Sunday, March 9, 2025

DEC nabs three for money laundering involving over K100m


The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has arrested three people of Ndola for money laundering offences involving over K100 million.

Mr. Chulu named the three as Andre Jaulani Mtine 43, a Director at Riskmate Limited
of house number 35 Lualaba Road in Kasenshi and Gilbert Kapambwe 42, a Finance
Manager at ZAMPOST, of Plot 5628, Itawa Extension .  The other one is Ignatius
Kapembwa 49, a Financial Accountant also an employee of ZAMPOST in Ndola and a
resident of 13 Kasusu Road in Northrise. 

In a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today, DEC Public Relations Officer
Rosten Chulu said on unknown dates but between January 2004 and June this year the
trio while acting together obtained money amounting to K110,757,000 from ZAMPOST by
means of bank transfers from African Banking Corporation account held with Finance
Bank Zambia Limited.

Mr. Chulu said the two ZAMPOST officials from Ndola have been jointly charged with
Mr. Mtine for obtaining money by fraudulently issuing ZAMPOST cheques payable to
African Banking Corporation.

He said the suspects have since been charged and are currently on police bond
awaiting court appearance.

Meanwhile, the Commission in Northern Province has arrested a Tanzanian national
Bernard Mbukwa 30 a peasant farmer of Tunduma and an 18 year old Zambian of Nakonde
for trafficking in 36 bundles of mira weighing 18 kilogrammes.

Mr. Chulu said the bundles of miraa were concealed in two travelling bags on a
Lusaka bound bus.

Others arrested are Paul Fungamwango 28 also a Tanzanian national for trafficking in
900 grammes of cannabis and Elisa Nkamba 79 a peasant farmer of Napiyono village for
trafficking in 1.3 kilogrammes of cannabis.

Mr. Chulu has cautioned Zambians to desist from engaging in illicit drug trafficking
and money laundering.


  1. I told you guys, Kuku and ba Joze were invoved in money laundering. Tell Easy, Hey and Kalemba Kafyeka to bail you out.

  2. 1# M´kulupe I dont need to bail anyone Iam a man of principles and all what I got I have worked hard for it. For me if you are found guilty of an offence you have to go in and reform. Anyone who steal will never find favors in me Iam very strict and I dont have mercy because of the pain such act infringes on others. You can imagine if that money was meant for salaries of workers so they have to go without wages and their families without food. If kuku is involved sorry for him because he had bright ideas and made the blog very live. If he decived many last time when he said he was going for a meeting on how to disconjestion Lusaka then he is himself to blame.

    From Times of Zambia (Ndola)

    THE Inauguration by President Mwanawasa at the weekend of the Non Ferrous Company – Africa Mining (NFCA) corporate responsibility plan in Chambishi was a very significant event. Significant in that it adds another dimension to Zambia’s economic development programme.The Copperbelt as has been stated in the past, is slowly re-emerging as the country’s economic giant. Increased mining activities are discharging subsidiary engagements where jobs are being created, thereby improving the welfare of the people in the region and the rest of the country. Since the sale into private hands of the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM), there were fears that it would be the end of mining in Zambia as the private sector would just scratch the surface of the copper ore, make their profit, close the industries and leave. Sadly for prophets of doom, that has not happened, the Copperbelt keeps surging along with the country’s economic resurgent achievements. Among the countries that have contributed to the revival of the Copperbelt is the People’s Republic of China. It is with this in mind that Zambians should give chance to the Chinese government to consolidate the investment in Zambia. Zambia has come very far with excellent relations with China. At the time Zambia was almost getting strangled by hostile neighbours, it was China that provided the answer and built the Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) so that the country could continue exporting Copper- a major source of foreign exchange earnings.There are a lot of other companies too numerous to mention which are operating in Zambia, courtesy for the Chinese government and its people.With this background, it is strange that Western countries can frown upon our economic activities with China and yet they have benefitted from that country’s resources including its vast market.In these days of the free market and globalisation, all concepts of the west, it is extremely unfair for any country to dictate to another sovereign country who to deal with. That amounts to not only dictatorship but a clear contradiction of democratic tenets.Zambia should therefore be allowed to get investment from the country of choice, China included. The best the brothers and sisters from the west can do is to compete with their Chinese colleagues.After all, that is what the free market is all about- a concept of their own creation.

  4. … is strange that Western countries can frown upon our economic activities with China and yet they have benefitted from that country’s resources including its vast market.In these days of the free market and globalisation, all concepts of the west, it is extremely unfair for any country to dictate to another sovereign country who to deal with. That amounts to not only dictatorship but a clear contradiction of democratic tenets.Zambia should therefore be allowed to get investment from the country of choice, China included. The best the brothers and sisters from the west can do is to compete with their Chinese colleagues.After all, that is what the free market is all about- a concept of their own creation.

  5. #1 The headline is misleading. This is not a case of money laundering but fraud. What cought my eye was how could someone lounder such a small amount of money. After reading the article i realise its just sinple fraud by employees. These problems of empleyees trying to defraud their employers a rampant in Z.
    Kuku.. Is that Mtine related to Tom Mtine or just a mere coincidence.

  6. Ba Joze ba fake sana. Nomba imwe ba Joze come out in the open and talk about these important issues going on. Mwatusebanyana sana becoz everyone is worried about you absence and you can’t out and let everyone know where you are. Limbi ba Joze bali pa Chimbokaila pa mafisakanwa baingilamo. Come out in the open Ba Joze, don’t be a coward.

  7. #7 Kalembe Kafyuke silent its match passed how can you talk about a dead person like that. Huhu You didnt read through you are listed to bail Ba joze out of Chimbokaila. Its not Ba Joze alone who has disappeared even Born rich who used to say information reaching my desk its not true. What have gone wrong Dr. HK is also not insight he would have celebrate to say mwamonaba I was telling you about Ba Joze. Mwandini its surprising normally Ba Joze will say bye this time no word.

  8. bajoze is currently consulting potential investors through our globe to invest in CB so that we can have creation of employment and a sound economy for our pipo. He is a man of pipo and thats’ what makes him an upstanding figure.Your aspirations are at his heart.Bajoze finish this buiness.Silence is golden

  9. Easy # 10. What is the root cause of all this plunder in our nation and what can we do to arrest the situation? It is quite a complex situation I guess.

  10. #1 According to RUFQUA page 9877 verse 5 reads”Corruption is a symptom of something gone wrong in the management of the state.When institutions designed to govern the relationships between citizens and the state are used for personal enrichment of public(I also Include) private officials then you have corruption and the provision of benefits to the corrupt”.
    Corruption manifests in various forms such as theft,fraud(above),bribery,extortion,requests for kick backs (Chuchu and the Chinese investors),nepotism(chuchu appointing Muteteka, Puma Lwipa,Mavis Muyunda,most foreign dignatories etc,Patronage etc.All these come as a result of weak governace and more importantly weak institutions.This is not an isolated case its part of a system that has befallen Chuchu’s govt,in short it is a market response to govt failures, this is what we call in our Kaponya language as REGRESSIVE TAXATION.
    These kids who have tried defraud ZAMPost out of K100m are really jokers in life this equivalent to $25K

  11. cotd from 13,what can one really do with K100m,if you were to take stock, this was spent on girlfriends and booze, like Mwaba of Dublin is doing.
    Something must be done,preaching about corruption has not helped us in anyway, we need to strenghthen our internal systems,ZAmtel once paid K132m to unknown receipient in the USA I hope it was not SAGE.Zambia is being translated into a bottomless pit when it comes to abuse of financial resources, this undermines growth and poverty reduction.
    #6 Yes this a son to Mr Mtine my neighbour.
    Iwe Mkulupe ifwe tulaibombela we dont take pride in stealing,we work hard and lead decent lives such that I can not even a fly. first naya mukumona ba Joze, ilya exam mwaice Easy iya pa Saturday yalibacita depress because the level in which stealing is happening in govt, private and public firms is sickening

  12. GLUCO Japanese say control is better trust. Since independence audit generals office was just a symbol. There was not control. 2. If you remember in 80s Bank of Zambia opened a bad system of allowing opening capital investment interest rates going up to 35% per month. So those who had access money they could get the money and put it in an account for 3 months earning interest. Also the handouts in form aids for many failed projects. Then gap between poverty and riches grew. The love of money grow. Especially the politicans and company leaders became more corrupt.Govts failure to put in place control measures. Selfishness of individuals who want to better than others. Because of no equal opporrtunities. Send a thief to catch thief. Solution is solve reduce poverty and hunger, Give pipo essentives throughout their lives. In Zambia the courts are too linient of offenders of high class because they can pay for their legal fee. No standards for offences committeed.

  13. # SAGE- Very disapointing, it seems you missed the’ thou shall not steal’ sunday/sabbath school lesson when you were young. Stealing is stealing and there’s no such thing as simple fraud. With so many people like yourself running our economy, Zambia has little hope of ever defeating this cancerous vice. A friend of mine has just been telling me that some mine suppliers go as far as buying cars as gifts for the guys in accounts payable section just to have their own money paid. Am sure to every normal person such things are sickening and should be fought vehemently.

  14. #16 Mwaice Mala-Msana wamuzulu,this cancer is worrying becoz ‘this get richer fast attitude’has taken deep root in our country.Am a victim of uprighteness ,I cant get bigger orders from some big mine in Kitwe because the cord is so sophisticated such that you dont know whether you are going or coming, I dont know how many times I have submitted my documents and they constantly keep being misplaced,of course the reason is simple and I know it, someone wants VAT, but I have made my way up to the people in authority and just waiting for a response.I can vouch for my definition above its not just in public(gvt)institutions its now everywhere.Recently those RDA thieves were coniving with private sector people to steal K3bn, we need serious laws to deal with this scourge,even those MPs who lose seats beacuse of fradulent and corrupt practices must never see the outside of prisons for quite some time.Some one somewhere has to become tough and enact laws that wil put Zambia on normal

  15. Ba Sage,are u telling me that you have become that rich to say K100m is not alot of money? I don’t think the amount matters to be refered to as Laundering of Fraud.It is the way funds are obtained.Correct me if I m wrong,according to you it is normal to defraud a company in Zambia as long as the amount is not big.Thats why we are failing to correct things in Zambia because we accept wrongs and they become part of our living.

  16. Gentelemen you see what type of culture Chiluba bequeathed us. Society is busy glorifying fraudsters.

    Even children of honest business men laki ANDRE have Joined the vice.

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