Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zambia interested in investment not aid – Levy


President Levy Mwanawasa said today that Zambia was at this stage more interested in investiment in various sectors of the economy as a way of improving people’s livelihood.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS to mark the end of his trip to the United States
of America, Dr. Mwanawasa said his trip was designed to woo investors to Zambia as
opposed to seeking financial aid.

The President, who described his trip as very successful, said now that Zambia has
effectively showcased itself to the America business community, he would be
anxiously looking forward to an inflow of investors from that part of the world.

Dr. Mwanawasa said Zambians should now expect an increase in interventions against
HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria from the American partners.

The President said the strong  team of ministers who accompanied him, vigorously
sold the country to the business world  both in New York and Seatle.

Dr. Mwanawasa, who this morning visited Microsoft and Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, said  he was satisfied with what he discussed in camera with the
executive officers of the two intituions.

He said at Microsoft, he was briefed on the application of information technology in
development while at Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, he had detailed discussions
with Mr. Bill Gates Senior on possibilities of increasing the level of partnership
in the fight against HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria  in Zambia.

The President said he was encouraged by the good work the foundation was doing and
that he was confindent that the increased partnership will yield better results for
the country.

On the political front, Dr. Mwanawasa reiterated his call on British Prime Minister
Gordon Brown to rescind his decision to boycott the EU/Africa Summit in Portugal now
that it is clear that Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe will be invited.

The President said he was excited with the decision of the Portuguese Government to
invite Mr. Mugabe and that he will surely attend the summit in December.

During his visit to the United States, Dr. Mwanawasa was asked at every meeting
about Zimbabwe but he maintained that the problems in that country required level
headed dialogue to sort out.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mwanawasa has left the USA for London on his way home.

The President is accompanied by First Lady Maureen and cabinet ministers  Dr Brian
Chituwo, Professor Geofrey Lungwangwa, Ben Kapita, and Felix Mutati.

While in the USA, Dr Mwanawasa attended and addressed the United Nations  62nd
General Assembly and held closed door discussions with several heads of state and
government, among them Protuguese Prime Minister Jose Sorcrates and Zimbabwean
President Robert Mugabe.

Dr Mwanawasa also received an honourary Doctorate Degree in Law from Harding
University and addressed a series of  meetings with leading potential investors in
America with a view to wooing them to invest in Zambia.

The President also addressed Zambians based in New York and Seattle to update them
on various developments back home.


    Mr president sir, aid is even better than debt.It is only a couple of weeks ago when Hamagande was announcing to us that Government has borrowed $39m to buy equipment for road construction. I feel it is so stupid of us to continue borrowing so heavily after fighting so much for date cancellation, being labeled as HIPC and having passed through the hell of time tocomplete the debts which had just spilled to us the younger generation. You and your ministers of finance are making the economy of this country to run in circles. Who will pay these debts you have started incurring. Minimize your globe trotting adventures with with your delegation of 22 men at the expense of the tax payers and believe me we will not need to borrow unnecessarily. Debt is bondage,especially, if you are poor. With so many mines operating now than before the money from royalties even at 3% will be enough to sustain our economy with a population equivalent to the city of Lagos in Nigeria

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