Sunday, September 8, 2024

Govt. to develop bee-keeping policy


The Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources has started developing a bee-keeping policy.
The Policy is meant to harness the full economic value in the bee-keeping industry and contribute to the socio-economic development of the country, and sustainable management of natural resources.

Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources Public Relations Officer Bwalya Nondo said in a statement today that once developed, the Policy will provide the basis for formulation of an Act relating to bee-keeping.

He said although bee-keeping has a component in the current Forest Act, it does not adequately address the concerns relating to the industry in which there are many players involved, without proper regulation.

Mr. Nondo said a fully fledged bee-keeping Policy will not only provide an effective regulatory framework but also offer guidance in proper harnessing of bee-products to contribute to increased government revenue collection.

The Policy will also serve as a catalyst in ensuring that Zambian bee-products meet international standards by fulfilling established safety and marketing requirements.

He explained that the policy will further address issues relating to controls concerning importation of bee-products and equipment.


  1. Excellent!! You are crazy scooping up a swarm man! Do you even have cxeeripnee with that stuff? LOL. Looks like that topbar beehive turned out well, you did end up putting a window in!! Neato.. I have not made mine yet, got sidetracked, but I’ve really been thinking about it lately. I went to the beehive event and may go with the conventional beehive, each layer gets almost 75lbs of honey!! That is insane!! Glad to see you going to be posting vids, hope to see your progress this season!

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