Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Government Set to Action Against Sata


The government is set to take action against main opposition leader Michael Sata for allegedly causing political instability in neighbouring Malawi ahead of that country’s general elections, ZNBC radio said on Friday.

Defence Minister George Mpombo assured the Malawian government that Zambia would deal with opposition leader Michael Sata, who was recently deported from Malawi for allegedly trying to help organise opposition in that country.

“The Zambian government will ensure that political bandits are not allowed to transfer their mischief into Malawi,” Mpombo was quoted as having said by the state-run Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation.

The Malawian government is believed to have formally complained to Zambia about Sata during the joint permanent commission on defence and security meeting in Lusaka this week.

“We will not allow Malawi’s sovereignty to be undermined. We will deal with such characters firmly and in clear terms,” Mpombo was quoted as saying.

Sata denied the accusations and has since sued the Malawian government over his deportation


  1. What relations will exist between Zambia and Malawi once Sata becomes President of Zambia,since he has been deported from there.

  2. Sata will never be president. If by Chance he becomes one, help me God, it will bring a ot of insecurity with successionist waiting to grab the opportunity to split th country. SATA is a racist, Tribalist, opportunits,anarchist, liar and hater. This man is worse off than Idi-Amin

  3. During FTJ regime,BY Mwila smuggled armaments to Savimbi via Mansa and Shesheke air stripes and the govt did nothing to him since he was part of MMD system and the only thing FTJ did was to drop him from his ministerial post since that case became an international concern for it caused political instability in neighbouring Angola. That’s the time you could have shouted louder.

    Ba Mpombooo, you can only get concerned if LMP was the one supporting the opposition party in Malawi as it is now the relationship between the two countries seems to be good. Mpombo, if you are a real humankind, at one time or another you have extended your political interest in USA politics and supports either the Demos or republicans and you haven’t been reproachful by anyone, so why should you be on Sata?. Ba Mbombo, the country needs political thinkers not muscle men.

  4. Bro Kayata.. How about Sata becomes president and Bingu loses the elections. This issue could have been very simple if the Malawian government had stamped Sata’s passport and told him why they where deporting him. But they didnt, sothing is amiss here. I personally wouldnt worry about the political relationship between Zambia and Malawi. We are the same people and we shouldnt let politicians devide us. What worries me is people like “Impombo” , what action can Mpombo possibly take against Sata. Breatheren take Impombo’s out busts as a detraction from the main issue of “registering” the London judgement. They have run into legal difficulties and they want to sway our attention from the main issue at hand. Sata may not be the most liked person, but guys if you are deported you need to know why. There is nothing wrong with Sata trying to get to the bottom of his suspecious deportation.

  5. #SamK you have called a spade a spade,Ba Mpombo stop mediocre type of politics,is it because you are scared of the events that will unfold next week after FTJ’s assets are frozen? Bill Clinton supports Labour Party in britain USA has never voiced any concerns,Dick chney supports the conservative Party in the UK no one has raised a finger.You see we are tired of these repressive type of politics.Can you guys outgrow pet politics and direct your efforts to more menaing governance issues.Dont distract Sata leave him alone,trivial issues will not take us anywhere.I know your minds are not resting from the time Sata announced that Levy benefited from the stolen money now you are looking for ways and means of diverting attention.Pleas ba Mpombo remember you are not in the game park you are in Lusaka and being watched.Take care

  6. They should let him alone on this one, its in the malawian courts.However,if the issue was sata, FTJ already summed him up in his truant press briefing….”Mr Sata does NOT speak what he means”…..Its that simple.

  7. Good morning Mr. Minister!!! Hon. Mpombo talks like he has just woken up from a very deep sleep. And might have been dreaming of being in hell and seing Sata in paradise. Dont take Mpombo seriously, he was just joking. Looks like he had run out of words or is it that words ran out of him? We need serious politicians not people who opens their mouths anyhow. Grow up. Discuss serious issues. Looks like you are still very much afraid of King Cobra. HK (2) how can u really compare Sata to Amin? How can u prove your statements? Looks like u are also a joking like Mpombo. Mwanawasa is worse than what a lot of people take him to be. Something like a tiger hiding in goat’s skin. Wait and see. Time will tell. God will surely expose the darkness to light. Soon.

  8. Bro.SAGE, you see our leaders take politics too personal,and you’ll be amazed to discover that the security scare they refering to in Malawi could even maybe involve fish at “lake malawi”.If how serious they took politics benefited the electorates Africa would be a better place.The relations between Zambia and Malawi are always suspicious to me because when you look at the past rift between FTJ & Chinula,now Mwanawasa & Sata,Malawi seems to be a place where the effects of Kamuzu Banda is still affecting them,and those opposing any current Zambian govt are refered to be dealt with,hence i wonder what would happen when one of the opposition come into power.Didn’t the “selfish” Mandela campaign against FTJ in 1990/91,and FTJ became President thereafter?
    No Unity and Love amongst our leaders for themselves and the people.

  9. African politicians never seem to have anything serious to do or think about. I’m surprised that a minister in charge of national defence is wasting tax payers’ money rationalising the actions of a clearly schezophrenic regime in Lilongwe.
    Mbingu Mutharika refused to attend a national labour day celebrations for belabouring Malawian workers citing security concerns because a Hikaumba had been invited. My question: should we sacrifice our democratic dispensation at the alter of such degraded international relations stanards.
    Cant belive what am reading about Zambia.

  10. Interesting. Interesting. This is the calibre of leaders we have in Zambia. He was addressing a Joint Permanent Commission on Security. Gentlemen, Sata has never made any statement in Malawi or outside inciting the the people of Malawi to rise against this growing tyrant called Wa Mutharika. Isn’t there a more mature way of conducting the business of politics in Africa? Some of these issues should be resolved diplomatically without Mpombo croaking in public about sorting out Sata. Sort out the constitution you fool. That is what we want to hear. Sata is an opposition leader, the Malawian gov. should have furnished him with a reason for deporting him. They created an impression that they were siding with LPM. This is absolute stupidity. Can we have some dignity in politics please.Mpombo, your days are numbered. We will shave off that ugly goaty you carry under your chin. Who the hell are you to issue threats to a law abiding citizen like Sata.

  11. This one is just silly. Another illustration Africa has to get its act together, raise the bar in leadership and rid itself of these politicians who cant fu….. stand other people’s opinions.

  12. I have had the notion that Malawi and Zambia are friendly countries. I dont see the reason why Sata or any other opposition person from outside Zambia cannot visit Zambia because they are in opposition.It is totally inconcievable that Sata is being vindicated by virture of his being in opposition. This is not democracy that Mpombo is advocating. Is it that for one to enjoy life in Africa he has to belong to the ruling party?Even if his views are different OR perception and polical views? That is not workable. Be careful countrymen leadership is not to be taken lightly.

  13. I think that there is a big problem in Zambian politics and it is like it will never end. While poverty is growing at the rate of a sunami, politicians are turning a blind eye to what I term as the really issue. It is a like a father who talks about silly issues while his children go without food. What Zambian people need are basic needs simple as that. Therefore Impombo should stop attacking Sata and instead come up with ideas on how the lives the loving Zambians can be improved. That is where he is where he is, but it seems Mpomba and a lot of these so called ministers do not why there are leaders. Zambia has become “ANIMAL FARM” to say the least. Everytime we read in the press it is finger pointing. Anyway they say you can not teach an old DOG new tricks, this is true. I propose that all the poor and sufferring of Zambia people form a Party and choose a candidate to contest the Presidence next time, after all they are the majority and will therefore be assured of victory.

  14. I think that there is a big problem in Zambian politics and it is like it will never end. While poverty is growing at the rate of a sunami, politicians are turning a blind eye to what I term as the really issue. It is a like a father who talks about silly issues while his children go without food. What Zambian people need are basic needs simple as that. Therefore Impombo should stop attacking Sata and instead come up with ideas on how the lives the loving Zambians can be improved. That is why he is where he is, but it seems Mpomba and a lot of these so called ministers do not know why there are leaders. Zambia has become “ANIMAL FARM” to say the least. Everytime we read in the press it is finger pointing. Anyway they say you can not teach an old DOG new tricks, this is true. I propose that all the poor and sufferring of Zambia people form a Party and choose a candidate to contest the Presidence next time, after all they are the majority and will therefore be assured of victory.

  15. I have to agree with most of the sentiments expressed here. It is apparent that the calibre of politicians we have on both sides of the Zambia/Malawi border is very low. To start with, regardless of what one may think of Sata, his deportation from Malawi should have been protested by all, including the Zambian government. Instead, because our leaders are too short-sighted and intellectually challenged, they fail to see the wider implication of the deportation of the leader of the opposition by what is supposed to be a friendly country. There is never any analytical thinking, only short term point scoring. Mpombo was fired from a proper job, Minister of Energy, because he was too incompetent. He allowed diesel shortages to get out of hand. Such people are just good in jobs where they cannot do any harm, and this is it. Lest we all forget, ths honourable gentleman just suffered an attack of that common disease – verbal diorrhea.

  16. I have said my peace about the calibre of the Zambian leaders. Now let me turn my fire on the Malawian leaders. From the time Bingu was elected he has been paranoid. He seems to be scared of his own shadow. What possible harm can Sata do by just talking to the Malawian opposition? It is legal and legitimate for politicians of one friendly state to engage with their counterpats in the other state. Parties of the same ilk cooperate freely across Europe and America. That is how democracy is strengthened in the region. Look at Poland – it is a young democracy. Yet the Poles already have confidence in their democracy because they know that their EU neighbours will help them defend their democracy. Contrast this with the way we have abandoned our friends in Zimbabwe to their own fate. Africa needs to grow fast!

  17. Mpombo is scared of Sata that’s why he is trying to find a fault in him. Leave Ba Sata alone our next President, come rain come snow. Viva ba Sata.

  18. Dr Bingu Wa Mutarika is very scared of Bakili Muluzi coming back just like LPM is scared of SATA becoming President. Ever LPM become President, he has tried to make sure SATA goes into jail firstly by accusing him of Motor Vehicle thefts and also over the Chingola riots. Don’t forget those riots made SATA popular in the Copperbelt.

    Mpombo is the mouth piece of the family tree. He must exercise caution.

  19. Mwe Mpombo bushe mulefwaya imishete pakuti mwishibe ati tamuli intungulushi yamano?How long will such skimishes go on?Do you people think on your own or somebody thinks for you? It appears to me that no sane person can say what you’Impombo’ is saying unless everything you said was written and instructed to you.Shame on you chaps,you are the most corrupt people the world has ever seen.World integration has no limits , let people with political will mingle in anyway they feel like.I support comment#5, which should give you an insight of what the world must prepare for.Umwana ashenda atasha nyina ukunaya.Mbingu is an oppressor like Levy ,even when he was at Comesa he has never been a democrat,he is mean, crooked and above stupid.
    BaMpombo please, spare me, Am so disgusted,ifimyefu, Leave our Hon. Sata alone.Why talk about things which are already in court?That is why your judicial system is shambles,you allow prejudice alot,Foko mwe mpombo mwe nafi muwelewele fyenu

  20. In my view the old King Cobra’s frequent flocking to Malawi is not that he loves Malawi. It is not that he once married a lady from there. It is not that he wants to create ties with Bakili Muluzi. The reason why the old man Michael Chilufya Sata is so obsessed about visiting Malawi is because of his donors, the Taiwanese. His “seemly” strong ties with Muluzi is a by the way. If indeed he is interested in the opposing in Malawi, the old King Cobra, does not need to travel to Malawi. Communication is very advanced in our era. But his donors, the Taiwanese, could have been insisting on one to one talks. Tsivangirai didn’t legally contested his depotation from Zambia because he has no donors here.
    Now, that shows how we are so dependent on donors/ “infestors” as African States. Today we have a flood of chinese “infestors”. Tomorrow if the old cobra becomes our President, God forbid that he does, we will have a flood of Taiwanese “infestors”. Same film different actors.

  21. it is very disturbing to hear Mpombo talk so much rubbish. mpompo is such a useless minister. he was dropped as minister of energy and just because he is related to Levy again he was given that important ministry just because they are related. Mpompo is dull just like his boss. They are scared of Sata for nothing

  22. Sata in my view must be dealt with sternly over the Malawi issue, and this is the man who wants to be
    President shame on you foolish man

  23. Only a lunatic can try to stop SATA from going to Malawi for personal business, these politicians never cease to amaze me. There is a court case going on in Malawi regarding SATA’s deportation and the Malawi has been given a chance to tell the world why they deported him. They have refused to attend court proceeding but choose to call a joint Permanent Commission where Mpombo was given a platform to insult Mr SATA. This is not on.

    If they (Malawian Govt) don’t attend those court proceedings, the Judge will draw inferences and arrive at an appropriate decision. LPM is trying to export his dictatorship to Malawi.

  24. In all fairness SATA should have been told WHY he was being deported, but may be it is a question of security concerns on the part of the malawian govt. Some things are better left ‘unsaid’.

    For those who want to stop sata, they should find a better way of dealing with the old man. He seems to thrive on Controvesies, Lies and the like. The man is a dictator and must not be allowed to rule our beloved country.

  25. indeed,let us use our heads zambia. this sata man is the very rogue who was promising the kaponyas and fellow rogues that he would cut taxes once he was elected! how can a country run surely without taxations?! lets not hav our intelligencies undermined by greedy grade 7’s seeking a means of overfattening themselves before they’re put to rest. the man’s policies are basically unworkable! wake up zambia… he’s only capable of running a ka ntemba

  26. Sata like every one else has his rights. if he wants to rule the country let him rule. If he wants to go to Malawi it is his right. The Government of Malawi owes him a reason why he was deported.Xane if you have a better way to rule the country stand up to the challenge, if not let those who can do it on your behalf express their rights

  27. I have always stood for a country that is tolerant to other people’s opinions. We are all different that is why there is strength in diversity and power in unity. We can see this in countries such as the United States that comprises immigrants from different parts of the world and is tolerant to political parties’ differences in opinion. This is healthy for a nation like Zambia. Some leaders feel threatened by opposition and are ready to throw venomous threats at people with different opinions. In my view, never has any leader drawn such sympathy or managed to organize or mobilize crowds in a post election era as Mr. Sata has done. It shows that something must be making these people responsive. Fellow Zambians, let us not look down on one another. Those so called “Ba Kaponyas,” are our bothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, uncles and aunts. They have souls that need shelter, employment opportunities and food just like us. Mind you, many have even grade 12 certificates. Let us not become disillusioned by some “mere papers” that we have got and look down on those who could have gotten them had fate been good to them like us. Our current leaders must read the writing on the wall and I believe those that are wise are. Several of those in government will be out of employment after 2011! Be careful how you treat Michael, you may need him or crawl back to him later.

  28. #27 CK you have just zeroed in and concluded the whole topic.Social stratification must dominate our feeling for being Zambian.We are all equal under the constitution(Kaponyas, learned,semi literates, illiterates, differently abled persons etc).Wisdom and intelligence are not the same.That is why King Solomon asked God for wisdom not intelligent.Papers or without papers, we all one.
    KC my bro what more can we say?You have summed up the topic .God bless you abundantly

  29. Thanks for the comments. Please note that there is CK which is I and there is KC who is another contributer!

  30. Ladies & Gentlemen, this is the result of family tree appointments. In the first place Muwelewele should have asked God for wisdom indeed, instead he asked for worthy for himself and his family tree, thats why he is recycling same old cadres in gvn – from one position to another. Am sure he has even forgotten that Impombo caused havoc at the energy minisry – fuel shortages was the older the day during his term, pipo sleeping in the cars (both men & women) at filing stations, as a result marriages were breaking. Now he has transferred his ignorance to this very important ministry (to cause another havoc) which needs someone with wisdom from above. Muwelewele pls use both ur heart & head, when appointing pipo in decision making, not just ur head – God help us.

  31. I like sata because his policies are very good. And sata is not a tribalist like HH and the rest.Come 2011 sata will be the president whether some one likes or not.I like his fighting spirit. Remember the current president of senegal he fought for 20 years for him to win the elections and the man is very old more that sata.So just mark my words sata is the next president for this country.mwanawasa never dreamt that one day he will be the president for this country, he was just hand picked and you can see how much he has messed up himself.The way i know mwanawasa he will not support anyone who will succeed him the way chiluba did for him in 2001.HH was going to be best president if he was not a tribalist guy.If he won tongas could even stop speaking english only tonga in offices.

  32. …you can seriously be thinking of putting Sata in office???…Whats the matter with some of you..have you not suffered enough!!!??

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