Sunday, October 6, 2024

Prostitution curtailed in Mongu


The local authority in Mungu has reduced levels of prostitution in the district.

Mongu Mayor Charles Akende says the council managed to reduce prostitution levels by
strictly regulating the operations of bars and night spots in the district.

Mr. Akende said prostitution levels which were on the increase last year have since
declined due to stringent measures put in place by the council.

He explained that the council has managed to scale down the levels of prostitution in the area by working with the police and other stakeholders.

Mr. Akende said the adherence by some bar and night club owners to the terms of operation has seen less people engage in the vice.

Meanwhile, Mr. Akende has appealed to the Constructor who is to work on the
Mongu-Kalabo road to consider employing the youths in the district.

Mr. Akende said the move would deter many youths from engaging in bad vices such as
beer drinking, smoking and prostitution.

He observed that unemployment forced some youths in the district to engage in bad
vices such as prostitution.

And Mr. Akende has assured Mongu residents that the local authority was working
tirelessly to address the many land wrangles being faced in the area.

He announced that the Council has embarked on a programme to recruit qualified land
surveyors and staff.

Mr. Akende however maintained that the council would not rescind its decision of
charging K10,000 per month on every undeveloped plot in the district.

He said the move was aimed at encouraging people to develop their land.

Mr. Akende said it was unfortunate that some people were acquiring plots which they
failed to develop.


  1. Congratualtions local government of Mongu for the job well done to reduce prostituion levels. But for how long are you going to do that? You need to have found these people an alternative activity or activities to do. Of course one area is employment within the road construction company. Prostitution is a source of livelihood to a number of youths now. Unless you find them something constructive to do, they are not sitting idle but to come back on the scene in style. It is a difficult task you have embarked on and I hope you will live to control it. It is saddening to hear that you have controlled the sitution and two weeks later it is like never before. Please keep it up and do not relent.

  2. Truth of the matter is Prostitution will never be reduced,its been the oldest profession,what the Mayor of kwa-Mongu should say is the people who were involved in prostitution have now died,are bed-ridden or have relocated to other places such as L/stone,Lusaka etc.
    Dictionary says Prostitution is sexual intercourse in exchange of remuneration..well they say when a poor person is involved in sexual promiscuity it is called prostitution and when its a middle or rich person its called Socialising.

  3. Hey good people, I agree prostitution is the oldest profession in the whole world. We appreciate the efforts being taken by the authorities to try and contain the profession given the risks of HIV/AIDS. The truth of the matter is the girls involved in prostitution are in it for survival. Its a matter of death and death. If they stay home , they will be homeless and die of hunger. If they engage in prostitution they will have food live for a while and die of AIDS.MMMMM what conundrum. All i can do is sympathises with the prostitutes and society.But its a tough situation which i believe the solution lies in economic empowerment through skills development. Make no mistake prostitution is every where, but our girls probably dont even use protection later on have the guts to ask their clients to use protection. I think more should be done in punishing the clients as well.

  4. SAGE My Bro…. Prostitution is legalised in USA,Holland, Germany and other parts of Europe and Asia and those ladies and gentlemen are not dieing.Big Question Mark. Sensitisation and Education.All our women and men in Africa think of is “no protection” because of the belief of “teaching a person a lesson”,”feels good”
    What the Government should do is not chase these women, but educate the population of the risks of STI’s,STD’s and Pregnancies etc.
    Other people believe HIV can be cured by having sex with a minor,such barbaric manners is what the govt should remove from the mind of the people.

  5. How many Prostitutes have stopped? ,#5 Fizz is either an Economist or Accountant who want figures in everything..?

  6. Bro Kayata , when you look at coutries like USA ,UK ,Holland etc prostitution accounts for a very low %age of HIV infection. The issue as you have rightly pointed out is luck sensitisation and cultural issues. Look at south africa for crying out loud. Its called the “epic centre” of HIV. With all the resources they dont seem to be doing a good job or perhaps Thabo Mbeki realised that AIDS is not caused hunger when it was too late. A lot could have been done in South Africa if Thabo didnt put his head in stupidity which has really costed the beautiful contry a lot of lives.

  7. Bro SAGE,the culture is the biggest killer,a look at RSA, Jacob the VP even had the guts to sayhe did not use a condom because he “washed” after intercourse. Such statements coming from a leader in office,makes even the matter worse. Uganda has been a good example in correcting the culture, and norms in the people.

  8. #5,Fizz,here are some of the figures from other parts of the country, quote “About 135 teachers in Kasama District are reported to have died from HIV/AIDS related ailments from 1998 to date.”

  9. Fizz, your curiosity is justified, if they have “reduced prostitution” they have to imply that they’ve some counting of people who have stopped or reduced.
    If, otherwise, they mean that they have reduced the time available for people to engage in ‘prostitution activity’ (though i cant myself imagine if this should lead them to draw such an inference), then the story is a little misleading. As somebody mentioned above prostitutes and clients adapt.

  10. People let’s get real. I don’t trust any of these government officials telling people what to do especially when it come to how they get an income in most households. These guys are just thugs in white shirts stealing from the poorest Zambian. What has this guy done for these poor women so that they can’t go on the streets and night clubs looking for money? Has he created any jobs for them? You may call it prostitution but to me I prefer the term Sex workers. Just to let you all know 85% of these sex workers don’t have HIV/AIDS. Then who are the culprits? Its sad to say that its the innocent school girls and the church going girls who these government boys are always sleeping with. Yes about 135 teachers died in Kasama District from HIV/AIDS related ailment to date because they chose to sleep with young girls who at risk of getting passing the disease. Give these sex workers jobs so that they can support their families.

  11. l agree with #5,if anyone wants to make any pronouncements about anything that involves people they must have a statistical backing,because it is useless to just say malaria cases have reduced from what to what from when to when.l think we should not allow pipo to open their mouths to say things they have no absolute confidence over and statistical backing to confirm their assertions. It is rethoric that does not help anyone NOT EVEN LPM!!!

  12. Alex, my dear, I would not agree nor disagree with you when you say that about 85% of the prostitutes (whom you have chosen to call by a euphemism sex workers) do not have HIV/AIDS. Do you have any empirical evidence to support your statement. Such statements, though not intended, may lead alot of people, the men, especially to die before their time. Your statement, in my view, is similar to Zuma’s “wash after live sex” theory. It is also similar to statements like “if an infected man sleeps with a young girl, he will get healed. You see Alex, the unfortunate thing is that people believe such statements, no wonder difilement is prevalent in our Country. My advice to you Alex, which you may or may not heed, but I would urge to, is that before you say to the whole world, through this blog, that 85% of the prostitutes, I take it you meant in Zambia, do not have HIV/AIDS, you should have empirical evidence on your side.

  13. #12 Alex, A prostitute is a prostitute.As they say call a spade a spade and not a big spoon.Call them sex workers you will see them even bouncing as they walk.Terminilogies can enhance something as well as deter it.. The word “hule” when it used to be used to whoever abrogated a sexual instituion it had a very heavy psychological impact. Indirectly it contributed to reducing the vice as no one wanted to be associated with it. Neither would one like to be associated with the word “chikawalala” thief.In this circumstance,I am comfortable that all of us should speak the same language in order to fight prostituion. Let us not use fancy words which can end up promoting it. Therefore, the word “hule” prostitute should be used at its best for anyone who is practicing it.

  14. We learn things like statistics so that we can use them to better our lives.But if such knowledge we spend colassol sums of money can only be shelved then it is a pity.Maybe that explains why we are so undeveloped.

  15. #4 Kayata and 3# Sage I wish to agree with you comrades. Culture is really a fundamental issue here. You may agree with me that at the time when our girls were being confined in the room for a good period of time as soon as they became mature inorder to be initiated upon, prostituion was at its least. When human rights and other pressure groups came in and started condeming the practice, the result is what we are seeing now where young ladies are in the fore front wooing men in bars and pubs. Levels of HIV/AIDS related diseses are sky rocketing. It is possible to know meet someone today who you do not know in Zambia and have sex with them. In europe the opposite is true. It might take you good ivestment of time to do that. But when you watch movies you might think those people are easy goers while not. In simple terms, those people have been cultured and they are following it. Red light streets in Amsterdam in the Netherlands

  16. Our Zambia amateur athletics adultery Elias/ Leah assocition is very happy to well come all the prostitute’s from Mungu. We have 10 places for prostitute’s to the allfrica games,world championship,
    world indooor and the world junior all paid for by our
    association president Mr adultery .1 pin per night.
    Bakazi ba other people are oroso well come to the
    national team. Dressing at all the events bithday

  17. Fizz well said, where did the Mayor get the impression that prostitution has gone down? He has to back his statement with figures.

  18. Mr Mayor ,sir figures have not gone down,just because you have reduced drinking hours, the weather is getting cold so the sex workers have changed their tactics.That is why they are not so visible.

  19. Thats nice to hear.Buhule bu thing baffles me!Mongu has more guest houses and so called lodges than churches.what are these facilities being used for when Kuomboka is over?Dont ask me about stats.

  20. The figures have not gone but the sex workers have move to another busy towns like L/stone, Lusaka, copperbelt towns and Solwezi for the time being. Will come back during Kuomboka ceremony, when men, who are they business partners are in abundant.

  21. Its unethical for a govt leader to say something without statistical backing. I agree with almost all the contributors on the blog on how to make statements. If the mayor is just saying things for political mileage then its a pity. Reduction in any social vice must be quantified; this explains the lack of knowledge of most of our leaders in using statistics. Even after CSO gave training to govt and media personnel on how to interpret statistics, we still have serious cases of people making statements that dont mean a thing.

    I hope govt leaders have a chance to go thru this blog and learn from the intellectual comments being presented here

  22. I agree with K95,Moyo.My hope is that the mayor has some statistical backing otherwise his assertions will just go down the books of political rethoric.l do believe however that we as a country can make good use of CSO than just for census.

  23. tighting rules and regulations or controls on bars and clubs does not reduce protitution. Was that mayor chap dreaming !!! Prostitution is still as rife or even more rife than it was before ill intend effort. Prostitution in Mongu has just gone underground. People need to survive and prostitution is a means of getting money to survive and so will not stop. I would suggest that prostitution is legalised and so that the controles make more sense.

  24. What is the fase all of a sudden about statistical data. You are all now behaving like politicians. If you go to “addis ababa” street you find prostitutes lined up. If the council moves into “addis ababa” street to prevent the prostitutes from operating from their and other streets or guest houses in Lusaka. We would say prostitution has been curtailed. Do you need statistical data to show that there are no prostitutes roaming freely in the streets for fear of being arrested? This a practical issue that needs practical solutions. The fear of disease does not work for prostitutes. The way forward is making it impossible for the prostitutes to operate if arrested there has to be stiffer penalties. Also a man seeking for prostitutes should also be treated as a prostitutes. In Los angeles if you are cought soliciting for sex you go to jail and loose the car you were driving while commiting the crime.

  25. #26 Bro SAGE,i agree with you,but first what statistical data are people looking for? Because to me,Prostitution has classes,ie Office etc,only problem is the poor ones are termed as prostitutes “hule” etc while a well to do person is classed only as “socialising”,”nsa vela” etc such terms.
    Now if these prostitutes are no longer in the streets but are now operating inside the pub/bars,how do we account for the decrease? Is a prostitute only on the street’s? NO.
    sexual intercourse in exchange of remuneration is happening everywhere,its not only those girls on the street,i believe & understand the mongu city council such vices are common,but they are not refering to it as “prostitution” but “promiscuity” when in actual terms its the same thing.

  26. #15 Most unmarried and unemployed women in Zambia are forced to go into prostitution because of these corrupt politicians. Its not that they enjoy to be prostitutes but that’s only easiest way they know of getting an income. Why do men (especially politicians and clergymen) pick up these prostitutes for sex? You will be so surprised to see that these women they take care of large families. I would be very happy to see the government taking care of these women rather than just criticising them. So if the mayor says that he want to get prostitutes out of the streets what is the alternative? These women are our sisters, aunt’s, mothers and so on in short they are just like any one in here. Give them something to do that can not take them back on the streets.

  27. #28,Alex you are the only person with senses on this subject,Nkandu Luo tried hard through TASINTHA but as usual in our country if you fall out of favour even a good idea goes out with you.She had a well meaning enterprise which meant to empower these’Women’not through commercial sex but through entrepreneural units.Some of these NGOs like ‘WOMEN FOR CHANGE’ this must be a challenge to them than just commenting of FTJ’s cases.Emily Sikazwe show us what makes you any better than ‘kerb crawlers’.We have so many tuma NGOs which are just there for prestige.Daka my adviser take note of which ones shall be deregistered once we get into power.The only NGOs that we shall support will be those directly linked to sustainable development not ifyabupuba ati ‘Women for Change’,Women’s Lobby’ ama rubish fye yekayeka ,its just mere fallacy
    Nkataboy mwaice this is what we call revolution.

  28. Kayata
    enlighten me a little bit my dear bro as to which state in the U.S is prostitution legal.As far as i know sir, there is no state in the U.s that has an open legality in prostitution, all in all, we zambians are even much tolerant to this shameful way of living than our friends here in the west,go to addis ababa road tonight tell me how many prostitutes are there, and compare that to the u.s streets . Its just time we enforced our laws much more stricter,comparissons to developed countries would’nt help that much,other wise tukapwa ,tizasila.

  29. Figures are a good guide to levels of activities around us. An example can be that ‘there used to be 8-10 prostitutes but now there are about 3-5 at such and such guest house/lodge/street……This shows that the levels have gone down. Maybe the reporters did not what was realy said.

  30. #30 Che,
    Is US and A(USA),which state has no Escort service for men and women? And do those services operate illegally or not?
    Escorts and Massage Parlours are legalised.
    Prostitution is for the poor,while escorts and massage parlours for those who want to pay more,but it’s one and the same thing.
    Just as they say,corruption is for africa,but dubious business transaction for developed nations. but they are all the same thing.

  31. #31 Fizz,
    You can not count prostitution,and they do not only operate in guesthouse/lodge or street.
    What about the office orderly,cleaner,secretary,accounts clerks,bank teller or job seekers who are having sex in exchange of something, what do you call them?

  32. Prostitution is all over the world and much worse in Europe. It is the easiest way to make money quickly. No one can claim to stop Prostitution. Just look at Naomi Campbell Top-model being laid by Princess of Saudi Arabia for money. Here in Denmark there are husbands who send their wives to do prostitution in their free time even though they have jobs. I think prositution in Europe is more crazy than home. Mr. mayor should forget it and leave these women alone.

  33. 33 Kayata,
    Maybe, we need to define prostutution in the way we undertand it. My understanding is that he refered to people who sell sex as their main economic or livelyhood survival. In this way it may be possible to have approxmat numbers.

  34. What eveidence is there that it has reduced…..???? The issue should be complaince of bar owners and night clubs not prostitution, how has this been measured?

  35. I agree with all those advocating for statistical data. It is true that for one to determine the reduction in prostitution, there should be numbers attached to the analysis. I salute you all friends for identifying that weakness. However, I wish to comment that we are restricting ourselves to one parameter only in terms of data analysis. Which is fine as it can also give an indication on its’ own. And that is quantitative analysis. But the Mayor on the other hand appears to have used qualitative analysis. If the prostitutes for instance were being addressed to by a particular term regularly and that this time that addressing is not regular, one can qualitatively infer that the number of the prostitutes has gone down because they are not regularly referred to by that particular term. The only problem is that qualitative analysis is subjective. So please hold your fires and condemn not the Mayor. Quantitative analysis is not the only tool. Wake up and support the Mayor of Mongu.

  36. The Man is just trying to campain for re election
    .how does he know ?I was in mongu recently and i was suprised that even in rural areas the are commecial sexs wokers.he still has the old mentality that young girls who patronise pubs are not prostitutes.the are alot of small girls in bars and disco houses kwa hae.what are they doing at night selling sexs.

  37. #40 THE SNIFFER, I bet this strategy is a wrong one. It is like increasing income tax towards presidential elections and you hope to win. The people that vote are the tax payers as such you stand to lose. How can you win if you chase the prostitutes that entertain the madalas who make up the majority of voters? By the way, who elects the mayor? Is it not the councillors? If so where is your logic which implies that he is campaigning to be re-elected? And your blog is not very clear as to what you are implying. May be it is me who has a problem of comprehending your story. Try to rewrite it so that I can have a clear picture of what you are implying.

  38. #41 Nkataboy, from the name #40 it sums up what sort of a person he is.We are being infiltrated by all sorts of SNIFFERS ,his argument is out of this world, he needs to join Kashiwa Bulaya, Finton Sichone , Musomali, HK and gk

  39. #42 Kuku, You are very much right with your sentiment. I thought I was the only one who was finding it difficult to understand where the Sniffer was driving to. I think even himself if he went through his blog now he wouldn’t know what he was trying to put across. I did not realise at first sight of his blog that he was a sniffer.If it is councilors who elect the mayor,why should the mayor waste time to campaign through the media? The councillors know the mayor very well and most of the time they are together in the council chambers. The councillors know the potential of the mayor because they ineract at personal level. No need for the mayor to go out of the chambers to campaign to the people that will not even vote him to be a mayor. Why? To sum it up all, I think Sniffer try to redo your home work properly. You appear to be out of context.

  40. #39.Nkhataboy, my bro;i agree with you so much in your analysis of this matter but i wish to suggest that even qualitative data can be quantified. For example if the mayor has been on the street every night from the time the bars where free to operate the time an intervention was put in, it will be possible to determine how many people have moved from the streets. But if on the other hand it was a one time observation then we can also conclude that most of these sex workers have relocated to other more prestigious areas like some suggested Solwezi. I would be found wanting to suggest that your argument is baseless hence i agree with your intellectual capacity of not only being limited in the tools we use to analyze information. We thus must accept that there is something wrong with the mayor’s statement but not everything he said is wrong. I like your blog. Viva intellectualism, Abash wrong accusations

  41. #44 MOYO, (Beijing), I salute you for taking me back to point #39.I was wondering since I posted it that there was no any reaction.I entirely agree with you.Im not saying that qualitative analysis can’t be quantified.My argument is that the Mayor might have used a non-quntified parameter. Well and good, your proposition is not bad of waiting and counting at random.It can also work.The major weakness with qualitative which I think the Mayor used is that it is subjective.Many times it is difficulr to convince people unless you really know what you are doing.And you also have to explain why you are using that methodology which I am short off to do because I was not there when he was planning his survey-I am assumming.You need to explain in detail how you arrived at the conclusion.Whereas quntitative the methodology is enough to convince people. For instance if you ran the distribution table and found the average to be x, who is going to ask how you found the average?

  42. Demand for condoms increases at Copper Frontier Mine
    June 1, 2007

    Condoms are on high demand at the newly opened Copper Frontier Mine along the Ndola Mufulira road.

    This came to light during a Mufulira District Aids Task Force (DATF) planning
    meeting held today at the district health board room.

    District Administrative Officer, Mwape Kasanda, informed the members that the area
    at 21 miles along the Ndola-Mufulira road has now become one of the risky areas in
    the district for HIV transmission.

    Mr. Kasanda attributed the demand for condoms to the high economic activities in the
    area following the opening of the Congolese’s Frontier Copper Mine.

    He said the number of people camping around the mine site has increased, posing an
    HIV and AIDS challenge to the district.

    In view of this development Mufulira DATF has resolved to set up a satellite VCT
    centre at the new mine during this year’s National VCT day which will be
    commemorated on June 30.

    DATF chairperson Dr. George Mukupa urged the members to double the efforts in the
    fight against the pandemic and ensure that more VCT satellite centres are set up
    during this year’s commemoration of the VCT day.

    Last year Mufulira district reached out to 200 people on the VCT day that went for
    voluntary counseling and testing and got their results.

  43. Prostitution is resorted to as an alternative self employment some ladies in Zambia opt for due to unsympathetic and high cost of living. To reduce it we should as a considerate govt endeavour to create employment suitable especially for ladies. A lot of ladies not in formal employment, either young or old are in it others resort to vendering whether on streets or markets. Remember some of these are widows who lost their bread winner unexpectedly leaving innocent children with a mother who has no plan for a living. Strictly regulating the operations of bars and night spots in the districts should be a continious task of all Mayors in the country. Please Mongu Mayor keep it up and try to provide jobs for them in order to earn a living otherwise we wont change anything at all but increase the number.

  44. as much as some women indulge in prostitution due to high levels of poverty, i have heard of some from rich/well to do families who also indulge in it.what would we say is the cause of this?

  45. Ba bk, #49, you are absolutely correct. Some are in prostitution but they are happly married and they have everything one can think of and also Others from well to do family, their parents provide them with everything. HOWEVER,they are found in prostitution why??? they influeced by demonic forces, in bemba they say BALIMINWA. They cannot stay without having sexual intercource, their bodies itches without it whether single or married. some leave their husdand for other men for the same reason.

    Ba bk, have answered your question correctly?

  46. Hey, too much of this interlectual talk. Ask yourselves the truth. How many of you guys out there have not benefited from the services of a prostitute, commercial sex worker, call-girl e.t.c. The issues of qualitative or quantative data, is but irrelevant to a hungry man or woman….try the World Bank or IMF with that talk. It makes sense there. I would rather pay a prostitute than pay tax that ends up paying chaps like Mulongoti. I would rather pay a prostitute, rather than pay contributions to church which go to buying luxery lifestyles for suit wearing, bible brandishing crooks. Legalise prostitution and lets all enjoy the services in a regulated environment. Mongu Mayor go home. Who needs you!!! For the interlectuals get off the your high horses. No more text book solutions, lets be practical. The time for sitting on the fence is but long gone.

  47. #51 Innocent, Am sure there in Cardiff, the white women have really amassed wealth off you through commerical sex.You are so crude in your elaborations to justify your weird appetite for prostitutes.By the time you finish your course you will have a multiple organ failure due to TB,AIDS and so forth.These days my dear there is Hepatitis C which you get through fluids so dont sound clever you will come back as cargo.We just need to support these vulnerable women and girls some how not the way you want to go.

  48. Innocent Chimba, I think you need help my friend. You might enjoy their services today but regret the rest of your life. Legalising prostitution here in zambia is as good as ligalising theft. Where u are take good care of your self, your body is very expensive thats why you are unique so DO NOT CHEAPILISE your previous body reerve it for your wife my brother.

  49. have actually answered my question.I think its the demons in them.You are also right, innocent chimba #51 really needs help.i can imagin what would happen to this country ifmost people esp those in decision making positions were all thinkin like him. it would be a disaster

  50. Teach these poor girls skills and give them jobs and you will be on your way to less prostitution. They do it to survive, they have to eat and put a roof over their heads, and most of them have babies with no fathers. This is a community problem and not the Mayor’s problem alone. He should be commended for trying without resources. Bana ba poho yensuu should stop paying lipservice to the many many problems in the western province and start working to make Bulozi what it should be, not what it is now. Its shameful.

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