Friday, September 6, 2024

Levy not impressed with Browns decision


President Levy Mwanawasa has described as unfortunate the decision by British Prime Minister Gorden Brown not to attend the European Union (EU)-Africa summit if Zimabwean leader Robert Mugabe will be invited for the meeting.

He said through his decision, Mr. Brown will deprive Britain’s chance to discuss any contentious issues it has with Zimbabwe during the Lisbon Summit.

Meanwhile, Germany and other European Union (EU) member states will attend this weekend’s Lisbon Summit in Portugal despite the decision by Britain to boycot the meeting.

President Mwanawasa said this in Berlin today during a press briefing after holding private talks with Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Chancellery.

This was after Dr. Mwanawasa, who is also SADC Chairman, was officially welcomed with military honour at Dr. Merkel’s official residence.

Dr. Mwanawasa said solutions to any problems Britain had with Zimbabwe did not lie in boycotting the summit.

Dr. Mwanawasa said it was better for the British Prime Minister to attend the summit and raise all issues he had with Zimbabwe during the gathering of Eurpean and African heads of states.

The president was however happy that although Mr. Brown would personally not attend, Britain would be represented at the ministerial level.

He said the issue of Zimbabwe would be discussed at the Lisbon Summit but it would not be allowed to dorminante the summit.

Mr. Mwanawasa said he had decided to visit Germany because the country played a big role in the development of Zambia.

The President invited the private sector in Germany to come and invest in Zambia because the country was in a hurry to develop and needed people who would exploit its abundant natural resources.

He said the country needed investors who would partner with the local capital to excellerate development in the country.

Dr. Mwanawasa has since invited the Germany Chancellor to consider visting Zambia when she decides to come to Africa.

“Zambia is the real Africa. You cannot say that you have visited Africa if you have not visited Zambia,” Dr. Mwanawasa told the Germany Chancellor.

And speaking earlier, Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel said President Mwanawasa’s official visit to her country has intensified the relationship between the two countries.

“Since Zambia is the current Chairman of SADC, this visit has intensified the relationship between SADC and the European Union and Zambia in particular,” Dr. Merkel said.

She described the relationship between Zambia and Germany as ‘very friendly’ and commended President Mwanawasa for visiting her country.

She reiterated that Germany and other EU countries would attend the EU/AU Summit this weekend.

Dr. Merkel said the AU/EU Summit which would be held in Portugal was very strategic to the interests of both the African Union and the EU.


  1. Brown will not attend because African leaders feel the need to protect that fool Mugabe!!!!…I feel shame that my president sits there and does nothing to help Zimbabwens!!!!..Judgement day will come…even for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Aren’t these the same British and west who believe in inclusive consultations by meeting with Botha, Ian Smith, Mobutu, Amin etc… Brown wouldn’t care less if there were no whites in Zim, just look at Darfur – it’s actually closer to the UK yet they ignore it!

  3. why is Brown afraid to meet uncle Bob face to face? what is he proving by boycotting, is this personal or approved by the uk government? LPM hammer them (EU) on the skilled labour they steal from Africa ..

  4. Actually, I like that Mwanawasa is coming out strongly against Goldon Brown, we need that kind of diplomacy to put our country on the map.We have existed in other countries’ shadows for too long.Britain should have a major interest in dealing with the problems Zimbabwe is facing right now since the 90% land that white farmers owned was a policy they implemented before Mugabe took office.So he is giving back to the people of Zimbabwe their land and heritage.That is a tough argument to nullify imo

  5. Chibale #1 What exactly would you rather our president or Zambia do to help the people of Zimbabwe?When Mwanawasa was in Seattle Washington the issue on Zimbabwe came up during the question and answer section and he pretty much answered it like my post #4.I don’t agree with the method in which the conducted the land repossession in Zimbabwe but I support the principle behind it.How can you call a country yours if 90% of the land is owned by foreigners? Part of national identity is land ownership

  6. Chibale#1 The issue of Zim is more complicated than you may think. Perhaps you did not Know – this issue of white farmers surrendering the land to Zim was part of the agreement at independence. Dont forget that Ian Smith had Zim in the palms of his hands and he did a lot of injustice to the black majority.Blair complicated the whole matter by refusing to compasate the white farmers which was part of the agreement.I advise you to sink your teeth into this issue and you will not blame Bob any more

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  9. We all agree that there has to be land reforms in Zimbabwe but Mugabe’s “Dag Hammerskjold stadium strategy” clearly does not work. There are so many ways of resolving this contentious issue without erasing the country to the ground hoping to build it all over again in the future. Mugabe, at 83 is no doubt not part of the future so he should not be the one creating difficult future problems for his people and Southern Africa in general. One has to be a gutless embacile to support such stupidity.

  10. Brown is right by staying away.Anything where Bob Mugabe is involved is comedy.Mugabe will not contribute meaningfully but will only launch attacks on individuals like he did in New York. Mugabe is a clown and i am embarrased that he is making Africa a circus

  11. #6 I find your reasoning being of a typical African, always blaming others for anything. Mugabe has been in power for the last 30 years and you still blame Britain for the suffering of Zimbabweans. Grow up Africa we cant go on blaming the colonialists when we have been free for so long. I support Brown for not going to the summit. Mugabe is spent force and is just a buggage

  12. I just cannnot understand this, was it not the same Levy who only a few months ago in New York said the Zimbabwe issue was a “private matter” and if Brown saw any problem with it, he should speak to Bob? Today, Levy says Brown should attend this stupid Europe-Africa meeting to resolve the matter with Bob, now, one wonders what the agenda for this meeting is – I hope not to discuss “sekuru’s private matters”. Besides, people in Livingstone will differ this is a private matter, no ways!

  13. The Summit will not achieve anything as long as Mugabe is there.Mugabe will defocus the summit as he well known for attacking personalities than discuss issues.Brown has made a right decision not to go because in the end this summit will be a big joke.We are tired of Africans crying all the time when pipo like Bob have been in power for 30 yrs, why didnt they change policies?

  14. Mugabe is an ***** of all times. African leaders like LPM support him due to the fact that they are ‘of the same species’, arrogant, think they know it all. We have been independent for a long time and to keep on blaming Britain for the problems is rubbish. Was Britain involved in the corrupt privatisation in Zambia? Mugabe is a clown and his not worth sitting next to and a brainless chicken. LPM, concentrate on the suffering in Zambia. Hospitals need panadol and you are busy in the Challenger.

  15. The time for Hero Worshipping is long gone! Foolish African leaders are watching while Zimbabwe goes down. The best thing to do would be to isolate Mugabe once and for all. His principles on the land issue may be genuine but, he has used that for his personal benefit! Quite ok, the land has been distributed but, to who? Look what has happened to the once flourishing Agric Sector in ZW. Does Gordon Brown have anything to loose if he misses the summit? What about Africa? All because of Mugabe?

  16. Dr. Chuchu achenjele sana. Mugabe has no allies. Aleke ifya ku landalanda pa ma affairs ya kwa Mugabe ichipuba. He has better issues to attend to and comment on within Zed.

  17. People of africa, sure what kind of leaders do we have please? We ve got leaders like who call themselves as Doctors (LPM), but look Zimbambwe is going down the drain everyday. Bushe ba mwanawasa and other african leaders cant solve this problem? Lets not People of africa, sure what kind of leaders do we have please? We ve got leaders like who call themselves as Doctors (LPM), but look Zimbambwe is going down the drain everyday. Bushe ba mwanawasa and other african leaders cant solve this problem? Lets not

    Uncle dee

  18. People of africa, sure what kind of leaders do we have please? We ve got leaders like who call themselves as Doctors (LPM), but look Zimbambwe is going down the drain everyday. Bushe ba mwanawasa and other african leaders cant solve this problem? Lets not People of africa, sure what kind of leaders do we have please? We ve got leaders like who call themselves as Doctors (LPM), but look Zimbambwe is going down the drain everyday. Bushe ba mwanawasa and other african leaders cant solve this problem? Lets not

    Uncle dee

  19. People of africa, sure what kind of leaders do we have please? We ve got leaders like who call themselves as Doctors (LPM), but look Zimbambwe is going down the drain everyday. Bushe ba mwanawasa and other african leaders cant solve this problem? Lets not People of africa, sure what kind of leaders do we have please? We ve got leaders like who call themselves as Doctors (LPM), but look Zimbambwe is going down the drain everyday. Bushe ba mwanawasa and other african leaders cant solve this problem? Lets not

    Uncle dee

  20. This is but just the beginning of a very juicy self incriminating circus, just where is the car Chiluba allegedly gave to Panji but the Colonel never received? One would berg to know under what provisions of the Zambian constitution Chiluba derived powers to “Santaclaus” Panji this car purchased from tax payers’ money? Sometimes, one just feels like killing that stinking SOB, the damage he has done to this country is huge. I hear Kaweche too was not bought the alleged house, lekeni izande cwale!

  21. I think Levy was right, Chiluba is losing his mind. The man is an imbecile who has no single clue about what he is talking about. The Post once told him to shut up but his fervent addiction to public theatrics would not allow him to. We need Prof. Haworth to examine this *****’s head, it is made sure.

  22. THES – QS World University Rankings released last month, a study, which lists the top universities around the world, not a single African university managed to reach the top 100.
    Only the two South African institutions from the African continent are in the top 500.

  23. Zedians need to discuss the developmental crisis we are going thru’we cannot manufacture,we have the indeni issue at least thrice a year.
    We have unservice minibuses on the road.
    We have no tar mark roads leading our residential areas,we have floads in Kabwata,we have thatched houses in muchini Nabvutika and and the like,We have foreign employers giving us pea nuts for our pays,we have investors depending on the already existing infrastructure,less recreation facilties,high costs of ubunga etc

  24. Sometimes its good to focus on your on people.Mugabe is finished, and so is his country,he should step down now.The seems to be a problem with the way African leaders think.”15″you got it right,This whole thing is crazy.THE white man must be laughing.

  25. not meeting Bob will solve little..what is done is done and until Bob dies chances of land being returned to the colonialists is zero.Why have the UK refused to honour their part of the agreement?Zim will come right and once again be a force within the sub-region.For now… to hell with Gordon Brown…besides at the rate he is going he may not be PM when Bob dies anyway!!

  26. #4..#5..Are you guys being serious..there is no argument that the land should have been taken back…but are you blind???..the land is being taken back to give to mugabes cronies and not black farmers!!!..hence the level of starvation in that country!!..are you not ashamed that our government sits idle while our neighbours are eating trees???..Please contemplate that when you feed your kids tonight!!!

  27. I agree the zimbabwe land question is not a small problem BUT Let us leave the zimbabweans to solve their problem. Help in the liberation struggle was enough & hosting vendors & those working as expats in Zambia after RUNNING AWAY FROM PROBLEMS AT HOME. WE HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS OF OUR OWN. I cant help to remember how our brothers used to laugh at us and our economy inspite of our sacrifice. I dont make fun of their current problems but history/posterity inclines me to worry about ZAMBIA first.

  28. investor.are you out of your mind or what? when you rant about your ideas, are you talking to zambians or americans and the other western countries? If you are talking to zambians you are out of your mind. The money that we get paid in zed is barely enough to buy food,and there you are, talking about investments.Coming to zimbabwe, levy is not doing any good to zimbabweans. Bob took the productive land from people who used to feed the nation and gave it to his inept commrades instead of cont…

  29. zimbabwe farmers who would have continued feeding the masses. With an inflation rate of 8000%,Zim is at par with Zaire in the Mobutu sese seko era. Force mugabe to do the right things instead of handling him with kid gloves. Zim people are really suffering under this mugabe chap.They have become destitutes in SADC region sleeping at bus stations. Mwanawasa should help Mbeki to help bring pressure on mugabe instead of criticizing britain.Mind you britain can do with out zimbabwe.

  30. Ba Mushota(29),le Mbeki a des problèmes de ses propres!!It is always darkest before dawn & the situation in Zim is no exception.Everyone is just waiting for Bob to go and at his age the wait won’t be for too long.the solution with the Zim issue is time and patience!!All the large multi nationals have not left Zim…they are just lying in wait!!

  31. Old Mushumfwa well spoken. Mugabe just used land to keep himself in power. The issue here is overstaying. We Zambians dealt with that by telling KK (even FTJ)we didn’t want him any longer. Zimbabweans should have taken a leaf from us, their more politically experienced neighbours and sorted Mugabe out. As for being darkest before the dawn..I’m not convinced by that..Its been very very very dark in Zimbabwe for too long. When is it going to dawn?

  32. Ba Neuter(31), with patience the people of Zim will be rid of Bob FOREVER….unlike us who have to contend with senseless outbursts from FTJ until he takes his rightful place next to Paul Tembo and a host of sadly missed citizens!!

  33. # 32Original Pundit, what patience are you talking about.Bob will never realise that his time has come.Human nature is just selfish.Somebody has to pull the plug on this guy.Are you saying Zim has no other capable leaders to change the face of the sinking Titanic?It’s a pity that you are wishing FTJ dead.Take indepth introspection at your deeds and tell us if you have not made stupid mistakes like FTJ.You think you are a God mwana.Uko kwine baku tina kolwe

  34. Ba kanabesa ba KCC(33),if my comments offend you please accept my unreserved apologies.As you been on these pages long enough you will note that i do not react to insults.My opinions may often offend but that is just how i feel and think and not much will make that change.Please note also this is my last direct reference to anything you may post on this or any other subject!!

  35. Ba Original Pundit #32 I respect your intellect however, this kind of hatred of wishing someone dead is unzambian. Even if we are incognito on the blog we must restrain ourselves.If were U I would withdraw the posting. I just did so this morning when I realised some played a cruel joke by posting that VJ had died when infact not. I posted condolences. But I had to eat the humble pie & withdraw the posting. I am no fan of FTJ or KK or LPM but I would not wish anyone dead

  36. Ba KCC and Ba Pundit, bonse tekanyeni please, don’t fight yet! You are both wishing leaders to go to hell ASAP. Its unfair to pass judgement on earth. Levy is right, boycotts has been proved to be useless way of expressing anger or opinion. Its better to attend and keep queit at meetings or delegate somebody close to authority. We all know that Robert messed up, and he is aware of “repenting” his acts. But the world continues to avoid him. Who is wrong then? Levy is right this time.

  37. Mwanawasa,must first deal with his own zambian problems
    before blaming Mr Brown…. if you look at England today
    it’s coz of the british people who stand firm&help each
    other.MR MUGABE should


  39. Dear Zambians abroad,

    Thank you very much for sending USD$201m. However, Zimbabweans beat us by sending home USD$361m. In sub sahara Africa, Nigeria is right at the top with USD$5,397m while the top sender in Africa was Morrocco with USD$6,400m. I think Mugabe can kick off because he knows that the zim diaspora will send those millions back home.


  40. A resourceful blog cannot just be for the MMD spin. Allow diversity on the blog. Most of those you have blocked are on the people’s side well keeping MMD on its feet.

  41. If anything, on all bloggers. Blocking IPs is suppressing people’s feelings which gives the MMD a leverage. Though we tangibly achieve nothing in blogging, we release our emotions here.

  42. Heed my few sincere words. And your proposition of turning to a log in blog, i freely advise you that Zambian and many African blogs die a natural death out of apathy immediately they go logging system. Do a research and i may be vindicated. Someone could easily come up with another blog with free access.There are 3 precedences i know of since 1989 when we started blogging in Zambia.

  43. Amish Naturals, in its first year of public trading, is now the hottest organic-foods growth story in the entire food-stock sector. The company has been acquiring its competitors and expanding its sales scope at an historic pace as Amish Naturals’ niche-market passes the $13 Billion mark.

  44. GOOD NEWS: Buying more AMNT now, up to $2, is an easy way to increase your money 10-fold over the next few years.

    GREAT NEWS: I’m going to show you why ConAgra is about to pounce on Amish Naturals much sooner.

    I’m going to give you a secret worth $MILLIONS:

  45. he Food-Stock sector is comprised of large conglomerates buying-out emerging brands in niche-markets. All you have to do is buy the early shares in the next major buy-out target. Amish Naturals (AMNT) is YOUR chance to own a top-emerging brand in the early stages BEFORE the projected buy-out above $20.

  46. The Super-Powers of the food sector are led by PepsiCo with $118 billion in market capitalization. Kellogg and General Mills have $20 billion and $18 billion market-caps, respectively. ConAgra currently has an $11 billion market cap. A buy-out of Amish Naturals is the right move to drive ConAgra past its next two competitors. Buy your AMNT shares before the frenzy starts.

  47. General Mills recently added organic brands Cascadian Farm and Muir Glen to its product line. Kellogg has followed suit with the Morningstar Farms brand. Even the “King of the Food-Titans,” PepsiCo, has added an organic selection within its Tropicana line of juices

  48. Take it from here ConAgra has maintained over 20 years of consistent market-cap growth by exploiting new revenue sources within the ever-changing consumer-foods sector. The acquisition, or buy-out, of rapidly emerging name brands continues to be the cornerstone of this proven growth strategy.

  49. ConAgra saw the emerging consumer trend toward healthier, fat-free popcorn, and then bought-out Orville Redenbacher. ConAgra anticipated the universal popularity of kosher purity standards in meats through its acquisition of the Hebrew National name brand. Keep reading to see why I project Amish Naturals is next on the ConAgra acquisition target-list.

  50. The organic processing standard is now the fastest growing trend in the food industry. Even the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) now issues a highly-coveted certification to qualified organic food companies. Consumers now demand higher food purity containing no synthetic pesticides or other harmful chemicals. The Amish have mastered this strict purity for centuries, and now you can cash in as an early AMNT investor.

  51. Amish Naturals (AMNT) is in the right place at the optimum time. The company is rapidly expanding its presence in the red-hot organic-foods niche, and ConAgra has already shown 2 of the 3 preemptive signals of a potential buy-out move on Amish Naturals. From me to you – This is your Call-to-Profits:

  52. Buy-Out Signal 1: Anticipate an emerging consumer trend and establish a presence to exploit new revenue sources.

    For over a decade, ConAgra has recognized increased consumer demand for healthier meal options. Their Egg Beaters brand provides the nutrition of eggs without the fat and cholesterol. ConAgra’s Healthy Choice pre-made meals are certified by the American Heart Association. ConAgra must make an organic-specialist acquisition to surpass its food-conglomerate competitors.

  53. Buy-Out Signal 2: Management migration to the best independent company specializing in the organic-foods niche.

    Although Amish Naturals has been publicly traded for just one year, the company has already added four key leaders formerly with ConAgra’s world renowned marketing team. ConAgra would never let such marketing power go to an independent unless it was part of a master acquisition plan.

  54. Buy-Out Signal 3: Giant conglomerate publicly announces its buy-out offer of independent niche company.

    This 3rd signal has not yet happened – but I am projecting it with 100% confidence. I want you to take this advantage and buy AMNT right now below $2. If you hesitate – and a buy-out is announced – you will have missed out on a GIANT PAYDAY.

  55. I sincerely hope you are not just blogging and making low value figures. Know lines of businesses that pay big money and guarantee your family social security. Opportunities will never come after you in slumber, you better follow them. If you die today, could your family face the future with an assurance of self support? Build your wealth and spread your risk.

  56. Small money invested wisely, could build you sustainable wealth. A few years ago, i had a privilege of making some good money in my job that saw me in both troubled waters and conferences. Chiluba was offloading Councils houses. I bought a big people started offloading theirs on the market to mitigate their economic woes. I bought 2 and applied for an early retirement from my employers before going for studies in the Diaspora.

  57. Due to Bureaucracy of our third world Governments, the package came out three years later following some legal recourse.Siblings on orders invested the package in more houses targeting the vulnerable impulsive buyers (Moral issues here but that is capitalism). Demolished and built quality ones on some, while others received serious face lift.Today the stead income from there is entering the stock market, putting more economic middle class houses and settling family bills for education level.

  58. Building wealth and prudential management is not only through connections, holding of PHDs, staying in the Western world for 15 years or learning to twist your tongue in slang is not synonymous with prosperity.Planning, understanding seasons, business opportunities and prudential management will pull you up.Smart Zambians are building serious wealth at home and in the diaspora.Today,smart people are moving resources in the troubled US housing market while exporting US products hot in stable curr

  59. Who is this “Investor”?? Are you a chinese investor? Don’t bring you smart-for-nothing ideas to depress young people. We had serious discussions above and you bring in your exaaggerations. You don’t even understand what the meaning of wealth. Go ahead and invent while your 9 aunties and your uncle who payed for your education continue surviving on Mango and Amasuku. Feed your family my friend.

  60. Start creating and managing your wealth now.Exploit every opportunity in troubled waters. Organize yourselves and mobilize resources buy properties in Zimbabwe and weak sectors of your economy with potential to sustain the economy. Lessen your risk aversion.Build wealth now.

  61. Ba Dante,
    If you don’t appreciate what investor is doing, go on a sabbatical leave.Some of us dearly appreciate his challenging thoughts.Life is not all about rhetoric.Its about action plans. Some times in the Diaspora we tend to overlook a lot of issues until someone throws up such challenges.

  62. Mpezeni is playing stinking tribal politics by supporting this Prof. of his.We allknow he would never do so if this man did not hail from his chiefdom.

  63. Proffessor Chirwa was born on the Copperbelt,and has spent so many years in the diaspora, i wonder if he even knows his mother tongue…Mpezeni is a tribalist…

  64. Ba Sakalani(65), what wrong is there for a chief to publicly support one of his subjects?? Tribalism you say…… you think a New Yorker would win an election in Texas or an Englishman win an election in Dublin ??

  65. LT Overseer,

    Refer to my post # 40-44 under “Levy not impressed with Browns decision, December 5, 2007″.

    I have tested the IPs of all the people you blocked and confess that they have been dully unblocked. That is magnanimity that drives projects forward. Your role ought to be above factional interests in a diverse undertaking where rivalry is the norm.

    Yours should be fair moderation only.


  66. give land to those who can manage it commecialy, firstly for themselve and then for others.
    whether they are foreigners or not, we live in a global villege now, there is nothing like my country,my land it is our world.
    give land to the natives and they will grow sweet potetos for their families and give the some piece of land to a white commecial famer and they will feed the all nation, let us wake up gentlemen.
    mugaba wanted the money for the land from britain for himself.

  67. #44 i wonder if this is a political blog where unnessary language especially insults should be allowed to continue.please kindly tell your comrades that they are still serving their sentences until they reform thats when they will be readimitted even if they could be on the peoples side

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