Wednesday, January 15, 2025

UPND dares UNIP to withdraw


 THE United National Independence Party (UNIP) has been advised to officially withdraw from the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) instead of making false allegations against sister parties.

The UDA is an alliance comprising the Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD), UNIP and the United Party for National Development (UPND).

UPND spokesperson, Charles Kakoma, said yesterday in Lusaka that the reasons that UNIP was advancing for fielding Mr Levison Mumba in the Kapoche parliamentary by-elections were weak and lacked sincerity.

He was reacting to UNIP’s resolution that the UDA was irrelevant in the Kapoche by-elections.

UNIP has also said the former ruling party was not sufficiently consulted over Mr Banda’s adoption as UDA parliamentary candidate for the Kapoche by-election.

Mr Kakoma said there were procedures of coming out of any contract and that if the former ruling party was serious about pulling out of the UDA, it should officially write to inform the other partners
Mr Kakoma dispelled assertions that UNIP was not consulted over Mr Banda’s adoption as parliamentary candidate.

He said consultations were made with the local leadership in Kapoche.

And FDD national secretary, Newton Ng’uni said his party totally resented the arguments that were being put forward by UNIP.

Mr Ng’uni accused UNIP president, Tilyenji Kaunda of allegedly holding on to the joint certificate of adoption of UDA candidates.

He said this was after the certificate was signed by himself (Mr Ng’uni) and UPND Secretary General, Tiens Kahenya.


  1. #2.Ba Joze- TZ. Ati shani mudala wandi. Don’t worry i am just having a good day. Amakwebo yalishani? Don’t forget to bring me “soda”.


  3. #5, Zambia must pay the Virgin company,it is moraly right to do so, however the out cry is how this whole transaction was done. Someone was irresponsible with the tax payer’s money and therefore should be held accountable.

  4. #5.

    1. Zambia does not dispute the legitimacy of the court tha t made the ruling.
    2. whereas, chiluba disputes the legitimacy of the london court.

    Is that clear?

  5. #1 your contributions are valuable, we need some humor on the blog but this time i think you have over done it.try the sports page next time.

  6. These two UNIP and UPND are strange bedfellows

    Instead of concetrating on the main dance
    (Bye election) they are putting up side shows.

    Non are so irrelevant as those who have nothing to lose

  7. The problem with Zambian politicians is mostly luck of vision. King Cobra claims Saki did not deliver. UNIP claims UDA is irrelevant in Kapoche. What these guys are failing to see is that they have five (5) years to work on the alliances to strengthen their links if anything move towards becoming one party and position their party for the next general election. Forming alliances 2 days before elections will not produce any meaningful results. If Saki and Sata put their past behind them, and focus on 2011. I believe the results will look a whole lot different next time around. In any alliance there are weaknesses and strengths. The best way to spend their energy is to reduce the differences while keeping their eyes on the big picture. (The reason they got together in the first place) If these guys are serious, we should only have 3 parties contesting the general elections.
    The other thing I was thinking about is changing from 2 terms of 5 years to one term of 10 years or 8 years. Think about it. With the level of political engineering in Zambia , The incumbent will always corrupt his way to the second term. So lets save some money and just hold one election every 10 years.

  8. SAGE munee, two questions.

    1.) Can oil and water mix? Show me the wisdom of putting a new patch (chigamba) on a finished pair of trousers.

    2.) One 8 or 10 year term of office will make people so fed up with lack of performance, they will take power into their own hands (also known as a coupe d’etat). Which is the lesser evil between 5 year terms that keep politicians on their toes or a 10 year term with anarchy thrown in?

  9. SAGE, I do not agree with yoyr idea of a single 8-10 year term. The reason it is importance to leave the presidential term to 2 Five-year terms is to allow the people assess the performance of the imcumbent and let him/her seek a fresh mandate after 1 term. We cannot let people lead blindly for 10 years when things are crumbling. What I think we need is to develop a mature political landscape that will educate people that a bag of mealie meal on elections eve will not create a better Zambia. Secondly, we need our constitution to limit the number of political parties to 3. If you cannot identify yourself with a party, then stay out of politics or be an independent. Right now it is a circus with people like Ken Ngondo and Miyanda still believing they have a chance of becoming Head of State.

  10. KC…if you read carefully my main point is that once elected , the incumbent will corrupt his way to the second term. What is the point of the second term. Mexico has a one term presidency because of election engneering. You can enlighten people thats fine but still they are voting “umwela” and this has been don so many times. If it was upto the people MMD could have lost the elections in 1996. But we dont have the power to decide who goes to the dog house. The powers that be manipulates the elections and pre determin the outcome.

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