Sunday, March 9, 2025

Schoolgirl (18) gives birth in class


AN 18-year-old grade nine pupil at Kikombe Middle Basic school in Solwezi yesterday gave birth to a baby boy in a classroom.
The pupil was helped to deliver by female teachers around 09:00hours, the period meant for geography lessons.
School manager, Jersey Liswaniso, who confirmed the incident, said the girl started bleeding during class and the class teacher asked the rest of the pupils to go out and called for female teachers.
After the bleeding persisted, Mrs Liswaniso was called in, who after interviewing the girl with other female teachers helped in the delivery.
Mrs Liswaniso said the school authorities were not aware that the girl was pregnant.
She always wore a jersey to conceal her pregnancy but teachers thought she was doing it to beat the cold.
“A member of staff here rushed the pupil and her baby to hospital, while her parents were notified. This has never happened at this school before,” she said.
Solwezi General Hospital authorities could not state the condition of the girl and the baby, referring all queries to the ministry of Health spokesperson, Canisuis Banda in Lusaka.


  1. This is the weirdest story I’ve ever heard. How can someone be nine months pregnant and no one notices it? I am sure even PK Chishala would have noticed that she was pregnant.

  2. interesting stuff.
    a pregnance hidden by a jersey in a Zambian winter and a young woman gives birth at school during class?

    Interesting, I hope this boy grows to become one of the most humble, successfull and GOD fearing citizens of Zambia.

    welcome to earth little brother.

  3. Amazing story. I applaud the teachers who helped bring the baby into the world. Amazing though, that she carried this pregnancy to full term without anybody noticing. Don’t they carry out random pregnancy tests in schools anymore?

  4. though weird, its good that the baby was not aborted, welcome little one and we only hope this baby grows into a gentleman but then what happens to the mother after this, will she go back to the same school and what will be the reception like. Please young ones stop engaging into premature sex until your time is up

  5. My only wish is the woman to be allowed back to school and continue her education. The fact that she came to school till the last day shows that she is comitted to her school work.
    Good luck sister and well done to the teachers for helping.

  6. Nice and courageous sister.
    Nice and coorperatve as well as helpful teachers.Good mothers.
    God bless and plz let her back to sku.
    Just wanna use dis space to comment about the pipo coming to cheat Zambians that they can cure HIV/AIDS.
    Plz dont be colonized psychologically by they that wanna milk you out of your money.We are a rich country but others wanna take advatage of our disorganized way of life and anxiety.
    Let them go.GO GO GO and leave zambia free.
    Who knows maybe they are taking advantage of our level of testing in drugs,they might even bring HIV and let us purchase it.
    Lets learn to trust our local doctors and pray that we manufacture drugs on our own

  7. I guess the parents were aware that their daughter was pregnant. Too bad that it happened in such a way. Trully, I as well commend the school girl who is now a mother to a handsome young baby boy for not behaving like the lady who killed her own baby in Maamba township. Please ensure that once the kid is grown up abit, let this girl go back to school and continue with her studies. This situation needs alot of support and counseling. To you teachers, I say that was just the begining, do not relent the ball is in your hands. Ensure that the girl does not break down out of pressure from her fellow pupils. I salute you.

  8. Uuuuhm, interesting story. So what happens to the boy or man who is the other half? Well well well, here we go again!

  9. May God bless the little boy. To the mother, i can only say MWAPUSUKENI. To the other teens this is wot it means, IFYAKULYA UBUSHIKU FITULUKILA KU MALUSHI.

  10. #10,Ba Evelyn , is this all you can say?You are disgrace,this issue is a serious one and needs serious attention.Something somewhere must have gone wrong, the parents must be brought to book, especially the mother she must have known what was happening to the daughter.Now I know as per traditional some Dads are as bad as lions when it comes to handling such matters, so for the mother to just maintain peace(Mwikalapatalala mwine apatalalika) she must have been encouraging the daughter to continue with school but now due to her ineptitude like our politicans and judicial systems she forgot that the fruit will one day ripen and this is what happened, its disgusting and they must re introduce compulsory monthly check ups like it was in our times after independence, waumfwa Nkataboy mwaice
    People must be seen to reason not just writing on this blog like its the first time its happening.Grow up all of you , prevention is better than cure

  11. #10,Cool Cool, IAM A DISGRACE? When i said IFYAKULILA MUNFINFI FITULUKILA MU MALUSHI, I think this statement saves as a WARNING to all my fellow youths esp the teens who indulge themselves in premarital sex, Maybe u dint want me to say MWAPUSUKENI to my young sis, thats spilt milk moreover shes human just lyk FTJ. About the parents being brought to book? thats ur opinion and u r entitled to one.

  12. Let us not get too emotional about this situation. Things like this could be pointers to how effective our approach to the fight against aids if young people just get pregnant at will like this.

  13. #12 Evelyn if you are a teen join one peer pressure group for you to help the needy youths.This forum is for big people not teenagers like yourself.So start making contributions that will be meaningful to your fellow teenagers dont just sit on the Pc at home and dream what to write.Otherwise you are most welcome.On this blog we have rules we dont want you to come and post an invitation to your ‘prom party’ on this fora.
    Hope to see you your nice comments as to what you think we must do to prevent teen pregnancy.

  14. good work to the teachers. it was nice that you help the young girl. let here go buck to school after some monthes.

  15. #9, KM(UK), What is a problem with you?Is that a question you can ask for sure as if you are from another planet?Is it because you are overwhelmed being in the UK washing plates for a living that even your sense of humour is lost?Worse things than this happen in the UK.What has then been happening to the other halves?Grow up and contribute sensibly like Kuku has done.Waiting to hear frutiful contribution from you.Otherwise you are a bad ambassador you need to be withdrawn-whatever you are doing.If that is how you contribue in the pubs, I think everyone says you are lacking one sense.

  16. #16Nkhataboy, from the grapevine,#9 &#10 are teenagers, so for now we can spare them, they just hijacked their parents PCs to scrible something but there are teens who reason like adults and those are the ones we want on this blog not bakawayawaya like these two.If #9 is an adult is very hopeless and nothing to write home about.Those are the same fellas giving Tony Blair imigration headaches because of their unbecoming behaviour.Come on #9 grow up and show your marturity and prove us wrong.If your intentions are to impregnant a girl and run away , we still find you, you can run but you cant hide

  17. Classic-Untouchable one of the best stories in the world, how can a 9 months pregnant girl still go to school

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