Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sata challenged over FJT bills


sata.jpgPATRIOTIC Front president, Michael Sata, has been challenged to prove that Government has refused to honour former President, Frederick Chiluba’s medical bills at University Teaching Hospital (UTH).

Mr Sata was quoted by the press yesterday accusing Government of refusing to pay for Dr Chiluba’s medical tests at UTH.

On Thursday, Dr Chiluba collapsed at his Kabulonga home and is currently admitted to UTH where doctors have conducted various medical tests.

Chief Government spokesperson, Mike Mulongoti, said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that Government has never issued such orders or directives on the settling of medical bills for the former President.

“Government has never said that, because this is a delicate matter that should be handled with care and morality.

This matter borders on morality, because Dr Chiluba is still in hospital. For him to hear about such talks that have been attributed to the Patriotic Front president, Michael Sata, what is he going to think? I also got shocked when I heard Mr Sata’s attacks on Government that it has refused to pay Dr Chiluba’s hospital bills.

I am challenging Mr Sata to tell the nation where I said that Government would not pay Dr Chiluba’s bills.

The story is a total fabrication,” he said.

Mr Mulongoti, who is also Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, said the doctors at UTH were competent enough to advise Government on Dr Chiluba’s health.

He said Government would not take Mr Sata’s advice on Dr Chiluba’s health status.

“What this Government is saying is that it will follow what the medical experts attending to Dr Chiluba at UTH will advise,” he said.

The minister wondered how Government could have problems in clearing Dr Chiluba’s bills at UTH when in the past it had been paying for him whenever he attended treatment in South Africa.

He said President Mwanawasa’s Government was of laws and would not refuse to settle bills for the former President.

“Under the Zambian constitution, there is a provision for the former President’s entitlement and Dr Chiluba’s benefits are intact,” Mr Mulongoti said.

Dr Chiluba’s spokesperson, Emmanuel Mwamba, declined to comment on Mr Sata’s statement.

“I just heard from Mr Sata that there is something like Government not paying the bill so I can’t comment on the matter because we don’t know the official position of Government and I can’t act on rumours,” he said.

Mr Mwamba said Dr Chiluba was still in the admission ward and would continue receiving medication.

On whether Dr Chiluba would appear before a doctors’ ad hoc committee today to determine his fitness to stand trial as ordered by the Lusaka magistrates court, Mr Mwamba said UTH would advise accordingly.

Dr Chiluba is scheduled to appear before a team of medical experts that recommended for his evacuation to South Africa for the treatment of his heart condition last year in March.


  1. mmd think chiluba is not human. he is entitalled to all his benefits let hm getwell before he goes for trial

  2. Sata is a clown..i meant!!! I even wonder why Honorouble people like Dr Guy Scott and Given Lubinda find Sata to attractive to do battle with him. Honestly speaking, Satas associates should be people like Esther Nakawala, Scorpion Kadobi among others!!!

  3. Sata is right because LPM as you may have seen in the last 7 years specialises in inflicting great pain on his victims. LPM desperately needs Chiluba’s money, health and finally his religion.

  4. UTH is a GRZ hospital. Whether they pay or not is really just semantics….its the same accounts books. MCS should have picked a better target than what’s reported in this story.

  5. Mala mwaice, do you think Zambia is anywhere near political maturity?Far from it coz if it was the comments being exhibited on this blog just shows that there no niche for great leaders.Most of these chaps on this blog dont know what ‘sharing’ means, its either agree or disagree with ones assertion but not to insult each other,if we continue with this pace, we will just return to the same rubbish being exhibited by all political leaders with LPM taking the lead.Today in the Post LPM agreed that if he had wanted he would be ‘INSULTING’ the other leaders, which means he condones insults.Ala nacibipa sana Mwaice Mala,people with leadership qulaities have since stopped sharing because of chaps like gk,DrHK,#4(Chris Muta UK),,ladies and gentlemen let us make a difference we are the difference Zambia is itching to have not appear like we are 72 years behind SA.Mwaice Mala naya mukusefya pa ngwena,so I will be missing in action.BaJoze amashilu nayafula pa blog especially ifibantu fya ku East

  6. MMD Govt is just jittery becoz SATA said the same things which are happening 2 FTJ will also happen to Levy when he leaves office.

  7. Kuku this is some great humour please keep it up. We must cruise thru this difficulties, differences whatever u want to call it with some laughter.Just be careful not to overdo it.Because we want to have every voice participate in developing our precious country.You must also bring out your ideas oponions,coments without attacking or threttening
    some Phiris lungus and banda.Iam not supprise that sata is again using chilubas sickness to get the attention.Sata does not support kafupi because he has not forgiven kafupi for picking LMP to succeed him.He will take every chance to thro himself to the front page.The man has never shown any material that comes him to discribe his character.One day the post is worst news paper next its the only reliable paper,I support MMD presidential candidate next day I do not I have own by 50% the next day Ilost becouse saki did not deliver.Sata I think you now where u are suppose to be opposition.You are doing a good job please stay there.

  8. #9.My name ‘Kuku’ is short of ‘Kuku mukwai’ meaning mwaiseni bonse, I welcome all souls even those in purgatory, that is why Dr.HK/gk are still my friend but I will be meeting with HK’s wife to just chart how we can put him on the track,the youngman has lost grip with reality and if we ignore to help the guilt shall be ours( Ba Joze, Kayata and myself).Iwe Kambilo(squared) I like to threaten Easterners cos they are very vulnerable to manipulation, how can Levy promise them development like he is not the HEAD of Zambia, what is his govt doing?All these these chaps cant see ,the man is smearing buttercap on their ugly faces,that is why even Cifire is now deputy minister very unprincipled chap.I have looked at most of these chaps contributions with foul languages from the archives and Am deeply concerned at their constitences in their stunning unpalatable language and use of words,Its appauling and pathetic.Leaders are born not made baice bandi,Iwe Kambilo(squared) are you Kitwe based?

  9. The issue is simple, Sata was rumour mongering. Even Mwamba, Chiluba,s spokeperson has confirmed hearing the the rumour.

    What a shame

  10. There goes another OLD DOG in politics,yapping at all issues.Sata should take advisory seat and be at a farm somewhere in zambia.
    Zambia will never go anywhere with leaders like SATA,who only think that hitting on the current government is being strong enough and being popular.SMOKING AND STURBORN SATA please give chance to other leaders and advise where necessary,we know zambia is your country as well but please take it ease for now.You are blessed and still health,go back to actual productivity.

  11. This is a place where I feel Kuku can do better. You are really articulating very well in terms of politics. These other topics nimwaweleniko. Good day mwaich Kuku.

  12. #17 Nkataboy, ulisabi sana, you said you dont know bemba and yet ulebika home service proper nokucila ‘george mubanga’. stupid chameleon. Be real chinyamata otherwise twalakumwenamo ati niwe ndunyundudu.

    #13 gk, you must see dr sansakuwa at all cost pantu isho ingulu wakwata need to be casted out. pipo see gk nafumya namenso mu mutwe and he looks like golyogolyo. gk why are you so bitter with parents? give respect kubafyashi mwaice dont behave nge samba or gumugumu.

    #16 better keep quiet when you have nothing to say. have you forgetten how sata transformed UTH, awarded L/stone as a city, Gwembe as a district. Badbwoi, dont swallow b4 you chew.

    #15, born rich, awe mwaice naiwe wayimapofya. umuchishi ku bafyashi mwaice. this is not Malito and Nkaka sport page. be sensible mwaice.

  13. #7 Kuku, am thinking of buying aircraft, I will call it “Air Mukwai” airways. gk and HK (Human Killer)and easterners that sounds good te?

    Ba Sata ni shimbi.

  14. please atticulate issues,do not be a henchman for sata,K.K,chiluba,Mwanawasa.
    A leader shall be known by his fruits he bears.Apart from rigging,the number of voters in favour of that leader will tell how good he is.No doubt kafupi in 1990-1991,who would go against him,(or probably was it just change the zambian people were looking for?)so please if one raises an issue/opinion let it be, as I beleive this net is visited by the people affected and their cronies,not forgetting their hungry suppoters.So if it pains oneself over the comments,kindly advise the affected to visit lusakatimes and ask for time to respond.As for now opinions will flow as topics do come in.HE WHO FEELS IT KNOWS IT BETTER.Its a pity zambian people have lost confidence in any leader after 1991,so stoogies give us a break and please atticulate issues instead venting your bad breath.we are tired of stupid leaders.

  15. #21 gk, we have already read stuff from Chilumba and KC. Plz dont bore us. just go and sleep or see Dr Sansakuwa to castout your demon (shimakumba) other you are a mistake wapa blog.

  16. The MMD have not refused to pay chiluba`s sorry by the
    way it`s not the MMD`s job it`s Government know the facts,on the other hand he chiluba never gave kk
    benefits it is Levy who did.

  17. #gk23 God bless and forgive u with ur insults at public media. Free advice for u pls leave insults in ur house to ur children and the person who teach to speak the first word.

  18. Sata is just like Bokasa the fomer leader of central african Republic.His thinking is very poor he still
    think chiluba is still someone to support.The man is finnished that man is better dead than alive,the man is a shameless thief;He is not going to enjoy that money with his new wife.

  19. Sometimes i dont know what to make of Jose. The chap is so incoherent and an embarrassment. Ba kuku please advice this tribesman of ours to stop talking about them damn demons. Jose raise your game and lets crack on with serious issues.

  20. #23,gk,.I now believe what Kuku, Ba Joze and others were saying about your mental condition that it is influended or rather drifted according to the position of the moon in the galaxy.How on earth can you use such kind of language on this blog-window which is read world wide?What will people from other parts of the world say about Zambians? They will not say gk but Zambians.Do you realise how damaging the word you used is?If you do not know how to live with fellow human beings in the community better pack your bags and go to the Southern hemisphere and burry your madness alone there.Some people are sattiric in their writing and we able to pick up sense from nonsense. But to write back and insult in that order is really embarrassing.Water follows a particular path.As we grow up we also follow a particular path. I forgive you because it did not start from you to insult like that but from that particular path you followed.That is why you find it to be easy and normal. God forbid.

  21. #23 gk, vous êtes une chèvre, comment pouvez vous se servir d’un tel mauvais langage, vous êtes pardonnés zambien est une nation chrétienne, mais de toute façon nous devons vous transférer aussi rapidement que possible au chainama mental d’unité parce que vous êtes plus mauvais qu’un cerveau de poulet.

  22. #31, Kayata, How many of us do you think speak freench in Zambia? I know that you might be in France where you are striving for you living but do you have to challenge everyone by using the language that is not official to the Zambian masses. Communication is necessary as a form of incoding and decoding mesages. Now what have you done? Very disappointing young man. Continue working in the green houses for your living.

  23. sata is just doing his job, by keeping the gov. in check thats what democrancy is. Zambian dont take s**** from the gov you the boss of the gov. you hire them and you should put them incheck like sata does, as there is no small insue in gov, its small which will create big one and take advantage of you people.

  24. #31,Kayata we notlooking for a french teacher just yet so keep you french to yourself until that time comes.
    But the thing is Dr Chiluba health has been turned into a political circus.Every one now wants to gain millage out of it which is IMORAL and GROSS!

  25. Chi Jose remind me of Sata…an ignorant fool..if you are backing that fool because he made L/stone into a city then there is no hope for Zambia!!!!..

  26. its sad for our father MCS to be labled a KACHEPA. Daddy sata please, were is your heart? To be an alam that goes of as soon as LPM goes off the track that you are so adictted now that you even go off in anticipation that he might go off the track of leading the nation. BE HUMAN FOR ONCE, and give us a chance to learn from you other than seeing how un human you have need to sort the hate you have built up with LPM. shameless leader!!!

  27. #36 Badbwoi, am man of principles te? I dont insult pipo but I only give them amalumbo te? Nomba iwe chinyamata wambala te? But I have forgiven you pantu iwe ucili mufifi. Sata is man of pipo even those who call him names they do appreciate for changing the face of Zambia te? Ba Sata one time balivokele ati :no urinating in public te? changed ZEN to Registered Nursing something te? Manje mwaice yo must salute Ba Sata.

    #23, no comment pantu I have tried my best to show right path to this sick boy. #30 Nkataboy and #31 Kayata, thanks guys in trying to bring sanity in this lost boy gk. Anyway Kuku and I have tried hard but to no avial.

    #29 dont behave like MUTETEMA read comment 30 and give proper judgement. If someone insyults your parents can you say its ok? Iwe mambala wake up.

  28. That Anderson Mazoka is gone, we need people like Sata to keep the ruling government on its toes. HH is already lost. He has his own things-fighting elderly people like Chiluba.Meanwhile he had indicated earlier own when he assumed leadership that he would not waste time exchanging abusive language with other politicians because he was a man of principles who wanted to change the economy of the country and nothing else. Now where is he? He has already joined the band wagon of using abusive language on elders. Young men of nowadays, please choose words to use when refering to elderly persons. Now you are going to waste time going to court and above all you are not even experienced in those areas. You will end up paying Chiluba money. Is that how you can change the economy of the country. Abashi HH.

  29. #19, niwebo george mubanga te? mukulu shani ifyapano insonde? tell the radio listerners ati is infested na basatana wamupamba kusele. The devil is controling them.
    George read #23,plz george do something ine nafwilwa mukulu the biggie.

  30. Ba Sata just shoots without aim now. His colleague LPM was so clever that he fired all those that were leaking information to him. Those who were in strategic positions particulary those who were at Sate house office.Since then, the contributions on national matters from King Cobra have been off target.However, we can not do without him because whatever he says makes headline. No matter how vital contributions from these other politicins may be, no body pays attention starting with the media to an ordinary person. So King Cobra, continue trying your lucky checking the government on our behalf though the time to get to plot 1 seems to be slowly fading out.

  31. #42, long joe,
    How do you mean by your comment? First time I am seeing your name on the blog and appearing first time with an irrelevant contribution. Shame. Add some flesh to your skeleton comment.

  32. Chiluba inflicted a lot of pain on many Zambians. A number of my professional colleagues died in their homes because UTH had no drugs or doctors advised them not to waste their time at UTH as there were no specialsed people to attend to them. These are facts I can prove if you asked. Though I do not urge revenge, Chiluba should humble himself, reflect on the effects of his actions on others and surrender whatever money he is still hiding. Put this matter to rest, plead guilty and do not waste court’s time and resouyrces, advise Xavier Chungu and Co to follow suit and pray hard that Zambians forgive him. He may be a good specimen for how not to behave in public office and when he dies, please do not bury him, but embalm him and parade him for life at Manda hill to remind people about what corruption can do to a nation. Or alternatively, advise him to start lectures on the dangers of political engineering – or how to divorce a wife at midnight.

  33. #32 Nkhataboy,#34 gk & #35 Shi Mine.At Secondary School we were all given options to take French and venarcular lessons or not,and if you did not,individual choice.
    #32,Nkhataboy am not in France and will never be,my advice was to gk for calling his colleague a@£$..e.

  34. #45, Kayata, I did not realise that you were together with gk at secondry school where you did french together. You should have indicated note below and explain. I could not have bothered to attack you. But I still feel the official language in Zambia is english. alfidazen or duce (Germany) Does that make any sense to you? Language is meant for communication and not the other way round.

  35. #46 Nkhataboy,Breaks no bone,i wasn’t at the same school with gk,i do not insult and it’s nt hereditry in me. well that (alfidazen or duce)does not make any sense to me.explain…Anyway,barriers apart,
    back to the topic at hand
    who is supposed to pay for our medical bills at UTH and should FTJ pay or not.?

  36. #47, Kayata, Well those two words in Germany mean goodbye. I merely wanted to let you know how it feels if one does not know the language and you go on using it. Back to the main issue, it is you yourself who should pay for your medical bills. If you can pay yourself, why should FTJ be exepmted when he has not yet reached the exemption age.

  37. look nkhataboy , i can blog and you can`t do anything, and who makes you the captain, so back to ma comment to hell wit sata , thats what i felt of sata , each time he opens HIS mouth what comes out of the man sata makes me sick, so TO HELL WITH HIM SATA , NKHATABOY DON`T BE A BULLY , UP YOURS NKHATABOY, the hell you think you are NKHATABOY,GO TO HELL AND REMAIN THEY, FROM NOW NOWARDS YOU SEE MA BLOG, JUST FOR YOU,THAT WAS ANYHING,IF YOU THINK YOU ARE TOO SMART TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO , THEN IF YOU CALL THAT BLOG THEN YOU ARE GOING TO SEE ALOT OF THAT JUST FOR YOU NHKATABOY,

  38. #48 Nkhataboy,In German Goodbye is Auf Wiedersehen,but in Europe Nkhataboy,people do not pay if they are admitted to hospital,only if you want “first class hospital treatment” will you have to pay. Nkhataboy,i presume you should be Tumbuka or somewhere from the Eastern Zambia,”makora” and alot of people have been using vernacular on the blog and you have not complained,and we are all not of the same language in Zambia,if i wrote in lozi or tonga,who would understand me,so correct those too who have written in Bemba so the other 8 provinces can understand what they are talking about.In German they say “wie es glaubt,wenn man nicht weib,gehen die Sprache und die Leute auf der Anwendung es” meaning “how it feels if one does not know the language and people go on using it”.

  39. Viva The King Cobra! You are the man. Guys lets be real about the Cobra whatever pain you endure to hear his name. Look out for 2011, Zed is ready for you! We really need to see development in real physical terms not just talk.

  40. #38. Ba Joze.
    Just because Jude says she missed you when you were away, you think you are somebody, te?

    Mudala, don’t fall for that sweet talk to the extent that now everyone is your enermy. I am sure you still remember the song:

  41. #49 nhkataboy,you are blog over the username,hehehe , i thought you were too smart for this kind of game
    that was a test and you fail

  42. #49 nhkataboy,you are blog over the username,hehehe , i thought you were too smart for this kind of game
    that was a test and you fail,

  43. #56 short joe, I do not understand what you are talking about. Can you come out in the open and air your view properly? Do not assume I jumped through the window at school. I went out properly through the door. it is for this reason that I fail to use that kind of english by people who live in the slaams in the USA. Nigro young man. I do not know the slang language.

  44. #54 born rich,they are just following me coz am the biggie Joze. I have given Mme Jude to Kuku so that he can start sleeping early. Kuku good joba pakupepula bakateka ba FTJ together with willy nsanda na mama na kawala, i therefore reward you Jude. meanwhile i will remain with Mme Daka my darling. Darling Mme Daka you dogded my questions. when are you answering them?
    #52 Nkata boy dont worry naba long joe. ala balwele ba musafu kwati ni chi gk. just continue with your rich comment but dont attack ba sata nufana.

  45. #57 , never mind, nkhataboy, ma bad, so maybe you could haveasked me first to expalin ma self why i said to hell wit sata, then i could have than you calling me short joe or blog, you look to be smart , so to ma point , you people have seen what sata has done, if we are to list them the list is endless, he was in MMD until the 11th hour, when things turned against him, the blood shed in chawama, the china , and malawi issues, him controlling PF, like a personal to holder , firing mp,do you ever imagine if sata was the president,whta type of powwr frenky he could be, right now no one in pf can say something against him, he plays wit people`s mind, look now thw chiluba hosipatal fee, for the loveof God its about 75,000kwacha,and chiluba can`t fail to pay that amount
    , but sata makes a big deal out of it, so mr nhkataboy , am so pissed off with your man sata, no hardfeelings, the man just makes me sick, so if you can chellenge him , i can give you ma vote

  46. to hell with LPM,hope he gets it worse than ftj after he leaves office.but then again dont think he’ll make it that far.sata for 2011 or before…

  47. what will be the relationship with our neighbor malawi if sata wins the 2011, or that of china, not that i like china , but for the sake of peace, come on PF you can do better without Sata, they is alot of flesh blood and mind in PF, so even if you have a convention it means anything since you already know its Sata to stand,take a mintute and ask yourselves who is Sata ,Sata move on and let lpm alone not that i like lpm too, he is another piece of work,

  48. BaJoze#58, awe ine abanakashi bakuzambia balelasa imfuti,nazala, Jude wenu fye BaJoze mulekana umukashana wayemba kwati lutanda? Bushe finshi filecitika pamulu apa?Am at aloss I cant pick anything its like people are back to kindergarten.Ba Long Joe namolu ayepi nabo balesaibaila sana?
    Daka have you finalised the policy before Ba Joze disturbs you? Now Levy has become the investment manager for Esco Premises, what sort of a leader is this man? He is in everything ,Am 100% sure Levy wants to buy that place.Iam getting worried at his rate of doing things.Every morning its Levy directs….Kwaliba not even Paramount Chief Tony Blair with an ecomomy worth billions of pounds has got guts to put his nose in everything.Let people entrusted with selling of state estates do so, you job now is to enact the consititution.

  49. #62 , come on kuku , i could have said bad things to nkhataboy which i take back,but on sata , sorry if he is your uncle, your uncle has alot of shit on him,

  50. Iam greatly disapointed with Zambian politics,they are full of flattery,each politician wants to prove their point,unfortunately mostly in a wrong way.Let me zero in to our borne of contation,Mr. Sata is fond of politicising even simple matters to make himself a sacred lamb.if these are the politicians we are goin to have am afraid we are going steps backwards.Gentle men and ladies lets promote mature politics not junk and un directional politics of insults.

  51. #^64 I am with you

    Sata has no depth he is pepertually looking fpr populist issues to blow out of proportion…
    He is fit to be a capitao and not a management functionary.

    He told blatant lies in this case

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