Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mwinilunga Mp expresses worry over poor rehab works


Mwinilunga East Member of Parliament (MP) Stephen Katuuka has expressed concern over the shoddy works done by a named Construction company engaged to rehabilitate the road infrastructure in the area.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today, Mr. Katuuka said the T-5 Mwinilunga/Solwezi road  including feeder roads in Chiefs Kakoma and Chibwika’s
areas are all in a deplorable state.

Mr. Katuuka named the deplorable  feeder roads in his constituency as Kahona/Kanyaya, Lumwana/Kakoma and Kakoma/Kambimba which also connects to
neighboring Congo DR

The Mp mentioned other roads as  Chibwika/Kamapanda which goes to Angola.

The MP called for the thorough scrutinizing contractors  saying some of them are
bent on defrauding government out of colossal sums of money.

He appealed to government to engage genuine contractors in the rehabilitation of
roads to avoid spending money on the same roads.

Mr. Katuuka has since  requested  Ministry of Works and Supply to tell the named
contractor to re-do the road repairs saying a good road network enhances quick
delivery of goods and services to the market.

The Mp further appealed to government to rehabilitate the Solwezi/Mwinilunga road
which he said is in a state of disrepair adding that motorists traveling to
Mwinilunga district in  North Western province risked damaging their vehicles and
losing their lives.


  1. What cruteria do you chaps award contracts?Cheap is expensive and now you are crying like you were not part and parcel of the decision making process.What is wrong with these dull MPs?Mubulakulima recently announced a meeting for his Copperbelt governance body that oversee developments in the area?Doesnt your Minister call for such meetings?Its time you MPs became proactive in the fight against corrpution.Dont wait for levy to shake you up, sit up and work that is why you have that $53,000 Pajero dont just eat and sleep at National assembly motel go and work .

  2. Let’s hope this is not a Minister’s kantemba. Why not name and shame it anyway. Come on Lusaka Times, or your source, you can do better than this.

    Wasn’t the creation of the National Council for Construction, Zambia (NCC) supposed to take care of this after GRZ lost a lot of money in the 1990s? Have the loopholes been created again? This Kantemba should be blacklisted. The construction industry should emulate the banks, they should also establish a credit bureau of some sort to take care of fraudsters like this!

    Looking at the mentioned roads,linking into Angola and DRC, how can a novice be allowed to ‘toy’ around with such important national infrastructure. This is worrying.

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