Monday, March 31, 2025

Zimbabwean nationals queue at Vic falls awaiting clearance


Long queues of Zimbabweans have been piling up at the Victoria Falls Border Post in Livingstone as they await to be cleared.

A check at the border yesterday found a long queue of Zimbabweans still waiting to be cleared so that they could enter into Livingstone with their merchandise.

By 15 hours, one of the affected Zimbabwean talked said she had been in the queue
from 10 hours and that they were still waiting to be cleared.

The Zimbabwean  national who could not disclose her name said she buys subsidised
goods from Zimbabwe and sells them to Zambia in order to earn a living.

She however complained that her country had banned them from buying goods at a
subsidised rate and
selling them off to Zambia.

A check revealed that only Zimbabweans who were using passports were being allowed
to enter the country while it was unclear whether those with border passes would be
allowed into the country.

One of the sources within the immigration department spoken to said those with
border passes were not being allowed to enter because the stipulated stay in the
country on the border passes was only one day.

”These are some of the people who enter and then what next because the border pass
only stipulates one day and time has already run out for them to go and do business
in Zambia and then come back,” he said.



  1. Just defuse them we already have so many in Zimbabwe who left that country long ago because of war. So why mistreat blacks yet you let the white farmers in without queueing. Let the come in they are our brothers.

  2. Kuku, AM, Cyber-USA na Easy

    Am still in Kabwe making a movie “Sheli” so far we have just finished first part of Sheli enrolnment as a grade one. Next week wednesday we will be at Kabwe mines were Sheli’s father(likely Joseph kabwe and he has not shown up) died. It’s a nice novel more than wilbur smith.

    On Zim-Zim
    Atleast KK sarendered power earlier when the west squeezed him. Bob should swallow the pride and leave the office to the young pipo who may turn the inside out and bring Zim-Zim to its name as ” the bread basket of the Africa” Yes we used to across to Fall town in util the late 80s and not the way the Zim-Zim are being reduce to nothing. The west has imposed sanction on Zim-Zim but whose affect most? A common man while Bob is not affected. For the first time I do agree with chuchu that Zim-Zim is like “a sinking titanic” God bless the pipo of Zim-Zim and let them find the solution to their fate.

  3. Yep I do agree with Mr Easy I support this motion. Why should our Zimbabwean brothers be subjected to queing up when us Zambians we were treated like that years back.
    Let us help our brothers ….because the white farmers have not been queing up to be cleared when they come to Zambia …

    Ba Joze and kuku are still missing. I was trying to locate them but I cant find them. May be they are still at inters trying to chill for some days in the Presidential since LPMsc is in Malaysia.
    I think LPMsc told Ba Joze and Kuku to take care of the Presidential Room and they are still chilling in the room…watching ZBS or is ZNBC..

  4. Can you see how these chaps are killing their own country….buying subsidised goods in Zim and coming to sell them in Zambia!!Many years ago i was prevented from buying goods in Vic Falls town becoz i was a Zambian.A certain shop which is still there even put SIGNS on the shelves “Zambians NOT Allowed”.How things change!!!The situation in Zambia was bad at one time but not like the way the Zimbabweans are suffering.I hope after this, their “superiority” complex is curtailed,and they become humble like the rest of us in Southern Africa.It is always darkest before dawn..our brothers and sisters should just hang on in there.What is Shona/Ndebele for “tukaba bwino kuntanshi”??

  5. #2Kuku, you are right but have you read what Sata said in the post today. Dont let Zambia slip in the hand of white foreigners because the problem will spread to Zambia. This how colonisation started.Tomorrow it will be Nambia. Botswana is long colonised because of Gold and Beef they are feeding the european union. We need an African solution. Tel LPM to supply Zimbabwe with maize and Angola should supply oil. For us Zambia we have an advantage to help us brothers i.e ZESCO supplying power. Our brothers want to survive and should always regime change be brought by foreigners. What interest do they have? Imigration Officers stop mistreating your fellow blacks allow them to get food and feed their children. You Zambians in times of shortage of cooking oil and Bingo you used to crossed to Zimbabwe and get these commodities. How was bread from Zimbabwe called. SAGE, HEY, Cbyer can you remember or Zambian just forget easily. Remember we are not children.

  6. Though the Zimbabwean treated us badly and I remember them striping some Zedians to confirm the declared amounts at Chirundu Boarder. We Zambians, let us treat the human and with humiltty.
    We should also teach them how to kick Mugabe out and install a responsible govt which will continue with empowerement policies. Mugabe is a sellout. I hope Zimbabwean dont repalce him withan iliterate corrupt like our Chiluba.
    Zimbabwe shall rise again and Mugabe need to go..

  7. HK(7), i commend your compassion and power of forgiveness.It will be difficult for me, but i will follow your lead.My memories as highlighted in my earlier post hurt me to this very day!

  8. TOP(8) Iam christian but I dont hold anything against the neigbours if I can just remember how the treated me in 1997 its not long but we have to learn to forgive and move on. We need to unite as Africans to defeat the real enemy so that he can stop using us against each other. The problem Zimbabwe has is the opposition it got money from USA and UK this has made that country to meltdown. Mugabe is just the unfortunate one. But I like his standard against the west. I remember how he being praised in 1995 when he came to visit Europe. When the didnt succeed with Mugabe the turned to Joseph Kaliba and the boy was desperate and he signed in every book he was given- in short Congo was bought again for nutes. Pilz SADC speed up the process of crisis in Zimbabwe to avoid toil. Remember Bob Marley and his songs he was a prophet who foresaw what we was going to happen. After what Zambia is going thru Zambia went through it thank good the majority of us are chitemene farmers and we could feed..

  9. I think Zambians should not treat Zimbabweans as immigrants lets welcome them as one said they are our brothers and sisters. Dont forget that our leaders also are power angry. if it happens to us what are we gonna do?

    THE agriculture sector has over the years grown by 3.9 per cent and has been generating between 18 to 20 per cent of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), President Mwanawasa has said. Mr Mwanawasa said the growth could be attributed to the favourable macro-economic environment, favourable weather conditions, the timely availability of agricultural inputs, coupled with overall good agricultural policies. Speaking during the official opening of the 81st Zambia Agriculture and Commercial Show, which was opened by his Botswana counterpart, Festus Mogae in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Mwanawasa said his Government recognised the vast potential in agriculture and avenues available for tapping into this potential in order to achieve wealth creation, food security and reduce poverty.

    Zambia has the potential to be one of the world’s largest uranium producers, says African Energy Resources executive chairperson Alasdair Cooke.In addition, Zambia is one of the best places for making mining projects happen, he told last week’s Capital Resources conference, in Botswana.He says Zambia’s Karoo uranium system has far greater potential than a more celebrated one in the central US, from which a million tons has been extracted over the years.The uranium geology crosses the Zambian border into Tanzania and “you are looking at nearly 1 000 km of strike length”.African Energy will just be “scratching the surface of it” with its proposed projects.He says there are currently many uranium projects, which has investors pondering which will actually reach production stage.He believes nonunderground prospects with simple geology and metallurgy are the ones that will reach that stage and also those served by good exist- ing infrastructure.“We are very lucky in Zambia, where we have excellent power infrastructure,” he says.The Australian company’s Zambian uranium prospect is located 20 km from the Kariba hydroelectric power scheme, where there are good road access and ample water.

  12. Had Andy not received KK’s support, UPND could have stood a brighter chance to MMD.Since UDA has become another political monument, Zambians must prepare of the MMD rule beyond 2015. Zambia is in for the traditional 27 year rule lookup.


    DR Kenneth Kaunda yesterday expressed concern at the crumbling of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA).In an interview, Dr Kaunda wondered what had happened to the alliance that was meant to unite three opposition political parties.”I want to discuss this matter with the people who were involved,” Dr Kaunda said. “I will be talking to them and understand exactly what was the problem. I want to understand what has caused this development.”

  13. Our founding father has over engaged himself in very useless politics. Instead of providing a national role, he is entangling his legacy in a web of hopeless party politics. The truth is that Whatever has received KK’s political endorsement does not succeed.


    For not heeding to the counsel of the wise and the experienced, you have indeed killed this medium of open discussions. It had the potential and value, but your passive leadership has evidently initiated some fierce acts leaving the privacy of debaters compromised. Impersonations, insults on debater, public officials and such illegal acts void of tolerance have been increasing condoned in your eyes. Now it’s no secret that the LT server data base has been compromised beyond exception. The million dollar question is; why Zambian blogs don’t serve the purpose long enough with decency, tolerance and responsibility? Think Tank and Zambia Online forums died the same way LT is sinking right in the face of all the free advice you have received. Shame to us all for the inaction!

  15. Ba Kabaso,
    Its me again with my support for LT Condoning impersonation, insults and hate mongering is the beginning of the end to many blogs. It could come with legal and vicious implications which you could find yourself unnecessary webbed in by virtue of your moderation rights. I have said it again…you are losing this potential newly launched blog barely being discovered. I have looked at the following ID forgeries and the blog traffic; you are losing this blog to perverts with nothing to offer. For over 30 hours nothing has come out of Pragmatist’s IP location yet look at the IPs impersonating him with trash under many topics such as “President Mwanawasa commutes death sentences for 97 prisoners”
    Post # 29, 12, 27 & 34

  16. Page Views per user for What’s This?
    The number of unique pages viewed per user per day for this site
    Yesterday 1 wk. Avg. 3 mos. Avg. 3 mos. Change
    N/A* – 835.6 up 60%

    That is activity data for this blog useful for moderation purposes if detailed further. It is not for laymen or impersonators to decipher.

  17. Hope you know that some of us are as devoted to LT as your self. Closely we maintain our selfless patronage for the good of free debates and democracy.Do something in caging impersonators and thugs denting this blog with insults on fellow debaters and public service leaders. This issue of LT turning into an insulting board for Levy has devastating consequencies.Let those who believe its right walk into plot 1 or appear befor ZNBC with their insults on the people’s leadership.Otherwise you are coming out to be an accomplice in illegal acts.

  18. Shikulu Ba Kaunda filekenifye ifi ma politics.Us young
    stars nowadays are just after money and are as hard as rock on recieving advice.

  19. Had Mazoka not received KK’s endorsement, UPND could have stood brighter chances to MMD in 2001.Since UDA has become another political monument, Zambians must prepare for a long MMD rule beyond 2015. Zambia is in for the traditional 27 year rule lockup. I know the truth pains, but hey; every development strongly points to that scenario or outcome. MMD strategists are already positioned and perfecting strategies to obliterate their foes and cement an outright victory. So KK should just back off and invest his time making his ways right with God, all humanity and Levy or the next leader in his last hours remaining. The UDA prospects are nothing but episodes of nightmares just as are Sata’s dreams to ever rule. Unwritten firm on who know the way of democracy and power politics.

  20. These guys are NOT refugees, so let them stay home in Zimbabwe. They have to keep pressure on Mugabe, make him leave or if possible change his governance style.
    On the flip side Zambia can not afford to take care of its own citizens well, bringing in more people will create more socioeconomic problems, crime rate will undoubtedly rise, prostitution….the list is endless.
    Had they been refugees, UNHCR would be responsible for them. There is a reason why there is a border between Zim and z.

  21. #8 what do you mean colonization? Botswana is making a lot of money from selling their goods abroad (europe), thats why they have a better economy than ours. In this globalised world, it is cardinal that we work together even with our so-called ‘colonists’ otherwise who will we sell to and still make a profit?

  22. #23 me, Globalisation is meaningless if its benefiting just a small group of pipo. Botswana has just a population 1.5 mio pipo but more than 60% are leaving in unexplainable poverty. Do you that Zambia in the 1980s had to provide Botswana with teachers.Dont just look at Gaborone Botswana as a whole country with its pipo. The Bushmen are still living in the stone age and you call this development. Have you been to Europe? I doubt Ask china they will tell you that business is a win-win situation not one way traffic.Yes we have to work to together the world but its wrong if just a fraction of pipo are benefiting from they system. Iam in diaspora and I know what Iam talking about. I have travelled and I have seen the world.22# hey so that prostitute killed this cop are we safe if a pipo who are supposed to protect us can be slained by ashholes. How safe is our nation? Hotels must put detecting vices at door entry to avoid such things happen in our country.The dents the image our image

  23. Coup likely in Zimbabwe- Moyo

    Zimbabwe’s former information minister and now a critic of President Robert Mugabe has warned of the possibility of a coup in the southern African country.
    Writing in the Business Day’s Weekender, Jonathan Moyo said while a military coup is clearly undesirable in Zimbabwe, it is nevertheless possible and could even become unavoidable.
    He said the national consensus now is that neither Mr. Mugabe nor opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai can take Zimbabwe forward.
    Mr. Moyo, was sacked by Mugabe in 2005 and is now an independent member of parliament.
    Mr. Moyo said the coup could be avoided by Mr. Mugabe retiring.

  24. Mugabe’s police chief’s ADC was gunned down by a prostitute at the Pamodzi hotel, ha1 These fools, they think that they can come to Zambia and treat people in the same way they’re treating their foolish nationals! I just hope it was Mugabe himself who had been wired. Now, ba sekuru boonse in ZIMBABWE have been shown how to get rid of these ZANU-PF fools. Bafanabafana, job iyo ya oneka ka!

  25. Its a tragedy. Years ago, after the Structural Adjustment Program, Zambians would go to Zimbabwe to buy everything from margarine to Mazoe. From the moment you entered Zim the hostility was apparent; they called us all kinds of names. The one that sticks to mind is Zamboons (Zambian Baboons)and said that the Zambian Kwacha wasn’t worth wiping your @&$# with. I was young and thought this was offensive.

    Cosmic Karma has a way of balancing things out. Shonas (& I’m generalising) aren’t very nice people so they ruined what was once a thing of beauty and made their country the closest thing to hell on earth. To be honest I don’t care if they all starve to death.

    Letting them into Zambia without passports will only increase the crime levels in Lusaka. South Africa & Botswana are facing the same dilemma. What needs to happen is for one brave Zimbo to get a gun & put a bullet in Bob’s head. Re-building the country will take years, but at least they won’t have a lunatic as pres.

  26. What is happenning to Zimbabweans is teaching them that we should treat each other humanely. Even though Zambia did a lot for Zimbabwe in supporting their freedom fighters before independence, most Zimbabweans mistreated us at the boders and at Harare airport. Even in 1997, a white man was treated differently than a black Zambian. I hope they are now learning that we need to help each other and not look superial over the other. As for the immigration officers at the Vic Falls in Livingstone, they should allow our fellow brothers and sisters whether they have passports or day passes. Let them be willing to extend the day passes rather than letting people que up for hours. Remember that Zimbabwe will one day rise up and overtake us since the nation is more developed than Zambia. Before the colonial masters, we were one country and it will not hurt our economy even if they overstay in our nation while selling their goods which we need.

  27. #24 mr easy. I grew up in europe and im currently studying a degree in economics in australia, the notion you raised about me being ignorant is an insult, i think i deserve an apology. I do agree with you though, that it doesnt help if few people benefit from economic growth, but i am against communists like you who want things over-centralised in a global economy. We just have to look at countries such as burma which have experienced countless sanctions and as such the situation is dire. Zambia needs to be capitalist minded if we are to move forward, you can keep living in the 70s, but i want my country to move forward. Living in the diaspora is meaningless if you dont think straight, you are a good example of this.

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