LPM is massaging you with the right hand and stabbing you with left.Wake up my fellow Zambian attitudes like yours are the reason we are in such a mess. you shower praise when you are supposed to scorn.LPM may have delivered else where but he has not delivered on the constitution.
Ba jose..Chikumbuso..I hope this Constitution of yours will allow me to voice MY opinions and attitudes to political matters. It takes all sorts to make the world go round. Talking of pies…I am off to lunch!!!!
Ba Joze (#28); Is it you i saw on the recent Chibuku advert?
Ba Jose..can you enlighten us with your thinking???..or are you just going to sit there as a critic????
Born Rich get lost. Just contribute someting sensible on this matter.
Zababa, what do you mean “attitudes to political matter”
self explanatory…perhaps, given a chance, LPM will provide you with a better education.
Ba Joze (36); you have never said anything sensible on this blog.
And there is something interesting about your comments. I think alot of people here will agree with me; A DAY NEVER PASSES WITHOUT YOU USING THE WORD “INSULT OR INSULTS” in your comments. You are very unique fellow.
Zababa,the constitution does allow you to voice your opinion but can you imagine what else it can do for you if it is improved.Dont live in the comfort zone , you will be amazed what other benefits you can get if you pushed for the constitutional review. Dont be satisfied with the little things LPM seems to be doing, he has a hidden agenda and you are helping him to cover it up
Zababa, uli mbushi sana, this matter of constitution affect us all, gentlemen be sensible and stop ku dimwila-dimwila in thinking. What is the way forward? Do we leave everything to MMD to tell what they want? Ndi mwina Zambia te? Kashi I have ukupakala govt ngayangikala pasasa.
Zababa (#30), I think, I agree with Ba Jose uli chikopo, what chance do you want us to give this Monster in state house, when he is on his dying minutes. This Monster has got no guts, each he opens up he mouth,is talking useless. Can someone pls advise this Muwelewele that he is the head of state and should refrain from using such words as “useless” or “nuisance”. What has he done so far, except make zambina pipo more miserble. Nkasako naba FTJ we saw demoncracy, which the Monster is trying to denial us. Since it came into power, all it has done to us Zambians is insults and arrogance. This Monster and its millions in MMD (like his look-alike Mbulakulima) is buying time, thats why it is against pipo to demonstrate their constitution rights by mass demonstrations over the constitution assembly. Pls Zababa wake up and stop bootlicking.
The constitution is not LPM ‘s personal effect ,he should not change it when it suits him. If the people say they are not happy ,LPM must heed. Zababa dont be a yes boy. if you are looking for leverage on this forum i dont think you chose the right medium.LPM has been in power for over 5 years and all he has done is drag his feet on the constitution. We are tired of his games.
AM, uli mu-men. Thankyou every much.We need pipo like you on this forum to educate “Ali baba, noyu mwaice born fyakubantu. naya ama-yavana
AM, uli mu-men. Thankyou every much.We need pipo like you on this forum to educate “Ali baba, noyu mwaice born fyakubantu. naya amahalf-yavana
AM 41#; You were making alot of sense until you said “Nkasako naba FTJ we saw demoncracy”.
My argument is that LPM is more democratic that Chiluba. LPM is far from perfect, but i think he is a better devil than Chiluba. This is not to condone his outburts everytime he appears in TV.
Having said that, it is true that LPM is trying to shy away from the issue of the constytyoooshun!!!
AM #41 How can you liken LPM to a monster???..what exactly has he done to zambia that you refer to him as a monster???…and you dare call me a almost sound like one of those “bus stop boys” who came to power with chiluba…and is now feeling the pinch because LPM wont let you get away with the nonsense you are used to…
Look at Mugabe…THATS A MONSTER!!!!!
Chimwemwe…could i be so bold as to ask who you would rather see in power from the current crop of politicians???
As of now i will change my name to chikopo…AM…you have made my day
Debate is a wonderful thing…
mwa vutuka????
Zababa, chikopo,whoever you are,you have only showed your lack of principle by changing your name.Debate is a good thing but it has to be constructive.As for your question regarding who i think should be in power from the current crop of politicians, i would say someone not recycled, someone principled , and most importantly truly Zambian with Zambia at heart. obviously you are able to tell that none of the current crop qualifies
Comment #5. Born Rich, Kalampa extended a 14 point lead by beating Medical Stars 1-0 at the weekend. Mwela onse mudala. Malitoli for President
KC (#51); mwela onse mudala! Malitoli mwela weka weka. I need to talk to him so that he considers running for President!!
#50, I over wit zababa. Iwe chi KC, this is not sport page. wafukwisa namakapa yachibuku ku kanwe? Plz read the heading
Hey Mwanawasa, stop playing with the patience of the Zambians. Zambians want the constitution badly.. This could be your downfall if you are joking. We need these urgently:
1. New Working Constitutions
2. Fix Chiluba and his tandem of thieves
3. Create conducive atmosphere for Zambians to invest in their own country
4. among many, Education, Healthy and Get the street kids hope.
My grand K.K: started the ball rolling form the center of the pich, my FTJ dribbled and my LPM scored.————
My grand K.K: started the ball rolling form the center of the pich, my FTJ dribbled and my LPM scored.————
#50, I over wit zababa. Iwe chi KC, this is not sport page. wafuma kwisa namakapa yachibuku ku kanwe? Plz read the heading. And stop playing nabaicye makamaka “born rich fyakubantu”
Say something about constitution review
Ba Joze (#53); mwasenda neya munani nomba?I thought the money for browsing had finished. You are the same people who are increasing poverty levels in the nation.
You must be investing that money in some business venture instead of spending the whole lot at the internet cafe’.
No. 37 which chances are you talking about?5years you demonstrate of how good you are and next five years, your supposed to say goodbye to your good curactors.but if you use a corrupt constitutuion,MMhhoo I wonder.
Ba Joze are you the owner of
Iwe chi kuku did you get rid of ama-parasite using my remedy ie ulusonga? You see, it works. Now say something about constitution.
For those of you who enjoyed my comment I say bye to you, I know you will missing a lot. I used to make light moments on the blog. To M Daka, Kayata, Kuku and other guys I say bye to you. Kashi journer nilelo pa 19 hrs na train ukoya ku L/Stone kutwala cargo. pray for inkabele umutende.
Response to why should someone he is a monster .The monster the reason is by stiking to the same constitution of the monsters, not that He is a monster but he is leaving in the house of a monster. Can someone tell me if LPM is still sleeping on the same bed and sitting on the same sofas that JF.Chiluba left or he has changed? Please!Accoding to my digging of the past LPM said that he will not change anything in the house because he would first save the zambian peolple.
Pliz Chikopo advise this mulewelewe guy to stop using uziless language, he is on top of the tree the world is hearing him.
Zambians are very good at talking. Any topic that comes along they contribute something. Most of you dont even know what to do with the new constitution when it comes but you still want it . We should learn to listen to other people’s ideas before shooting them down. You might be suprised you are talking about the same thing. Give ba mudala ba kateka a chance.
EasyE, i think if you read thru this forum you will see why giving LPM a chance is not such a good idea.So you are the one who is good at talking without giving mind to what is being said.
EasyE would you know what to do with the constitution?
EasyE (#65); Please let us not bring commedians in govt. Katele is a commedian.
And talking about Katele Kalumba, Can some tell; Is Katele’s Phd in traditional medicine or what?
Bwana EasyE,we dont need to do anything with the constitution when it comes as long as it is not favourable only to a couple of individuals.
First no.65 you have to be aware that LPM will never make a constitution on which he is going to be the demonstrator of how it should work. But for the next president whare LPM will be saying that the constitution says………..Because him is in the constitution that somebody changed before LPM came into power.
Lets do some simple maths here. assume the new constitution is in place tomorrow morning. Is this going to put food on the table for the millions of Zambians starving the next day? Levy is genius. All he saying is the new constitution is needed yes. No one denies that, but it is not a priority. Do you need to be a proffessor to understand that? Zambians dont dissapoint me. I know you hungry but there should be room in your minds to remain objective even as you are hungry.
Este blog se ha conquistado con los cómicos y la carencia de muchachos enfocados. necesitamos un asesor en este blog o esta libertad de expresión
EasyE (#71); you make things sound so easy. I wish they were that Easy!
Abena Kayata (#72), efinshi ifi mulelenda? decode so that we can benefit!
Born Rich # 68, Rumour has it that they were at the same university with Dr. Vongo
Ba Jose MYSRIP. good bye greet everyone u find on ur way and at the station.
EasyE #71, no expone por favor tus marcas del grado aquà en este blog, puesto que todos sabemos que eran e como tus vagos Joze del colega y constitución de Mudala Wakatenzi.The está allà gobernar un paÃs, y a través de esa poder el govt proporciona los fundamentos a los ciudadanos de un paÃs. Esto apenas demuestra cómo la LPM está descuidando a población y no se trata al sustento de la gente.
Easy E (#75), They say bird of the same feather fly together. I am not suprised that you are trying impose Katele Kalumba as the next MMD presidential candidate.
Tell u wat, katele can not even win the presidency even if he was to stand against Kenny Ngondo!!! That is how unpopuler the man is.
Ba Born Rich(#74) kabili ni fi freedom of expression, each one here is using their languages, and i used to say, no vernacular so we could understand each other better. kabili, even you have used some vernacular in your #74
Kayata (#79); your language is “too vernacular” !!!! Anyway i get your point. “ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION”, “ONE WOMAN THREE HUSBANDS”
Kayata, R U a “CTF” (cuban trained fellow) go on then , teach us some spanish!
EasyE(#71), really wonder whether you actually meant doing some maths? If anything, you & LPM, should be praising zambians for putting the welfare of the state first rather than the empty bellies that the two of you mock with impunity!! What is LPM a genius in? Anger mismanagement – true to the point!! Actually, I think it’s a good thing zambians have disappointed you, for you really sound lost or inhabiting another planet! Make this blog your sacred source of knowledge, and learn a thing or two about what is at the heart of most zambians, and in which direction they would love our motherland to go!
Ba Born Rich(#80), there is nothing like too vernacular, we have 73 tribes in Zambia, but for fairness sake we use English to communicate easily. “One Zambia One Nation”, “One Husband Nine Women” from each province.
Kayata (#82), information reaching mu desk indicates that Ba Joze is on his way to Monze. He is wondering wether he will be able to access the ‘Net there. Kindly advise before the big man goes into depression!!!
Zambians, the all issue is not Katele Kalumba its about our welfare in connection to roadmap constitution. Lets stick to the topic gentlmen
Born Rich (#83), Ba Joze will be needed in 2016, looking at the masses in Zambia, his ability to woo the voters in that category will be needed during those elections then. Katele managed accessing the internet when he was in the bush, i think Ba Joze will manage too.
Bauze(#81), am nao CTF (companheiro treinado cubano) porque você o chama, mas uma comunicaçao fácil e o que eu quero sempre com meus colegas companheiros. Eu aprecio contribuicoes da leitura neste blogue, mas aqueles que usam vernaculo fazem difÃcil para aqueles que querem apenas ler as contribuicoes como mim.
Monsieur Kayata? Je ne comprends pas votre langue.Que C’est ce que ce passe?Il ya quelque personnes que n’attendais pas ecole cuban mais voulais etudier la langue cubane.
Joze est un garcon tres amusant.Je crois il bemba mais il ne crit pas properle la maime langue.
No wonder, Zambians are confused!!! From this blog you can even tell the maturity of people and their concern about national issues by their contribution to the debate going on? We don’t want you to show us how bad or good you’re in Spanish. It will be useless for me to peak Russian to Zambian who don’t under the Language which is not even spoken in Zambia. Kayata use your mother tongue to express yourself like Ba Joze. Gentlemen, of late your childish comments have started chasing people who’s contributions are wealthy to digest especially the likes of Chilumba, M daka and others. Gentlemen grow up
#83 Tell Ba Joze to contact Katele Kalumba for his Pc cos that one works without a modem , he can even access Dr Vongo using ulushishi.
give him katele kalumba’s email [email protected]
I wish you had brought his concerns earlier.Let him try his lucky before Mudala wakatenzi hijacks the idea.
Ma-guys train in 19:30 hrs. So naebafye ati ama-guys embashalikepo firewall before chilapula zima-stone with my ‘cargo’
Iwe M’kulupe wafuma kwisa? Tetukwishibe! Just go and finish your Vodka bottle. Kayata take my role as a monitor. I will be back. BACK but ilemoneka kwati naikasakasa trip. But ngayapula cargo nishi mudala yampuma naime.
Ze revauze of interectual engagement alound hiya aaah vely low mwe. No meat, no substance and totally amiss from the subject of the constitution itselufu. Vikopo mbweeee. Hello and goodbye.
Kuku #87, you do not understand my language, but atleast you can write some French.
Mr M’kulupe #88, what do you understand by mother-tongue, and what makes you think that every Zambian’s mother-tongue is one of the 73 tribes?
Kayata, whether you are nkoya, cinshinga, kunda, mambwe,soli, lunda or whatever be proud of your true identity. Then what makes you assume Spinach is part of 73 languages in Zambia? Zambia has adopted English as an official language for communication purposes apart from the other 7 languages. I guess you will agree with me that some of the comments from your fellows of late are so childish and misfit on the blog.
M’kulupe #88 even in class there is time for commercial break, let people relax over this blog, why are you bitter like you are paying to read people’s contributions?Just join in the joke forum, remember the Proverbs ‘a good laugh is good medicine for your body’.You are welcome Mklupe with your riddles as long as they are not dry or outdated.
We shall very soon connect to your missed idols Chilumba, Daka, Kc and the rest very soon but crack a joke whether in lamba, kaonde, spanish, punjab anything , Kayata has been appointed blog monitor by Ba Joze since nabaya mukunwa kangala
Mwamona ba Mkulupe#93 namufulwa sana mwayamba na errors line 2 its not spinach its spanish so crack a joke my brother or sister we are waiting before our talk time finishes.
Born Rich where are you ?Ba Mukulupe balekusoka cinja ama contributions not kwati ba Joze dont allow Joze to give you Chibuku , they mix it with Lutuku at Kulima Tower
Kuku, that is the kind of behavour that has chased serious people like Chilumba, M daka, Sam k, KC, and others concerned about national issues. This blog is international, its not for Kuku or Kayata only and your contributions are read all over the world. Kuku, all am asking people,is to contribute maturely on this blog.
#96 comments noted and thanks my brother or sister, its Joze who is spoiling everyone please be specific and hammer him as well.
M’kulupe#93, Boss.According to the dictionary, your first or native language is called your mother tongue. This is the language that you first learned from your family or culture. You do not know who i am, so why should you argue about my mother tongue,but thanks for your reminder.
So in as far as the president’s comments regarding the demonstrations are concerned, what do we expect? LPM is leading the goverment that be, so as leader he will obviously try to counter efforts of those that opposse his policies and style of leadership.
Its okay to be on different sides of an issue, however the tone in which we deliver our message altimately controls the way it is interprated. Please Mr President address your oppenents but even more importantly the people Zambia in a more dignified or cordial manner. Just remember that inclusion not exclusion is what democracy is all about.
To LPM’s credit he has not banned the demonstrations from taking place. Unless this has not been reported.
To our activists thank you for keeping the constitution an active issue. The goverment and indeed the citizens of Zambia can hear you.
Kayata,escriber en ingles guardar el este blogue util o tu tener demasiado hecho usted el recado. Las buenas tardes muchacho!
The people of Zambia are demanding for a national constitution not the MMD driven constitution that is what the demand LPM is missing. Intimidations are not going to create a constitution.Refenadum is all that we are asking for. period. Full STOP.
Ladies and gentlemen we must avoid been emotional and quick to say something before we allow the the message sink into our brains.If I have understood the article that we are discussing,the president made an appeal that pipo must ignore the demos.He did not say there will be no demos and the constitution will be inacted according to MMD style.If we are going to respect freedom of expression then the president has the right to say what if thinks is right to do and its up to the pipo to either demostrate or not.Remember before he is president he is citizen like anybody else.I think we should not disregard the law just because we want to move quickly because we are going to set a very bad example for reference and we are going give chance to pipo in future to manipulate us.To levy remember the constitutional debat sparked chilubas problems
This blog can international (#96), but it is zambian topics we discuss here, not international topics. What you should know or remember is that zambian pipo have 6 sense of humour, to joke, laugh and call each names life goes, thats the way we get by and survive, not ama serious all the time like others I wont name here. Those who want to be serious all the time can go for all we care, after this blog is for forfili. Anyway to be serious and coming back to topic levy should not be so chik as to stop to demo.
Guyz i know that we don’t like LPM, Let not find a fault in anything he sayz. In my opinion i agree with his statement, lets focus on developing our country. I have been reading ya comments and all i can conclude is that even the youths we have today a just the same as VJ, Sata, LPM… We as youths we must have a vision for our country. At your age you are busy using the old political systems of words. Deeds but not word are better we are tired of listening to you looting youths. At this time i’m expecting to hear sense from you. According to your comments im even afraid to imagine what kind of future leaders you are. At your age you are attacking each other, just like the current Zambian politician. FOR SOME OF YOU IT’S BETTER TO TIE ARROUND YOUR NECK A BIG STONE AND THROW YOU IN THE RIVER, IT’S BETTER TO DIE YOUNG THAN BE A THREAT TO THE FUTURE OF MOTHER ZAMBIA. TALK SENSE GUYZ.
#104 iwe kangwa nsuluka you are off side where is your contribution? You want to appear holy for nothing put up a countribution and you will equally be assessed whether you are a future leader or just one masquarading as a leader and yet you are just a party cadre like Ba Joze.Who tells you in Zambia there is corporal punishment?We are democratic society and dont be so hard with the use of your words.You dont expect everyone to think like you in such a big society otherwise you will just end like the same old fashioned politicians you are talking about.
Otherwise in ture sense I agree with you.Some people have a problem to think especially on things that are free.We are yet to see your notes pal
#71, EasyE, please do not let your people down with such shallow analogies. It is not the point that a new constitution will bring food on the table the next day. What we are looking for as concerned citizens is enacting a new constitution now which will form a solid political, economic and social foundation for our future. Why has it become so difficult for LPM to do this? If the constitution is not a priority, then what is, nailing FTJ. Don’t you see that this country has stalled on a large scale becoz leaders have not been interested in a constitution that protects it’s citizens. A constitution is not just about food. There are certain inalienable rights that it gives to you and other citizens of this great country that are fundamental to living. Show some sense before you utter rubbish.