Sunday, October 6, 2024

SWSC gives tap water to Sinazongwe


By Tovin Ngombe-:

Southern Water and Sewerage Company (SWSC) has launched the Sinazeze water supply project to enable the low income earners to have access to safe, clean drinking water in Sinazongwe district.

Speaking at the commissioning ceremony SWSC Director Alfred Masupha said the actual work conducted included the drilling of boreholes, construction of a pump house, and the elevated water tank.

Mr. Masupa said the company has built two kiosks, and have recruited local water vendors who have been trained to manage the Scheme.

He said Devolution Trust Fund (DTF) funded the project and about K200 million was spent on completing it.

The Director disclosed that the company would embark on the similar project in Siavonga which will cater for two areas in Kaleya and Game compound.

“We want to pledge that just as we did with Sinazeze project we will ensure that funds made available for the benefit of our consumers in low cost settlements are put to good use,” Masupha said.

Sinazongwe District Commissioner (DC) Laiven Apuleni urged Sinazeze residents to avoid vandalizing the facility that SWSC has instituted for them.

Mr. Apuleni urged the residents to have a sense of ownership since the project was meant for them and to ensure that it was sustained.
“Those involved in Vandalism should do it with the full knowledge that they are depriving themselves and you the people of Sinazeze of a service that you have waited for this long to enjoy,” Mr. Apuleni said.

The DC thanked government for supporting DTF adding that the fight for poverty would be meaningless without the supply of clean drinking water.

He said previously people were drawing water from shallow streams, and unprotected wells.
Mr Apuleni noted that 140 households with estimated population of 1,120,000 people would be serviced from the piped water facility.

Nkaddabwe ward Councilor Partson Manguje said the installation of tap water was cheering to the Sinzeze community.

Mr. Manguje appealed to SWSC to consider putting up a sewer pipe for people to have proper toilets unlike having pit latrines because the area was small and it would soon be congested.
He said the two kiosks that have been installed were not enough and people would start to request more of them.


  1. Well done SWCS for bringing TAP WATER to Sinazeze.I hope this should be done to other small township and villages across the entire country.Clean water is very vital to life.We heard cases of waterborne diseases such as Chorela and diarrhoea in some cross sections of Zambia.Some villages and Townships in Zambia have abundant untapped water resources whcih can be putinto good use,taking for instance Sinazeze itself,just about four or five kilometres on the westside of Sinazeze,there is a closed Open Pit mine known as “Nkandabwe Open Pit Mine” which was shut down due to complication of the water table on the coal belt,flooded up forming a two kilometer in length, abount five hundred metres in width and almost two hundred metres depth Dam.Though the dam is being utilised 25% for Irrigation scheme,it can also sustain clean water supply to Sinazeze township and surrounding villages.
    just as there is Rural Electrification let there also be Rural Water Connection.WE NEED CLEAN WATER!!!

  2. While this is welcome news, it’s also like the Niger Delta oil saga.

    Sinazeze township has always had its nose right in the waters of Lake Kariba, but since 1952/3 it’s never benefitted from those waters. This inspite of the sacrifices made by the local people.

    Well done SWSC. Bring hope to a number of those small settlemnts, like Munyumbwe!

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