Sunday, March 9, 2025

MMD wrangles in Northern Province get worse


The MMD in Northern Province has appealed to the National Executive Committee (NEC) to immediately intervene in the internal wrangles which have rocked the ruling party in the province.

MMD Acting Provincial Information and Publicity Secretary Chrispin Mulenga told
ZANIS in Kasama that the squabbles among top MMD leadership were affecting party
activities in the province.

Mr. Mulenga said only NEC, which is the highest decision making organ of the party,
could halt the current leadership wrangles and also serve the party from self-destruction in the area.

He explained that the in-fighting was being perpetrated by two senior party officials  who had allegedly ganged up to destabilize  the party in the province.

Mr. Mulenga  also accused two the officials of allegedly inciting party members to
rebell against Provincial Minister Lameck Chibombamilimo and other top officials in
the province.

He  further accused the same party officials of being bias when handling disciplinary party matters, thereby weakening the party further.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mulenga has appealed to the party’s National Executive Committee
(NEC) to consider revoking the suspensions slapped on party members in Mpulungu

He said as a result of the unnecessary suspensions of party members, the MMD was now
losing popularity in the area.

Mr. Mulenga has since called for an immediate end to all illegal suspension of party
members in order to strengthen the party structures in the Province.


  1. The begining of the end of MMD.I dont support anarchy but LPM should take serious consideration and reflect on his ascession to power.The reasons being cited above are trivial something unknown is brewing.why has NEC opted to be mute?These squables started along time ago.Mlongoti and Teta can you act instead of just waiting for hand written notes about FTJ’s saga.
    Mwaice Mala wamona ifyonkweba ati ku bantu takwaba kuwamya by’Glorious Band’

  2. #1.
    It is sad that Sata has used tribalism as his campaign tactic in northern and luapula provinces.

    The fall of MMD in northern province has its roots in tribe more than any develomental issue. How sad. How very sad.

  3. The house on fire,will have no time for development or improvements.Gone are the days for political wrangling.The only disputes political partise have in developed countrise are developmental.

    I should imagine,all these wranglings are brought about by joblessness.Politics has become a source of employment for individuals and thier relatives.If this persists our Zambia will never go anywhere.


  4. why should you blame king cobra on the north pole of the mmd fighting. you are very wrong to conect anyone from the opposition especially PF with mischief. talk to me someone on this matter.

  5. Opposing parties, I urge to pls take advantage of these internal wrangles in the ruling party and start campaign now for 2011. This is beginning of the end Muwelewela Mad Devil’s party (MMD). Sata, Saki, HH and young Cosmo dont waste any time go and dismantle them completely, after role they have not taken any meaningful development there.

  6. #4 gk mwaice that is the way to go,wonderful contribution please keep it up.Now sit your friend down HK and teach him verbal reasoning, Special paper II.
    Iam impressed, you have made my day. Nayakuma orders before nshilaya mukusefya pa ngwena ku chinsali.
    BaJoze gk#4 deserves a pat on the back.God has answered our long sought prayer Amen.

  7. there is no monopoly on intellingence on whci tribe should run Zambia.This country is for all people who belong to it.Show me where God gave it to Luapula or Nothern province to rule this country.
    By the way Sata will never be president.Give me another name,please.

  8. #5.mutende
    It is true that MMD is in hot soup in the Northern Province. The other province where MMD seem not to be doing fine is Luapula. MMD must take this as their problem and find ways of solving it “while it is called Today”.

    Having said that, i wish to say that i have been disturbed by the way ba mudala Ba Sata has been campaigning in Northern and Luapula Provinces. He has been trading on tribal lines. This cannot be denied by those who are well informed on this blog.

    Sata has managed to convince those guys (Northerners and Luapulans) that LPM SC hates the Bemba’s and that the whole corruption crusade is a drive to “fix” the bembas.This is what i was condeming in my earlier contribution. #3.

    We must encourage the opposition including Ba Sata to take advantage of this weakness in the MMD but must at the same time not condone tribalism regardless of the person who is perpetuating it.

    I rest my case.

  9. Lets be honest here.Neither Sata nor FTJ are Bembas.They only dream of being some.Being Bemba is big.That is why they only wish they could be that big.

  10. Exactly.Thata why Sata should not use the “Bemba Tribe” card.Because a crime is a crime-regardless of who commits it.There are many people in Zambai who have commited crimes(especially theft)from all provinces.Obviously if you are a high profile person ,you make big news.Luapula and Northern provices had dominated the politics of Zambia for a long time.Inevitably, when it came to exposures of these crimes,they found themselves in the middle of it.Iam sure that in LPM admnistration too, there will be exposures no so long from now.Tall trees catch alot of wind.When you in public life,live an upright life.

  11. Please, tribalism is a cancer, let’s not dwell on it. It will destroy us as a nation because it bites deeper into the societ’s fibre. It has destroyed nations eg Burundi+Rwanda and they will never recover from its results.One zambia, One nation is our motto. Let us keep the flame high and abash tribalism.

  12. Indeed abash tribalism!! all those who hv been caught wanting are not only bembas like the nyirongos, shansongas of this world, to name but a few. It all depends on the character of the a person and family background. Mind u not every one who speak bemba are bembas, some tribes are just similar to bemba, like lamba lala swaka,chishinga name just a few but they sound like bemba. The fact is we are all one big family with a tribe called zambian.

  13. Subjecting others to a tongue or language that may not be known to them (without interpretation) is being tribal by default. Everyone has a mother tongue. There are 73 tribes in Zambia. If all decided to use their mother tongue this blog will be very complicated to read and understand.

    As for ‘bemba’ being big…..big as what or for what? The statemnt is unequivocally centering on tribalism!

  14. This Bemba thing is rubbish. Whats so special with this Satana- Luckily the old man is busy smoking himself to death – He will never rule this country. He throw his chance when he supported this short thief – stealing together and expelling all credible people in MMD with the hope of remaining alone – but was dribbled. Sata has nothing to offer except in Bembaland or Chinsali. It makes me happy that the chap will never offer his stone trowing brains to rule at that level . Be happy man- he was even allowed to manage at Ministerial level – It can only happen in poor Zambia. May new leaders come up elsewhere in the country while these sleeping guys stick to Satana.

  15. #3. You are saying Sata, is a tribalist. But havent you seen that the UPND has come out on the open to be a Tonga/Lozi party,as well as UNIP is dominated by Easterners. So, there is no party in our country well tribalism hasnt touched. I wonder where we are heading

  16. #AM
    You have said it as it is…
    There is no place for tribalism in Zambia
    We are all Zambian citizens

  17. Why doesnt Desire tell that to Sata?He is the one who has been whining about the Bemba persecution.He was in UNIP.He was in MMD and now he IS PF.Isnt his other name “COBRA”?At least his “Brother” managed to dribble him.
    I wonder if the dribbling did not take place, and Sata was at plot number 1,would the MMD be having a bad name?Would there be an un interrupted flow of cash in brown envelops or otherwise?I just wonder…..

  18. Zambia needs fresh and vibrant leadership.Kaunda helped bring Independece,Chiluba brought Democracy while LPM has managed to restore some form of sanity.We therefore need someone who is technologically,politically and socially relevant to move the country forward.We can`t have a situation were a Minister of Science and Technology doesn`t even know how to operate a computer.We need a leader who doesn`t just have an agenda to oppose government but have something to offer.The gov. fixes the tax system SATA will have no platform while HH is already entangled in the web of tribalism.For example,Zambia has some of the finest cotton and coffee in the world but we still continue exporting such raw materials and importing the finished product.We need the Youth in our country to rise to this challenge and lead.

  19. why do pipo tuk about tribalism.let us unite and tuk one zambia one nation.this thing of saying bemba s are thieves will bring genoside in zambia.we are 1 pipo and no politics,no corrupt allegation shud separate us from this nice moto one zambia ,one nation

  20. “Nonhlanhla – New York says:
    The writing was on the wall,Bra Sata take advantage” Quote

    Be real with your view of national issues. Do you honestly see Sata as ever being Zambia’s head of state? Sata will never be President period but end his days with fantasy. Its all a matter of time Sata dying of hatred too soon to intervene. I shudder to think about him beyond this. Where would he get votes to win national level elections from the nine regions:South to the north, East to the west? Its not easy like the insults he has specialised in.

  21. Its not Bembas that are criminals but Luapulan kabokes. Collectively Zambians will never ever error them with powers again. We boobed on the 2 fit Chiluba and never to try them again. Luapulans are criminals. Yes we do have thugs and opportunists in Northen like Sata, but other regions have them too. Kabokes are never meant to be in leadership but dreams. Its done for Generations for them. Likely 35 years after to try them again.

  22. The best is to split the country into regional powers and Zambia to be federal C. let each region rule itself, and collect its own taxes. All Zambians though can be free to seek opportunities in any region. Howver each region should give priority to people born and resident in that region. This will wipe out all this corrruption and tribal marginalisation.
    It is common sense that Chiluba had an institutionalised tribal empowerment of his Koboke brothers and sisters, by appointing most into influential positions, and diplomatic missions. There is no other best nepotism and tribalism that that..Chiluba hated the other tribes and tried to kill their economic base by unsupporting policies against Agriculture, while promoting trading of goods as KaponyaZ..This spread to Govt Contracts and shoddy deals..Chiluba need to be investigated for Financial Genocide.

  23. I have seen some cheap debating on this blog. I wish all could be sober in their contributions and talk about about issues.

    The other thing is that none of us debating here have offered to take the political challenge. The leaders who have offered are brave and should be given credit. I have in mind all the current politicians like LPM, Sata, HH, Miyanda, N’gondo, and these other small ones. Of course the sequence is at the moment the order of importance like it or not. This is the popularity line at the moment although the second he performs a little bit more can even be at the top because his voters are basically difficult to corrupt through threats, bribes, etc as they are more enligtened than other voters and they pay more tax. This is a fact like it or not, but of course don’t commit suicide. This country needs hardworking leaders to move forward. Lets be real and call a spade a spade. Hiding in tribalism, “education”, etc wont help us. Leadership should be based on merit

  24. Yes Joe you are right man. E.g if HH or any other merited presidency he could have been voted for then followed by Sejani after ten years if at all the later has the qualities. And pipo have to show and convince the public. But if you wait for others to be opinion leaders then you just imitate like I have seen, I doubt if you can appeal to the masses. Politicians should not just wait to critisise plans of other people and forget to tell people want they would do themselves like what happened during the last elections where even the ruling people forgot to advance their ideas properly because they wanted to spend more time and resources shooting down what an opposition party was proposing. Of course the result could be disatrous for them.
    A good campaigner will always take it. Tribalism should be not be the escape goat. Its just that people have no strategy and are probably egoistic. Currently on one opposition seems to be making a dent politics the others have gone to sleep.

  25. Zambian politics is cadre ‘mentality’ driven. It detastes quality managers, leaders. It’s averse to proper leaders/managers and professionals in most cases. It would rather choose Nakawala or Kadobi over Mr. Patrick Chisanga (whatever has become of him now). CMS is a typical cadre himself….the traits are there to see. Tibal undertones, politics of cadre appeasement… demolish shanties and build proper houses in…..was it 90 days! A professional/leader worth his or her salt would not park peoples hopes with lies. That’s not leadership. It’s crap. It’s not merited either.

  26. Never say never but let’s try to be honest with ourselves,

    Sata will NEVER become president of Zambia through free and fair elections and besides, his style of leadership is so out of fashion.
    what we need is a young entrepreneur like HH who has a good understanding of economics.

  27. *****ic comments like bodie’s(#25) dont belong to such a forum.

    On Sata, remember thats what you were saying in August 2006. But Sata showed how popular he was by beating Mwanawasa in most urban areas where politics is competitive. Mwanawasa had to rely on villagers in Mwinilunga, Shangombo and Mwasempangwe (by the way i was shocked to learn from Shangombo in June 2006 that many adults living on the fringes of the boarder didnt even know the name of the republican president).

  28. Iwonder why most of the contributors are enclined to use tribalism. Politicis is source of employment. Thats why people are fighting to remain in power regardless. Gentmen,before last years elections we saw HH and Nawaki on each other’throat. It is part of politics. In Uk Tonny blair and Gordon Brown same political party arguing and this makes politics more interesting. Power is sweet. The way forward is one Zambia, One nation.

  29. Ala bane Values drive the party.How you develop
    your people. How you treat personnel issues.How fast you do things. Values are always being demonstrated.
    You can’t hide them. You can’t clam you have value and
    then act differetly like the MMD are doing. You are
    hypocrites. Just wait for 2011 you will all go in
    at Mukobeko.

  30. mk and lucas, i respect your opinions. but the reality is as given by chips. Until such a time that we come to your “advanced political scenarior” for now we have to make do with what is available and SATA is very much in the game just as much as HH, Miyanda etc. This is factual

  31. Lets thank villages for saving zambia from the comedy of being ruled by Sata. so called urban zambians are a big dissapointment.Go to your villages more often to get wisdom.

    A fact people Ignore when trying to inflate sata’s popularity is that MMD has more MPs in Northern province than PF. Infact Levy won in Northern pr.

    I doubt if PF will get another seat before 2011.

  32. Anonymous, # 35, it’s also factual that Zambia has produced a number of intellectuals, but who seem to have shied away from main stream politics. My contibution at # 29 is to say why, see # 27’s generalisation.

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